Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

He IS following the law Bush signed .President George W. Bush signed the TVPRA Law in 2008: :eusa_whistle:

William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008

Lame. You're not very good at propaganda. New at this or just stupid?
Obama will extend amnesty for young illegals | The Daily Caller

Thankfully your ilk is being marginalized in this country

My ilk? You mean people who love and value America and love the truth enough to expose your lies and hate? We're not going anywhere. You're gonna have fun this coming election. You're haven't got a clue.
It has to be mental illness to be refuted and proven wrong and keep posting the same lies again. That's a sick desperate creature.
It has to be mental illness to be refuted and proven wrong and keep posting the same lies again. That's a sick desperate creature.

At least Sarah Palin has expressed some compassion for the immigrant children. I give her credit for that.

As Hillary wants illegal alien children sent back!

Hillary: Illegal immigrant children must be sent home - Washington Times

Guess you won't be voting for her, right Squaw?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

You're actually quoting The Moonie Times? Holy shit...

Well Tonto, why not put that title in any old search engine and see how many hits you get or....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1FP6t0OUlk]Clinton: Send some immigrant kids home - YouTube[/ame]
As Hillary wants illegal alien children sent back!

Hillary: Illegal immigrant children must be sent home - Washington Times

Guess you won't be voting for her, right Squaw?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

You're actually quoting The Moonie Times? Holy shit...

Well Tonto, why not put that title in any old search engine and see how many hits you get or....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1FP6t0OUlk]Clinton: Send some immigrant kids home - YouTube[/ame]

Your video says "send some immigrant kids home" - but is she referring to kids from Mexico or not from Mexico? It makes a difference according to the Bush law that Obama is following regarding kids "not" from Mexico. Regardless, Hillary ain't the president - yet.
You're actually quoting The Moonie Times? Holy shit...

Well Tonto, why not put that title in any old search engine and see how many hits you get or....

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1FP6t0OUlk"]Clinton: Send some immigrant kids home - YouTube[/ame]

Your video says "send some immigrant kids home" - but is she referring to kids from Mexico or not from Mexico? It makes a difference according to the Bush law that Obama is following regarding kids "not" from Mexico. Regardless, Hillary ain't the president - yet.

So my understanding of your post is, if the kid is from Mexico FUCK HIM, but if from Central America he's OK to stay! Is that correct?
Well Tonto, why not put that title in any old search engine and see how many hits you get or....

Clinton: Send some immigrant kids home - YouTube

Your video says "send some immigrant kids home" - but is she referring to kids from Mexico or not from Mexico? It makes a difference according to the Bush law that Obama is following regarding kids "not" from Mexico. Regardless, Hillary ain't the president - yet.

So my understanding of your post is, if the kid is from Mexico FUCK HIM, but if from Central America he's OK to stay! Is that correct?

Read the fucking law, sparky. It's in my signature below.
Your video says "send some immigrant kids home" - but is she referring to kids from Mexico or not from Mexico? It makes a difference according to the Bush law that Obama is following regarding kids "not" from Mexico. Regardless, Hillary ain't the president - yet.

So my understanding of your post is, if the kid is from Mexico FUCK HIM, but if from Central America he's OK to stay! Is that correct?

Read the fucking law, sparky. It's in my signature below.

So you don't care a fuck about the children, do you Tonto, the big fucking liberal could care less UNLESS it works for his subversive goals! The law hasn't been followed PERIOD, and one STOPPED at the border is to be turned around and denied access!...PERIOD

These children aren't sneaking in, they go straight to a border crossing!

BTW Tonto, do you know why it was written that way?
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Has anyone noticed the number of replies by the right , that when a thread threatens THEIR IDEA of their religion how awfully upset and mean they become.
I don't think it's so much that as not being willing to see it used by those who ordinarily despite and denigrate it, hypocritically trying (and failing) to use it against them, in a lame-ass effort to sucker the American People into taking-in more Illegal Aliens...

Sucker you? Tell me, what does not doing as Jesus commanded make you? You say this person matters, that he is Lord, God Himself no less, and yet when push comes to shove you ignore his teachings? What are we to make of that?

The big difference here is that Conservatives like me are charitable with our own money, time and resources, but Liberals are charitable with the fruits of the labor of others. Before you criticize me, son, open your home to the less fortunate. Make a difference in the lives of others, then come see me.I may be inclined to help you out on your quest to end poverty, but it will be by my choice, not by the demand of Liberal poverty pimps.
A true Christian would have an answer, not a deflection.

The deflection is yours. You're defending lawlessness and corruption. Christians don't answer to you.

I'm defending strangers in need at the gates, children no less. What you are defending is the indefensible, and the Un-American.

No! What you're defending is criminal behavior. How can we expect illegal immigrants to be useful, contributing members of our society if they can't follow the rules about getting here in the first place? Do you feed burglars who enter your home in the dead of the night? Do you offer them a place to stay? Why should the taxpayer be forced to do the same thing on a much grander scale?
If you want to help immigrant children, by all means do so. Just do it with your own money. I'm doing all I can right now helping out a single mother with 2 daughters that escaped an abusive relationship.
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If it was just some children coming across the border, no one would be protesting. It's a lot of criminals coming across the border and some are terrorists. It's all about not having a border or any security. It's about Obama encouraging illegal immigration that is overwhelming us.

Why do libs seem to find one thing to bitch about and ignore most facts? You see protesters and make assumptions that people aren't compassionate, yet you refuse to acknowledge that it is perfectly reasonable to strongly object to criminals coming over. We have crime here and it seems too much, but the crime rates would drop significantly if we stopped importing more violent criminals.

Obama has been planning this latest surge of illegal immigration and had prepared for it by hiring people to oversee the manufactured crisis. He could have made arrangements on how to handle the influx of illegals, but he chose to overwhelm certain cities. His blatant contempt for our laws is behind all the anger, not a bunch of children. The anger is about how he is using those children as a lame excuse to push amnesty without congress. Useful idiots can't get their head around that so they'll keep regurgitating the daily talking points.
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Come on OP, you wanted some Christian compassion, here ya go:

Unsecured Border: Catholic Charities Helps Weary Border Crossers in South Texas

Introductory Comment: On several occasions this blog has criticized the Catholic Church's position on immigration, especially its position on illegal immigration. But last week I was proud as a Catholic to see the effort that Catholic Charities has mobilized to meet the basic human needs — for food, clothing, shelter, and compassion — of Central Americans released by the Border Patrol in the Rio Grande Valley.

Looking weary and worn, a group of four women and six children walked slowly into the parish hall of Sacred Heart Church in McAllen, Texas, last week. They looked up in surprise to see that they were being welcomed with applause by the dozens of volunteers mobilized by Catholic Charities to help them transition from detention to the long bus rides they will soon take, traveling to relatives across the United States.

"We're basically providing a place for the immigrants who are coming through to catch a breath, to take a rest, to receive a meal, and take some supplies as they continue their journey," said Brenda Nettles Riojas, who was working at the shelter. In her regular job, she is editor of The Valley Catholic, the newspaper of the Diocese of Brownsville.

Unsecured Border: Catholic Charities Helps Weary Border Crossers in South Texas | Oye Times

Yeah, and they're the only papes, only christians in the whole country, right?

Look at the wealth of most religions. They can't spare a bit for some little kids?

If you defend catholics, you defend the indefensible. There is nothing lower on this plane than the catholic church.

Wow, really Ludely ? And you wonder why liberals are looked at as loons ?
If we could be guaranteed that only liberal scum would help pay for the illegals and that they could never vote, then we would be all for them coming here and taking every fucking dime from you scum.

There are real Christians who follow the precepts of their religion and then there are hateful vermin who call themselves christian , you are "sir" are in the later category

To you goono, ALL Christians, regardless of who they are "vermin" to you.
You would have slit Mother Teresa's throat if you could have.
We want to reunite them with their families. How is it compassionate to keep them away from them in concentration camps?

Oh, how Christian of you. You want to reunite them with the hunger, poverty, and violence from which they fled. How compassionate of you.

You continue to ignore what I posted for you. You wanted compassionate Christians, and I gave you some.
Interesting how the godless subversives now try to blame GOD on the U.S. having immigration laws, and where is that SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE when it comes to this?.... I smell HYPOCRISY from the pond scum on the left!

They are on both sides of every issue. Hypocrites about everything. They are worthless.
It's not the Left in general, most of whom are good and honorable folk...

But it's the extreme wingnuts of the Left, fer shure...

And the anarchists, who whore themselves out to both sides, as convenient, on a case-by-case basis...

Anything to try to tear down America...

"...against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."

Fuck 'em...

Let the pissants try...

Routine bitch-slapping usually takes care of such bottom-feeders...
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Where is obamashitforbrains sense, instead he is purposely inflaming the situation by ignoring the laws and letting them flood in. Common sense among libtards is a joke.Idiot.

He IS following the law Bush signed .President George W. Bush signed the TVPRA Law in 2008: :eusa_whistle:

William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008

Lame. You're not very good at propaganda. New at this or just stupid?
Obama will extend amnesty for young illegals | The Daily Caller
what you have posted is PROPAGANDA 'I Been Token'...there is no Amnesty, period! deferred action is NOT amnesty, that's just the right wing propaganda machine, that you easily bought in to.... be careful, read further than your usual sites to discern the truth...

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