where is Bidens warp speed to fight the delta variant ?

What would be the point in his effort? As we've seen, the same red state governors fighting to increase the spread of the original COVID-19 coronavirus will, and have, mobilized their legions of dimwitted trump Nazis/anti-vaxxers to prolong the crisis caused by the Delta variant.

Vaccine development is progressing at an increasing rate, equal to the scientific discoveries being made concerning the novel coronavirus and its offshoots.

The same responsible and conscientious Americans who willingly received the initial COVID vaccines, will again do their part to slow the spread of any and all mutations of the disease.

The stupidity of the trump Nazis is irrelevant to those millions of Americans doing their best to end the crisis.

Chinese know a great deal about the other population of their virus that does not infect humans. As long as that knowledge remains esoteric, POSPOTUS JoeXi and Fau Chi have fewer problems.
Guess we would if we just had a leader we could believe in. But the good news is that if Trump were still in, it would be tens of millions on the left including Joe and Kammy who would be voting no confidence in the stupid sauce.
That is a boatload of bizarre bovine excrement and you either know it or, are to stupid to know it
Just a few points

1. The current vaccine is highly effective against Delta

2. The best way to fight Covid and the Delta Varient is to GET VAXXED as Biden is urging

3. Varients develop and spread because of the large numbers of people who are not vaxxed

4. The FDA under the Biden Administration is rushing to make the vaxx available to younger children to help stop the spread

The CDC and the FDA under the Biden Administration are getting ready to offer the booster dose to people over 65 and other high risk groups

5. The same dumbfucks who are refusing to take the vaxx now would not take it if their was one specific to Delta- I suspect you are one of them

Any more stupid questions?

Shove the Vaxx up your rear end.
View attachment 543111
It's all political with you loons even Harris and Biden were questioning it under Trump. If we did what Trump suggested, we would be over this by now.
What is your point? Are you trying to say that this guy is a flip flopping hypocrite? Thje fact is that Oct of 2020 it was rushed through after Trump realized that his re-election was at risk because of Covid. For almost the entire year, he sat on hos fat ass and did nothing except to promis that it was just going to go away and nothing more than a Flu

In August of 21 , clinical trials were completed , 600K plus were dead and the vaxx was imperitive. So shut up now!
Guess we would if we just had a leader we could believe in. But the good news is that if Trump were still in, it would be tens of millions on the left including Joe and Kammy who would be voting no confidence in the stupid sauce.
Do you know how many people who rejected the"stupid sauce" were begging for it after they got covid and were dying? Then it was too late. You might be next.
What is your point? Are you trying to say that this guy is a flip flopping hypocrite? Thje fact is that Oct of 2020 it was rushed through after Trump realized that his re-election was at risk because of Covid. For almost the entire year, he sat on hos fat ass and did nothing except to promis that it was just going to go away and nothing more than a Flu

In August of 21 , clinical trials were completed , 600K plus were dead and the vaxx was imperitive. So shut up now!
In August you loons were still against the vaccine. So fuck off with me caring about your stance now.
We were were against the vaccine in August? Which August? What the fuck are you talking about?.
Both Harris and Biden questioned the vaccines. Here is an example of you loons.
Both Harris and Biden questioned the vaccines. Here is an example of you loons.View attachment 543339
There is nothing here about what Biden or Harris actually said or in what context. In any case that was then and has nothing to do which what happened later. After the election, Trump went back to having his head up his ass on Covid

There is nothing here about what Biden or Harris actually said or in what context. In any case that was then and has nothing to do which what happened later. After the election, Trump went back to having his head up his ass on Covid

Fact is, this whole thing is political and with vaccine passports. Which is what they are pushing, gives them the power to control us like nothing before. I say screw them.
Fact is, this whole thing is political and with vaccine passports. Which is what they are pushing, gives them the power to control us like nothing before. I say screw them.
Oh please! You like being in controll? Lets see how in control you feel when you're confined to the Covid isolation ward
warp speed" was Trump's program. Biden's ideology is that everything that Trump did was wrong, so the opposite is naturally right.
Warp speed was Trumps pathetic attempt to save his fat ass after he realized that the pandemic was going to derail his re-election bid. It came months after he continually played it down and did nothing about it
why hasnt the Biden admin started rushing a vaccine developed to combat the delta variant ? after all we already have a vaccine from the original covid variants ..... so why hasnt Biden implemented its own operation warp speed to build off of the original vaccines to fight the new variant ?
It's totally amazing that the left attacked Trump so much for the NOVEL virus and yet after all this time Biden has zero to offer up other than the same ole same ole, nothing new.

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