Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

Such calls fall upon deaf ears, when articulated by those without belief.
Who knew that only believers are allowed to quote the Bible. Tell me, does the speaker change the truths of it? Are the words of Jesus only true when spoken by someone who calls him Lord?
Not at all. But Believers generally do not allow The Master's words to be twisted to suit the agenda of Nonbelievers.

Exactly, context is everything.
Do you even know what charity is?

How about it? Go ahead. Give us your definition.
A little lesson for you, from Jesus:

Matthew 6:1-4

"Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven. "So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. "But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,

Notice He says when YOU GIVE to the poor. Not when the government takes away from you then gives it to the poor.
Must we quote Jesus on taxes yet again? You won't like it.

And the discussion was on Charity, which I am attempting to teach him what Jesus taught.
Such calls fall upon deaf ears, when articulated by those without belief.
Who knew that only believers are allowed to quote the Bible. Tell me, does the speaker change the truths of it? Are the words of Jesus only true when spoken by someone who calls him Lord?
Not at all. But Believers generally do not allow The Master's words to be twisted to suit the agenda of Nonbelievers.
Directly quoting the Bible is twisting? Interesting.
Who knew that only believers are allowed to quote the Bible. Tell me, does the speaker change the truths of it? Are the words of Jesus only true when spoken by someone who calls him Lord?
Not at all. But Believers generally do not allow The Master's words to be twisted to suit the agenda of Nonbelievers.

Exactly, context is everything.
It's the way the Real World works, regardless of what these 'colleagues' would like us to believe.
Who knew that only believers are allowed to quote the Bible. Tell me, does the speaker change the truths of it? Are the words of Jesus only true when spoken by someone who calls him Lord?
Not at all. But Believers generally do not allow The Master's words to be twisted to suit the agenda of Nonbelievers.

Exactly, context is everything.
I was unaware the Bible had a context? Fascinating. I guess in Muslim nations it's simply not true then.

I will remember this when you guys starting quoting the Qur'an. Whatever you say about it isn't true, it can't be, because you don't believe...
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Not at all. But Believers generally do not allow The Master's words to be twisted to suit the agenda of Nonbelievers.

Exactly, context is everything.
I was unaware the Bible had a context? Fascinating. I guess in Muslim nations it's simply not true then.
It's not a matter of the Bible in context.

It's a matter of the interpretation of the bible and the nature and agenda of the interpreter in context.

You could point to a thousand-and-one history books which say that Julius Caesar is dead.

Yet, if that comes from an untrustworthy or unwelcome agenda-driven articulater or interpreter, folks will quite understandably seek a second opinion on Caesar's demise, rather than trust the interpreter.

Especially when the interpretation attempts to coerce people into doing something that they do not want to do, and which they see as slow cultural and societal suicide.

Folks tune it out.
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Exactly, context is everything.
I was unaware the Bible had a context? Fascinating. I guess in Muslim nations it's simply not true then.
It's not a matter of the Bible in context.

It's a matter of the interpretation of the bible and the nature and agenda of the interpreter in context.
Yeah, feed the hungry, heal the sick, and clothe the naked is pretty hard to work through without faith.
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

Are you talking about the same Christians you mock and demonize all year and especially at Christmastime? Really? You want Christians NOW?

...stop patting yourself on the back like a child for doing what your faith demands.
Such calls fall upon deaf ears, when articulated by those without belief.
Who knew that only believers are allowed to quote the Bible. Tell me, does the speaker change the truths of it? Are the words of Jesus only true when spoken by someone who calls him Lord?

No one said only believers are allowed to quote the Bible. In fact, the Bible clearly shows that even the devil quotes scriptures when it serves his purposes.
Not at all. But Believers generally do not allow The Master's words to be twisted to suit the agenda of Nonbelievers.

Exactly, context is everything.
I was unaware the Bible had a context? Fascinating. I guess in Muslim nations it's simply not true then.

I will remember this when you guys starting quoting the Qur'an. Whatever you say about it isn't true, it can't be, because you don't believe...

Everything has context. You're the first person I've ever seen claim otherwise.
I was unaware the Bible had a context? Fascinating. I guess in Muslim nations it's simply not true then.
It's not a matter of the Bible in context.

It's a matter of the interpretation of the bible and the nature and agenda of the interpreter in context.
Yeah, feed the hungry, heal the sick, and clothe the naked is pretty hard to work through without faith.

Really? They why is it when we suggest that Christians foster the children, we are told we are trying to indoctrinate them? Instead, we should just throw them in a camp? Who on earth truly believes that's the Christian thing to do?

Remember Jesus told us to feed the hungry, heal the sick, and clothe the naked. He didn't tell Ceasar to.
Lakhota, what is the Christian thing to do here? You don't want us to reunite them with their parents. You don't want us to foster the children. What do you want us to do? How is putting them in camps the Christian thing to do?
Unless of course they are Latino and smelly...:eusa_hand:

Hey. They can all live at your house we all know how much you love those smelly Latino's.

Yes because we all know your jesus was all about keeping brown children out of America, For it is written

LMAO Leave to an idiot like you to throw that "brown" comment in there. Thats how your liberal mind works. Anyone not agreeing with you is a racist.

How bout we taxpayers are sick and tired of being forced to bankroll the lives of others. Thats more on point that your assine "brown" comment. Your a fucking idiot.
It's not a matter of the Bible in context.

It's a matter of the interpretation of the bible and the nature and agenda of the interpreter in context.
Yeah, feed the hungry, heal the sick, and clothe the naked is pretty hard to work through without faith.

Really? They why is it when we suggest that Christians foster the children, we are told we are trying to indoctrinate them? Instead, we should just throw them in a camp? Who on earth truly believes that's the Christian thing to do?

Remember Jesus told us to feed the hungry, heal the sick, and clothe the naked. He didn't tell Ceasar to.
He didn't care what Caesar did, nor Rome, so why do you?
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Yeah, feed the hungry, heal the sick, and clothe the naked is pretty hard to work through without faith.

Really? They why is it when we suggest that Christians foster the children, we are told we are trying to indoctrinate them? Instead, we should just throw them in a camp? Who on earth truly believes that's the Christian thing to do?

Remember Jesus told us to feed the hungry, heal the sick, and clothe the naked. He didn't tell Ceasar to.
He didn't care what Caesar did, or Rome, so why do you?

Says who exactly?

What He was concerned with was individuals acting in their responsibilities. He was concerned with reconciling people with God and with their fellow man.

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your heart, mind, might and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.

Not tell me, do you love God when you place a government before Him? When you care more about power and making people dependent on you, are you loving God and your fellow man? Do you love God or your fellow man when you steal from others to give to yourself?
Hey. They can all live at your house we all know how much you love those smelly Latino's.

Yes because we all know your jesus was all about keeping brown children out of America, For it is written

LMAO Leave to an idiot like you to throw that "brown" comment in there. Thats how your liberal mind works. Anyone not agreeing with you is a racist.

How bout we taxpayers are sick and tired of being forced to bankroll the lives of others. Thats more on point that your assine "brown" comment. Your a fucking idiot.

They see the influx of criminal brown children as a punishment that we justly deserve.

As I've pointed out repeatedly..to a progressive, minority children are chattel..they're only value lies in how they can be used.
Such calls fall upon deaf ears, when articulated by those without belief.
Who knew that only believers are allowed to quote the Bible. Tell me, does the speaker change the truths of it? Are the words of Jesus only true when spoken by someone who calls him Lord?

No one said only believers are allowed to quote the Bible. In fact, the Bible clearly shows that even the devil quotes scriptures when it serves his purposes.

Yes he does, but does that make what he quotes untrue? What's the "untrue" part of "What you do unto others..."?
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How bout we taxpayers are sick and tired of being forced to bankroll the lives of others.
I'm sick of paying for the military. Big deal...

The one thing that taxes are specifically supposed to fund.

Naturally you hate it. You're an anti-American piece of shit, who wants to see our borders dissolved, our people killed, and our government replaced by a totalitarian regime. You want the American people completely disarmed, so they can be more effectively wiped out by the criminals that you and your ilk are shipping in by the tens of thousands.

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