Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

Hey jackhole? WHY is the Federal Government turning away Christian Pastors that want to minister to these people?

They aren't part of the OFFICIAL Federal Program...:eusa_hand:


Politics: Feds refuse pastors access to children in immigration camps | Best of Cain

Thats a great question.. I'd like to see a liberal address this but none will.
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

Hey jackhole? WHY is the Federal Government turning away Christian Pastors that want to minister to these people?

They aren't part of the OFFICIAL Federal Program...:eusa_hand:


Politics: Feds refuse pastors access to children in immigration camps | Best of Cain

Thats a great question.. I'd like to see a liberal address this but none will.

There is something seriously sinister going on here...you know? Cloward and Pivenesque...Obama and the Statists are trying to overload the system. They don't want people to know the truth...and can't have outsiders blowing the whistle to expose what's really going on.

But these Statist asswipes like the OP want to rag on Christians for no good reason.
Hey jackhole? WHY is the Federal Government turning away Christian Pastors that want to minister to these people?

They aren't part of the OFFICIAL Federal Program...:eusa_hand:


Politics: Feds refuse pastors access to children in immigration camps | Best of Cain

Thats a great question.. I'd like to see a liberal address this but none will.

There is something seriously sinister going on here...you know? Cloward and Pivenesque...Obama and the Statists are trying to overload the system. They don't want people to know the truth...and can't have outsiders blowing the whistle to expose what's really going on.

But these Statist asswipes like the OP want to rag on Christians for no good reason.
What a crock of POOP T, nice spin by the supposed Christian site and Fox news! BRAVO! :clap:

NO ONE is allowed in to see these refugees, these men were refused to enter the 72 hour holding area....NO reporters, no pastors etc....

This is just POLITICAL fodder bull crud of the SUPPOSED religious and honest right wing political pastors.

THE CHURCHES are there to help those in the 72 hour holding area when they come out and are greeted with food and clothes and water and money etc.....

Shame on Fox and these supposed Christians implying it was because they were Pastors that they were turned away! DISGRACEFUL!
Thats a great question.. I'd like to see a liberal address this but none will.

There is something seriously sinister going on here...you know? Cloward and Pivenesque...Obama and the Statists are trying to overload the system. They don't want people to know the truth...and can't have outsiders blowing the whistle to expose what's really going on.

But these Statist asswipes like the OP want to rag on Christians for no good reason.
What a crock of POOP T, nice spin by the supposed Christian site and Fox news! BRAVO! :clap:

NO ONE is allowed in to see these refugees, these men were refused to enter the 72 hour holding area....NO reporters, no pastors etc....

This is just POLITICAL fodder bull crud of the SUPPOSED religious and honest right wing political pastors.

THE CHURCHES are there to help those in the 72 hour holding area when they come out and are greeted with food and clothes and water and money etc.....

Shame on Fox and these supposed Christians implying it was because they were Pastors that they were turned away! DISGRACEFUL!
Stunning display of idiocy and inability to stare at the truth.:eusa_hand:

WHY aren't they allowed in? Why are Congresscritters told they can't take pictures or talk to these people on the INSIDE?

Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

Hey jackhole? WHY is the Federal Government turning away Christian Pastors that want to minister to these people?

They aren't part of the OFFICIAL Federal Program...:eusa_hand:


Politics: Feds refuse pastors access to children in immigration camps | Best of Cain

yep that what the kids need now biblethumping "preachers" descending on them like locusts
Last edited:
Obama should have stopped that first bus of illegals that came across
the border from Mexico. He didn't and look where we are now. Obama is even afraid of going down to take a look. First time he is afraid of a photo op. He doesn't want to own this mess!

What a coward. A clueless leader who only knows how to do fund raisers. :mad:
GOP Congressman: Children At The Border Are Being Treated In A 'Lovely Way'

A Texas congressman thinks President Barack Obama should take action to send the unaccompanied minors at the U.S.-Mexico border back to their native countries because of "the lovely way they're being treated."

Appearing on Sean Hannity's radio show Wednesday, Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas) claimed the unaccompanied minors are receiving luxuries at the temporary facilities where they are being held.

MORE: GOP Congressman: Children At The Border Are Being Treated In A 'Lovely Way'

Being treated in a lovely way? Really? Receiving luxuries? Really? I can't imagine what being treated badly would be like.
There is something seriously sinister going on here...you know? Cloward and Pivenesque...Obama and the Statists are trying to overload the system. They don't want people to know the truth...and can't have outsiders blowing the whistle to expose what's really going on.

But these Statist asswipes like the OP want to rag on Christians for no good reason.
What a crock of POOP T, nice spin by the supposed Christian site and Fox news! BRAVO! :clap:

NO ONE is allowed in to see these refugees, these men were refused to enter the 72 hour holding area....NO reporters, no pastors etc....

This is just POLITICAL fodder bull crud of the SUPPOSED religious and honest right wing political pastors.

THE CHURCHES are there to help those in the 72 hour holding area when they come out and are greeted with food and clothes and water and money etc.....

Shame on Fox and these supposed Christians implying it was because they were Pastors that they were turned away! DISGRACEFUL!
Stunning display of idiocy and inability to stare at the truth.:eusa_hand:

WHY aren't they allowed in? Why are Congresscritters told they can't take pictures or talk to these people on the INSIDE?

They were NOT let in the holding area, because no one was allowed in....NOT BECAUSE they were Pastors, PERIOD. If these Pastors truly want to help, they will be there for these refugees when the 72 hour holding period is up....is that so hard to understand?

you want congress critters to have a political photo op on the inside? That borders exploitation of children in my book....
Thats a great question.. I'd like to see a liberal address this but none will.

There is something seriously sinister going on here...you know? Cloward and Pivenesque...Obama and the Statists are trying to overload the system. They don't want people to know the truth...and can't have outsiders blowing the whistle to expose what's really going on.

But these Statist asswipes like the OP want to rag on Christians for no good reason.
What a crock of POOP T, nice spin by the supposed Christian site and Fox news! BRAVO! :clap:

NO ONE is allowed in to see these refugees, these men were refused to enter the 72 hour holding area....NO reporters, no pastors etc....

This is just POLITICAL fodder bull crud of the SUPPOSED religious and honest right wing political pastors.

THE CHURCHES are there to help those in the 72 hour holding area when they come out and are greeted with food and clothes and water and money etc.....

Shame on Fox and these supposed Christians implying it was because they were Pastors that they were turned away! DISGRACEFUL!

Hm. So does PP get in?

you bet! Abortions for all! Hurry up and hook those kids with their pimps!
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

Hey jackhole? WHY is the Federal Government turning away Christian Pastors that want to minister to these people?

They aren't part of the OFFICIAL Federal Program...:eusa_hand:


Politics: Feds refuse pastors access to children in immigration camps | Best of Cain

yep that what the kids need now biblethumping "preachers" descending on them like locusts

These kids are from countries that are 90% Catholic. A preacher is just what they need right now.
Hey Lakhota, you are still ignoring my questions. What is the Christian response supposed to be?
Thats a great question.. I'd like to see a liberal address this but none will.

There is something seriously sinister going on here...you know? Cloward and Pivenesque...Obama and the Statists are trying to overload the system. They don't want people to know the truth...and can't have outsiders blowing the whistle to expose what's really going on.

But these Statist asswipes like the OP want to rag on Christians for no good reason.
What a crock of POOP T, nice spin by the supposed Christian site and Fox news! BRAVO! :clap:

NO ONE is allowed in to see these refugees, these men were refused to enter the 72 hour holding area....NO reporters, no pastors etc....

This is just POLITICAL fodder bull crud of the SUPPOSED religious and honest right wing political pastors.

THE CHURCHES are there to help those in the 72 hour holding area when they come out and are greeted with food and clothes and water and money etc.....

Shame on Fox and these supposed Christians implying it was because they were Pastors that they were turned away! DISGRACEFUL!

Seriously? All you have is an opinion, nothing more or less and you have the nerve to trash everything without considering what may really be happening?

You are nothing but a partisan hack and you don't care or want the truth, you want to be bull shitted. Grow up.
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

Hey jackhole? WHY is the Federal Government turning away Christian Pastors that want to minister to these people?

They aren't part of the OFFICIAL Federal Program...:eusa_hand:


Politics: Feds refuse pastors access to children in immigration camps | Best of Cain

yep that what the kids need now biblethumping "preachers" descending on them like locusts
Considering most are Catholic and most do have strong religious connections, a kind comforting word from a respected person could help. They don't need to be preached at and most pastors don't however, you are full of excuses and BS, so you aren't at all worried about the children, you just want to push agendas.
There is something seriously sinister going on here...you know? Cloward and Pivenesque...Obama and the Statists are trying to overload the system. They don't want people to know the truth...and can't have outsiders blowing the whistle to expose what's really going on.

But these Statist asswipes like the OP want to rag on Christians for no good reason.
What a crock of POOP T, nice spin by the supposed Christian site and Fox news! BRAVO! :clap:

NO ONE is allowed in to see these refugees, these men were refused to enter the 72 hour holding area....NO reporters, no pastors etc....

This is just POLITICAL fodder bull crud of the SUPPOSED religious and honest right wing political pastors.

THE CHURCHES are there to help those in the 72 hour holding area when they come out and are greeted with food and clothes and water and money etc.....

Shame on Fox and these supposed Christians implying it was because they were Pastors that they were turned away! DISGRACEFUL!
Stunning display of idiocy and inability to stare at the truth.:eusa_hand:

WHY aren't they allowed in? Why are Congresscritters told they can't take pictures or talk to these people on the INSIDE?


Care is an idiot and a liar of long standing. She maintained for a very long time that she was a practicing Christian (and a Catholic at that) until finally she had to admit she was faking it to lend respectability to her insane baby-killing, anti-child stances.

You will never see her protest these sorts of abuses against children.
What a crock of POOP T, nice spin by the supposed Christian site and Fox news! BRAVO! :clap:

NO ONE is allowed in to see these refugees, these men were refused to enter the 72 hour holding area....NO reporters, no pastors etc....

This is just POLITICAL fodder bull crud of the SUPPOSED religious and honest right wing political pastors.

THE CHURCHES are there to help those in the 72 hour holding area when they come out and are greeted with food and clothes and water and money etc.....

Shame on Fox and these supposed Christians implying it was because they were Pastors that they were turned away! DISGRACEFUL!
Stunning display of idiocy and inability to stare at the truth.:eusa_hand:

WHY aren't they allowed in? Why are Congresscritters told they can't take pictures or talk to these people on the INSIDE?


Care is an idiot and a liar of long standing. She maintained for a very long time that she was a practicing Christian (and a Catholic at that) until finally she had to admit she was faking it to lend respectability to her insane baby-killing, anti-child stances.

You will never see her protest these sorts of abuses against children.
You are absolutely certifiably, insane Allie and big big big liar....as I have told you before, I feel sorry for you...truly do!
There is something seriously sinister going on here...you know? Cloward and Pivenesque...Obama and the Statists are trying to overload the system. They don't want people to know the truth...and can't have outsiders blowing the whistle to expose what's really going on.

But these Statist asswipes like the OP want to rag on Christians for no good reason.
What a crock of POOP T, nice spin by the supposed Christian site and Fox news! BRAVO! :clap:

NO ONE is allowed in to see these refugees, these men were refused to enter the 72 hour holding area....NO reporters, no pastors etc....

This is just POLITICAL fodder bull crud of the SUPPOSED religious and honest right wing political pastors.

THE CHURCHES are there to help those in the 72 hour holding area when they come out and are greeted with food and clothes and water and money etc.....

Shame on Fox and these supposed Christians implying it was because they were Pastors that they were turned away! DISGRACEFUL!

Seriously? All you have is an opinion, nothing more or less and you have the nerve to trash everything without considering what may really be happening?

You are nothing but a partisan hack and you don't care or want the truth, you want to be bull shitted. Grow up.
I am not claiming things are perfect with having to hold these people for 72 hours before turning over to DHS/or other people, but I do know it would be irresponsible for our gvt to let Pastors and Congress critters, and news teams in to the holding centers where these refugees are being processed...especially if the claims are true regarding them having TB and lice and the scabies etc, and also possible exploitation and privacy rights of the children there....

What is it that you CLAIM is happening in these holding areas??? And do you have any reputable proof of these claims, if you have any?

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