Where is Ebola czar Ron Klain?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
For an administration with a record of efficiency and high level of competency in the VHA, Medicare, DoD, state department, border control,IRS,Obamacare and ICE... we need the confidence of the political experience of Ron Klain in guiding us now that the nation's largest city has a potential ebola case.
Where in the world is Ron Klain??
I'm guessing he is wrapped in a towel, sitting in the sauna at Pebble Beach waiting for Barack to come rub him down ;)

Mark my words, it is when they start putting ebola patients' pets down instead if quarantining them will be when the left hangs Obama out to dry. Killing a kitty is a far graver offense than exposing other people to the disease among the louder part of the left.
If he were on camera as often as useless Repubs, you'd be bitching that he's not working.

Hey Republicans aren't running the Executive branch. Get it "EXECUTIVE" meaning running the country. But we seemingly have more people like Klain who are "running to run for office" rather then be "executive" and execute to protect the USA.
For an administration with a record of efficiency and high level of competency in the VHA, Medicare, DoD, state department, border control,IRS,Obamacare and ICE... we need the confidence of the political experience of Ron Klain in guiding us now that the nation's largest city has a potential ebola case.
Where in the world is Ron Klain??
As Anderson Cooper said of Ron Klain, with all the gravitas his faggy ass could muster, "This man can make the train run on time."

And that is what he is doing, planning out how the trains to the Ebola camps are going to run on time and efficiently.

He's Obama's Eichmann.
For an administration with a record of efficiency and high level of competency in the VHA, Medicare, DoD, state department, border control,IRS,Obamacare and ICE... we need the confidence of the political experience of Ron Klain in guiding us now that the nation's largest city has a potential ebola case.
Where in the world is Ron Klain??

Ron Klain has been brought in by Obama to figure out how to swindle and redistribute Ebola money to Obama's pals.

Have you forgotten Ron Klain was part of the Obama's gang who created the green energy money laundering operation which plundered billions from our federal treasury that was cleverly redistributed to Obama's inner circle thieving pals? See: 80% of Obama green jobs money goes to Obama donors


"To lay with one hand the power of the government on the property of the citizen [a working person’s earned wage] and with the other to bestow upon favored individuals, to aid private enterprises and build up private fortunes [Obama’s Solyndra, Chevy Volt, Fisker, Exelonswindling deals] is none the less a robbery because it is done under forms of law and called taxation."____ Savings and Loan Assc. v. Topeka,(1875).
If you noticed the sudden change in media coverage of Ebola you'll know he's on the job.

His job is to head off any new reports of Ebola infection.

Guess the new case in NYC got through anyway. But only one case. Nobody else has died(yet).
For an administration with a record of efficiency and high level of competency in the VHA, Medicare, DoD, state department, border control,IRS,Obamacare and ICE... we need the confidence of the political experience of Ron Klain in guiding us now that the nation's largest city has a potential ebola case.
Where in the world is Ron Klain??
Do you need to message him?
Since Ron Klain just took the job two days ago, I suspect he is in a lot of meetings getting caught up on the full picture.

Plus, he has to pick out wallpaper, carpet, and furnishings. Then he has to interview secretaries, and find out where the office supply closet and the men's room are.

Then he has to get an Ebola Czar tattoo.

Busy, busy, busy!
I guess Ron Klain is supposed to run out of his office, jump on a jet, go to Emory Hospital just so he can hear a doctor say, "Yeah. The guy has Ebola", then hold a press conference in the hospital lobby and say, "Yeah. The guy has Ebola." All the while making sure not to blink or look upward or smile or cough so someone can do a freeze frame of his face in mid-blink and write a funny caption out of it.

Then he is supposed to get back on the plane and go back to his office in DC.

Too bad he isn't a doctor. That would make a difference to how the ODS sufferers would treat him.

Topics like this one would be non-existent. Yeah.
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Last I heard Klain and Barry were just finishing up the front nine.

then you should have watch the news conference last night from NY, it was on Fox. Had you done that, you, ( and the rest of the RW idiots on this thread) wouldn't make such dumbass comments.
I guess Ron Klain is supposed to run out of his office, jump on a jet, go to Emory Hospital just so he can hear a doctor say, "Yeah. The guy has Ebola", then hold a press conference in the hospital lobby and say, "Yeah. The guy has Ebola." All the while making sure not to blink or look upward or smile or cough so someone can do a freeze frame of his face in mid-blink and write a funny caption out of it.

Then he is supposed to get back on the plane and go back to his office in DC.

Too bad he isn't a doctor. That would make a difference to how the ODS sufferers would treat him.

Topics like this one would be non-existent. Yeah.

yes, yes he should. That would give the RW's something else to carp about ... wasting taxpayer $ flying private.
For an administration with a record of efficiency and high level of competency in the VHA, Medicare, DoD, state department, border control,IRS,Obamacare and ICE... we need the confidence of the political experience of Ron Klain in guiding us now that the nation's largest city has a potential ebola case.
Where in the world is Ron Klain??
He's at the bowling alley...showing fearlessness...
Hopefully staying well away from anything important pertaining to the disease, and anyone who has anything to do with it.
All we need is another appointed career bureaucratic lawyer to f*ck things up with injecting politics into the decision making.

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