Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?


I would love to see where the scripture says that we are suppose to aid those who have broken the law.
Where's the scripture that says such a thing matters? Is that in the Gospel of Fuck You Child of God?

And you aren't aiding them, although you are supposed to, your tax dollars and your government are, neither of which are any business of a Christian according to Jesus.

Can't find the scripture to support your claim?

Why am I not surprised? So far today you've made other claims that have been proven wrong. What's one more?
None of my claims have been wrong, and I can't find what isn't there, like scripture that says Jesus said don't aid those who break man's laws. Bring forth this scripture you speak of, about breaking laws? I would think that the reference to "Jail" in What You Do Unto The Least Of Them pretty well covers that Christian.
Where's the scripture that says such a thing matters? Is that in the Gospel of Fuck You Child of God?

And you aren't aiding them, although you are supposed to, your tax dollars and your government are, neither of which are any business of a Christian according to Jesus.

Can't find the scripture to support your claim?

Why am I not surprised? So far today you've made other claims that have been proven wrong. What's one more?
None of my claims have been wrong, and I can't find what isn't there, like scripture that says Jesus said don't aid those who break man's laws. Bring forth this scripture you speak of, about breaking laws? I would think that the reference to "Jail" in What You Do Unto The Least Of Them pretty well covers that Christian.

So your claim that Border Patrol Agents are just like the Military wasn't wrong???


Or are you going to deny that you made that claim?

You've been proved wrong today, don't be proven a liar also.

I asked you to support your claim that there is scripture saying that we have to care for those who broke our laws and entered the country illegally.

You have failed to do that so far.
Being a Christian is at an indiviidual level, Christ's teachings were focused on the individual, the salvation of the individual. If you think 'being Christian' is simply paying your taxes because a small percentage of the funds may go to help someone who may or may not need it, then you don't understand what being a Christian is, nor do you understand what Christ was teaching. Being 'Christian' would be going out in your local community and offering your help, your support, your finances to help those that live within your community that need help. Protesting something that will be bad for your community, potentially have negative effects on the children in that community, take from those that already live in that community, etc... is not against what Christ taught.

How many millions of children around the world suffer because of the policies of the countries that they live in? What are you doing about it, what are you contributing? I work with a Christian organization called Food For The Hungry, and sponsor multiple children, along with other organizations and missions that are actually out there in person doing work for those that need it. I volunteer at the local food pantry, participate in drives and charities that help those locally who are suffering through difficult times, visit elderlly at nursing homes. We make recurring and regular donations to local charities. What are you contributing other than your tax dollars?
Where's the scripture that says such a thing matters? Is that in the Gospel of Fuck You Child of God?

And you aren't aiding them, although you are supposed to, your tax dollars and your government are, neither of which are any business of a Christian according to Jesus.

Can't find the scripture to support your claim?

Why am I not surprised? So far today you've made other claims that have been proven wrong. What's one more?
None of my claims have been wrong, and I can't find what isn't there, like scripture that says Jesus said don't aid those who break man's laws. Bring forth this scripture you speak of, about breaking laws? I would think that the reference to "Jail" in What You Do Unto The Least Of Them pretty well covers that Christian.

So we shouldn't aid human traffickers, the drug cartels and the sex industry by warehousing children, then turning them over to them.

Got it.
Can't find the scripture to support your claim?

Why am I not surprised? So far today you've made other claims that have been proven wrong. What's one more?
None of my claims have been wrong, and I can't find what isn't there, like scripture that says Jesus said don't aid those who break man's laws. Bring forth this scripture you speak of, about breaking laws? I would think that the reference to "Jail" in What You Do Unto The Least Of Them pretty well covers that Christian.

So your claim that Border Patrol Agents are just like the Military wasn't wrong???

Or are you going to deny that you made that claim?

You've been proved wrong today, don't be proven a liar also.

I asked you to support your claim that there is scripture saying that we have to care for those who broke our laws and entered the country illegally.

You have failed to do that so far.
1. I never said anything of the kind, you made an assumption and that's not what I said.

2. And the scripture, Jesus in this case, says care for those in need, he says nothing about making any kind of distinction such as legal versus illegal.
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Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

They're only Christians when white people or gun politics are involved.
Anyone non white is not worthy ... at least as far as their idiotic minds go.
So how is giving all your money to the government the same as helping the poor?

Oh. Yeah. It isn't.
None of my claims have been wrong, and I can't find what isn't there, like scripture that says Jesus said don't aid those who break man's laws. Bring forth this scripture you speak of, about breaking laws? I would think that the reference to "Jail" in What You Do Unto The Least Of Them pretty well covers that Christian.

So your claim that Border Patrol Agents are just like the Military wasn't wrong???

Or are you going to deny that you made that claim?

You've been proved wrong today, don't be proven a liar also.

I asked you to support your claim that there is scripture saying that we have to care for those who broke our laws and entered the country illegally.

You have failed to do that so far.
1. I never said anything of the kind, you made an assumption and that's not what I said.

2. And the scripture, Jesus in this case, says care so those in need, he says nothing about making any kind of distinction such as legal versus illegal.

ROFL.. you are aware that your post is still there...

"Just like the American Military".... Your words not mine and very hard to make a mistake about what you were saying.

So we shouldn't aid human traffickers, the drug cartels and the sex industry by warehousing children, then turning them over to them.
What you "think" we are doing is utter nonsense.

Oh you maintain that there are no drug cartels/human traffickers/pimps moving kids across the borders?

Given your penchant for *joking* about trying to pick up 15 year old immigrant girls, I'm not surprised by your denial of what everybody else recognizes is a huge problem.
So your claim that Border Patrol Agents are just like the Military wasn't wrong???

Or are you going to deny that you made that claim?

You've been proved wrong today, don't be proven a liar also.

I asked you to support your claim that there is scripture saying that we have to care for those who broke our laws and entered the country illegally.

You have failed to do that so far.
1. I never said anything of the kind, you made an assumption and that's not what I said.

2. And the scripture, Jesus in this case, says care so those in need, he says nothing about making any kind of distinction such as legal versus illegal.

ROFL.. you are aware that your post is still there...

"Just like the American Military".... Your words not mine and very hard to make a mistake about what you were saying.

Just like meaning that you aren't supposed to go shooting your mouth off, and they have a chain of command. I did not say, "The same as the Military" now did I? That part you made that up.

And, where's the part about not helping illegals in need? I'm very interested in what the Bible, specifically Jesus, has to say about that.
So we shouldn't aid human traffickers, the drug cartels and the sex industry by warehousing children, then turning them over to them.
What you "think" we are doing is utter nonsense.

Oh you maintain that there are no drug cartels/human traffickers/pimps moving kids across the borders?

Given your penchant for *joking* about trying to pick up 15 year old immigrant girls, I'm not surprised by your denial of what everybody else recognizes is a huge problem.
Moving people north is a Business. Having them sit in our detention centers helps them out how exactly? The ones used here as slaves and sex workers don't end up going through the formal process until after they are caught inside the country, not hanging around at the border. Uncle Jesus doesn't drop by and just pick up released kids for his Da Nada underage sex club. Those the Border Patrol will never see.
Inviting them to specially set up detention centers by promising amnesty to children, while at the same time refusing to deport illegals and telling everybody that anyone who sponsors a child will be granted immunity from deportation, is explicitly assisting human traffickers and facilitating the sex trade.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4Dc-J_mD7c"]Go into the Light! - YouTube[/ame]
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The documentary filmmaker and daughter of the House minority leader, Alexandra Pelosi, is promoting a new and heartbreaking documentary about the crisis at the southern border. Pelosi spent weeks speaking with undocumented migrants who have been led to believe that the United States is not only caring for women and children who cross the border but welcoming them to do so.
“[A]ll the young vulnerable, migrant women who just got to America that I spoke with saw the Border Patrol as the heroes who came to assist them on their journey,” Pelosi recently wrote in an op-ed published on MSNBC.com. “They all said that when they saw Border Patrol, they finally felt safe and happy to have survived their harrowing odyssey to get to the Promised Land.”

She added that the press and the political class, by not clearly asserting that bad actors on the other side of the border are funneling migrants into the United States, American institutions are complicit in a humanitarian crisis.
“I worry, in all of this, that we could be facilitating human trafficking,” Pelosi said. She added that cartel members are now recruiting women in order to confuse American officials who provide women and children with special treatment.

Alexandra Pelosi: Media, Obama admin enabling ?human trafficking? at the border « Hot Air
Women and children were being dumped at Greyhound bus terminals and other public transportation areas in 110 degree heat without resources. ICE is directly and indirectly facilitating illegal entry into the country and forcing undocumented immigrants, mostly juvenile females, into the professions of drug running and prostitution, through the conditions that ICE is fostering.

In Phoenix, we have a large Mexican drug cartel presence and sex trafficking of children is huge as immigrant, juvenile females constitute most of our street prostitutes in Phoenix. It is difficult for me to write these words, but ICE is, in one way or another, in league with human traffickers and drug deals through their neglect and the subsequent violations of individual human rights."

ICE Is Facilitating Human Smuggling and Child Trafficking | Dave Hodges ? The Common Sense Show
"...if you want to catch the pimps and the drug dealers, just go a Greyhound station in Phoenix and Tucson. Yet, at no time during this ordeal, did Phoenix deploy their officers to these sites. Phoenix is a sanctuary city and that is probably why nothing is being done. ICE may not be loading these people up with drugs to deliver and pimping them out to the “Johns”, but they are creating the conditions where this is exactly what is happening. Ultimately, the buck stops at Obama’s desk because ICE is operating on orders from the White House.
This depraved indifference to human life is unconscionable as the Obama administration continues to deconstruct the nation. Yet, the overriding issue is that these immigrants are human beings and our government is condemning many of them to a life of misery and suffering!

ICE Is Facilitating Human Smuggling and Child Trafficking | Dave Hodges ? The Common Sense Show
Who knew that only believers are allowed to quote the Bible. Tell me, does the speaker change the truths of it? Are the words of Jesus only true when spoken by someone who calls him Lord?

No one said only believers are allowed to quote the Bible. In fact, the Bible clearly shows that even the devil quotes scriptures when it serves his purposes.

Yes he does, but does that make what he quotes untrue? What's the "untrue" part of "What you do unto others..."?
It isn't a matter of truth or falsehood.

It's a matter of community.

If you're part of the community (Christianity, in this case), you will more readily obtain the ear of Believers.

If you're not part of the community, people will oftentimes not trust your motives (with good reason, in your case) and tune you out.

This is not a difficult concept.
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

Don't you know that phony christian crap is just the, phony christian crap when it comes to following their god man

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