Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

Open a TB ward in the UN Building

No problem. Tuberculosis is a treatable and curable disease

By far one of the Stupidest things you've posted lately ~~
I hope you'll be so kind and invite several infected children into your home. Until then Please educate yourself ~

If not treated properly, TB disease can be fatal.

Drug-Resistant TB ~
Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (Bedaquiline)
Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR TB)
Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (XDR TB)
CDC’s Role in Preventing Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (XDR TB)

Certain groups of people (such as people with weakened immune systems) are at very high risk of developing TB disease once infected with TB bacteria. Every effort should be made to begin appropriate treatment and to ensure completion of the entire course of treatment for latent TB infection.

TB disease can be treated by taking several drugs for 6 to 9 months. There are 10 drugs currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treating TB. Of the approved drugs, the first-line anti-TB agents that form the core of treatment regimens include:

isoniazid (INH)
rifampin (RIF)
ethambutol (EMB)
pyrazinamide (PZA)
Regimens for treating TB disease have an initial phase of 2 months, followed by a choice of several options for the continuation phase of either 4 or 7 months (total of 6 to 9 months for treatment). NOT a simple treatment...

TB is a Very serious and contagious disease. Many times it is not curable and Never good for any body.

CDC | TB | Basic TB Facts
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Who knew that only believers are allowed to quote the Bible. Tell me, does the speaker change the truths of it? Are the words of Jesus only true when spoken by someone who calls him Lord?

No one said only believers are allowed to quote the Bible. In fact, the Bible clearly shows that even the devil quotes scriptures when it serves his purposes.

Yes he does, but does that make what he quotes untrue? What's the "untrue" part of "What you do unto others..."?

You think the devil is quoting scriptures to support the truth?:doubt:
Really? They why is it when we suggest that Christians foster the children, we are told we are trying to indoctrinate them? Instead, we should just throw them in a camp? Who on earth truly believes that's the Christian thing to do?

Remember Jesus told us to feed the hungry, heal the sick, and clothe the naked. He didn't tell Ceasar to.
He didn't care what Caesar did, or Rome, so why do you?

Says who exactly?

What He was concerned with was individuals acting in their responsibilities. He was concerned with reconciling people with God and with their fellow man.

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your heart, mind, might and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.

Not tell me, do you love God when you place a government before Him? When you care more about power and making people dependent on you, are you loving God and your fellow man? Do you love God or your fellow man when you steal from others to give to yourself?
You are the one who is placing the government before God, by spending your time worrying about what it does. And the policy of the US and Jesus are aligned in this case, so what's the problem? Jesus never told Rome how to spend the taxes it collected, and he told you not to worry about what didn't come from God.

Tell us Christian, what's the problem here, and where did this "taxes should be low" Jesus come from when he said nothing of the kind?
No one said only believers are allowed to quote the Bible. In fact, the Bible clearly shows that even the devil quotes scriptures when it serves his purposes.

Yes he does, but does that make what he quotes untrue? What's the "untrue" part of "What you do unto others..."?

You think the devil is quoting scriptures to support the truth?:doubt:
Where are your answers to the above questions? Are they that difficult?
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The one thing that taxes are specifically supposed to fund.
Did you know we aren't supposed to have a Standing Army? It's unconstitutional.

Guide to the Constitution

How is that related to this conversation?

We're talking about Christian charity towards immigrant children. Try to stick to the topic, or start another thread.
The discussion, at the moment, is about what are taxes are paying for, which just happens to be for what Jesus commanded his followers do, care for those in need and seeking shelter.
Since San Francisco is willing to taken in Illegal Aliens, all the children should be sent their.

I am very curious who created this situation, Mexico allows these children into their country ignoring their strict immigration rules. It is time to cut off trade and US hand outs to the Latin American Countries and Mexico.
Many of these children bring in diseases that have been almost non existent in the US.
What is the UN doing for these Children that were sent on a very dangerous journey?
It appears to me this is an international crime against children.
Did you know we aren't supposed to have a Standing Army? It's unconstitutional.

Guide to the Constitution

How is that related to this conversation?

We're talking about Christian charity towards immigrant children. Try to stick to the topic, or start another thread.
The discussion, at the moment, is about what are taxes are paying for, which just happens to be for what Jesus commanded his followers do, care for those in need and seeking shelter.

And here I thought the Left was all about Separation of Church and State.. Here they go quoting the Bible to support their political position.

Huummmm......Seems there is a christian group that is going to the border to help the children.
I've just donated...What have you done today to help the children???

Glenn Beck on Tuesday announced that he will be bringing tractor-trailers full of food, water, teddy bears and soccer balls to McAllen, Texas on July 19 as a way to help care for some of the roughly 60,000 underage refugees who have crossed into America illegally in 2014.

Beck said he will be joined by Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), and a number of pastors and rabbis.

“Through no fault of their own, they are caught in political crossfire,” Beck said of the children. “And while we continue to put pressure on Washington and change its course of lawlessness, we must also help. It is not either, or. It is both. We have to be active in the political game, and we must open our hearts.”

?We Must Open Our Hearts?: Glenn Beck Announces Major Border Event in Texas | Video | TheBlaze.com
Since San Francisco is willing to taken in Illegal Aliens, all the children should be sent their.

I am very curious who created this situation, Mexico allows these children into their country ignoring their strict immigration rules. It is time to cut off trade and US hand outs to the Latin American Countries and Mexico.
Many of these children bring in diseases that have been almost non existent in the US.
What is the UN doing for these Children that were sent on a very dangerous journey?
It appears to me this is an international crime against children.

I say bus them to DC. That's where all the money is.
How is that related to this conversation?

We're talking about Christian charity towards immigrant children. Try to stick to the topic, or start another thread.
The discussion, at the moment, is about what are taxes are paying for, which just happens to be for what Jesus commanded his followers do, care for those in need and seeking shelter.

And here I thought the Left was all about Separation of Church and State.. Here they go quoting the Bible to support their political position.
Our position is the same as that of Jesus, so what's your position Christian?
How is that related to this conversation?

We're talking about Christian charity towards immigrant children. Try to stick to the topic, or start another thread.
The discussion, at the moment, is about what are taxes are paying for, which just happens to be for what Jesus commanded his followers do, care for those in need and seeking shelter.

And here I thought the Left was all about Separation of Church and State.. Here they go quoting the Bible to support their political position.


They only love Jesus when they can use him for their purposes---sort like how they feel about minorities.
Did you know we aren't supposed to have a Standing Army? It's unconstitutional.

Guide to the Constitution

Sorry, that link doesn't work for me.
I'm sure that it doesn't since it's not a work of right-wing fiction, even though it is written by right-wingers.

Yeah, I managed to get to it..and of course there's absolutely nothing in it that supports your statement.

Which is why you didn't quote it.

I doubt you read past the first couple of sentences, in fact.
Huummmm......Seems there is a christian group that is going to the border to help the children.
I've just donated...What have you done today to help the children???

Glenn Beck on Tuesday announced that he will be bringing tractor-trailers full of food, water, teddy bears and soccer balls to McAllen, Texas on July 19 as a way to help care for some of the roughly 60,000 underage refugees who have crossed into America illegally in 2014.

Beck said he will be joined by Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), and a number of pastors and rabbis.

“Through no fault of their own, they are caught in political crossfire,” Beck said of the children. “And while we continue to put pressure on Washington and change its course of lawlessness, we must also help. It is not either, or. It is both. We have to be active in the political game, and we must open our hearts.”

?We Must Open Our Hearts?: Glenn Beck Announces Major Border Event in Texas | Video | TheBlaze.com
ShootSpeeders wants Beck thrown in jail, for bringing teddy bears and soccer balls to children...
Huummmm......Seems there is a christian group that is going to the border to help the children.
I've just donated...What have you done today to help the children???

Glenn Beck on Tuesday announced that he will be bringing tractor-trailers full of food, water, teddy bears and soccer balls to McAllen, Texas on July 19 as a way to help care for some of the roughly 60,000 underage refugees who have crossed into America illegally in 2014.

Beck said he will be joined by Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), and a number of pastors and rabbis.

“Through no fault of their own, they are caught in political crossfire,” Beck said of the children. “And while we continue to put pressure on Washington and change its course of lawlessness, we must also help. It is not either, or. It is both. We have to be active in the political game, and we must open our hearts.”

?We Must Open Our Hearts?: Glenn Beck Announces Major Border Event in Texas | Video | TheBlaze.com

Ew...left wingers don't want to actually dirty their hands helping those kids. They have cooties..and a lot of them are criminal!

Their primary use is in the sex and drug industries, which is right where the left is funneling them.

Expect them to protest when Christian families step up to help, too. That's coming next.
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The discussion, at the moment, is about what are taxes are paying for, which just happens to be for what Jesus commanded his followers do, care for those in need and seeking shelter.

And here I thought the Left was all about Separation of Church and State.. Here they go quoting the Bible to support their political position.
Our position is the same as that of Jesus, so what's your position Christian?

I don't use my religion to defend my politics. I don't need to.

I have facts and history on my side. Evidently you don't.
The discussion, at the moment, is about what are taxes are paying for, which just happens to be for what Jesus commanded his followers do, care for those in need and seeking shelter.

And here I thought the Left was all about Separation of Church and State.. Here they go quoting the Bible to support their political position.
Our position is the same as that of Jesus, so what's your position Christian?


Please quote Jesus saying that government should accommodate human trafficking and the sex industry. I'll wait.
Huummmm......Seems there is a christian group that is going to the border to help the children.
I've just donated...What have you done today to help the children???

Glenn Beck on Tuesday announced that he will be bringing tractor-trailers full of food, water, teddy bears and soccer balls to McAllen, Texas on July 19 as a way to help care for some of the roughly 60,000 underage refugees who have crossed into America illegally in 2014.

Beck said he will be joined by Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), and a number of pastors and rabbis.

“Through no fault of their own, they are caught in political crossfire,” Beck said of the children. “And while we continue to put pressure on Washington and change its course of lawlessness, we must also help. It is not either, or. It is both. We have to be active in the political game, and we must open our hearts.”

?We Must Open Our Hearts?: Glenn Beck Announces Major Border Event in Texas | Video | TheBlaze.com

I'll donate to deport them all.

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