Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

And just so you know...we do not answer in terms of faith to anti-Christian pigs.

It doesn't matter what you nutjobs say makes us good Christians. Having rejected Christ yourself, you are less than nothing to us.
We've noticed. I wonder, would Jesus have described us as the "least among you"? Nah, he would have just damned us to Hell right? Sounds just like him...

maybe he'd just flip you off. One never knows.
Have our resident libs adopted these children yet?
How many times do I have to post this....?

THEY ARE NOT BEING ADOPTED OUT, there are very few that will be fostered....only those that the gvt has determined are involved in human sexual trafficking, and those that have good reason to believe they will be killed if they return....and the gvt determines this to be true.....all others will be sent home, unless they have a relative that lives here already that is willing to take them in.

On Tuesday afternoon, the charity held an informational meeting for prospective foster families at its Fort Worth headquarters. Another meeting is scheduled this week on Thursday night.

Officials cautioned that only a small percentage of those crossing the border will be in need of fostering.

Cameras were not allowed inside the meeting, but reporters were able to attend.

During the meeting, Catholic Charities representatives said that any child in need of fostering will have legal status. That means they may have been the victims of trafficking, have no one to care for them and have gone through all immigration hearings.

Presenters told the group that most of the children will be placed with relatives in the U.S. or sent back to their home countries, if there is a safe place for them to go.
Families Willing to Open Homes to Immigrant Children | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

Much like the op I wasn't serious. But unlike the op I bet the "christians" are doing what they can as compared to your average bleeding heart liberal with all their lip service.
Open a TB ward in the UN Building

No problem. Tuberculosis is a treatable and curable disease

Were you born stupid or did you have to work at it?

Drug-Resistant TB
Drug resistant TB occurs when the patient did not take all of the medicine prescribed to treat the TB initially.

With an adult making certain these children with TB take all of their medicine, they will not develop Drug resistant TB....

The initial medication to treat TB costs $20 per patient....they just need to take every single pill!
Have our resident libs adopted these children yet?
How many times do I have to post this....?

THEY ARE NOT BEING ADOPTED OUT, there are very few that will be fostered....only those that the gvt has determined are involved in human sexual trafficking, and those that have good reason to believe they will be killed if they return....and the gvt determines this to be true.....all others will be sent home, unless they have a relative that lives here already that is willing to take them in.

On Tuesday afternoon, the charity held an informational meeting for prospective foster families at its Fort Worth headquarters. Another meeting is scheduled this week on Thursday night.

Officials cautioned that only a small percentage of those crossing the border will be in need of fostering.

Cameras were not allowed inside the meeting, but reporters were able to attend.

During the meeting, Catholic Charities representatives said that any child in need of fostering will have legal status. That means they may have been the victims of trafficking, have no one to care for them and have gone through all immigration hearings.

Presenters told the group that most of the children will be placed with relatives in the U.S. or sent back to their home countries, if there is a safe place for them to go.
Families Willing to Open Homes to Immigrant Children | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

Wait..you forgot one thing...

"relatives". Not relatives.

Do you know the difference?

"Relatives" means anyone who says they are a relative...generally speaking, pimps, drug and human traffickers.
Golden Rule

The Golden Rule is an ethical rule that is often stated as, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," or more simply, "Treat others as you would like to be treated." Also known as the ethic of reciprocity, the same concept has been the basis of social morality in many cultures throughout history. Although the Golden Rule is often attributed to Jesus, many forms of the ethical principle long pre-date him. Jesus himself, in Matthew 7:12 Bible-icon.png, describes it as the "sum of the law and the Prophets."

Historically, the Golden Rule can be found in ancient Babylon, China, and even within Native American tribes. The Golden Rule did not come into existence exclusively with the development of Judaism or Christianity.

MORE: Golden Rule - Iron Chariots Wiki

As most Atheist already know, Christians don't have a lock on morality - and never have. One does not have to be a Christian to have compassion, honor, and morals.
As most Atheist already know, Christians don't have a lock on morality - and never have. One does not have to be a Christian to have compassion, honor, and morals.
Quite true.

Then again, if you live within Christendom (the secularized West, to include Europe and the Western Hemisphere, as well as the Russias and Oceania, and large pockets elsewhere), the dominant/controlling culture and society are largely the product of centuries of political and philosophical evolution under the aegis of Christianity, and many aspects of your personal moral code are strongly influenced by and even governed by such evolution within Christendom; something your average atheist conveniently tends to ignore or sublimate.
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As most Atheist already know, Christians don't have a lock on morality - and never have. One does not have to be a Christian to have compassion, honor, and morals.
Quite true.

Then again, if you live within Christendom (the secularized West, to include Europe and the Russias, the Western Hemisphere, Oceania, etc.), the dominant/controlling culture and society are largely the product of centuries of political and philosophical evolution under the aegis of Christianity, and many aspects of your personal moral code are strongly influenced by and even governed by such evolution within Christendom.

Bullshit. At least 10 Christ-like figures predate Jesus. 10 Christ-like Figures Who Pre-Date Jesus - Listverse

Why didn't you quote my entire post?

Golden Rule

The Golden Rule is an ethical rule that is often stated as, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," or more simply, "Treat others as you would like to be treated." Also known as the ethic of reciprocity, the same concept has been the basis of social morality in many cultures throughout history. Although the Golden Rule is often attributed to Jesus, many forms of the ethical principle long pre-date him. Jesus himself, in Matthew 7:12 Bible-icon.png, describes it as the "sum of the law and the Prophets."

Historically, the Golden Rule can be found in ancient Babylon, China, and even within Native American tribes. The Golden Rule did not come into existence exclusively with the development of Judaism or Christianity.

MORE: Golden Rule - Iron Chariots Wiki

As most Atheist already know, Christians don't have a lock on morality - and never have. One does not have to be a Christian to have compassion, honor, and morals.
As most Atheist already know, Christians don't have a lock on morality - and never have. One does not have to be a Christian to have compassion, honor, and morals.
Quite true.

Then again, if you live within Christendom (the secularized West, to include Europe and the Russias, the Western Hemisphere, Oceania, etc.), the dominant/controlling culture and society are largely the product of centuries of political and philosophical evolution under the aegis of Christianity, and many aspects of your personal moral code are strongly influenced by and even governed by such evolution within Christendom.

No. It's quite true.

Christianity has, indeed, borrowed much from predecessor belief-systems, even though that is not widely perceived.

However, there is much unique to Christianity, and the passing centuries (1) put a Christian spin on much of what was preserved of the past and (2) blended that into a fairly uniquely Christian macro-level philosophy and set of behavioral codes and morality standards.

Each and every culture and society within the realm of Christendom (see earlier post for the definition in the modern age) leans heavily upon Christianity for its values and morals and ethics and codes, even when that society has been secularized.

Biased, subjective minds cannot connect the historical dots with respect to morals and ethics and codes and philosophy, vis a vis Christianity and its historical philosophical development, on a culture-wide or society-wide scale.

...At least 10 religions predate Christianity...
There is no disagreement between us on this point.

I even go so far as to concede (see above) that Christianity borrowed heavily from its predecessors.

...Why didn't you quote my entire post?...
What for?

I was serving-up an opposing viewpoint concerning a very narrow range of text - the very text that I did quote - and the remainder was largely irrelevant to the counterpoint I was making, and the omission (signaled via the usual elipsis) did not detract from the point or counterpoint, nor did it serve to position the quote out of context vis a vis the counterpoint - which are, of course, the 'fair use' criteria by which we all attempt to abide.

Lighten up, Francis...
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Did anybody say that there were no religions that predate Christianity?

Sheesh the bible OT itself predates Christianity.
Morality predates Christianity.

Squaw, What do your people know about morality, they used to scalp their victims! ...You have more in common with the cult of Islam, than with other religions!

Oh, BYW Tonto, doing a little research it seems the REGIME isn't using a Bush signed bill to help those diseased invaders, but a B.J. Clinton signed bill called the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. Congress subsequently reauthorized the Act in 2003, 2005, and 2008. It is the United States' initial attempt to combat modern slavery.

Yes, please look that up and correct the ERROR in your signature, or I will have to post it every time you use that fallacious excuse!
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Morality predates Christianity.

Squaw, What do your people know about morality, they used to scalp their victims! ...You have more in common with the cult of Islam, than with other religions!

Scalping was a French thing.

If YOU say so, Swallow! :eusa_clap:

Based on markings on skulls, drawings, linguistic clues, and the diaries of 15th- and 16th-century explorers, their conclusions were ultimately published in a 1981 book, "The European and the Indian," which argues that the practice of scalping in North and South America predated the arrival of Christopher Columbus.

"Scalps were not mere trophies or booty of war, however," Axtell wrote. "The whorl of hair on the crown and especially male scalp locks, braided and decorated with jewelry, paint, and feathers, represented the person's `soul' or living spirit. To lose that hair to an enemy was to lose control over one's life, to become socially and spiritually `dead', whether biological death resulted or not."

Who Scalped Whom? - Historians Suggest Indians Were As Much Victims As Perpetrators.
Yes becasue as everyone knows your jesus was all about who pays for what.

I can find hundreds of verses where Jesus asked us to be charitable, but none where he asked Caesar to tax his people in order to send money to foreign citizens.
That was the issue Ernie...when Jesus said to give unto Caesar, what is his.

The person questioning Jesus about taxes that they had to pay to the Roman Government, was taxes that did NOT go towards the Jewish people. Many Jews were very upset that they HAD TO PAY TAXES to their own Jewish Theocratic gvt ruling their communities, AND on top of the taxes they paid to the Jewish hierarchy, they had to pay taxes again to the Roman gvt which did near naught for them. This Jewish man and many other Jews wanted a rebellion to take place, against the Roman Gvt due to these taxes among other things, and Jesus nipped that thought in the bud, with His answer of giving unto Caesar, what is his....

We all understand that, but where did He say that government should tax its citizens to feed Egyptians?
Squaw, What do your people know about morality, they used to scalp their victims! ...You have more in common with the cult of Islam, than with other religions!

Scalping was a French thing.

If YOU say so, Swallow! :eusa_clap:

Based on markings on skulls, drawings, linguistic clues, and the diaries of 15th- and 16th-century explorers, their conclusions were ultimately published in a 1981 book, "The European and the Indian," which argues that the practice of scalping in North and South America predated the arrival of Christopher Columbus.

"Scalps were not mere trophies or booty of war, however," Axtell wrote. "The whorl of hair on the crown and especially male scalp locks, braided and decorated with jewelry, paint, and feathers, represented the person's `soul' or living spirit. To lose that hair to an enemy was to lose control over one's life, to become socially and spiritually `dead', whether biological death resulted or not."

Who Scalped Whom? - Historians Suggest Indians Were As Much Victims As Perpetrators.

Yes, brutal "souvenirs of war abound in human history. (Compassion is neither Christian, Judaic, Islamic, nor polytheist.) Back to the issue, repatriation will cost much more than 2 billion, and only a few of the children that entered illagally may qualify for foster care, or the longer wait for adoption.

(For far too long, one parent could be "dispensed" with in the adoption process, usually a putative father, with a "I do not know where he is" affidavit. Many states, in this century, now have a state registry that must be notified of pending adoptions, and often service by publication is required, it matters not where the "unknown" parent is domociled.)
Random Association Maven "peach" strikes again. Not sure how adoption plays into the scalp convo...or how scalping plays into the immigration issue..but hey, what does it matter...
Scalping was a French thing.

If YOU say so, Swallow! :eusa_clap:

Based on markings on skulls, drawings, linguistic clues, and the diaries of 15th- and 16th-century explorers, their conclusions were ultimately published in a 1981 book, "The European and the Indian," which argues that the practice of scalping in North and South America predated the arrival of Christopher Columbus.

"Scalps were not mere trophies or booty of war, however," Axtell wrote. "The whorl of hair on the crown and especially male scalp locks, braided and decorated with jewelry, paint, and feathers, represented the person's `soul' or living spirit. To lose that hair to an enemy was to lose control over one's life, to become socially and spiritually `dead', whether biological death resulted or not."

Who Scalped Whom? - Historians Suggest Indians Were As Much Victims As Perpetrators.

Yes, brutal "souvenirs of war abound in human history. (Compassion is neither Christian, Judaic, Islamic, nor polytheist.) Back to the issue, repatriation will cost much more than 2 billion, and only a few of the children that entered illagally may qualify for foster care, or the longer wait for adoption.

(For far too long, one parent could be "dispensed" with in the adoption process, usually a putative father, with a "I do not know where he is" affidavit. Many states, in this century, now have a state registry that must be notified of pending adoptions, and often service by publication is required, it matters not where the "unknown" parent is domociled.)

Much more is an UNDERSTATEMENT!!!

President Barack Obama cares, the White House insisted Tuesday in asking Congress for $3.7 billion in emergency funds to better respond to the flood of immigration...

Obama seeks emergency immigration funds, more authority - CNN.com

Flying them home all first class WITH MEALS is so much cheaper!

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