Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

Remember that you are much better people than they are, and that your family and country comes before all else!
That actually doesn't make you a better person, it makes you worse. Me and Mine in a world of seven billion means you care only as far as you can kick the dog...

You're finally right. I have absolutely no control over anything, just a member of a board discussion on current events. BUT I do have control over what happens to my family, and I can make a difference if joined by others of like mind, and the spirit of our forefathers when push comes to shove. Personally, I couldn't care less about what you think or say, but you're always interesting when you get your GOD ROBES on and start to preach! The good subversive always rears its ugly head, and brother, that head is really ugly! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
It was NOT designed to protect thousands of invaders who came here to destroy what little the liberals have allowed us to have.
They are not invaders, they are seeking shelter and a better life.

Sound familiar?

Describing immigrants as "third world invaders," who come to America to destroy our heritage, "colonize" the country and attack our "way of life." This charge is used against Hispanics, Asians and other people of color.

Using terminology that describes immigrants as part of "hordes" that "swarm" over the border. This dehumanizing language has become common.

Portraying immigrants as carriers of diseases like leprosy, tuberculosis, Chagas disease (a potentially fatal parasitic disease), dengue fever, polio, malaria.

Depicting immigrants as criminals, murderers, rapists, terrorists, and a danger to children and families.

Propagating conspiracy theories about an alleged secret "reconquista" plot by Mexican immigrants to create a "greater Mexico" by seizing seven states in the American Southwest that once belonged to Mexico.
They are not immigrant children. They are illegal alien refugees.

according to our laws on refugees on the books, they are "our" problem.... Congress can change that, in any way they want though....so let's see if congress has the cahones to do something...to either help these people more than they are being helped...or to flat out turn all away...

Instead they go on vacation....how courageous of them....
Remember that you are much better people than they are, and that your family and country comes before all else!
That actually doesn't make you a better person, it makes you worse. Me and Mine in a world of seven billion means you care only as far as you can kick the dog...

How many are you sharing your apartment with?
It's a property, and none currently, although I can tell you for certain they did the roof on one house, built the other house, did both garages, and put in the pool. Around here they do the real work, and work for the white man.
It was NOT designed to protect thousands of invaders who came here to destroy what little the liberals have allowed us to have.
They are not invaders, they are seeking shelter and a better life.

So they fucked up their own country and now want to come and fuck up ours? Why don't they stay where they were and try to make their own country better? You know why? Too fucking lazy, to even get an education. Now they want everything for free. Maybe we should start growing cotton again to give them something to do at their skill level.
It was NOT designed to protect thousands of invaders who came here to destroy what little the liberals have allowed us to have.
They are not invaders, they are seeking shelter and a better life.

Sound familiar?

Describing immigrants as "third world invaders," who come to America to destroy our heritage, "colonize" the country and attack our "way of life." This charge is used against Hispanics, Asians and other people of color.

Using terminology that describes immigrants as part of "hordes" that "swarm" over the border. This dehumanizing language has become common.

Portraying immigrants as carriers of diseases like leprosy, tuberculosis, Chagas disease (a potentially fatal parasitic disease), dengue fever, polio, malaria.

Depicting immigrants as criminals, murderers, rapists, terrorists, and a danger to children and families.

Propagating conspiracy theories about an alleged secret "reconquista" plot by Mexican immigrants to create a "greater Mexico" by seizing seven states in the American Southwest that once belonged to Mexico.

Bird shit aka Guano, does know Alinsky's rules and uses them well.... suggest you turn them on the little pathic Guano. He's simply describing our own suicide, and trying to personalize his attacks. When you are a red doper diaper baby, you've grown up on Alinsky, and this subversive has learned his lessons well!
can we help fix what is going on down there in South America to make it where they are not afraid to live there? Is it money that is needed to get their economy going? Is it drug Lords scaring the pajesus out of them? Is it a crappy defunct government? Can they learn to benefit from their own land, through farming or coffee beans or something?

Sadly, I don't even know what the problem is, in their homeland....too busy fighting over whether these people should be fed or not.....or who is handing out lollipops....sad indeed.
That actually doesn't make you a better person, it makes you worse. Me and Mine in a world of seven billion means you care only as far as you can kick the dog...

How many are you sharing your apartment with?
It's a property, and none currently, although I can tell you for certain they did the roof on one house, built the other house, did both garages, and put in the pool. Around here they do the real work, and work for the white man.

Oh, for sure. What year is your Rolls Royce?
That actually doesn't make you a better person, it makes you worse. Me and Mine in a world of seven billion means you care only as far as you can kick the dog...

How many are you sharing your apartment with?
It's a property, and none currently, although I can tell you for certain they did the roof on one house, built the other house, did both garages, and put in the pool. Around here they do the real work, and work for the white man.

Sounds like you could house at least 20 under that house and 2 garages, now supply them with food and a toilet (you might have to train them on that one) and you'll feel so much better than just talking about it. In the meantime, I'll watch!
How many are you sharing your apartment with?
It's a property, and none currently, although I can tell you for certain they did the roof on one house, built the other house, did both garages, and put in the pool. Around here they do the real work, and work for the white man.

Sounds like you could house at least 20 under that house and 2 garages, now supply them with food and a toilet (you might have to train them on that one) and you'll feel so much better than just talking about it. In the meantime, I'll watch!
Ah, so space is your concern? Well let me put your mind at ease:

"As of the first quarter of 2013, there are just over 133 million housing units in America and 10.7 percent of them — more than 14. 2 million — are vacant all year round for some reason or another, according to the Census Bureau."
America?s 14.2 Million Vacant Homes: A National Crisis
It's a property, and none currently, although I can tell you for certain they did the roof on one house, built the other house, did both garages, and put in the pool. Around here they do the real work, and work for the white man.

Sounds like you could house at least 20 under that house and 2 garages, now supply them with food and a toilet (you might have to train them on that one) and you'll feel so much better than just talking about it. In the meantime, I'll watch!
Ah, so space is your concern? Well let me put your mind at ease:

"As of the first quarter of 2013, there are just over 133 million housing units in America and 10.7 percent of them — more than 14. 2 million — are vacant all year round for some reason or another, according to the Census Bureau."
America?s 14.2 Million Vacant Homes: A National Crisis

No, having you put your money where your bullshit comes from was the point!, since you are so concerned!:badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
I remember years back when Castro sent over boats full of undesirable trash.

I lived in Miami at the time... of the Mariel Boat Lift Refugees and our Nation did just fine in assimilating them, eventually....it was awkward, just like these refugees now, due to the huge influx all at once, but who even knows where these refugees are now and how American they and their children have become...the USA didn't skip a beat with their influx....
I remember years back when Castro sent over boats full of undesirable trash.

Actually we went and got them, and most were political prisoners. I had an uncle and his boat who disappeared during that time and no one knows where or why. Neither were even seen again. At the bottom of the sea I would guess, or living it up in Cuba. He was the type who might just have found a way to do that. Wish he'd have sent me some cigars if he did.
Sounds like you could house at least 20 under that house and 2 garages, now supply them with food and a toilet (you might have to train them on that one) and you'll feel so much better than just talking about it. In the meantime, I'll watch!
Ah, so space is your concern? Well let me put your mind at ease:

"As of the first quarter of 2013, there are just over 133 million housing units in America and 10.7 percent of them — more than 14. 2 million — are vacant all year round for some reason or another, according to the Census Bureau."
America?s 14.2 Million Vacant Homes: A National Crisis

No, having you put your money where your bullshit comes from was the point!, since you are so concerned!:badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
It's why I write a check to IRS every year V. For that I expect a bang for my buck, and I expect said taxes to help out a bunch of needy kids...
It's a property, and none currently, although I can tell you for certain they did the roof on one house, built the other house, did both garages, and put in the pool. Around here they do the real work, and work for the white man.

Sounds like you could house at least 20 under that house and 2 garages, now supply them with food and a toilet (you might have to train them on that one) and you'll feel so much better than just talking about it. In the meantime, I'll watch!
Ah, so space is your concern? Well let me put your mind at ease:

"As of the first quarter of 2013, there are just over 133 million housing units in America and 10.7 percent of them — more than 14. 2 million — are vacant all year round for some reason or another, according to the Census Bureau."
America?s 14.2 Million Vacant Homes: A National Crisis

What about all the homeless vets?
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

I personally don't give two shits about Christian compassion for illegal aliens. There are millions and millions of people in the same situation who would love to come here and take full advantage of our social services system. Where does that end? Where's the limit? And what about the fifty million people in this country who live under the poverty line now? Any thoughts about those people? Any at all?
I remember years back when Castro sent over boats full of undesirable trash.

Actually we went and got them, and most were political prisoners. I had an uncle and his boat who disappeared during that time and no one knows where or why. Neither were even seen again. At the bottom of the sea I would guess, or living it up in Cuba. He was the type who might just have found a way to do that. Wish he'd have sent me some cigars if he did.

Fascinating. I had an uncle who single handedly wiped out Rommel and his entire army.

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