Where is Bidens Operation Warp Speed for Delta Lambda and Fauxi's other variants?

That's not the relationship Joe Biden has with big pharma. While President Trump mobilized them into coming up with the virus, Biden is more interested in making those pharmaceutical companies a shitload of money.

They know that and he knows that. It isn't about saving lives, it's all about the money. They supported his campaign so naturally he has to reward them. If you don't believe me, ask him what happened to President Trump's low-price insulin program.
Big Pharma already has the genetic code of the viruses, just a matter of getting the right vaccine developed. No need for a symbolic 'Warp Speed'


Azzhat, Trump didn't have a plan for getting distribution and shots in arms.
As soon as he lost his sorry ass on November 3rd, he also lost interest in doing his job and could give a fuck if you and your
fellow uni-brows got sick and died. All he cared about was calling officials at the DOJ and in AZ and GA and asking them to LIE about the election. It's all documented, you stupid little cockroach.

January 24, 2021
Trump administration had no coronavirus vaccine distribution plan: White House

Neither did Pedo Joe Biden have any plan for distributing the vaccine, until he was elected, idiot. Are you such a retard that you don't think President Trump would have mobilized the vaccine distribution network within the first couple month of his presidency?

Trump probably would have done it faster and more efficiently. After all, it was Trump who galvanized the pharmaceutical companies to come up with the vaccine, in the first place, not the idiots we have in office now.

Had it not been for Trump, that idiot Biden would be fumble-fucking around crapping in his diapers, and you still wouldn't have a vaccine. Do you even have a fucking clue how long is usually takes to develop one?

How about 5-10 years? Do you really think this Sesame Street administration could handle a task like that, without stepping all over their dicks? If you do, please try to rationalize to me just how badly they fucked up the border problem.
That's not the relationship Joe Biden has with big pharma. While President Trump mobilized them into coming up with the virus, Biden is more interested in making those pharmaceutical companies a shitload of money.

They know that and he knows that. It isn't about saving lives, it's all about the money. They supported his campaign so naturally he has to reward them. If you don't believe me, ask him what happened to President Trump's low-price insulin program.
A lot of campaign donations can be made when the tax payers are providing “free” vaccines not only nation wide but Bidumb sure didn’t hurt those donations by “donating” 250 million more “free” vaccines to the world. Booster shots every year from now on is looking like a solid investment.
Azzhat, Trump didn't have a plan for getting distribution and shots in arms.
As soon as he lost his sorry ass on November 3rd, he also lost interest in doing his job and could give a fuck if you and your
fellow uni-brows got sick and died. All he cared about was calling officials at the DOJ and in AZ and GA and asking them to LIE about the election. It's all documented, you stupid little cockroach.

January 24, 2021
Trump administration had no coronavirus vaccine distribution plan: White House
Either your Reuters article is lying or mine is--I'll take US News if I have to listen to the msm.

35.9 Million Doses of COVID-19 Vaccines Distributed, 16.5 Million Administered: U.S. CDC​

By Reuters
Jan. 20, 2021, at 2:44 p.m.

First liar hasn't got a chance in this crowd.
If Trump were President, as he rightfully should be, he would know exactly what to do. Biden is clueless as are all his advisors. This president is a bad joke.
Azzhat, Trump didn't have a plan for getting distribution and shots in arms.
As soon as he lost his sorry ass on November 3rd, he also lost interest in doing his job and could give a fuck if you and your
fellow uni-brows got sick and died. All he cared about was calling officials at the DOJ and in AZ and GA and asking them to LIE about the election. It's all documented, you stupid little cockroach.

January 24, 2021
Trump administration had no coronavirus vaccine distribution plan: White House
If Trump had no distribution plan how did he get 19 million vaccinated before leaving office?
Azzhat, Trump didn't have a plan for getting distribution and shots in arms.
As soon as he lost his sorry ass on November 3rd, he also lost interest in doing his job and could give a fuck if you and your
fellow uni-brows got sick and died. All he cared about was calling officials at the DOJ and in AZ and GA and asking them to LIE about the election. It's all documented, you stupid little cockroach.

January 24, 2021
Trump administration had no coronavirus vaccine distribution plan: White House

We didn't even have the vaccine when Biden came into office! Right?
Well he is the president, so all of his ideas before be was president are gone. He got what he wanted so those things no longer matter.

Now it's all about infrastructure because they can slip in there a whole lot of stuff in the wording.
Not really. I haven't been spending the last 18 months in denial and chasing conspiracy theories like Trumpsters.

It's just a flu. Really. No need to go to the hospital if you get it. It's a hoax. It's a Chinese plot. MAGA. Freedom.

Doubling down on your losing "I got nothing" bet! They must comp you in Vegas
There will never be one, Xiden and Harris...not to mention the entire Dem party, has highlighted that they don't take the virus seriously.....

1) open border policies
2) maskless flights around the country, and allowing Dems to invite those folks into the WH, and Capitol to spread the virus
3) ignoring CDC guidelines on mask, and throwing massive parties for their Messiah
Azzhat, Trump didn't have a plan for getting distribution and shots in arms.
As soon as he lost his sorry ass on November 3rd, he also lost interest in doing his job and could give a fuck if you and your
fellow uni-brows got sick and died. All he cared about was calling officials at the DOJ and in AZ and GA and asking them to LIE about the election. It's all documented, you stupid little cockroach.

January 24, 2021
Trump administration had no coronavirus vaccine distribution plan: White House

Covid Importing Super Spreader *Joes lost 50,000 doses of the vaccine in his first month in office. How many died because of his incompetence?
Not really. I haven't been spending the last 18 months in denial and chasing conspiracy theories like Trumpsters.

It's just a flu. Really. No need to go to the hospital if you get it. It's a hoax. It's a Chinese plot. MAGA. Freedom.

You do realize that members of the party you helped to put into the White House could very well have had something to do with the creation and the release of this virus, right? Maybe you are unaware of the facts regarding the lab in Wuhan. Maybe you don’t realize how far Democrats and our enemies were willing to go to get rid of Trump, who was a not on their side, but rather America’s side. Making America great is not a goal of the Democratic Party (globalists) and most certainly not the goal of our enemies.

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