Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

I wonder if I can guess how many of these people have volunteered to become foster parents.

It's a good question but they are not looking for foster parents, they say they won't need but a handful....most of the refugees will be sent back to their homeland once the process is completed, unless they have family here in the USA already, that will take them in.

I agree with this completely. That said, I'm not 'against' immigration. I think immigration is a net positive.

But absolutely, we should never use immigration as a solution to world poverty.

That's why I get so ticked off when leftards start screaming about companies opening up trade and business in other countries. Well how do you expect them to earn any money if we never engage with them?

Trade is a net benefit too. "well then a dictator might get money from our business there", yeah... but we can't help that. All we can do is open the door. It's up to the people of those countries to find their way through it.
I wonder if I can guess how many of these people have volunteered to become foster parents.

So what? I'm in no position to be a foster parent. Do you assume that magically everyone on this forum has the ability, time, money, and home life, required to be good foster parents?

Just because I'm a Christian, doesn't mean I suddenly fart money, and have six spare bedrooms where I live, or that I magically speak spanish.

You people are sooo quick to be judgmental, and yet if I did that to you, you'd be screaming about how judgmental Christians are.

While the federal government is cramming foreign children like sardines into cages, waiting for the Obama Administration to decide how best to use the crisis for its own political advantage, the feds are making it clear that there is no place in the camps for pastors who would like to encourage and pray with the children.

While the feds say they’re “meeting the spiritual needs” of the children through their own chaplain program, they are absolutely shutting out any pastor who is not part of the official program.

He said churches are not even allowed bring soccer balls or play ping pong with the illegal immigrant children.

Pastor Coffin even asked if they could provide the children with toys, blankets and food. But the federal government’s response was the same – no donations allowed.

What could be driving such a policy?

Spiritual needs? We have our own official government program for that! You would just be in the way!
I guess the most obvious answer would be that the feds want to limit the public’s access to the facility because the last thing they need is more cell phone pictures going up on Facebook and Twitter that reveals the horror of life in the camps. That is not a consideration pertaining to the well-being of the children, of course. It’s to protect their own asses. Just as you would expect they would think.

Not far behind is their basic hostility toward people of faith and the notion that there would be any benefit whatsoever to pastors visiting the children. Spiritual needs? We have our own official government program for that! You would just be in the way!

The ban on donations is harder to explain, but it smacks of circling the wagons. What’s happening in these camps is simply an atrocity and the less contact there is between the camp operations and members of the general public, the better. They won’t even let members of Congress see what’s happening, so they’re certainly not going to grant access to some meddlesome pastors who might not be Obama supporters.


Remember when the liberals who refuse to do anything or volunteer anything like their own homes for these children being used as political pawns in this election year by this administration, accused Christians for not doing anything?

Remember that?

The federal government is not allowing Christians.....to help.

What a disaster of a president and what morons that voted for him twice, and still defend him to this day.
In the religion called government, you two (you and Lakhota) would be loyal acolytes.

We are the turnip! That might be all well and good, but the only Christians being affected here are the ones in the United States. Most of us were taught to obey the law, not skirt it with our own children.

Where is our obedience of the law when we need it? Compassion is secondary when you endanger the health and safety of other Americans. How can you sit there and judge with utter impunity those who want what's best for America?

Yes, but we were also taught not to break the law, miss. For breaking man's law means breaking God's law. You have a lot to learn about Christians before you start judging them.

A man cannot go to heaven on works alone, good works without good faith is dead. If faith without works is dead, so is your work without faith. You misconstrue what it means to be a Christian, milady.

We have an obligation to take care of our families too.

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."

1 Timothy 5:8

Who is persecuting whom? You should ask Lakhota that question.

So, Satan is telling us not to take care of these illegal children? Do you hear yourself? Stop preaching. Frankly I am offended at how you tried to twist Christianity in such a way, just so we could ignore the law and give amnesty to these children.

i noticed you cut out the true context of her words and reassigned them to suit your purpose.

Or that when Satan temps you or spills lies, that the way to combat him is with Scripture? And I don't mean with just spouting off any old passage in the Bible but by DOING what Christ taught on how to handle an adversary....(turn the cheek, walk the extra mile, love thy enemy) and (to visit the prisoner, feed the stranger, help the sick, the needy etc)this is one of the hardest things of all to do, I know!!!

And I stumble ALL the time with it, ESPECIALLY on this site where everyone seems to be real jack asses, to everyone, all the time...

but I succeed some times too....succeed in the sense that I did what Christ taught, I turned my cheek when they continued to slap, I tried to walk that extra mile with them, while they continued to persecute, I listened and tried to understand where they were coming from, instead of just dismissing them as non human entities, and I never lost my temper, and never lowered myself to their level of insults, even thow they were being thrown at me and others, left and right....

I guess this thread has perplexed me a bit with the reaction of fellow Christians...I don't understand why Christians wouldn't just see this ''condemnation of Christians'' as an opportunity, to show the op and the whole world, what being a follower of Christ and His teachings, are all about....?

That's what these kind of episodes and threads and crisis-es are truly all about imo....they are our opportunity as good Christians to prove the op's contentions are wrong, to witness to them, but not just through words from the Bible, but through our actions....

I note how anyone who can't rebut my arguments will accuse me of taking my opponent's out of context. What I'm seeing is a bunch of liberals throwing the Bible out of context, to appease their twisted senses of compassion.

What's ''out of context' that has been thrown out there from the BibleTemplar? You say that, without showing or explaining why it's 'out of context'...so put up what ya got to support your contentions that what was used from the Bible is out of context....pretty please.
This nation in order to fulfill it's Christian duties, should be working immediately to find out the problem in the country of origin, and then begin stiff talks with the government of that nation in order to stem the tide, and fix the problem immediately. It is a sin in my opinion to just put a band aid on something like this. The children need not to have to go through such trying times without something being done on their behalf back home.

For us with the blessings we have been given here, to not be able to shine the light on a country that is operating in darkness, is denying the blessings and responsibilities that we have been given to us in our blessings. A blessing can be made up of many things.. Common sense and knowledge are just a few that comes to mind.

Er... no.

Nations, do not have "christian duties". Christian PEOPLE have Christian duties.

And I think Christian people are doing those duties.

I do not believe that somehow the nation itself is obligated to fix problems in other lands.

If we did.... Then we should be going into every country in the entire world. We should be going into Crimea and Russia too. Right? There are people being abused in both Russia and Crimea, so let's go.

Obviously... at least I hope it is obvious, that this would be a bad plan.

It's not the job of Christians to fix everyone's life.

Even as a Christian individual, it's not your job to fix the lives of everyone around you. If your broke brother-in-law, is an alcoholic, and you happen to be fairly successful... do you start giving him money non-stop?

No. You can't force other people to live intelligently. Just like you can't force Mexicans to live intelligently, and get rid of the gangs.

Shining a light on the darkness, doesn't mean grabbing people, and dragging them kicking and screaming to the light.

You need to read your Bible more. Jesus, nor any of the prophets, nor the early church, ever tried to force people to come to the light. Only the people who asked for help.

Again, I do support legal immigration. But you will never ultimately end up with good, by promoting violation of law. Promoting illegal immigration will never end up with good results.
Uh no, we should not be going into places like Crimea to assist other nations in such a situation ALONE ever, but when we have these people coming across our borders in droves, then yes we should be going down and having a talk with their government. We should get the ball rolling on why there is a problem, and then try and fix the problem before it becomes a huge out of control problem here.. PERIOD!

We already know what the problem is there.

Most of it has to do with corruption of their government, and the other has to do with the narco-wars.

What's to talk about? Over throwing their government? Instituting our own non-corrupt police force? A full military occupation of northern Mexico?

Again, there is nothing we can do to force Mexico to become so amazing, that no one wants to leave, anymore than we can force the Cuban government to become so amazing, that everyone starts swimming back to Cuba.

Unless Mexico wishes to apply to be the 51st state, there is nothing we can do, and thus no point in talking with them about it. We can't fix their corruption issues. We can't fix their law enforcement problems. We can't fix their military. We can't fix their drug cartel problems.

All we can do, is maintain our boarders, and enforce our own laws.

What exactly would you have us do?
Feds refuse pastors access to children in immigration camps

While the federal government is cramming foreign children like sardines into cages, waiting for the Obama Administration to decide how best to use the crisis for its own political advantage, the feds are making it clear that there is no place in the camps for pastors who would like to encourage and pray with the children.

While the feds say they’re “meeting the spiritual needs” of the children through their own chaplain program, they are absolutely shutting out any pastor who is not part of the official program.

He said churches are not even allowed bring soccer balls or play ping pong with the illegal immigrant children.

Pastor Coffin even asked if they could provide the children with toys, blankets and food. But the federal government’s response was the same – no donations allowed.

What could be driving such a policy?

The far left demands that the people worship only the state. Their doctrine is promulgated throughout the land, and their dogma is chanted by acolytes constantly. The church of the state has no compunction about enforcing adherence and gestures of obeisance at the point of a spear. Their tithe is not voluntary, and it's a lot more than 10% for those sinners who actually work. And of course, we know where obama sees himself in this theology.

"And on the seventh day he golfed. And the first day, second day, third day, fourth day, fifth day, sixth day..."
I wonder if I can guess how many of these people have volunteered to become foster parents.

It's a good question but they are not looking for foster parents, they say they won't need but a handful....most of the refugees will be sent back to their homeland once the process is completed, unless they have family here in the USA already, that will take them in.

that doesn't appear to be true....

Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas, says U.S. border officials told him most children detained after illegally crossing the southern border will never be sent home, despite statements from the Obama administration to the contrary.
“What I was told on the border last week was that as high as 70-75 percent of these individuals will be remaining in the United States,” he said. “I don’t know quite what the disconnect is between what the president’s statements are and the statements I was hearing from people in customs and Border Patrol, FEMA and the federal agencies that are charged with taking care of these folks.”

Congressman: Feds say most illegals won?t be deported
I wonder if I can guess how many of these people have volunteered to become foster parents.

So what? I'm in no position to be a foster parent. Do you assume that magically everyone on this forum has the ability, time, money, and home life, required to be good foster parents?

Just because I'm a Christian, doesn't mean I suddenly fart money, and have six spare bedrooms where I live, or that I magically speak spanish.

You people are sooo quick to be judgmental, and yet if I did that to you, you'd be screaming about how judgmental Christians are.

People ought to back up their words with actions.
I wonder if I can guess how many of these people have volunteered to become foster parents.

So what? I'm in no position to be a foster parent. Do you assume that magically everyone on this forum has the ability, time, money, and home life, required to be good foster parents?

Just because I'm a Christian, doesn't mean I suddenly fart money, and have six spare bedrooms where I live, or that I magically speak spanish.

You people are sooo quick to be judgmental, and yet if I did that to you, you'd be screaming about how judgmental Christians are.

People ought to back up their words with actions.

Oh sweet fucking irony!!!

Do liberals have any control whatsoever over their hypocrisy?
So what? I'm in no position to be a foster parent. Do you assume that magically everyone on this forum has the ability, time, money, and home life, required to be good foster parents?

Just because I'm a Christian, doesn't mean I suddenly fart money, and have six spare bedrooms where I live, or that I magically speak spanish.

You people are sooo quick to be judgmental, and yet if I did that to you, you'd be screaming about how judgmental Christians are.

People ought to back up their words with actions.

Oh sweet fucking irony!!!

Do liberals have any control whatsoever over their hypocrisy?

So then you must be another bleeding heart dummy who wants unrestricted immigration. Is that right?
Oh sweet fucking irony!!!

Do liberals have any control whatsoever over their hypocrisy?

So then you must be another bleeding heart dummy who wants unrestricted immigration. Is that right?

Answer: No they do not have any control over their hypocrisy. None
Hell, they don't even recognize it, most of the time...
I wonder if I can guess how many of these people have volunteered to become foster parents.

It's a good question but they are not looking for foster parents, they say they won't need but a handful....most of the refugees will be sent back to their homeland once the process is completed, unless they have family here in the USA already, that will take them in.

that doesn't appear to be true....

Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas, says U.S. border officials told him most children detained after illegally crossing the southern border will never be sent home, despite statements from the Obama administration to the contrary.
“What I was told on the border last week was that as high as 70-75 percent of these individuals will be remaining in the United States,” he said. “I don’t know quite what the disconnect is between what the president’s statements are and the statements I was hearing from people in customs and Border Patrol, FEMA and the federal agencies that are charged with taking care of these folks.”

Congressman: Feds say most illegals won?t be deported
well, they are passing different information to the Charities that are down there to help and willing to help Foster Children....

Families Willing to Open Homes to Immigrant Children | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

On Tuesday afternoon, the charity held an informational meeting for prospective foster families at its Fort Worth headquarters. Another meeting is scheduled this week on Thursday night.

Officials cautioned that only a small percentage of those crossing the border will be in need of fostering.

Cameras were not allowed inside the meeting, but reporters were able to attend.

During the meeting, Catholic Charities representatives said that any child in need of fostering will have legal status. That means they may have been the victims of trafficking, have no one to care for them and have gone through all immigration hearings.

Presenters told the group that most of the children will be placed with relatives in the U.S. or sent back to their home countries, if there is a safe place for them to go.
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I wonder if I can guess how many of these people have volunteered to become foster parents.

It's a good question but they are not looking for foster parents, they say they won't need but a handful....most of the refugees will be sent back to their homeland once the process is completed, unless they have family here in the USA already, that will take them in.

that doesn't appear to be true....

Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas, says U.S. border officials told him most children detained after illegally crossing the southern border will never be sent home, despite statements from the Obama administration to the contrary.
“What I was told on the border last week was that as high as 70-75 percent of these individuals will be remaining in the United States,” he said. “I don’t know quite what the disconnect is between what the president’s statements are and the statements I was hearing from people in customs and Border Patrol, FEMA and the federal agencies that are charged with taking care of these folks.”

Congressman: Feds say most illegals won?t be deported

Shocker. Care's lying through her teeth again.
It's a good question but they are not looking for foster parents, they say they won't need but a handful....most of the refugees will be sent back to their homeland once the process is completed, unless they have family here in the USA already, that will take them in.

that doesn't appear to be true....
well, they are passing different information to the Charities that are down there to help and willing to help Foster Children....

Families Willing to Open Homes to Immigrant Children | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

On Tuesday afternoon, the charity held an informational meeting for prospective foster families at its Fort Worth headquarters. Another meeting is scheduled this week on Thursday night.

Officials cautioned that only a small percentage of those crossing the border will be in need of fostering.

Cameras were not allowed inside the meeting, but reporters were able to attend.

During the meeting, Catholic Charities representatives said that any child in need of fostering will have legal status. That means they may have been the victims of trafficking, have no one to care for them and have gone through all immigration hearings.

Presenters told the group that most of the children will be placed with relatives in the U.S. or sent back to their home countries, if there is a safe place for them to go.

Yeah, they don't need fostering because they're being handed straight over to the illegals who are waiting for them..the pimps, the drug cartels and the traffickers.

So what? I'm in no position to be a foster parent. Do you assume that magically everyone on this forum has the ability, time, money, and home life, required to be good foster parents?

Just because I'm a Christian, doesn't mean I suddenly fart money, and have six spare bedrooms where I live, or that I magically speak spanish.

You people are sooo quick to be judgmental, and yet if I did that to you, you'd be screaming about how judgmental Christians are.

People ought to back up their words with actions.

Oh sweet fucking irony!!!

Do liberals have any control whatsoever over their hypocrisy?

He wants us to back up our words with actions when he is only willing to back up his with our resources. AND he fails to see any irony there.

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