Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

What a crock of POOP T, nice spin by the supposed Christian site and Fox news! BRAVO! :clap:

NO ONE is allowed in to see these refugees, these men were refused to enter the 72 hour holding area....NO reporters, no pastors etc....

This is just POLITICAL fodder bull crud of the SUPPOSED religious and honest right wing political pastors.

THE CHURCHES are there to help those in the 72 hour holding area when they come out and are greeted with food and clothes and water and money etc.....

Shame on Fox and these supposed Christians implying it was because they were Pastors that they were turned away! DISGRACEFUL!

Stunning display of idiocy and inability to stare at the truth.:eusa_hand:

WHY aren't they allowed in? Why are Congresscritters told they can't take pictures or talk to these people on the INSIDE?


Care is an idiot and a liar of long standing. She maintained for a very long time that she was a practicing Christian (and a Catholic at that) until finally she had to admit she was faking it to lend respectability to her insane baby-killing, anti-child stances.

You will never see her protest these sorts of abuses against children.

So who has forced you to get an abortion? and your phony christian tears for zygotes when you hate live children who happen to be Brown is nauseating. No wonder why you fundamentalist Christians are the least liked group in the U.S.

PS..I'm Southern Baptist.

Not fundamentalist. I know you don't understand the difference, but that's okay, druggie.
PS..I'm Southern Baptist.

Not fundamentalist. I know you don't understand the difference, but that's okay, druggie.

Oh that's right the, traitors who split to support slavery, nasty group of people in American history as there ever was
I like it when you continue to display your ignorance, even after your ignorance is exposed.

Keep going, guno! You're on a roll!
No need to call care names.

Prating at me will afford you nothing but disdain.

I don't really care, there is no reason for name calling. It doesn't further discussion or persuade anyone.

I don't care either.

Which is why you should stop prating. It doesn't further discussion or persuade anyone. It just takes up space and exposes you as a smug, self-righteous dick who doesn't mind undermining her own side with irrelevant observations in a discussion regarding human rights offenses.

We've had this conversation many times before. I remain hopeful that eventually, you'll catch on. Your officious nonsense is just that. Officious nonsense.
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And not like Christians as Christians understand it...but like Christians as they DICTATE Christians should act.
Liberals want government to be charitable so that faith in government supersedes faith in God.

They don't understand what charity is. Charity is freely giving of your own time, wealth or compassion without expecting anything in return.
Forcing people to pony up a portion of their wage in order to buy the faith of others, is NOT charity.
Liberals want government to be charitable so that faith in government supersedes faith in God.

They don't understand what charity is. Charity is freely giving of your own time, wealth or compassion without expecting anything in return.
Forcing people to pony up a portion of their wage in order to buy the faith of others, is NOT charity.

It is most certainly not CHARITY.

Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

Sounds like you're the one to answer the questions in this OP:

There are many asking, regarding the border crisis, "what about the children?"

Fair question. But these questions cannot be reduced to new obligations on the part of the people of the United States without asking the below questions to those quick to condemn the rest of us:

1. Did the parents of the migrant children ask, "what about the children", when they abandoned many of them at the border?

2. Did President Obama ask, "what about the children" of America's struggling parents just trying to survive this awful recession, before he decided to unilaterally and unconstitutionally change immigration law and divert our resources to the citizens of other countries?

3. Did congressional Democrats and Republicans ask "what about the children" of Baltimore, whose government has broken every promise to them of safety, security, and access to economic opportunity, before they sought to house illegal immigrants in their community, using their scarce tax-dollars, and against their wishes?

4. And, finally, has anyone asked "what about the children", if we continue to pretend that an open-ended welfare state without secure borders, will eventually collapse under a mountain of debt, leaving the children with nothing but a history lesson about what America once was?

Remember, immigration is a process and what is happening on the southern border is not immigration, it is policy-induced chaos.

What do you say?

Well, Lakhota? Still waiting for your answers. Seriously.

Still waiting.
What a crock of POOP T, nice spin by the supposed Christian site and Fox news! BRAVO! :clap:

NO ONE is allowed in to see these refugees, these men were refused to enter the 72 hour holding area....NO reporters, no pastors etc....

This is just POLITICAL fodder bull crud of the SUPPOSED religious and honest right wing political pastors.

THE CHURCHES are there to help those in the 72 hour holding area when they come out and are greeted with food and clothes and water and money etc.....

Shame on Fox and these supposed Christians implying it was because they were Pastors that they were turned away! DISGRACEFUL!
Stunning display of idiocy and inability to stare at the truth.:eusa_hand:

WHY aren't they allowed in? Why are Congresscritters told they can't take pictures or talk to these people on the INSIDE?


Care is an idiot and a liar of long standing. She maintained for a very long time that she was a practicing Christian (and a Catholic at that) until finally she had to admit she was faking it to lend respectability to her insane baby-killing, anti-child stances.

You will never see her protest these sorts of abuses against children.
The Jig was up a long time ago on her. She's a phony like the rest of the Statist idiots on these boards. Truth is their bane.
Liberal scum believe the Bible gives lazy people the right to sit on their ass demanding others take care of them and illegals can violate our borders/laws because nobody has a right to claim anything as their own (except them) on this planet.
The left hates Christians until they want everyone to act like a Christian.
Yes, and the only reason for that, is when it benefits them, then they want everyone to be a Christian in their picking and choosing, but only if they can't do it themselves for what ever reason that might be. After they get what they want, then it's back to bashing the Christians again, and especially these cake bakers lately.
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Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

Are there no Christians in the lands from whence these illegals hail from? Where's the "Christian compassion" from the Christians in their own land? Aren't libs the first to scream that America is no longer a Christian nation? Can't have it both ways ... ass.
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

Are there no Christians in the lands from whence these illegals hail from? Where's the "Christian compassion" from the Christians in their own land? Aren't libs the first to scream that America is no longer a Christian nation? Can't have it both ways ... ass.
They are all impoverished, you can't get blood out of a turnip....but there are Christians throughout the westernized nations that could help....maybe they are already, taking up collections? and why just Christians? I am certain there are other wealthy people throughout the world willing to contribute towards a charity for their well being...where's GHW Bush and Clinton when you need them? Or is this too politically hot for either of them to handle?

were you not taught in Sunday school that if you 'gave' when you had nothing to give, that you would be rewarded by God 10 fold? Or be rewarded by God with a special place in Heaven? And that even a thief or a murderer is kind to his mother, but it is what you do towards people you don't know, or that even are your enemies, that really counts?

When people persecute you, as a Christian, were you not taught that you should rejoice in such persecution?

Or that when Satan temps you or spills lies, that the way to combat him is with Scripture? And I don't mean with just spouting off any old passage in the Bible but by DOING what Christ taught on how to handle an adversary....(turn the cheek, walk the extra mile, love thy enemy) and (to visit the prisoner, feed the stranger, help the sick, the needy etc)this is one of the hardest things of all to do, I know!!!

And I stumble ALL the time with it, ESPECIALLY on this site where everyone seems to be real jack asses, to everyone, all the time...

but I succeed some times too....succeed in the sense that I did what Christ taught, I turned my cheek when they continued to slap, I tried to walk that extra mile with them, while they continued to persecute, I listened and tried to understand where they were coming from, instead of just dismissing them as non human entities, and I never lost my temper, and never lowered myself to their level of insults, even thow they were being thrown at me and others, left and right....

I guess this thread has perplexed me a bit with the reaction of fellow Christians...I don't understand why Christians wouldn't just see this ''condemnation of Christians'' as an opportunity, to show the op and the whole world, what being a follower of Christ and His teachings, are all about....?

That's what these kind of episodes and threads and crisis-es are truly all about imo....they are our opportunity as good Christians to prove the op's contentions are wrong, to witness to them, but not just through words from the Bible, but through our actions....by acting as Christ like as possible...

I know I'm babbling here, just thinking out loud I suppose....I wish things were not so shallow on this board, so black and white of hate and love and all revolving around political parties, instead of people.

And NO,

not a drop of alcohol in me....
We have allot of compassion for them, they need to be home with their parents and we should make that happen as soon as possible.

Duh, they left home to escape hunger, poverty, and violence. You don't sound like a Christian.

You don't sound like a Christian either. So what?

First off, when you open up an attack thread, you lose the moral ground to be accusing others of anything. You are so morally bankrupt, you don't even see the irony in your own actions.

"everyone else is supposed to act like a Christian, but me. I'm exempt. I'm allowed to judge everyone".

If you actually were decent enough to ask my position, I'd tell you..... I support legal immigration. I totally support that.

I have no problem with people in other countries applying for citizenship, and getting legal immigration status into the US. Some of my closest friends have all been immigrants.

BUT THEY WERE LEGAL. LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. (in fact I considered marrying one of them, but that's a different thread).

You support criminals. Whose the Christian now, huh? You support illegally entering the US, breaking our laws, and can't stand it when Christians are not supporting your criminal pandering butt?

You support anarchy and law breaking. Christians support civilization, and law abiding citizenship.

You morally bankrupt leftards, need to grow up. You throw rocks all the time, while living in your glass house. You dish it out, but can't take it. Become an adult for once in your life, and you might actually get the respect you so desperately want.
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