Where Is Joe Biden?

You’re beyond weak.

No. The capital letter B is very different.

Says you. Again, we have a signed document released on his twitter account. We have confirmation from his own office. We have confirmation from the Vice President. We have Joe calling in discussing his dropping out of the race and expressing support for Harris in her presidential bid.

But none of that is evidence, huh?

Laughing....your batshit will not age well, tinfoil.
Says you. Again, we have a signed document released on his twitter account. We have confirmation from his own office. We have confirmation from the Vice President. We have Joe calling in discussing his dropping out of the race and expressing support for Harris in her presidential bid.

But none of that is evidence, huh?

Laughing....your batshit will not age well, tinfoil.
You don’t see it or you’re just too dishonest to admit the dissimilarity.

You’re stuck on stupid.
You don’t see it or you’re just too dishonest to admit the dissimilarity.

You’re stuck on stupid.

Dude, I simply refuse to ignore what you do. The signed document posted on his own twitter account, the confirmation from his office, the confirmation from the VP, with Biden himself calling in to a campaign event and confirming he was dropping out and endorses Harris...

And you insist none of it is evidence.

Damn. No wonder your predictions are useless dogshit.
Dude, I simply refuse to ignore what you do. The signed document posted on his own twitter account, the confirmation from his office, the confirmation from the VP, with Biden himself calling in to a campaign event and confirming he was dropping out and endorses Harris...

And you insist none of it is evidence.

Damn. No wonder your predictions are useless dogshit.

I simply point out how stupid what you do always is.

The signatures ARE different as any honest person with sight would admit.
That leaves you out. Obviously.

I simply point out how stupid what you do always is.

The signatures ARE different as any honest person with sight would admit.
That leaves you out. Obviously.

You simply ignore overwhelming evidence contradicting you absurd little conspiracy nonsense.

We have a signed letter from Biden's own twitter account announcing he dropped out. You insist its not evidence that Biden dropped out.

We have confirmation from Biden's office that he dropped out. You insist that its not evidence that Biden dropped out.

We have confirmation from Biden's VP that he dropped out. You insist that its not evidence that Biden dropped out.

We have Biden himself calling into a campaign event, discussing his own dropping out of the campaign and endorsing Harris. You insist that is not evidence that Biden dropped out.

No wonder your predictions are dogshit. You've mired yourself is no much conspiracy batshit that you can no longer recognize evidence.

Oh, and I'll definitely be pointing and laughing at you again tomorrow with Biden's speech from the Oval Office. The cherry on the 'you don't know what the fuck you're talking about' sundae.
You simply ignore overwhelming evidence contradicting you absurd little conspiracy nonsense.

We have a signed letter from Biden's own twitter account announcing he dropped out. You insist its not evidence that Biden dropped out.

We have confirmation from Biden's office that he dropped out. You insist that its not evidence that Biden dropped out.

We have confirmation from Biden's VP that he dropped out. You insist that its not evidence that Biden dropped out.

We have Biden himself calling into a campaign event, discussing his own dropping out of the campaign and endorsing Harris. You insist that is not evidence that Biden dropped out.

No wonder your predictions are dogshit. You've mired yourself is no much conspiracy batshit that you can no longer recognize evidence.

Oh, and I'll definitely be pointing and laughing at you again tomorrow with Biden's speech from the Oval Office. The cherry on the 'you don't know what the fuck you're talking about' sundae.
False. Why do rely on lying so much?

It’s sad.

Try to follow along, shitbag. Note: I don’t say or claim that Potato hadn’t signed it. I simply noted that the signature is different. It clearly is.

Your denial puts you in a laughable position. It makes you a confirmed hack moron since the “B” in his letter announcing the end of his campaign is:


Clearly not akin to any of the “B’s” in other exemplars of his signature:


As I Already posted.

Now let’s get a bit more specific for your petty little dishonest mind:

1. The diagonal slash is his version of a “J” in both instances. So far, so good.

2. The “R” instead of its usual size (being more or less the same as the “B”) is miniaturized in the suspect version.

3. Why is there suddenly an underscore in the suspect version but not in the prior exemplars?

4.(a) The capital “B” in the suspect version has a few dissimilarities. The upstroke on the B is not connected to the body of the “B” in the suspect version. But it is in the other exemplars.
4.(b). There is a little swirl at the top and left and side of the swirling “b” curves in the suspect version; but because it is connected to the down(?) stroke of the stem of the “B” in the other exemplars, there is no such swirl on the exemplars.
4.(c) There is a disconnect between the “B” and the ensuing letter “i” in the suspect version but not in the exemplars.

5. In the suspect version, the name “Biden” ends with what looks like a sloppy “s.” It isn’t present in the exemplars.

6. Why no “Jr.” in the suspect version? It’s present in the exemplars.

Shitbag: you can waffle and twiddle all you wish. But you can’t convincingly address any of the differences much less all of them.
Biden dropped out, he endorsed Kamala, and BackAgain dithers. Judas Priest. MAGA just gets worse every single day.
You make less sense every time you try to post, retarded jackass

We all know (even you) that Potaro dropped out.

Likewise, we all know (even you) that Potato endorsed Kamalalala.

I suspect you don’t even understand what “dithers” means.

MAGA is better and better every day. Thankfully, your former cult leader has tendered his letter of resignation from the race.

Now, all that left is to turn out the scumbag members of his regime once Trump wins and maybe gets parts of Project 2025 passed or Agenda 47. Either way, your cult is toast.

Please keep posting. I’m enjoying your complete futility.
Laughing....says the poor soul that has ignored all evidence of Biden dropping out.

What? I am very pleased he dropped out and haven’t ignored that funny fact at all, you lying retard! Good God you’re a retard.
And will be a laughing stock.yet again tomorrow night.
Why would I be? I suppose you’re once again falsely accusing me of saying something I’ve never said. You remain a plodding liar and retard, shitbag.
Your silly little conspiracy will not age well, tinfoil.
I haven’t offered even one conspiracy theory, el retardo.

False. Why do rely on lying so much?

It’s sad.

Try to follow along, shitbag. Note: I don’t say or claim that Potato hadn’t signed it. I simply noted that the signature is different. It clearly is.

Your denial puts you in a laughable position. It makes you a confirmed hack moron since the “B” in his letter announcing the end of his campaign is:

View attachment 982868
Clearly not akin to any of the “B’s” in other exemplars of his signature:

View attachment 982872

As I Already posted.

Now let’s get a bit more specific for your petty little dishonest mind:

1. The diagonal slash is his version of a “J” in both instances. So far, so good.

2. The “R” instead of its usual size (being more or less the same as the “B”) is miniaturized in the suspect version.

3. Why is there suddenly an underscore in the suspect version but not in the prior exemplars?

4.(a) The capital “B” in the suspect version has a few dissimilarities. The upstroke on the B is not connected to the body of the “B” in the suspect version. But it is in the other exemplars.
4.(b). There is a little swirl at the top and left and side of the swirling “b” curves in the suspect version; but because it is connected to the down(?) stroke of the stem of the “B” in the other exemplars, there is no such swirl on the exemplars.
4.(c) There is a disconnect between the “B” and the ensuing letter “i” in the suspect version but not in the exemplars.

5. In the suspect version, the name “Biden” ends with what looks like a sloppy “s.” It isn’t present in the exemplars.

6. Why no “Jr.” in the suspect version? It’s present in the exemplars.

Shitbag: you can waffle and twiddle all you wish. But you can’t convincingly address any of the differences much less all of them.

Dude, who is saying that the signature on Biden's letter is a forgery?

Not Biden. Not the White House. Not the VP. Not anyone involved in any part of Biden's presidency or his dropping out of the campaign.

Its just dipshit conspiracy theorists citing themselves as handwriting experts....while ignoring the overwhelming evidence that Biden did, in fact, drop out.

We have a signed letter from Biden's own twitter account. We have confirmation from Biden's office. We have confirmation from Biden's VP. We have Biden calling in to a campaign event and discussing his dropping out of the campaign and his endorsement of Biden.

All contradicting your silly little conspiracy that the letter is forged.

With Biden to speak live from the oval office tomorrow. And providing us with yet another opportunity to point at you sad little conspiracy theorists as you ignore evidence and cling hopelessly to your steaming batshit.

Your conspiracy is not only fact free, its completely unnecessary.
What? I am very pleased he dropped out and haven’t ignored that funny fact at all, you lying retard! Good God you’re a retard.

Why then would you carry water for such a dipshit conspiracy theory that his letter is forged, when we all agree that he dropped out.

Your conspiracy is completely unnecessary.
Why 'forge' a letter of Biden dropping out when he actually dropped out? Especially when the silly conspiracy is contradicted by OVERWHELMING evidence.

  • The signed letter coming from Biden's own twitter account.
  • Confirmation by his office.
  • Confirmation by the VP.
  • Biden calling into a campaign event and acknowledging that he dropped out the day before.

Its just silly. And with Biden speaking from the Oval office tomorrow, its ripe with needless humiliation for you conspiracy dipshits when Biden confirms yet again, that he has indeed dropped out.

You're simply not thinking this through. And I'm absolutely going to point and laugh at you again tomorrow, just like I am now.
Dude, who is saying that the signature on Biden's letter is a forgery?
I’m don’t know. You tell me. All I said, by contrast, is that they appear to be different.

They do.
Not Biden. Not the White House. Not the VP. Not anyone involved in any part of Biden's presidency or his dropping out of the campaign.
You mean, they told him that he had decided to quit the race and maybe composed and signed a letter to the American people saying as much, and he’s not said that it wasn’t his decision or his signature? WOW. That’s an amazing argument. You suck at this el retardo. 🤣
Its just dipshit conspiracy theorists citing themselves as handwriting experts....while ignoring the overwhelming evidence that Biden did, in fact, drop out.
I suspect that Potato relented and agreed to drop out. That doesn’t mean he signed that letter, you absolute idiot. 🤣😂
We have a signed letter from Biden's own twitter account.
You have a letter signed by someone on Potato’s account. That’s true.
We have confirmation from Biden's office.
That he has decided to drop out? Yeah. So what?
We have confirmation from Biden's VP.
Lol. Again, it isn’t disputed that Potato is quitting the race, shitbag. Again, that still doesn’t mean that Potato is the one who signed the letter.
We have Biden calling in to a campaign event and discussing his dropping out of the campaign and his endorsement of Biden.
No. He endorsed Kamalalala

That still doesn’t mean he signed the letter.
All contradicting your silly little conspiracy that the letter is forged.
None of it contradicts the “conspiracy theory” I never made, you lying retard.
With Biden to speak live from the oval office tomorrow.
That’s not even a sentence, el retardo. 😂
And providing us with yet another opportunity to point at you sad little conspiracy theorists as you ignore evidence and cling hopelessly to your steaming batshit.
You don’t need any opportunities. You just make it up anyway. Again, shitbag, I have still never claimed that he didn’t sign the letter. What I have said is that it doesn’t appear to be his signature.

Both those things can be true at the same time, you abject imbecile. 🤣😂
Your conspiracy is not only fact free, it’s completely unnecessary.
I haven’t offered any conspiracy (theory) you lying twat.

Laugh at you more later.

You still suck at this.

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