Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

That's what killers do. They pretend they have justification to kill.

Some of them claim that God grants them the right...like liberals are currently nutting out claiming that Christ was a Liberal and therefore is supportive of abortion, human trafficking, and totalitarianism.
I am not a Christian, but I have lost just about any compassion for " illegal immigrants" because they are abusing it. I have know Immigrants from other countries that have to pay thousands in legal fees and have to wait years before they are accepted by the INS. Is it compassionate to these people that immigrate legally to ignore scofflaws and scoundrels and the immense number of Hispanics that ignore immigration law and treat this issue like a entitlement? Is that FAIR even? I have no more compassion for these creeps.
Then you are no longer a Christian, you are a CINO, Christian in name only.
Given that you are not part of the Christian community, you do not get to make this call...
Oh but I do however she is hell-bound. Let's mush on.
And no, you don't know the faith.

Aren't you the same retard who claims that he doesn't need to read the links he uses to prove his stupid points...and the same retard who claims that he knows there's no human trafficking going on because he tried to pick up 15 year old girls from the refugee camps and didn't have any luck?

Yeah, your opinion carries some serious WEIGHT.
Sure you can judge.

But nobody will pay attention to your judgements, because your judgements have no weight. You aren't qualified to judge Christians, and you aren't knowledgeable enough to judge anyone else. You're just another idiot, spouting anti-Christian bigotry. You aren't unique..you aren't even interesting.
And no, you don't know the faith.

Aren't you the same retard who claims that he doesn't need to read the links he uses to prove his stupid points...and the same retard who claims that he knows there's no human trafficking going on because he tried to pick up 15 year old girls from the refugee camps and didn't have any luck?

Yeah, your opinion carries some serious WEIGHT.

You are absolutely not a Christian, and I don't read links on what I already know.

And learn to know a joke when you hear one.
Sure you can judge.

But nobody will pay attention to your judgements, because your judgements have no weight. You aren't qualified to judge Christians, and you aren't knowledgeable enough to judge anyone else. You're just another idiot, spouting anti-Christian bigotry. You aren't unique..you aren't even interesting.

Go forth little one, no one cares since it matters not.
And no, you don't know the faith.

Aren't you the same retard who claims that he doesn't need to read the links he uses to prove his stupid points...and the same retard who claims that he knows there's no human trafficking going on because he tried to pick up 15 year old girls from the refugee camps and didn't have any luck?

Yeah, your opinion carries some serious WEIGHT.

You are absolutely not a Christian, and I don't read links on what I already know.

And learn to know a joke when you hear one.

Spoken like a proud idiot!
And no, you don't know the faith.

Aren't you the same retard who claims that he doesn't need to read the links he uses to prove his stupid points...and the same retard who claims that he knows there's no human trafficking going on because he tried to pick up 15 year old girls from the refugee camps and didn't have any luck?

Yeah, your opinion carries some serious WEIGHT.

You are absolutely not a Christian, and I don't read links on what I already know.

And learn to know a joke when you hear one.

Spoken like a proud idiot!
That's you sweetcheeks. I know of what I speak including the fact that those here are not Christians...
Says you.
And, as pointed out by numerous posters..you aren't qualified, and have no authority in the subject. Scram, scum.
That was only true in the European version of events.

Indian "ownership" of land has far different implications.

For the most part, Indians didn't believe they "owned" the land. They believed they were a part of it.

You survival of the fittest atheists certainly have selective observations.

While you are giving your land to one of these natives, why don't you contemplate how natives never had a word for wheel.

I will let that marinate and I will now see how you really do not believe in the survival of the fittest in the human species.

However, it does exist in every other one.


Anyone ever notice that liberals do nothing for anyone? They claim they love the poor illegals, but they would never give up one of their little rooms. They do not even lift a finger. Then you have these assholes that feign outrage over the word REDSKINS and claim how they much they hate the land was taken from the native, however you would never see these liberals give up their land to a native. Ever notice that?

Other than the systematic destruction of America, what do liberals stand for? Name it. I will show how they are hypocrites about everything.

Ah so from a Christian perspective, when one set of Christians finds it impossible to live with another set of Christians, it's okay to impose on people from another land, move in, take their stuff and butcher them.

All praise Jesus.
You are what many would say or consider as an anti-American, and therefore you are an enemy to America as it stands by having words like you write from your thoughts against Americans.

Do you all realize that you are taking a stand against this nation and it's history (all of it's history be it bad and/or good) ?

It's like the Bible, where as either you see it all as credible and profitable in order to learn from it, or you see it as your enemy in which convicts you and convinces you in the end, and this whether you agree with it or not as the lessons are still the same.
Here is tonights CBS Evening News report on the meeting today of President Obama and Texas Governor Rick Perry. Perry released a letter he sent to President Obama in 2012 explaining exactly what was happening at the Border, and Obama ignored it. Watch Obama looking for someone to pass the buck to. Sorry, Barry, not this time.


Perry warned Obama before immigration crisis grew - Videos - CBS News

Did you know we aren't supposed to have a Standing Army? It's unconstitutional.

Guide to the Constitution

How is that related to this conversation?

We're talking about Christian charity towards immigrant children. Try to stick to the topic, or start another thread.
The discussion, at the moment, is about what are taxes are paying for, which just happens to be for what Jesus commanded his followers do, care for those in need and seeking shelter.
He commanded his followers, yes. He did not command Caesar to care for those in need and seeking shelter.
Government welfare is NOT charity. How many times do you need to be told that?
Any solution needs two things
1. An attempt to advance freedom and human rights within their own nations...
A truly admirable and noble and lofty sentiment.

A sentiment which, unfortunately, relates to something about which we can do very little.

Such things are up to them - not us.

Oh, we can certainly make a great and sustained show of lip-service in our dealings with such nations, but, in the end, we have our own to take care of, and such things are up to those people to accomplish for themselves, not us trying to force it upon them.

Besides - as I perceive it, and I could be wrong - it's not 'freedom' and 'human rights' that is driving these people North, but soul-crushing poverty.

We can do a little more about that than we can do about 'freedom' and 'human rights', but not much, and this, too, in the main, must come from them, not us.

...2. Amnesty for the children that don't have anyone to go home to.

What makes these poor children (and/or orphans) one whit different than the countless millions of other poor children around the world?


Their ethnic kinship to one of the ethnic voting blocs in this country?

These children are the responsibility of foreign families and (in the absence of families) foreign governments, not us.

We cannot and should not take-in every 'stray' that happens to make it across our border.

That's a sure path to ruin and bankruptcy, not to mention one of several major steps along the path to cultural and societal suicide.

Not to mention taking more money out of your pocket and mine, from which enough has already been drained.

You may be fine with more of your money being tasked for such purposes. I am not.

Take-in every stray that comes across our borders, that has no family to go back to?

No thank you.

I applaud your sentiments, but I do not share them.

I have an equal voice in this matter, metaphorically speaking.

And I vote "No".
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I am not a Christian, but I have lost just about any compassion for " illegal immigrants" because they are abusing it. I have know Immigrants from other countries that have to pay thousands in legal fees and have to wait years before they are accepted by the INS. Is it compassionate to these people that immigrate legally to ignore scofflaws and scoundrels and the immense number of Hispanics that ignore immigration law and treat this issue like a entitlement? Is that FAIR even? I have no more compassion for these creeps.

I agree. I have no problem with LEGAL immigation. Those folks went through the process.

I have a friend who came from Columbia. He spent years and thousands of dollars to become a legal America Citizen. He hung that baby on the wall in his living room. He was so proud to be an American.

Hell. Half these illegals don't want citizenship. They want the money they earn and send home to wherever the hell they came from. They have no problem sucking our social services dry.

Send these kids the hell back to wherever the hell they came from.
The anti Christians keep complaining about the lack of Christian response but they, particularly Lakhota, are still completely ignoring my questions.

What would Christians have to do for you to see a Christian response?

Because it's clear that reuniting children with their families in their own country is not Christian enough for you.

And it's clear fostering the children and raising them in good Christian families is not Christian for you.

So what exactly is? Why should we lock them up in camps and do nothing?

More importantly, why are you using these people to attack Christians and score perceived political points? People aren't meant to be used. Things are. People are supposed to be loved.

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