Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

Actually, Indians sold a lot of their land, like Manhattan, it was bought for some shiny trinkets. :D

That was only true in the European version of events.

Indian "ownership" of land has far different implications.

For the most part, Indians didn't believe they "owned" the land. They believed they were a part of it.

You survival of the fittest atheists certainly have selective observations.

While you are giving your land to one of these natives, why don't you contemplate how natives never had a word for wheel.

I will let that marinate and I will now see how you really do not believe in the survival of the fittest in the human species.

However, it does exist in every other one.


Anyone ever notice that liberals do nothing for anyone? They claim they love the poor illegals, but they would never give up one of their little rooms. They do not even lift a finger. Then you have these assholes that feign outrage over the word REDSKINS and claim how they much they hate the land was taken from the native, however you would never see these liberals give up their land to a native. Ever notice that?

Other than the systematic destruction of America, what do liberals stand for? Name it. I will show how they are hypocrites about everything.

Ah so from a Christian perspective, when one set of Christians finds it impossible to live with another set of Christians, it's okay to impose on people from another land, move in, take their stuff and butcher them.

All praise Jesus.
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Unless of course they are Latino and smelly...:eusa_hand:

Hey. They can all live at your house we all know how much you love those smelly Latino's.
That was only true in the European version of events.

Indian "ownership" of land has far different implications.

For the most part, Indians didn't believe they "owned" the land. They believed they were a part of it.

You survival of the fittest atheists certainly have selective observations.

While you are giving your land to one of these natives, why don't you contemplate how natives never had a word for wheel.

I will let that marinate and I will now see how you really do not believe in the survival of the fittest in the human species.

However, it does exist in every other one.


Anyone ever notice that liberals do nothing for anyone? They claim they love the poor illegals, but they would never give up one of their little rooms. They do not even lift a finger. Then you have these assholes that feign outrage over the word REDSKINS and claim how they much they hate the land was taken from the native, however you would never see these liberals give up their land to a native. Ever notice that?

Other than the systematic destruction of America, what do liberals stand for? Name it. I will show how they are hypocrites about everything.

Ah so from a Christian perspective, when one set of Christians finds it impossible to live with another set of Christians, it's okay to impose on people from another land, move in, take their stuff and butcher them.

All praise Jesus.

Amen! Thanks for clearing that up.
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Unless of course they are Latino and smelly...:eusa_hand:

Hey. They can all live at your house we all know how much you love those smelly Latino's.

Yes because we all know your jesus was all about keeping brown children out of America, For it is written
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

You're seeing it.

I'm seeing it too. All I need do is look out my window to see my guest house that is currently occupied by an abused single mother of 2 that needed a place to escape the beatings.

Are you doing as much? How about the rest of you "enlightened" Liberals? How are you making a difference? What are you doing to help other than demanding I do more?
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

You're seeing it.

I'm seeing it too. All I need do is look out my window to see my guest house that is currently occupied by an abused single mother of 2 that needed a place to escape the beatings.

Are you doing as much? How about the rest of you "enlightened" Liberals? How are you making a difference? What are you doing to help other than demanding I do more?
Aren't you getting tired of patting yourself on the back? And who asked you to do more?

If you are doing what your faiths demands, why do you need a pat on the head?
Anyone? WTF are you personally doing for these people other than demanding taxpayers do more?
You're seeing it.

I'm seeing it too. All I need do is look out my window to see my guest house that is currently occupied by an abused single mother of 2 that needed a place to escape the beatings.

Are you doing as much? How about the rest of you "enlightened" Liberals? How are you making a difference? What are you doing to help other than demanding I do more?
Aren't you getting tired of patting yourself on the back? And who asked you to do more?

If you are doing what your faiths demands, why do you need a pat on the head?

As a matter of fact, I am, but you're the first Liberal that has even acknowledged what I do to help out in my little corner of the world. I've yet to see you or Lakhota or the rest of you Libs share what they are doing. All I see is wringing of hands and desperate cries about the plight of kids who have entered our country illegally.

YOU have DEMANDED I, and the rest of the tax paying public do more. Sorry pal. I'm doing all I can right now. If the plight of these kids saddens you so much, why don't you share your resources with them directly?

What the fuck are YOU doing to help these kids or anyone else, for that matter. Share your examples of charity.
Unless of course they are Latino and smelly...:eusa_hand:

Hey. They can all live at your house we all know how much you love those smelly Latino's.

Yes because we all know your jesus was all about keeping brown children out of America, For it is written

Why do you keep insisting on making everything about your obsession with skin color? The topic of controlling immigration does not hinge on your fears and weakness. Take your racism and hatred somewhere else until you grow up a little.
Let's review a bit here:

1) Suggesting we reunite the children to their parents is unchristian to Lakhota.
2) Suggesting we foster and take care of children whose parents we can't find is unchristian and indoctrination.

Why exactly is the only solution putting them in camps?
I'm seeing it too. All I need do is look out my window to see my guest house that is currently occupied by an abused single mother of 2 that needed a place to escape the beatings.

Are you doing as much? How about the rest of you "enlightened" Liberals? How are you making a difference? What are you doing to help other than demanding I do more?
Aren't you getting tired of patting yourself on the back? And who asked you to do more?

If you are doing what your faiths demands, why do you need a pat on the head?

As a matter of fact, I am, but you're the first Liberal that has even acknowledged what I do to help out in my little corner of the world. I've yet to see you or Lakhota or the rest of you Libs share what they are doing. All I see is wringing of hands and desperate cries about the plight of kids who have entered our country illegally.

YOU have DEMANDED I, and the rest of the tax paying public do more. Sorry pal. I'm doing all I can right now. If the plight of these kids saddens you so much, why don't you share your resources with them directly?

What the fuck are YOU doing to help these kids or anyone else, for that matter. Share your examples of charity.
I haven't "demanded" anything. Pay your taxes and let the Feds do their job. And stop patting yourself on the back like a child for doing what your faith demands.
How many brown children are you housing and feeding right now? What are you personally, doing to help?
And what personal thing should that be?

Do you even know what charity is?

How about it? Go ahead. Give us your definition.
A little lesson for you, from Jesus:

Matthew 6:1-4

"Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven. "So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. "But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,
And what personal thing should that be?

Do you even know what charity is?

How about it? Go ahead. Give us your definition.
A little lesson for you, from Jesus:

Matthew 6:1-4

"Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven. "So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. "But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,

Notice He says when YOU GIVE to the poor. Not when the government takes away from you then gives it to the poor.
...stop patting yourself on the back like a child for doing what your faith demands.
Such calls fall upon deaf ears, when articulated by those without belief.
Who knew that only believers are allowed to quote the Bible. Tell me, does the speaker change the truths of it? Are the words of Jesus only true when spoken by someone who calls him Lord?
Not at all. But Believers generally do not allow The Master's words to be twisted to suit the agenda of Nonbelievers.

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