Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

The christians might have to redo some verses in their bible


Matt 25:35
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in"


Matt 25:35.1

"For I was hungry and you told me go back where I came from, I was thirsty and you me told be I was diseased, I was a stranger and you blocked the buses

Thankfully I am not a christian :eusa_whistle:

Please note, it doesn't say "For you locked children in a camp and refused to return them to their parents for your own political purposes."
The christians might have to redo some verses in their bible


Matt 25:35
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in"


Matt 25:35.1

"For I was hungry and you told me go back where I came from, I was thirsty and you me told be I was diseased, I was a stranger and you blocked the buses

Thankfully I am not a christian :eusa_whistle:

Please note, it doesn't say "For you locked children in a camp and refused to return them to their parents for your own political purposes."
Sure thing, 50,000 kids who aren't old enough to vote yet guarantees we win...
It seems that America is not a Christian nation after all.

"One would like to believe that people who think of themselves as devout Christians would
also behave in a manner that is in according with Christian ethics. But pastorally and
existentially, I know that this is not the case, and never has been." :eek:
..........John Neuhaus
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The christians might have to redo some verses in their bible


Matt 25:35
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in"


Matt 25:35.1

"For I was hungry and you told me go back where I came from, I was thirsty and you me told be I was diseased, I was a stranger and you blocked the buses

Thankfully I am not a christian :eusa_whistle:

Please note, it doesn't say "For you locked children in a camp and refused to return them to their parents for your own political purposes."

Projecting your strawm and and mentally ill projections on other just make you look like the fool
The children with TB are going to die. Those who have contracted TB from the children that have TB will die. That's just the way it is. No doubt democrats have thought of this and look at such deaths an more opportunity to blame republicans for letting children die.

Wow, now lets see the responses from out message board "Christians" :eusa_whistle:

Southern Baptists adopt ‘Gospel response’ toward undocumented immigrants

"On Wednesday, the Southern Baptist Convention adopted a resolution supporting government efforts to provide paths to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and pledged that churches work toward just treatment of people regardless of legal status, Baptist News reported."

Watch the talking points shift
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The children with TB are going to die. Those who have contracted TB from the children that have TB will die. That's just the way it is. No doubt democrats have thought of this and look at such deaths an more opportunity to blame republicans for letting children die.
Yes because we all know that TB is always fatal, always. You might as well jump from a tall building if you test positive. Make sure all the right-wing people you know are aware of this, and please ask them to jump from the side with the fewest people and cars below. TY.
It seems that America is not a Christian nation after all.

"One would like to believe that people who think of themselves as devout Christians would
also behave in a manner that is in according with Christian ethics. But pastorally and
existentially, I know that this is not the case, and never has been." :eek:
..........John Neuhaus

Niemoller did, and we know where he went, Christ led him there.

Rabbi interviews Polish Christians Who Helped Jews During the Holocaust
It seems that America is not a Christian nation after all.

"One would like to believe that people who think of themselves as devout Christians would
also behave in a manner that is in according with Christian ethics. But pastorally and
existentially, I know that this is not the case, and never has been." :eek:
..........John Neuhaus

I do behave in a manner consistent with Christian ethics. The difference between you and me is that I don't ask you to pay for it.
Taxes are for the common good. We don't get to individually pick and choose - except at the ballot box.
The christians might have to redo some verses in their bible


Matt 25:35
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in"


Matt 25:35.1

"For I was hungry and you told me go back where I came from, I was thirsty and you me told be I was diseased, I was a stranger and you blocked the buses

Thankfully I am not a christian :eusa_whistle:

Please note, it doesn't say "For you locked children in a camp and refused to return them to their parents for your own political purposes."

Projecting your strawm and and mentally ill projections on other just make you look like the fool
Advice: Learn how to spell, use proper punctuation and construct a basic sentence before calling others fools.
Taxes are for the common good. We don't get to individually pick and choose - except at the ballot box.

Taxes were never meant to support the citizenry...nor were they meant to support criminals from other countries. Taxes do not take the place of individual responsibility for yourself and others.

This is what progressives don't get. They don't want to take care of themselves or anyone else...so they think they should be able to dictate who is WORTHY of life and support, and they think they should be able to FORCE others to support them and others.

Sorry, it doesn't work at way, and the people of this country are at the breaking point. We will take care of ourselves and all comers..but we will not suffer to be MADE to support human trafficking and the sex industry.
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omg gag us

taxes are for the COMMON GOOD


I wasn't born into a tribe or a commune
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Taxes are for the common good. We don't get to individually pick and choose - except at the ballot box.

That's the common good of the citizens, not the common good of whoever you choose.
It does me nor you any "good" to put a citizen of another country in a refuge camp in the US. It does us more good to send him back where he belongs.

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