Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

I do behave in a manner consistent with Christian ethics. The difference between you and me is that I don't ask you to pay for it.

Yes becasue as everyone knows your jesus was all about who pays for what.

I can find hundreds of verses where Jesus asked us to be charitable, but none where he asked Caesar to tax his people in order to send money to foreign citizens.
That was the issue Ernie...when Jesus said to give unto Caesar, what is his.

The person questioning Jesus about taxes that they had to pay to the Roman Government, was taxes that did NOT go towards the Jewish people. Many Jews were very upset that they HAD TO PAY TAXES to their own Jewish Theocratic gvt ruling their communities, AND on top of the taxes they paid to the Jewish hierarchy, they had to pay taxes again to the Roman gvt which did near naught for them. This Jewish man and many other Jews wanted a rebellion to take place, against the Roman Gvt due to these taxes among other things, and Jesus nipped that thought in the bud, with His answer of giving unto Caesar, what is his....
I love it when anti-Christian bigots maintain that in order to be a good Christian, you must acquiesce to whatever insanity they throw at you.

Sorry, that isn't the kernel of Christianity.
Christians are also advised to die rather than act in opposition to their Christian beliefs.

I will not support a government that engages in human trafficking. I will not submit to the laws of a government that supports the sex trade. I will not pay money to kill children.

You give to Ceasar what it Ceasar's..but only as far as it is not in conflict with your faith.

Sorry, but assisting drug cartels and human traffickers, and using children to make political hay for progressives is against my Christian faith, and completely against the teachings of Christ.
And just so you know...we do not answer in terms of faith to anti-Christian pigs.

It doesn't matter what you nutjobs say makes us good Christians. Having rejected Christ yourself, you are less than nothing to us.
I love it when anti-Christian bigots maintain that in order to be a good Christian, you must acquiesce to whatever insanity they throw at you.

Sorry, that isn't the kernel of Christianity.

Just a question, when did Jesus demand that Rome stop whatever it was doing? Quote that from the Gospels for us would you please?
Christians are also advised to die rather than act in opposition to their Christian beliefs.

I will not support a government that engages in human trafficking. I will not submit to the laws of a government that supports the sex trade. I will not pay money to kill children.

You give to Ceasar what it Ceasar's..but only as far as it is not in conflict with your faith.

Sorry, but assisting drug cartels and human traffickers, and using children to make political hay for progressives is against my Christian faith, and completely against the teachings of Christ.
Can you please explain what you are talking about with human trafficking and these refugees and our government being a part of it? I have no idea, at all, what you are talking about?
And just so you know...we do not answer in terms of faith to anti-Christian pigs.

It doesn't matter what you nutjobs say makes us good Christians. Having rejected Christ yourself, you are less than nothing to us.
We've noticed. I wonder, would Jesus have described us as the "least among you"? Nah, he would have just damned us to Hell right? Sounds just like him...
Can we not vaccinate them or give them lice shampoo?

They are taking care of the lice, they already have TB and are not being treated.
Do you realize that it costs 30,000 for each kid that has TB?
Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Diseases

It costs $20 to treat a patient with tuberculosis....

It costs $2000-$3000 if they have a drug resistant tuberculosis, NOT the $30,000?

What It Takes To Cure Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis : Shots - Health News : NPR

That does not include the whole cost.

PubMed Central, TABLE 3.: Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Jun 1, 2009; 179(11): 1055?1060. Published online Mar 19, 2009. doi:* 10.1164/rccm.200901-0153OC
Have our resident libs adopted these children yet?
I don't know about REAL Liberals - most of whom are sane and honorable folk, supportive of their country - but I doubt that any of our resident America-Haters and Surrender Monkeys and Anarchists and Globalists have even so much as looked to see where they might be able to donate time or money in support of those children.
Have our resident libs adopted these children yet?
Well I tried, but it turns out you can't just pull up with an empty minivan and say Hi, how many 15-year-old girls you got? They looked at me kind of funny, which I thought was rude since I brought them new tennis shoes, underwear, and iPhones. What more could they ask for?
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Have our resident libs adopted these children yet?
How many times do I have to post this....?

THEY ARE NOT BEING ADOPTED OUT, there are very few that will be fostered....only those that the gvt has determined are involved in human sexual trafficking, and those that have good reason to believe they will be killed if they return....and the gvt determines this to be true.....all others will be sent home, unless they have a relative that lives here already that is willing to take them in.

On Tuesday afternoon, the charity held an informational meeting for prospective foster families at its Fort Worth headquarters. Another meeting is scheduled this week on Thursday night.

Officials cautioned that only a small percentage of those crossing the border will be in need of fostering.

Cameras were not allowed inside the meeting, but reporters were able to attend.

During the meeting, Catholic Charities representatives said that any child in need of fostering will have legal status. That means they may have been the victims of trafficking, have no one to care for them and have gone through all immigration hearings.

Presenters told the group that most of the children will be placed with relatives in the U.S. or sent back to their home countries, if there is a safe place for them to go.
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Have our resident libs adopted these children yet?
Well I tried, but it turns out you can't just pull up with an empty minivan and say Hi, how many 15-year-old girls you got? They looked at me kind of funny, which I thought was rude since I brought them new tennis shoes, underwear, and iPhones. What more could they ask for?

Goes to show ya that adoption isn't easy.
Have our resident libs adopted these children yet?
Well I tried, but it turns out you can't just pull up with an empty minivan and say Hi, how many 15-year-old girls you got? They looked at me kind of funny, which I thought was rude since I brought them new tennis shoes, underwear, and iPhones. What more could they ask for?

Ok, that was funny.

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