Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

The Bible and Jesus talk from the psycho liberals is all deflection because they can't defend supporting non-Americans invading this country to steal from Americans.
Sounds like you could house at least 20 under that house and 2 garages, now supply them with food and a toilet (you might have to train them on that one) and you'll feel so much better than just talking about it. In the meantime, I'll watch!
Ah, so space is your concern? Well let me put your mind at ease:

"As of the first quarter of 2013, there are just over 133 million housing units in America and 10.7 percent of them — more than 14. 2 million — are vacant all year round for some reason or another, according to the Census Bureau."
America?s 14.2 Million Vacant Homes: A National Crisis

What about all the homeless vets?
Another American tragedy. Please continue since what America should be ashamed about is a very looooooooooong list, and you'll get no argument from me.

But God, Guns, and Gays doesn't fix that now does it? That takes work and money...
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

I personally don't give two shits about Christian compassion for illegal aliens. There are millions and millions of people in the same situation who would love to come here and take full advantage of our social services system. Where does that end? Where's the limit? And what about the fifty million people in this country who live under the poverty line now? Any thoughts about those people? Any at all?
Are you actually advocating for our government giving more to the poor below the poverty line, who are American citizens in our country?
The Bible and Jesus talk from the psycho liberals is all deflection because they can't defend supporting non-Americans invading this country to steal from Americans.

Here's a question for you, there's a Priest of a small church working on Sunday School lesson when a thief enters and grabs the candlesticks from the alter. Now, does the Priest call the police, does he tackle the man to stop him, or does he say as the thief passes, Go with God my son. Which one is the Christian response?
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

I personally don't give two shits about Christian compassion for illegal aliens. There are millions and millions of people in the same situation who would love to come here and take full advantage of our social services system. Where does that end? Where's the limit? And what about the fifty million people in this country who live under the poverty line now? Any thoughts about those people? Any at all?
Are you actually advocating for our government giving more to the poor below the poverty line, who are American citizens in our country?

Our economy doesn't provide nearly enough opportunities for people now, our social services are over burdened. How does letting in an unrestricted flood of undocumented immigrants help this country?
I personally don't give two shits about Christian compassion for illegal aliens. There are millions and millions of people in the same situation who would love to come here and take full advantage of our social services system. Where does that end? Where's the limit? And what about the fifty million people in this country who live under the poverty line now? Any thoughts about those people? Any at all?
Are you actually advocating for our government giving more to the poor below the poverty line, who are American citizens in our country?

Our economy doesn't provide nearly enough opportunities for people now, our social services are over burdened. How does letting in an unrestricted flood of undocumented immigrants help this country?

It doesn't help the economy. But it does help the Statists gain more power and wealth...and that is why it is occurring.
Once again conservatives are shown for who they are.

They are ruthless and heartless and greedy.

As a result, I submit that the US government start sending the billions/trillions to the poor in Mexico. That way those poor people can be spared the dangerous journey across the border.

They need ObamaCare too!

Nope, Obama would not force these poor people to pay the premiums.
Yes, domestic. Did you read the 2009 Homeland Security Report?

The Biggest Threat to America is the GOP's Domestic Right Wing Extremists

You're the biggest threat to America. You're gonna get your asses kicked in a few months.

That's what you clowns said about Obama - TWICE.

I never did. :eusa_hand:
When a person promises as much as he did, he's going to get the votes.
Too bad he couldn't deliver on the "hopey and changey" things.
People have been awaken by this amateur in chief......not in a good way.
You're the biggest threat to America. You're gonna get your asses kicked in a few months.

That's what you clowns said about Obama - TWICE.

I never did. :eusa_hand:
When a person promises as much as he did, he's going to get the votes.
Too bad he couldn't deliver on the "hopey and changey" things.
People have been awaken by this amateur in chief......not in a good way.

Yes, I'm sure your miss DUBYA. He was so good for the country...
That's what you clowns said about Obama - TWICE.

I never did. :eusa_hand:
When a person promises as much as he did, he's going to get the votes.
Too bad he couldn't deliver on the "hopey and changey" things.
People have been awaken by this amateur in chief......not in a good way.

Yes, I'm sure your miss DUBYA. He was so good for the country...

You have me confused with someone else, Lacky.
Some things he did okay, and some things he didn't.
Guess you could call me a tweener with BushII
To borrow a phrase from a famous Democrat...

"An inconvenient truth" ...

You people need to watch this. Don't make another post until you do.
You people need to watch this. Don't make another post until you do.

I was about to open your video - until I read your signature. You left out that Republicans are also "lying son a bitches" - even more so than Democrats.

You need to open your eyes and get informed. Take 6 minutes and watch this video instead of making unsubstantiated insults against your opposing political spectrum.

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I never did. :eusa_hand:
When a person promises as much as he did, he's going to get the votes.
Too bad he couldn't deliver on the "hopey and changey" things.
People have been awaken by this amateur in chief......not in a good way.

Yes, I'm sure your miss DUBYA. He was so good for the country...

You have me confused with someone else, Lacky.
Some things he did okay, and some things he didn't.
Guess you could call me a tweener with BushII

Fair enough. Were you a Reagan fan?
You people need to watch this. Don't make another post until you do.

I was about to open your video - until I read your signature. You left out that Republicans are also "lying son a bitches" - even more so than Democrats.

You need to open your eyes and get informed. Take 6 minutes and watch this video instead of making unsubstantiated insults against your opposing political spectrum.

Tell ya what. I'm going for a walk and I'll view it when I get back.
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You people need to watch this. Don't make another post until you do.
Immigration helps US little friend, always has. The dedicated, the capitalists, the desperate seeking a new start or religious freedom come here, but your "generosity" towards other nations, by locking our doors so they can't come, is noted.

And adding less than 1/300th of our population each year to this nation just means that many more people working, saving, buying, etc., all of which is creates more wealth if the cash is flowing and not being sat on or traded like stocks in the market.

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We've got all we need for the moment, thank you very much.

And that goes double for unaccompanied Niños.

You people need to watch this. Don't make another post until you do.
Immigration helps US little friend, always has. The dedicated, the capitalists, the desperate seeking a new start or religious freedom come here, but your "generosity" towards other nations, by locking our doors so they can't come here, is noted.

And adding less than 1/3000th of our population each year to this nation just means that many more people working, saving, buying, etc., all of which is creates more wealth if the cash is flowing and not being sat on or traded like stocks in the market.


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