Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

Are there no Christians in the lands from whence these illegals hail from? Where's the "Christian compassion" from the Christians in their own land? Aren't libs the first to scream that America is no longer a Christian nation? Can't have it both ways ... ass.
They are all impoverished, you can't get blood out of a turnip....but there are Christians throughout the westernized nations that could help....maybe they are already, taking up collections? and why just Christians? I am certain there are other wealthy people throughout the world willing to contribute towards a charity for their well being...where's GHW Bush and Clinton when you need them? Or is this too politically hot for either of them to handle?

were you not taught in Sunday school that if you 'gave' when you had nothing to give, that you would be rewarded by God 10 fold? Or be rewarded by God with a special place in Heaven? And that even a thief or a murderer is kind to his mother, but it is what you do towards people you don't know, or that even are your enemies, that really counts?

When people persecute you, as a Christian, were you not taught that you should rejoice in such persecution?

Or that when Satan temps you or spills lies, that the way to combat him is with Scripture? And I don't mean with just spouting off any old passage in the Bible but by DOING what Christ taught on how to handle an adversary....(turn the cheek, walk the extra mile, love thy enemy) and (to visit the prisoner, feed the stranger, help the sick, the needy etc)this is one of the hardest things of all to do, I know!!!

And I stumble ALL the time with it, ESPECIALLY on this site where everyone seems to be real jack asses, to everyone, all the time...

but I succeed some times too....succeed in the sense that I did what Christ taught, I turned my cheek when they continued to slap, I tried to walk that extra mile with them, while they continued to persecute, I listened and tried to understand where they were coming from, instead of just dismissing them as non human entities, and I never lost my temper, and never lowered myself to their level of insults, even thow they were being thrown at me and others, left and right....

I guess this thread has perplexed me a bit with the reaction of fellow Christians...I don't understand why Christians wouldn't just see this ''condemnation of Christians'' as an opportunity, to show the op and the whole world, what being a follower of Christ and His teachings, are all about....?

That's what these kind of episodes and threads and crisis-es are truly all about imo....they are our opportunity as good Christians to prove the op's contentions are wrong, to witness to them, but not just through words from the Bible, but through our actions....by acting as Christ like as possible...

I know I'm babbling here, just thinking out loud I suppose....I wish things were not so shallow on this board, so black and white of hate and love and all revolving around political parties, instead of people.

And NO,

not a drop of alcohol in me....
You see, you start from a position of judgement, and that is where you draw your condemnation from.
Not much compassion by promiscuous Native American babes who were taught by 100 years of propaganda to rely on government funded birth control methods.
We have allot of compassion for them, they need to be home with their parents and we should make that happen as soon as possible.

Duh, they left home to escape hunger, poverty, and violence. You don't sound like a Christian.

You don't sound like a Christian either. So what?

First off, when you open up an attack thread, you lose the moral ground to be accusing others of anything. You are so morally bankrupt, you don't even see the irony in your own actions.

"everyone else is supposed to act like a Christian, but me. I'm exempt. I'm allowed to judge everyone".

If you actually were decent enough to ask my position, I'd tell you..... I support legal immigration. I totally support that.

I have no problem with people in other countries applying for citizenship, and getting legal immigration status into the US. Some of my closest friends have all been immigrants.

BUT THEY WERE LEGAL. LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. (in fact I considering marrying one of them, but that's a different thread).

You support criminals. Whose the Christian now, huh? You support illegally entering the US, breaking our laws, and can't stand it when Christians are not supporting your criminal pandering butt?

You support anarchy and law breaking. Christians support civilization, and law abiding citizenship.

You morally bankrupt leftards, need to grow up. You throw rocks all the time, while living in your glass house. You dish it out, but can't take it. Become an adult for once in your life, and you might actually get the respect you so desperately want.
Yep I agree..
Are there no Christians in the lands from whence these illegals hail from? Where's the "Christian compassion" from the Christians in their own land? Aren't libs the first to scream that America is no longer a Christian nation? Can't have it both ways ... ass.
They are all impoverished, you can't get blood out of a turnip....but there are Christians throughout the westernized nations that could help....maybe they are already, taking up collections? and why just Christians? I am certain there are other wealthy people throughout the world willing to contribute towards a charity for their well being...where's GHW Bush and Clinton when you need them? Or is this too politically hot for either of them to handle?

were you not taught in Sunday school that if you 'gave' when you had nothing to give, that you would be rewarded by God 10 fold? Or be rewarded by God with a special place in Heaven? And that even a thief or a murderer is kind to his mother, but it is what you do towards people you don't know, or that even are your enemies, that really counts?

When people persecute you, as a Christian, were you not taught that you should rejoice in such persecution?

Or that when Satan temps you or spills lies, that the way to combat him is with Scripture? And I don't mean with just spouting off any old passage in the Bible but by DOING what Christ taught on how to handle an adversary....(turn the cheek, walk the extra mile, love thy enemy) and (to visit the prisoner, feed the stranger, help the sick, the needy etc)this is one of the hardest things of all to do, I know!!!

And I stumble ALL the time with it, ESPECIALLY on this site where everyone seems to be real jack asses, to everyone, all the time...

but I succeed some times too....succeed in the sense that I did what Christ taught, I turned my cheek when they continued to slap, I tried to walk that extra mile with them, while they continued to persecute, I listened and tried to understand where they were coming from, instead of just dismissing them as non human entities, and I never lost my temper, and never lowered myself to their level of insults, even thow they were being thrown at me and others, left and right....

I guess this thread has perplexed me a bit with the reaction of fellow Christians...I don't understand why Christians wouldn't just see this ''condemnation of Christians'' as an opportunity, to show the op and the whole world, what being a follower of Christ and His teachings, are all about....?

That's what these kind of episodes and threads and crisis-es are truly all about imo....they are our opportunity as good Christians to prove the op's contentions are wrong, to witness to them, but not just through words from the Bible, but through our actions....by acting as Christ like as possible...

I know I'm babbling here, just thinking out loud I suppose....I wish things were not so shallow on this board, so black and white of hate and love and all revolving around political parties, instead of people.

And NO,

not a drop of alcohol in me....
You see, you start from a position of judgement, and that is where you draw your condemnation from.
please explain?
They are all impoverished, you can't get blood out of a turnip....but there are Christians throughout the westernized nations that could help....maybe they are already, taking up collections? and why just Christians? I am certain there are other wealthy people throughout the world willing to contribute towards a charity for their well being...where's GHW Bush and Clinton when you need them? Or is this too politically hot for either of them to handle?

were you not taught in Sunday school that if you 'gave' when you had nothing to give, that you would be rewarded by God 10 fold? Or be rewarded by God with a special place in Heaven? And that even a thief or a murderer is kind to his mother, but it is what you do towards people you don't know, or that even are your enemies, that really counts?

When people persecute you, as a Christian, were you not taught that you should rejoice in such persecution?

Or that when Satan temps you or spills lies, that the way to combat him is with Scripture? And I don't mean with just spouting off any old passage in the Bible but by DOING what Christ taught on how to handle an adversary....(turn the cheek, walk the extra mile, love thy enemy) and (to visit the prisoner, feed the stranger, help the sick, the needy etc)this is one of the hardest things of all to do, I know!!!

And I stumble ALL the time with it, ESPECIALLY on this site where everyone seems to be real jack asses, to everyone, all the time...

but I succeed some times too....succeed in the sense that I did what Christ taught, I turned my cheek when they continued to slap, I tried to walk that extra mile with them, while they continued to persecute, I listened and tried to understand where they were coming from, instead of just dismissing them as non human entities, and I never lost my temper, and never lowered myself to their level of insults, even thow they were being thrown at me and others, left and right....

I guess this thread has perplexed me a bit with the reaction of fellow Christians...I don't understand why Christians wouldn't just see this ''condemnation of Christians'' as an opportunity, to show the op and the whole world, what being a follower of Christ and His teachings, are all about....?

That's what these kind of episodes and threads and crisis-es are truly all about imo....they are our opportunity as good Christians to prove the op's contentions are wrong, to witness to them, but not just through words from the Bible, but through our actions....by acting as Christ like as possible...

I know I'm babbling here, just thinking out loud I suppose....I wish things were not so shallow on this board, so black and white of hate and love and all revolving around political parties, instead of people.

And NO,

not a drop of alcohol in me....
You see, you start from a position of judgement, and that is where you draw your condemnation from.
please explain?
What is there to explain, just go back and read your own writings.. You try and accuse Christians of not being Christians in a crisis, and then you use the Bible to try and do so.
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Are there no Christians in the lands from whence these illegals hail from? Where's the "Christian compassion" from the Christians in their own land? Aren't libs the first to scream that America is no longer a Christian nation? Can't have it both ways ... ass.
They are all impoverished, you can't get blood out of a turnip....but there are Christians throughout the westernized nations that could help....maybe they are already, taking up collections? and why just Christians? I am certain there are other wealthy people throughout the world willing to contribute towards a charity for their well being...where's GHW Bush and Clinton when you need them? Or is this too politically hot for either of them to handle?

were you not taught in Sunday school that if you 'gave' when you had nothing to give, that you would be rewarded by God 10 fold? Or be rewarded by God with a special place in Heaven? And that even a thief or a murderer is kind to his mother, but it is what you do towards people you don't know, or that even are your enemies, that really counts?

When people persecute you, as a Christian, were you not taught that you should rejoice in such persecution?

Or that when Satan temps you or spills lies, that the way to combat him is with Scripture? And I don't mean with just spouting off any old passage in the Bible but by DOING what Christ taught on how to handle an adversary....(turn the cheek, walk the extra mile, love thy enemy) and (to visit the prisoner, feed the stranger, help the sick, the needy etc)this is one of the hardest things of all to do, I know!!!

And I stumble ALL the time with it, ESPECIALLY on this site where everyone seems to be real jack asses, to everyone, all the time...

but I succeed some times too....succeed in the sense that I did what Christ taught, I turned my cheek when they continued to slap, I tried to walk that extra mile with them, while they continued to persecute, I listened and tried to understand where they were coming from, instead of just dismissing them as non human entities, and I never lost my temper, and never lowered myself to their level of insults, even thow they were being thrown at me and others, left and right....

I guess this thread has perplexed me a bit with the reaction of fellow Christians...I don't understand why Christians wouldn't just see this ''condemnation of Christians'' as an opportunity, to show the op and the whole world, what being a follower of Christ and His teachings, are all about....?

That's what these kind of episodes and threads and crisis-es are truly all about imo....they are our opportunity as good Christians to prove the op's contentions are wrong, to witness to them, but not just through words from the Bible, but through our actions....by acting as Christ like as possible...

I know I'm babbling here, just thinking out loud I suppose....I wish things were not so shallow on this board, so black and white of hate and love and all revolving around political parties, instead of people.

And NO,

not a drop of alcohol in me....
You see, you start from a position of judgement, and that is where you draw your condemnation from.

who has she 'condemned' exactly...? 'condemnation' is what YOU SEE. :lol:
This nation in order to fulfill it's Christian duties, should be working immediately to find out the problem in the country of origin, and then begin stiff talks with the government of that nation in order to stem the tide, and fix the problem immediately. It is a sin in my opinion to just put a band aid on something like this. The children need not to have to go through such trying times without something being done on their behalf back home.
For us with the blessings we have been given here, to not be able to shine the light on a country that is operating in darkness, is denying the blessings and responsibilities that we have been given to us in our blessings. A blessing can be made up of many things.. Common sense and knowledge are just a few that comes to mind.
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In the religion called government, you two (you and Lakhota) would be loyal acolytes.

They are all impoverished, you can't get blood out of a turnip....but there are Christians throughout the westernized nations that could help....maybe they are already, taking up collections?

We are the turnip! That might be all well and good, but the only Christians being affected here are the ones in the United States. Most of us were taught to obey the law, not skirt it with our own children.

I am certain there are other wealthy people throughout the world willing to contribute towards a charity for their well being...where's GHW Bush and Clinton when you need them? Or is this too politically hot for either of them to handle?

Where is our obedience of the law when we need it? Compassion is secondary when you endanger the health and safety of other Americans. How can you sit there and judge with utter impunity those who want what's best for America?

were you not taught in Sunday school that if you 'gave' when you had nothing to give, that you would be rewarded by God 10 fold?

Yes, but we were also taught not to break the law, miss. For breaking man's law means breaking God's law. You have a lot to learn about Christians before you start judging them.

Or be rewarded by God with a special place in Heaven?

A man cannot go to heaven on works alone, good works without good faith is dead. If faith without works is dead, so is your work without faith. You misconstrue what it means to be a Christian, milady.

And that even a thief or a murderer is kind to his mother, but it is what you do towards people you don't know, or that even are your enemies, that really counts?

We have an obligation to take care of our families too.

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."

1 Timothy 5:8

When people persecute you, as a Christian, were you not taught that you should rejoice in such persecution?

Who is persecuting whom? You should ask Lakhota that question.

Or that when Satan tempts you or spills lies, that the way to combat him is with Scripture? And I don't mean with just spouting off any old passage in the Bible but by DOING what Christ taught on how to handle an adversary....(turn the cheek, walk the extra mile, love thy enemy) and (to visit the prisoner, feed the stranger, help the sick, the needy etc)this is one of the hardest things of all to do, I know!!!

So, Satan is telling us not to take care of these illegal children? Do you hear yourself? Stop preaching. Frankly I am offended at how you tried to twist Christianity in such a way, just so we could ignore the law and give amnesty to these children.
In the religion called government, you two (you and Lakhota) would be loyal acolytes.

They are all impoverished, you can't get blood out of a turnip....but there are Christians throughout the westernized nations that could help....maybe they are already, taking up collections?

We are the turnip! That might be all well and good, but the only Christians being affected here are the ones in the United States. Most of us were taught to obey the law, not skirt it with our own children.

I am certain there are other wealthy people throughout the world willing to contribute towards a charity for their well being...where's GHW Bush and Clinton when you need them? Or is this too politically hot for either of them to handle?

Where is our obedience of the law when we need it? Compassion is secondary when you endanger the health and safety of other Americans. How can you sit there and judge with utter impunity those who want what's best for America?

Yes, but we were also taught not to break the law, miss. For breaking man's law means breaking God's law. You have a lot to learn about Christians before you start judging them.

A man cannot go to heaven on works alone, good works without good faith is dead. If faith without works is dead, so is your work without faith. You misconstrue what it means to be a Christian, milady.

We have an obligation to take care of our families too.

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."

1 Timothy 5:8

When people persecute you, as a Christian, were you not taught that you should rejoice in such persecution?

Who is persecuting whom? You should ask Lakhota that question.

Or that when Satan tempts you or spills lies, that the way to combat him is with Scripture? And I don't mean with just spouting off any old passage in the Bible but by DOING what Christ taught on how to handle an adversary....(turn the cheek, walk the extra mile, love thy enemy) and (to visit the prisoner, feed the stranger, help the sick, the needy etc)this is one of the hardest things of all to do, I know!!!

So, Satan is telling us not to take care of these illegal children? Do you hear yourself? Stop preaching. Frankly I am offended at how you tried to twist Christianity in such a way, just so we could ignore the law and give amnesty to these children.

i noticed you cut out the true context of her words and reassigned them to suit your purpose.

Or that when Satan temps you or spills lies, that the way to combat him is with Scripture? And I don't mean with just spouting off any old passage in the Bible but by DOING what Christ taught on how to handle an adversary....(turn the cheek, walk the extra mile, love thy enemy) and (to visit the prisoner, feed the stranger, help the sick, the needy etc)this is one of the hardest things of all to do, I know!!!

And I stumble ALL the time with it, ESPECIALLY on this site where everyone seems to be real jack asses, to everyone, all the time...

but I succeed some times too....succeed in the sense that I did what Christ taught, I turned my cheek when they continued to slap, I tried to walk that extra mile with them, while they continued to persecute, I listened and tried to understand where they were coming from, instead of just dismissing them as non human entities, and I never lost my temper, and never lowered myself to their level of insults, even thow they were being thrown at me and others, left and right....

I guess this thread has perplexed me a bit with the reaction of fellow Christians...I don't understand why Christians wouldn't just see this ''condemnation of Christians'' as an opportunity, to show the op and the whole world, what being a follower of Christ and His teachings, are all about....?

That's what these kind of episodes and threads and crisis-es are truly all about imo....they are our opportunity as good Christians to prove the op's contentions are wrong, to witness to them, but not just through words from the Bible, but through our actions....
This nation in order to fulfill it's Christian duties, should be working immediately to find out the problem in the country of origin, and then begin stiff talks with the government of that nation in order to stem the tide, and fix the problem immediately. It is a sin in my opinion to just put a band aid on something like this. The children need not to have to go through such trying times without something being done on their behalf back home.

For us with the blessings we have been given here, to not be able to shine the light on a country that is operating in darkness, is denying the blessings and responsibilities that we have been given to us in our blessings. A blessing can be made up of many things.. Common sense and knowledge are just a few that comes to mind.

Er... no.

Nations, do not have "christian duties". Christian PEOPLE have Christian duties.

And I think Christian people are doing those duties.

I do not believe that somehow the nation itself is obligated to fix problems in other lands.

If we did.... Then we should be going into every country in the entire world. We should be going into Crimea and Russia too. Right? There are people being abused in both Russia and Crimea, so let's go.

Obviously... at least I hope it is obvious, that this would be a bad plan.

It's not the job of Christians to fix everyone's life.

Even as a Christian individual, it's not your job to fix the lives of everyone around you. If your broke brother-in-law, is an alcoholic, and you happen to be fairly successful... do you start giving him money non-stop?

No. You can't force other people to live intelligently. Just like you can't force Mexicans to live intelligently, and get rid of the gangs.

Shining a light on the darkness, doesn't mean grabbing people, and dragging them kicking and screaming to the light.

You need to read your Bible more. Jesus, nor any of the prophets, nor the early church, ever tried to force people to come to the light. Only the people who asked for help.

Again, I do support legal immigration. But you will never ultimately end up with good, by promoting violation of law. Promoting illegal immigration will never end up with good results.
In the religion called government, you two (you and Lakhota) would be loyal acolytes.

They are all impoverished, you can't get blood out of a turnip....but there are Christians throughout the westernized nations that could help....maybe they are already, taking up collections?

We are the turnip! That might be all well and good, but the only Christians being affected here are the ones in the United States. Most of us were taught to obey the law, not skirt it with our own children.

Where is our obedience of the law when we need it? Compassion is secondary when you endanger the health and safety of other Americans. How can you sit there and judge with utter impunity those who want what's best for America?

Yes, but we were also taught not to break the law, miss. For breaking man's law means breaking God's law. You have a lot to learn about Christians before you start judging them.

A man cannot go to heaven on works alone, good works without good faith is dead. If faith without works is dead, so is your work without faith. You misconstrue what it means to be a Christian, milady.

We have an obligation to take care of our families too.

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."

1 Timothy 5:8

Who is persecuting whom? You should ask Lakhota that question.

Or that when Satan tempts you or spills lies, that the way to combat him is with Scripture? And I don't mean with just spouting off any old passage in the Bible but by DOING what Christ taught on how to handle an adversary....(turn the cheek, walk the extra mile, love thy enemy) and (to visit the prisoner, feed the stranger, help the sick, the needy etc)this is one of the hardest things of all to do, I know!!!

So, Satan is telling us not to take care of these illegal children? Do you hear yourself? Stop preaching. Frankly I am offended at how you tried to twist Christianity in such a way, just so we could ignore the law and give amnesty to these children.

i noticed you cut out the true context of her words and reassigned them to suit your purpose.

Or that when Satan temps you or spills lies, that the way to combat him is with Scripture? And I don't mean with just spouting off any old passage in the Bible but by DOING what Christ taught on how to handle an adversary....(turn the cheek, walk the extra mile, love thy enemy) and (to visit the prisoner, feed the stranger, help the sick, the needy etc)this is one of the hardest things of all to do, I know!!!

And I stumble ALL the time with it, ESPECIALLY on this site where everyone seems to be real jack asses, to everyone, all the time...

but I succeed some times too....succeed in the sense that I did what Christ taught, I turned my cheek when they continued to slap, I tried to walk that extra mile with them, while they continued to persecute, I listened and tried to understand where they were coming from, instead of just dismissing them as non human entities, and I never lost my temper, and never lowered myself to their level of insults, even thow they were being thrown at me and others, left and right....

I guess this thread has perplexed me a bit with the reaction of fellow Christians...I don't understand why Christians wouldn't just see this ''condemnation of Christians'' as an opportunity, to show the op and the whole world, what being a follower of Christ and His teachings, are all about....?

That's what these kind of episodes and threads and crisis-es are truly all about imo....they are our opportunity as good Christians to prove the op's contentions are wrong, to witness to them, but not just through words from the Bible, but through our actions....
So are you one of the lawless ones also ? There is law, and then there is compassion in the law, but it does not mean that the laws must not stand or should be stepped on completly. We should have enough sense to get this done, and to help fix the problems with these other nations, and to see happiness return to these children when home with their families as is found within their own nation once again.
This nation in order to fulfill it's Christian duties, should be working immediately to find out the problem in the country of origin, and then begin stiff talks with the government of that nation in order to stem the tide, and fix the problem immediately. It is a sin in my opinion to just put a band aid on something like this. The children need not to have to go through such trying times without something being done on their behalf back home.

For us with the blessings we have been given here, to not be able to shine the light on a country that is operating in darkness, is denying the blessings and responsibilities that we have been given to us in our blessings. A blessing can be made up of many things.. Common sense and knowledge are just a few that comes to mind.

Er... no.

Nations, do not have "christian duties". Christian PEOPLE have Christian duties.

And I think Christian people are doing those duties.

I do not believe that somehow the nation itself is obligated to fix problems in other lands.

If we did.... Then we should be going into every country in the entire world. We should be going into Crimea and Russia too. Right? There are people being abused in both Russia and Crimea, so let's go.

Obviously... at least I hope it is obvious, that this would be a bad plan.

It's not the job of Christians to fix everyone's life.

Even as a Christian individual, it's not your job to fix the lives of everyone around you. If your broke brother-in-law, is an alcoholic, and you happen to be fairly successful... do you start giving him money non-stop?

No. You can't force other people to live intelligently. Just like you can't force Mexicans to live intelligently, and get rid of the gangs.

Shining a light on the darkness, doesn't mean grabbing people, and dragging them kicking and screaming to the light.

You need to read your Bible more. Jesus, nor any of the prophets, nor the early church, ever tried to force people to come to the light. Only the people who asked for help.

Again, I do support legal immigration. But you will never ultimately end up with good, by promoting violation of law. Promoting illegal immigration will never end up with good results.
Uh no, we should not be going into places like Crimea to assist other nations in such a situation ALONE ever, but when we have these people coming across our borders in droves, then yes we should be going down and having a talk with their government. We should get the ball rolling on why there is a problem, and then try and fix the problem before it becomes a huge out of control problem here.. PERIOD!
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You see, you start from a position of judgement, and that is where you draw your condemnation from.
please explain?
What is there to explain, just go back and read your own writings.. You try and accuse Christians of not being Christians in a crisis, and then you use the Bible to try and do so.
Is it wrong to use Christ's teachings from the Bible with Christians? Or do you reject what Jesus taught....?

To me, every red letter word in the Bible is worth reading and repeating, until it gets through my thick head!!! Christ's words and teachings may be getting to your heart and conscience, and this is why you label it as condemnation??? But please, I am not trying to condemn you, I'm trying to understand you, as fellow Christians and as real live, flesh and blood human beings.

There have been some valid reasons posted of why users here don't think it is a good idea for these refugees to stay, but they were surrounded by so much other vitrol, that they are being ignored or dismissed...

1- we do have a huge illegal immigration problem in this country already, that is unsolved and frozen by Congress's lack of action, and these refugees will add to the chaos.

2- not so much these children refugees, but with borders this open and fluid, how can we be certain terrorists can't get through as well?

3- if we allow these refugees in scott free, there will be hundreds of thousands of more illegal immigrants to follow, our gvt can't feed and house the entire world's poor

4- they will end up taking jobs the American poor usually do, making American unemployment even higher for low end workers

Are just a few of the things mentioned that are worth debating....

It's just that all of the name calling, and trying to pin something on Obama, or bush, or whom ever is politically ripe for the pickings, has so "electrified" this problem we have as Americans, that 'debate' never ends up being true debate, but ends up being who can out scream or out insult, or out accuse, the other.
please explain?
What is there to explain, just go back and read your own writings.. You try and accuse Christians of not being Christians in a crisis, and then you use the Bible to try and do so.
Is it wrong to use Christ's teachings from the Bible with Christians? Or do you reject what Jesus taught....?

To me, every red letter word in the Bible is worth reading and repeating, until it gets through my thick head!!! Christ's words and teachings may be getting to your heart and conscience, and this is why you label it as condemnation??? But please, I am not trying to condemn you, I'm trying to understand you, as fellow Christians and as real live, flesh and blood human beings.

There have been some valid reasons posted of why users here don't think it is a good idea for these refugees to stay, but they were surrounded by so much other vitrol, that they are being ignored or dismissed...

1- we do have a huge illegal immigration problem in this country already, that is unsolved and frozen by Congress's lack of action, and these refugees will add to the chaos.

2- not so much these children refugees, but with borders this open and fluid, how can we be certain terrorists can't get through as well?

3- if we allow these refugees in scott free, there will be hundreds of thousands of more illegal immigrants to follow, our gvt can't feed and house the entire world's poor

4- they will end up taking jobs the American poor usually do, making American unemployment even higher for low end workers

Are just a few of the things mentioned that are worth debating....

It's just that all of the name calling, and trying to pin something on Obama, or bush, or whom ever is politically ripe for the pickings, has so "electrified" this problem we have as Americans, that 'debate' never ends up being true debate, but ends up being who can out scream or out insult, or out accuse, the other.
First of all, where do your loyalties lay, otherwise are they with Christ or are you using Christ as a liberal democrat would maybe, and this in order to battle what you feel are those who stand in your way concerning the issues, and yet only to leave Christ behind when all is said and done ? Don't get offended, I'm just trying to see where it is that you are truly coming in from.
In the religion called government, you two (you and Lakhota) would be loyal acolytes.

They are all impoverished, you can't get blood out of a turnip....but there are Christians throughout the westernized nations that could help....maybe they are already, taking up collections?

We are the turnip! That might be all well and good, but the only Christians being affected here are the ones in the United States. Most of us were taught to obey the law, not skirt it with our own children.

Where is our obedience of the law when we need it? Compassion is secondary when you endanger the health and safety of other Americans. How can you sit there and judge with utter impunity those who want what's best for America?

Yes, but we were also taught not to break the law, miss. For breaking man's law means breaking God's law. You have a lot to learn about Christians before you start judging them.

A man cannot go to heaven on works alone, good works without good faith is dead. If faith without works is dead, so is your work without faith. You misconstrue what it means to be a Christian, milady.

We have an obligation to take care of our families too.

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."

1 Timothy 5:8

Who is persecuting whom? You should ask Lakhota that question.

Or that when Satan tempts you or spills lies, that the way to combat him is with Scripture? And I don't mean with just spouting off any old passage in the Bible but by DOING what Christ taught on how to handle an adversary....(turn the cheek, walk the extra mile, love thy enemy) and (to visit the prisoner, feed the stranger, help the sick, the needy etc)this is one of the hardest things of all to do, I know!!!

So, Satan is telling us not to take care of these illegal children? Do you hear yourself? Stop preaching. Frankly I am offended at how you tried to twist Christianity in such a way, just so we could ignore the law and give amnesty to these children.

i noticed you cut out the true context of her words and reassigned them to suit your purpose.

Or that when Satan temps you or spills lies, that the way to combat him is with Scripture? And I don't mean with just spouting off any old passage in the Bible but by DOING what Christ taught on how to handle an adversary....(turn the cheek, walk the extra mile, love thy enemy) and (to visit the prisoner, feed the stranger, help the sick, the needy etc)this is one of the hardest things of all to do, I know!!!

And I stumble ALL the time with it, ESPECIALLY on this site where everyone seems to be real jack asses, to everyone, all the time...

but I succeed some times too....succeed in the sense that I did what Christ taught, I turned my cheek when they continued to slap, I tried to walk that extra mile with them, while they continued to persecute, I listened and tried to understand where they were coming from, instead of just dismissing them as non human entities, and I never lost my temper, and never lowered myself to their level of insults, even thow they were being thrown at me and others, left and right....

I guess this thread has perplexed me a bit with the reaction of fellow Christians...I don't understand why Christians wouldn't just see this ''condemnation of Christians'' as an opportunity, to show the op and the whole world, what being a follower of Christ and His teachings, are all about....?

That's what these kind of episodes and threads and crisis-es are truly all about imo....they are our opportunity as good Christians to prove the op's contentions are wrong, to witness to them, but not just through words from the Bible, but through our actions....

I note how anyone who can't rebut my arguments will accuse me of taking my opponent's out of context. What I'm seeing is a bunch of liberals throwing the Bible out of context, to appease their twisted senses of compassion.
What is there to explain, just go back and read your own writings.. You try and accuse Christians of not being Christians in a crisis, and then you use the Bible to try and do so.
Is it wrong to use Christ's teachings from the Bible with Christians? Or do you reject what Jesus taught....?

To me, every red letter word in the Bible is worth reading and repeating, until it gets through my thick head!!! Christ's words and teachings may be getting to your heart and conscience, and this is why you label it as condemnation??? But please, I am not trying to condemn you, I'm trying to understand you, as fellow Christians and as real live, flesh and blood human beings.

There have been some valid reasons posted of why users here don't think it is a good idea for these refugees to stay, but they were surrounded by so much other vitrol, that they are being ignored or dismissed...

1- we do have a huge illegal immigration problem in this country already, that is unsolved and frozen by Congress's lack of action, and these refugees will add to the chaos.

2- not so much these children refugees, but with borders this open and fluid, how can we be certain terrorists can't get through as well?

3- if we allow these refugees in scott free, there will be hundreds of thousands of more illegal immigrants to follow, our gvt can't feed and house the entire world's poor

4- they will end up taking jobs the American poor usually do, making American unemployment even higher for low end workers

Are just a few of the things mentioned that are worth debating....

It's just that all of the name calling, and trying to pin something on Obama, or bush, or whom ever is politically ripe for the pickings, has so "electrified" this problem we have as Americans, that 'debate' never ends up being true debate, but ends up being who can out scream or out insult, or out accuse, the other.
First of all, where do your loyalties lay, otherwise are they with Christ or are you using Christ as a liberal democrat would maybe, and this in order to battle what you feel are those who stand in your way concerning the issues, and yet only to leave Christ behind when all is said and done ? Don't get offended, I'm just trying to see where it is that you are truly coming in from.
Why do you HAVE to see it that way Beagle...in political terms? Christ was neither a republican or a democrat...He spoke in terms of truth...in terms of how we should act, in terms of what we should do under certain circumstances, to be in favor with our Father. He didn't call liberals scum, or conservatives heartless...sadly, that's what we do, to each other.

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