Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

I'm not religious but low life ignorant trolling bots like you seem to pick and chose your "facts." Christian's in America alone donate, adopt, care for, volunteer, help/on/and/on/and/on more than any amount of liberals world wide do.

To try and make the religious nutters try and take your incredibly stupid position of open boarders (only to those that you feel will vote democrat te hehehe). And realistically only open boarders to a group of people, because if you really had open boarders it would take but a few years to create an impossible depression to get out of in this country.
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

I'm not religious but low life ignorant trolling bots like you seem to pick and chose your "facts." Christian's in America alone donate, adopt, care for, volunteer, help/on/and/on/and/on more than any amount of liberals world wide do.

To try and make the religious nutters try and take your incredibly stupid position of open boarders (only to those that you feel will vote democrat te hehehe). And realistically only open boarders to a group of people, because if you really had open boarders it would take but a few years to create an impossible depression to get out of in this country.

Well, sparky, I think you're missing the point. Oh, and Bush took us as close to a "depression" as I ever want to see - which is why we're still economically fucked.
In other words - you want me to have an open mind while yours is closed. My Media Matters link contains supporting and verifiable live links. Try reading my link with an open mind.

Come on, you can do it...

Your media matters link ignores the facts that we can't support all those gumballs in this country. It ignores the facts that were presented in the video and only got into the back ground of one guy who created Numbers USA. which has nothing to do with the facts presented in the video.

Seriously, are you really that gullible? You need to delve deeper into Roy Beck's true agenda. Oh, and people aren't gumballs.

The words "one billion" would suffice, his gumballs fell out of his ears it seems.
Rick Perry wants $500,000,000.00 NOW. Reimbursement, 2 billion will not be enough to secure the border, obviously.
Ever wonder why Texas never goes after illegals, like Arizona? That's because they do the real work there and make up a huge percentage of the population. Perry knows that all too well...

I realize the Democrats do nothing about illegals because they want the votes.
The Republicans do nothing about illegals because they want the cheap labor.
And the Libertarians do nothing about illegals because they think our planet should be one big darwinistic utopia.

They all suck.
Slyhunter doesn't care that it's a racist anti-immigration group, that's why he supports them...
I care about the truth. Argue the facts presented in the video not the character of those who presented those facts.
That's perfectly fine but the point here, which the video presents, is that they, and you, don't want people coming here, and that's not because of "compassion" for others.

If most of those coming here were white, this would be a far different discussion...

Doesn't matter what color they are American jobs should be reserved for Americans, even colored Americans. And we shouldn't allow no skill or low skilled immigrants into this country until after every American who wants a job has a job.

You sticking color into the argument is a red herring and has nothing to do with how I, or many others, feel about the subject.
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

I'm not religious but low life ignorant trolling bots like you seem to pick and chose your "facts." Christian's in America alone donate, adopt, care for, volunteer, help/on/and/on/and/on more than any amount of liberals world wide do.

To try and make the religious nutters try and take your incredibly stupid position of open boarders (only to those that you feel will vote democrat te hehehe). And realistically only open boarders to a group of people, because if you really had open boarders it would take but a few years to create an impossible depression to get out of in this country.

Well, sparky, I think you're missing the point. Oh, and Bush took us as close to a "depression" as I ever want to see - which is why we're still economically fucked.

Bush played his part in where we are now, just like Obama and Dems have made things worse.
Rick Perry wants $500,000,000.00 NOW. Reimbursement, 2 billion will not be enough to secure the border, obviously.
Ever wonder why Texas never goes after illegals, like Arizona? That's because they do the real work there and make up a huge percentage of the population. Perry knows that all too well...

I realize the Democrats do nothing about illegals because they want the votes.
The Republicans do nothing about illegals because they want the cheap labor.
And the Libertarians do nothing about illegals because they think our planet should be one big darwinistic utopia.

They all suck.
I'd ask who you vote for but I'm not sure there's anyone left...
In other words - you want me to have an open mind while yours is closed. My Media Matters link contains supporting and verifiable live links. Try reading my link with an open mind.

Come on, you can do it...

Your media matters link ignores the facts that we can't support all those gumballs in this country. It ignores the facts that were presented in the video and only got into the back ground of one guy who created Numbers USA. which has nothing to do with the facts presented in the video.

Seriously, are you really that gullible? You need to delve deeper into Roy Beck's true agenda. Oh, and people aren't gumballs.
You are ignoring the fact that we should not allow any immigrant into our country, legal or illegal, until all americans who wish to be employed are employed. Americans for Americans first.
Ever wonder why Texas never goes after illegals, like Arizona? That's because they do the real work there and make up a huge percentage of the population. Perry knows that all too well...

I realize the Democrats do nothing about illegals because they want the votes.
The Republicans do nothing about illegals because they want the cheap labor.
And the Libertarians do nothing about illegals because they think our planet should be one big darwinistic utopia.

They all suck.
I'd ask who you vote for but I'm not sure there's anyone left...
Newt Gingrich would get my vote or someone like him.
I realize the Democrats do nothing about illegals because they want the votes.
The Republicans do nothing about illegals because they want the cheap labor.
And the Libertarians do nothing about illegals because they think our planet should be one big darwinistic utopia.

They all suck.
I'd ask who you vote for but I'm not sure there's anyone left...
Newt Gingrich would get my vote or someone like him.

"Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) tore into Mitt Romney’s harsh rhetoric about “self-deportation” during the 2012 presidential campaign, calling on Republicans to abandon their extremist rhetoric and unrealistic policy solutions for the nation’s broken immigration system.

In a letter sent to supporters on Friday night, Gingrich criticized Romney for deriding proposals offering legal status to undocumented immigrants as “amnesty.” “It is difficult to understand how someone running for President of the United States, a country with more than 50 million Hispanic citizens, could fail to acknowledge that the American people should not take grandmothers who have been here 25 years, have deep family and community ties — and forcibly expel them,” Gingrich wrote.

He observed that “The 12 million people are here, living and working.” “Many of them are bound together by the web of human relations — family, friends, neighbors — and the American people will not support mass deportation.” “As a party, we simply cannot continue with immigration rhetoric that in 2012 became catastrophic — in large part because it was not grounded in reality.”
Gingrich Urges Republicans To Accept 'Reality' In Immigration Reform Debate | ThinkProgress
You sticking color into the argument is a red herring and has nothing to do with how I, or many others, feel about the subject.
Even if true, which I very much doubt, that is the company you keep and why they are opposed to immigration.

Why is it that beaners ALL support illegal immigration? I have yet to hear ONE fucking beaner be against illegals? Why? Are you all just so used to being bandits?
I'd ask who you vote for but I'm not sure there's anyone left...
Newt Gingrich would get my vote or someone like him.

"Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) tore into Mitt Romney’s harsh rhetoric about “self-deportation” during the 2012 presidential campaign, calling on Republicans to abandon their extremist rhetoric and unrealistic policy solutions for the nation’s broken immigration system.

In a letter sent to supporters on Friday night, Gingrich criticized Romney for deriding proposals offering legal status to undocumented immigrants as “amnesty.” “It is difficult to understand how someone running for President of the United States, a country with more than 50 million Hispanic citizens, could fail to acknowledge that the American people should not take grandmothers who have been here 25 years, have deep family and community ties — and forcibly expel them,” Gingrich wrote.

He observed that “The 12 million people are here, living and working.” “Many of them are bound together by the web of human relations — family, friends, neighbors — and the American people will not support mass deportation.” “As a party, we simply cannot continue with immigration rhetoric that in 2012 became catastrophic — in large part because it was not grounded in reality.”
Gingrich Urges Republicans To Accept 'Reality' In Immigration Reform Debate | ThinkProgress

It's unrealistic to think we will deport 12 million illegal aliens.
Seal the border first then discuss what to do with those 12 million illegal aliens. But such discussions should wait until after we insure more won't be added to their numbers.
I'd ask who you vote for but I'm not sure there's anyone left...
Newt Gingrich would get my vote or someone like him.

"Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) tore into Mitt Romney’s harsh rhetoric about “self-deportation” during the 2012 presidential campaign, calling on Republicans to abandon their extremist rhetoric and unrealistic policy solutions for the nation’s broken immigration system.

In a letter sent to supporters on Friday night, Gingrich criticized Romney for deriding proposals offering legal status to undocumented immigrants as “amnesty.” “It is difficult to understand how someone running for President of the United States, a country with more than 50 million Hispanic citizens, could fail to acknowledge that the American people should not take grandmothers who have been here 25 years, have deep family and community ties — and forcibly expel them,” Gingrich wrote.

He observed that “The 12 million people are here, living and working.” “Many of them are bound together by the web of human relations — family, friends, neighbors — and the American people will not support mass deportation.” “As a party, we simply cannot continue with immigration rhetoric that in 2012 became catastrophic — in large part because it was not grounded in reality.”
Gingrich Urges Republicans To Accept 'Reality' In Immigration Reform Debate | ThinkProgress

Gingrich is brilliant, even when he is an ass.
You sticking color into the argument is a red herring and has nothing to do with how I, or many others, feel about the subject.
Even if true, which I very much doubt, that is the company you keep and why they are opposed to immigration.

Why is it that beaners ALL support illegal immigration? I have yet to hear ONE fucking beaner be against illegals? Why? Are you all just so used to being bandits?
Against illegal immigration? Well it's illegal now isn't it, and few are calling for it not to be illegal yet the border is open, obviously. When you leave the Welcome mat out and an Open House sign in the lawn do you then complain when people come in because they aren't your kind? If you wish to close the border, do so, but for 60 years no administration has. There are reasons for that, which most here ignore...
Even if true, which I very much doubt, that is the company you keep and why they are opposed to immigration.

Why is it that beaners ALL support illegal immigration? I have yet to hear ONE fucking beaner be against illegals? Why? Are you all just so used to being bandits?
Against illegal immigration? Well it's illegal now isn't it, and few are calling for it not to be illegal yet the border is open, obviously. When you leave the Welcome mat out and an Open House sign in the lawn do you then complain when people come in because they aren't your kind? If you wish to close the border, do so, but for 60 years no administration has. There are reasons for that, which most here ignore...
It's always been illegal not to come through proper channels. I get that beaners try as hard as possible not to follow laws, it's in your DNA. But if it weren't beaners coming, you'd all be good Americans and be opposed to it, so don't even try the racism card, you're holding the whole fucking deck!
Why is it that beaners ALL support illegal immigration? I have yet to hear ONE fucking beaner be against illegals? Why? Are you all just so used to being bandits?
Against illegal immigration? Well it's illegal now isn't it, and few are calling for it not to be illegal yet the border is open, obviously. When you leave the Welcome mat out and an Open House sign in the lawn do you then complain when people come in because they aren't your kind? If you wish to close the border, do so, but for 60 years no administration has. There are reasons for that, which most here ignore...
It's always been illegal not to come through proper channels. I get that beaners try as hard as possible not to follow laws, it's in your DNA. But if it weren't beaners coming, you'd all be good Americans and be opposed to it, so don't even try the racism card, you're holding the whole fucking deck!
What part of it's Illegal do you think I have an issue with? What part of close the border if you wish do you think I have a problem with? It's Illegal, and you haven't closed the border so they just walk right in because there are jobs here and the chance for a better life. Don't ask me to damn them for that. In the same situation I'd do the very same thing, it makes perfect sense...
Against illegal immigration? Well it's illegal now isn't it, and few are calling for it not to be illegal yet the border is open, obviously. When you leave the Welcome mat out and an Open House sign in the lawn do you then complain when people come in because they aren't your kind? If you wish to close the border, do so, but for 60 years no administration has. There are reasons for that, which most here ignore...
It's always been illegal not to come through proper channels. I get that beaners try as hard as possible not to follow laws, it's in your DNA. But if it weren't beaners coming, you'd all be good Americans and be opposed to it, so don't even try the racism card, you're holding the whole fucking deck!
What part of it's Illegal do you think I have an issue with? What part of close the border if you wish do you think I have a problem with? It's Illegal, and you haven't closed the border so they just walk right in because there are jobs here and the chance for a better life. Don't ask me to damn them for that. In the same situation I'd do the very same thing, it makes perfect sense...
You just don't say anything because you're a beaner too. Probably illegal yourself.
It's always been illegal not to come through proper channels. I get that beaners try as hard as possible not to follow laws, it's in your DNA. But if it weren't beaners coming, you'd all be good Americans and be opposed to it, so don't even try the racism card, you're holding the whole fucking deck!
What part of it's Illegal do you think I have an issue with? What part of close the border if you wish do you think I have a problem with? It's Illegal, and you haven't closed the border so they just walk right in because there are jobs here and the chance for a better life. Don't ask me to damn them for that. In the same situation I'd do the very same thing, it makes perfect sense...
You just don't say anything because you're a beaner too. Probably illegal yourself.
A shame, I had a bit of hope for you. Oh well.

And little friend, I'm as white as they get, although it's hard to know exactly what my slave-owning forefathers were up to. I think that's pretty obvious however...
It's always been illegal not to come through proper channels. I get that beaners try as hard as possible not to follow laws, it's in your DNA. But if it weren't beaners coming, you'd all be good Americans and be opposed to it, so don't even try the racism card, you're holding the whole fucking deck!
What part of it's Illegal do you think I have an issue with? What part of close the border if you wish do you think I have a problem with? It's Illegal, and you haven't closed the border so they just walk right in because there are jobs here and the chance for a better life. Don't ask me to damn them for that. In the same situation I'd do the very same thing, it makes perfect sense...
You just don't say anything because you're a beaner too. Probably illegal yourself.


This is what you teaper friends think of you...this is what they think of your kind...illegal or not.

When I call you a beaner or a wetback - I do it out of love - teaching you a lesson about who you are associating with.

When you Teaper friends start spewing beaner or wetback...they are speaking with hate and vitriol. I assure you, there is NO love in their insults.
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