Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

Why would any Christian let Godless Liberals define who they are?

We aren't defining you, we are suggesting that maybe, just maybe, you should do what your faith suggests, what Jesus commanded? How terrible of us.

And if what you believe is a few extra dollars or a political ploy is going to keep you from doing what your faith demands, then don't call it faith because it isn't. If you can't stand with a gun to your head and do as faith demands, then you have none, it's just words...
You mean you are testing, yet who gives you that authority to do such things, let alone understand the outcomes ?
Why would any Christian let Godless Liberals define who they are?

We aren't defining you, we are suggesting that maybe, just maybe, you should do what your faith suggests, what Jesus commanded? How terrible of us.

And if what you believe is a few extra dollars or a political ploy is going to keep you from doing what your faith demands, then don't call it faith because it isn't. If you can't stand with a gun to your head and do as faith demands, then you have none, it's just words...
You mean you are testing, yet who gives you that authority to do such things, let alone understand the outcomes ?
In this case God is testing, I'm watching and commenting, and you are failing...
Praise God, it's about time. I'm sure we can trust Breitbart...

Feds should have done that to those Bundy assholes.
Idiots like you would like that. Commie bastard.

Maybe the Bundy teabagger terrorists will rush to Murrieta with their assault rifles.

Would it really surprise you really ? Why call Americans terrorist ? It seems you folks can label anyone what you want to, but woe unto anyone having loose lips to label any of your ilk. Hypocrites from hades is what people for whom do this labeling then hide their hand is, but funny how these culprits who accuse another don't think so. WOW!
What part of it's Illegal do you think I have an issue with? What part of close the border if you wish do you think I have a problem with? It's Illegal, and you haven't closed the border so they just walk right in because there are jobs here and the chance for a better life. Don't ask me to damn them for that. In the same situation I'd do the very same thing, it makes perfect sense...
You just don't say anything because you're a beaner too. Probably illegal yourself.


This is what you teaper friends think of you...this is what they think of your kind...illegal or not.

When I call you a beaner or a wetback - I do it out of love - teaching you a lesson about who you are associating with.

When you Teaper friends start spewing beaner or wetback...they are speaking with hate and vitriol. I assure you, there is NO love in their insults.

Are you done with your siesta? Did I ask you a question during your taco time? I was hoping for a response as to why you align yourself with people that hate you and call you BEANER!
We aren't defining you, we are suggesting that maybe, just maybe, you should do what your faith suggests, what Jesus commanded? How terrible of us.

And if what you believe is a few extra dollars or a political ploy is going to keep you from doing what your faith demands, then don't call it faith because it isn't. If you can't stand with a gun to your head and do as faith demands, then you have none, it's just words...
You mean you are testing, yet who gives you that authority to do such things, let alone understand the outcomes ?
In this case God is testing, I'm watching and commenting, and you are failing...
Wow you use God for political reasons ? Why am I not surprised?

What should have happened is these people should have been taken back to their home country as quickly as they came in once processed, and then we should be sending a task force along with them there, in order to find out what is going on in that country of origin.
Idiots like you would like that. Commie bastard.

Maybe the Bundy teabagger terrorists will rush to Murrieta with their assault rifles.

Would it really surprise you really ? Why call Americans terrorist ? It seems you folks can label anyone what you want to, but woe unto anyone having loose lips to label any of your ilk. Hypocrites from hades is what people for whom do this labeling then hide their hand is, but funny how these culprits who accuse another don't think so. WOW!

I have no doubt that some, maybe many, of the homegrown Bundy-lovin' instigators are on their way to Murrieta with their assault rifles and Homer Simpson brains. They should be very careful, because I doubt the feds will tolerate their psycho shit this time.
You just don't say anything because you're a beaner too. Probably illegal yourself.


This is what you teaper friends think of you...this is what they think of your kind...illegal or not.

When I call you a beaner or a wetback - I do it out of love - teaching you a lesson about who you are associating with.

When you Teaper friends start spewing beaner or wetback...they are speaking with hate and vitriol. I assure you, there is NO love in their insults.

Are you done with your siesta? Did I ask you a question during your taco time? I was hoping for a response as to why you align yourself with people that hate you and call you BEANER!

Now Nutz, it's like someone calling a black scumbag a "N" but that doesn't apply to all black people, just that black scumbag! We understand those on the left that TRY to intimidate with your logic, you call one a "N" and you call us all a "N", and are laughed at as being partisan, and yes, RACIST, as I'm sure you now realize! :D
Maybe the Bundy teabagger terrorists will rush to Murrieta with their assault rifles.

Would it really surprise you really ? Why call Americans terrorist ? It seems you folks can label anyone what you want to, but woe unto anyone having loose lips to label any of your ilk. Hypocrites from hades is what people for whom do this labeling then hide their hand is, but funny how these culprits who accuse another don't think so. WOW!

I have no doubt that some, maybe many, of the homegrown Bundy-lovin' instigators are on their way to Murrieta with their assault rifles and Homer Simpson brains. They should be very careful, because I doubt the feds will tolerate their psycho shit this time.

Squaw, you are the perfect example of stupidity. Here you have the gov't FORCING unwanted, undesirable, disease prone, illiterate people onto a town that will have to use it's own resources to, at least protect with THEIR POLICE, and not rely on Federal protection. People that even an idiot like you should admit broke our current immigration laws, and has had a POTUS subvert that 2002 act that was meant to curtail HUMAN TRAFFICING, and NOT have a hundred thousand or more INVADERS taking away resources that our own people need!

This is what you teaper friends think of you...this is what they think of your kind...illegal or not.

When I call you a beaner or a wetback - I do it out of love - teaching you a lesson about who you are associating with.

When you Teaper friends start spewing beaner or wetback...they are speaking with hate and vitriol. I assure you, there is NO love in their insults.

Are you done with your siesta? Did I ask you a question during your taco time? I was hoping for a response as to why you align yourself with people that hate you and call you BEANER!

Now Nutz, it's like someone calling a black scumbag a "N" but that doesn't apply to all black people, just that black scumbag! We understand those on the left that TRY to intimidate with your logic, you call one a "N" and you call us all a "N", and are laughed at as being partisan, and yes, RACIST, as I'm sure you now realize! :D

See, now you gave owlboy talking points...he would have never been able to think of that himself...being a beaner and all!

:lmao: I kill myself.
Are you done with your siesta? Did I ask you a question during your taco time? I was hoping for a response as to why you align yourself with people that hate you and call you BEANER!

Now Nutz, it's like someone calling a black scumbag a "N" but that doesn't apply to all black people, just that black scumbag! We understand those on the left that TRY to intimidate with your logic, you call one a "N" and you call us all a "N", and are laughed at as being partisan, and yes, RACIST, as I'm sure you now realize! :D

See, now you gave owlboy talking points...he would have never been able to think of that himself...being a beaner and all!

:lmao: I kill myself.

Perhaps, but as we talked about, Stupidity is why I post to many, and usually you are better than this, but I can understand a little enjoyment out of confusing the opposition.:badgrin: I try to do it all the time, sometimes I actually catch a guppy that simply keeps fighting the line he's bitten into! Subversives are easy!
Would it really surprise you really ? Why call Americans terrorist ? It seems you folks can label anyone what you want to, but woe unto anyone having loose lips to label any of your ilk. Hypocrites from hades is what people for whom do this labeling then hide their hand is, but funny how these culprits who accuse another don't think so. WOW!

I have no doubt that some, maybe many, of the homegrown Bundy-lovin' instigators are on their way to Murrieta with their assault rifles and Homer Simpson brains. They should be very careful, because I doubt the feds will tolerate their psycho shit this time.

Squaw, you are the perfect example of stupidity. Here you have the gov't FORCING unwanted, undesirable, disease prone, illiterate people onto a town that will have to use it's own resources to, at least protect with THEIR POLICE, and not rely on Federal protection. People that even an idiot like you should admit broke our current immigration laws, and has had a POTUS subvert that 2002 act that was meant to curtail HUMAN TRAFFICING, and NOT have a hundred thousand or more INVADERS taking away resources that our own people need!

The rightwing loves to demonize people of color

Describing immigrants as "third world invaders," who come to America to destroy our heritage, "colonize" the country and attack our "way of life." This charge is used against Hispanics, Asians and other people of color.

Using terminology that describes immigrants as part of "hordes" that "swarm" over the border. This dehumanizing language has become common.

Portraying immigrants as carriers of diseases like leprosy, tuberculosis, Chagas disease (a potentially fatal parasitic disease), dengue fever, polio, malaria.

Depicting immigrants as criminals, murderers, rapists, terrorists, and a danger to children and families.

Propagating conspiracy theories about an alleged secret "reconquista" plot by Mexican immigrants to create a "greater Mexico" by seizing seven states in the American Southwest that once belonged to Mexico.
I have no doubt that some, maybe many, of the homegrown Bundy-lovin' instigators are on their way to Murrieta with their assault rifles and Homer Simpson brains. They should be very careful, because I doubt the feds will tolerate their psycho shit this time.

Squaw, you are the perfect example of stupidity. Here you have the gov't FORCING unwanted, undesirable, disease prone, illiterate people onto a town that will have to use it's own resources to, at least protect with THEIR POLICE, and not rely on Federal protection. People that even an idiot like you should admit broke our current immigration laws, and has had a POTUS subvert that 2002 act that was meant to curtail HUMAN TRAFFICING, and NOT have a hundred thousand or more INVADERS taking away resources that our own people need!

The rightwing loves to demonize people of color

Describing immigrants as "third world invaders," who come to America to destroy our heritage, "colonize" the country and attack our "way of life." This charge is used against Hispanics, Asians and other people of color.

Using terminology that describes immigrants as part of "hordes" that "swarm" over the border. This dehumanizing language has become common.

Portraying immigrants as carriers of diseases like leprosy, tuberculosis, Chagas disease (a potentially fatal parasitic disease), dengue fever, polio, malaria.

Depicting immigrants as criminals, murderers, rapists, terrorists, and a danger to children and families.

Propagating conspiracy theories about an alleged secret "reconquista" plot by Mexican immigrants to create a "greater Mexico" by seizing seven states in the American Southwest that once belonged to Mexico.
The truth is the truth.
Already, drug-resistant tuberculosis is spreading in Texas, with several counties having twice the state average number of cases. Dengue Fever, a viral illness spread by mosquitoes which causes marked bone and muscle pain and fatigue and affects over 100 million people per year, is now spreading from the illegal immigrants into Texas and Arizona as infected mosquitoes begin to breed in the areas by the camps. A vaccine for Dengue is in the works but is not yet available. If this worldwide killer ever gets a mosquito-hold here, it will be a public health disaster.

Measles and chicken pox are also emerging among the unvaccinated immigrants, putting those who are unvaccinated in surrounding areas at risk, since these viruses are highly contagious.

On top of all these other diseases, now swine flu (H1N1) has appeared. According to HHS, an immigrant child at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland has been diagnosed and hospitalized. This flu, which was pandemic in 2009 and has been especially problematic for children and pregnant women, can also spread fairly quickly in such close quarters. It won't cause another pandemic, but it can still make a lot of people sick. Federal authorities are flying in 2,000 batches of the vaccine for immediate use, but this may not be soon enough to prevent the spread of the disease.
Immigration crisis: US experiencing major public health crisis, too | Fox News

Criminal street gangs—mostly comprised of illegal immigrants—are responsible for the majority of violent crimes in the United States and are the primary distributors of most illicit drugs.

up to 80% of crime in the U.S. is committed by gangs and that gang membership in this country has grown to 1 million, an increase of 200,000 in the last few years.

Additionally, gangs are the “primary retail-level distributors of most illicit drugs” in the U.S. and several are sophisticated enough to compete with major Mexican drug-trafficking cartels. Most of the country’s state and local enforcement agencies have reported gang activity in their jurisdiction and the problem will only get worse, according to the FBI.

In fact, a high-ranking FBI director said gangs have followed the migration paths of illegal alien laborers to avoid big-city police departments that have cracked down on their activities. An example is the notoriously violent Salvadoran gang known as Mara Salvatrucha or MS-13, which has spread throughout the U.S.—to at least 42 states—and continues expanding.

In 2008 alone MS-13 members, all illegal immigrants with previous criminal records, committed atrocious crimes that received ample media coverage. In San Francisco an MS-13 gang banger murdered a father and son with an assault weapon because their car blocked his from making a turn. In Los Angeles an MS-13 member just released from prison murdered a high school football star as the teen jock walked home from the mall. In Maryland a 14-year-old honors high school student was shot to death on a crowded public bus by a Salvadoran illegal alien who proudly revealed he belonged to the MS-13.
Illegal Immigrant Gangs Commit Most U.S. Crime | Judicial Watch
I have no doubt that some, maybe many, of the homegrown Bundy-lovin' instigators are on their way to Murrieta with their assault rifles and Homer Simpson brains. They should be very careful, because I doubt the feds will tolerate their psycho shit this time.

Squaw, you are the perfect example of stupidity. Here you have the gov't FORCING unwanted, undesirable, disease prone, illiterate people onto a town that will have to use it's own resources to, at least protect with THEIR POLICE, and not rely on Federal protection. People that even an idiot like you should admit broke our current immigration laws, and has had a POTUS subvert that 2002 act that was meant to curtail HUMAN TRAFFICING, and NOT have a hundred thousand or more INVADERS taking away resources that our own people need!

The rightwing loves to demonize people of color

Describing immigrants as "third world invaders," who come to America to destroy our heritage, "colonize" the country and attack our "way of life." This charge is used against Hispanics, Asians and other people of color.

Using terminology that describes immigrants as part of "hordes" that "swarm" over the border. This dehumanizing language has become common.

Portraying immigrants as carriers of diseases like leprosy, tuberculosis, Chagas disease (a potentially fatal parasitic disease), dengue fever, polio, malaria.

Depicting immigrants as criminals, murderers, rapists, terrorists, and a danger to children and families.

Propagating conspiracy theories about an alleged secret "reconquista" plot by Mexican immigrants to create a "greater Mexico" by seizing seven states in the American Southwest that once belonged to Mexico.

They are ILLEGAL!!!!!

Look it up in a dictionary, shit for a name, and understand it!

What, we are now supposed to give back land won in war, and bought outright? ....How about the Mexican's getting the fuck out of Mexico and giving it back to that jackass, Lakota's people...after all it was SEIZED, STOLEN, and those people were murdered in cold blood over it!

Fucking shit for brains with another 10 Watt response! :cuckoo:
The obama regime opening fire on American citizens to protect foreign invaders is something America needs to see. The world needs to see it. An event like that would change the country forever.
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

Liberals treat Christian like crap. And I guarantee, Christians are stepping up to help. Doing more than you will ever do.
The obama regime opening fire on American citizens to protect foreign invaders is something America needs to see. The world needs to see it. An event like that would change the country forever.

They ALMOST did it to Bundy, and from current news clips, plan on doing it again, and soon. A death here over invaders being given so much preference over citizens, just might be that spark we have been waiting on.
The obama regime opening fire on American citizens to protect foreign invaders is something America needs to see. The world needs to see it. An event like that would change the country forever.

They ALMOST did it to Bundy, and from current news clips, plan on doing it again, and soon. A death here over invaders being given so much preference over citizens, just might be that spark we have been waiting on.

Exactly!!!!! You homegrown psychos are salivating for a spark. Well, sooner or later you'll get it, and the outcome will not be pretty.
The obama regime opening fire on American citizens to protect foreign invaders is something America needs to see. The world needs to see it. An event like that would change the country forever.

They ALMOST did it to Bundy, and from current news clips, plan on doing it again, and soon. A death here over invaders being given so much preference over citizens, just might be that spark we have been waiting on.

It's the spark many have been waiting for. The federal government firing on Americans rather than protecting the border is a sight that would rocket around the world. How many Americans would hold loyalty to a regime that did that? If the government will not protect us, why should we protect it? Many eyes are watching.

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