Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

Maybe the Bundy teabagger terrorists will rush to Murrieta with their assault rifles.

Would it really surprise you really ? Why call Americans terrorist ? It seems you folks can label anyone what you want to, but woe unto anyone having loose lips to label any of your ilk. Hypocrites from hades is what people for whom do this labeling then hide their hand is, but funny how these culprits who accuse another don't think so. WOW!

I have no doubt that some, maybe many, of the homegrown Bundy-lovin' instigators are on their way to Murrieta with their assault rifles and Homer Simpson brains. They should be very careful, because I doubt the feds will tolerate their psycho shit this time.
It's what you want isn't it ? I can almost see it dripping from your mouth in your blood lust there of, but you hide your own hand within your thoughts, because you aren't sure again of the long term outcomes to be found within your proposed bloody civil war in which you all might want between the feds and your enemies here.
"Local Christian Groups Scrambling to Help Illegal Immigrant Wave

Local non profits which work with children are scrambling to meet the needs of the thousands of Central American kids, teenagers, and families which have begun pouring into south Texas is recent weeks, 1200 WOAI news reports."

Local Christian Groups Scrambling to Help Illegal Immigrant Wave
As they should be, according to their Lord...
And your going to be where while this is going on ? Maybe watching to make sure the Christians carry your water bucket for you ?
"Local Christian Groups Scrambling to Help Illegal Immigrant Wave

Local non profits which work with children are scrambling to meet the needs of the thousands of Central American kids, teenagers, and families which have begun pouring into south Texas is recent weeks, 1200 WOAI news reports."

Local Christian Groups Scrambling to Help Illegal Immigrant Wave
As they should be, according to their Lord...
And your going to be where while this is going on ? Maybe watching to make sure the Christians carry your water bucket for you ?

Nah, more like The Joooos... He's a card carrying, iron cross wearing certified Jew hater.
Would it really surprise you really ? Why call Americans terrorist ? It seems you folks can label anyone what you want to, but woe unto anyone having loose lips to label any of your ilk. Hypocrites from hades is what people for whom do this labeling then hide their hand is, but funny how these culprits who accuse another don't think so. WOW!

I have no doubt that some, maybe many, of the homegrown Bundy-lovin' instigators are on their way to Murrieta with their assault rifles and Homer Simpson brains. They should be very careful, because I doubt the feds will tolerate their psycho shit this time.
It's what you want isn't it ? I can almost see it dripping from your mouth in your blood lust there of, but you hide your own hand within your thoughts, because you aren't sure again of the long term outcomes to be found within your proposed bloody civil war in which you all might want between the feds and your enemies here.

This is what the 2009 DHS report on the threat from homegrown rightwing extremists warned us about.

Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment
"Local Christian Groups Scrambling to Help Illegal Immigrant Wave

Local non profits which work with children are scrambling to meet the needs of the thousands of Central American kids, teenagers, and families which have begun pouring into south Texas is recent weeks, 1200 WOAI news reports."

Local Christian Groups Scrambling to Help Illegal Immigrant Wave
As they should be, according to their Lord...
And your going to be where while this is going on ? Maybe watching to make sure the Christians carry your water bucket for you ?

I'm going to be where I always am, standing on the cliffs looking out over the valleys below at the ongoing disaster known as human life...
I have no doubt that some, maybe many, of the homegrown Bundy-lovin' instigators are on their way to Murrieta with their assault rifles and Homer Simpson brains. They should be very careful, because I doubt the feds will tolerate their psycho shit this time.
It's what you want isn't it ? I can almost see it dripping from your mouth in your blood lust there of, but you hide your own hand within your thoughts, because you aren't sure again of the long term outcomes to be found within your proposed bloody civil war in which you all might want between the feds and your enemies here.

This is what the 1990 DHS report on the threat from homegrown rightwing extremists warned us about.

Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment

Bible Thumping gun loving Americans = Extremist
Bill Ayers, Domestic terrorist who blew up Federal Buildings = True American

The insanity of a Leftist is illustrated above^^
It's what you want isn't it ? I can almost see it dripping from your mouth in your blood lust there of, but you hide your own hand within your thoughts, because you aren't sure again of the long term outcomes to be found within your proposed bloody civil war in which you all might want between the feds and your enemies here.

This is what the 1990 DHS report on the threat from homegrown rightwing extremists warned us about.

Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment

Bible Thumping gun loving Americans = Extremist
Bill Ayers, Domestic terrorist who blew up Federal Buildings = True American

The insanity of a Leftist is illustrated above^^
All people who blow up buildings are extremists. Some have better reasons than others.
Now Nutz, it's like someone calling a black scumbag a "N" but that doesn't apply to all black people, just that black scumbag! We understand those on the left that TRY to intimidate with your logic, you call one a "N" and you call us all a "N", and are laughed at as being partisan, and yes, RACIST, as I'm sure you now realize! :D

See, now you gave owlboy talking points...he would have never been able to think of that himself...being a beaner and all!

:lmao: I kill myself.

Perhaps, but as we talked about, Stupidity is why I post to many, and usually you are better than this, but I can understand a little enjoyment out of confusing the opposition.:badgrin: I try to do it all the time, sometimes I actually catch a guppy that simply keeps fighting the line he's bitten into! Subversives are easy!

Notice, he still hasn't responded. I guess he is helping his kind to illegally cross the border and can't spare a minute to answer any questions.
Remember how the Mayans felt when the Conquistadors came along? The diseases did most of the work for them. Now, that we have disease ridden children crossing the border, just imagine how we Americans feel about catching a disease?

Sometimes I think liberals are too concerned for the welfare of illegal immigrants than they are of their own countrymen. That is sad.
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Oh please.. you don't even fucking know what your opinion is until you've read it on the Daily KOS website.. I've heard you talk about , "Da racist white man" for not allowing immigration.. Now that your boy king slung himself in to a pile of skunk shit and is trying to wade out of it, you Zombies are starting to sing a different tune.. that and you see Americans are PISSED.

Oh please.. you don't even fucking know what your opinion is until you've read it on the Daily KOS website.. I've heard you talk about , "Da racist white man" for not allowing immigration.. Now that your boy king slung himself in to a pile of skunk shit and is trying to wade out of it, you Zombies are starting to sing a different tune.. that and you see Americans are PISSED.

Holy shit, do you kiss people with that mouth?

Oh please.. you don't even fucking know what your opinion is until you've read it on the Daily KOS website.. I've heard you talk about , "Da racist white man" for not allowing immigration.. Now that your boy king slung himself in to a pile of skunk shit and is trying to wade out of it, you Zombies are starting to sing a different tune.. that and you see Americans are PISSED.

Holy shit, do you kiss people with that mouth?

Do you engage in complex thought with that void in your skull?

Oh please.. you don't even fucking know what your opinion is until you've read it on the Daily KOS website.. I've heard you talk about , "Da racist white man" for not allowing immigration.. Now that your boy king slung himself in to a pile of skunk shit and is trying to wade out of it, you Zombies are starting to sing a different tune.. that and you see Americans are PISSED.

Holy shit, do you kiss people with that mouth?

The Idiot replies with , "Holy shit" and then goes on to ask if I kiss people with my mouth.. IRONY ALERT
The obama regime opening fire on American citizens to protect foreign invaders is something America needs to see. The world needs to see it. An event like that would change the country forever.

They ALMOST did it to Bundy, and from current news clips, plan on doing it again, and soon. A death here over invaders being given so much preference over citizens, just might be that spark we have been waiting on.

Exactly!!!!! You homegrown psychos are salivating for a spark. Well, sooner or later you'll get it, and the outcome will not be pretty.

Better stay on the reservation....you won't like it out there once it happens! People might look for subversives!
They ALMOST did it to Bundy, and from current news clips, plan on doing it again, and soon. A death here over invaders being given so much preference over citizens, just might be that spark we have been waiting on.

Exactly!!!!! You homegrown psychos are salivating for a spark. Well, sooner or later you'll get it, and the outcome will not be pretty.

Better stay on the reservation....you won't like it out there once it happens! People might look for subversives!

Shitting Bull's a fucking drunk.. He won't listen to that.. That fucking idiot will be the first to get his ass sent back to MEH HI CO lmao
Exactly!!!!! You homegrown psychos are salivating for a spark. Well, sooner or later you'll get it, and the outcome will not be pretty.

Better stay on the reservation....you won't like it out there once it happens! People might look for subversives!

Shitting Bull's a fucking drunk.. He won't listen to that.. That fucking idiot will be the first to get his ass sent back to MEH HI CO lmao

I was thinking more in the ways of permanent residence here, but unable to move for eternity!
Better stay on the reservation....you won't like it out there once it happens! People might look for subversives!

Shitting Bull's a fucking drunk.. He won't listen to that.. That fucking idiot will be the first to get his ass sent back to MEH HI CO lmao

I was thinking more in the ways of permanent residence here, but unable to move for eternity!

You NaziCons are so full of hate and stupidity. No wonder you hate immigrant children who have fled a life of hunger, poverty, and violence.

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