Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

go spew all over the dailykos, hufferpost

you're full of nothing but nonsense bullshit
It seems that America is not a Christian nation after all.

"One would like to believe that people who think of themselves as devout Christians would
also behave in a manner that is in according with Christian ethics. But pastorally and
existentially, I know that this is not the case, and never has been." :eek:
..........John Neuhaus

I do behave in a manner consistent with Christian ethics. The difference between you and me is that I don't ask you to pay for it.

Yes becasue as everyone knows your jesus was all about who pays for what.
I would also like to remind the progressive douchebags that we revolted against England because England thought they had to right to take our resources, tax the shit out of us, and force us to accommodate English soldiers.

England was wrong.

And so are you.

I would also like to remind you that the Tea Party culminated in the tarring and feathering of the British customs officer John Malcolm. Just sayin. When things do start moving, and they will...you will not be held exempt.

A Bostonian, Captain Malcolm was a staunch supporter of royal authority. During the War of the Regulation, he traveled to the province of North Carolina to help put down the uprising. While working for the customs service, he pursued his duties with a zeal that made him unpopular. The fact that he was a loyalist during the Tea Act, the three-pence tea tax detested by the patriots did not help his reputation. In November 1773, sailors in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, tarred and feathered him. Malcolm got off relatively easy in this attack, since the tar and feathers were applied while he was still fully clothed.[2]"

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Really? What does foreign aid have to do with a bunch of illegals that the taxpayers are now going to get hosed to support? A bunch of illegals who shouldn't be here.

As for foreign aid? I'd do away with that bullshit in a heartbeat.

I'm equal opportunity when it comes to my tax dollar.

Jesus your an idiot.


Fed up: Anger rising across America

K.T. McFarland

By K.T. McFarland
·Published July 07, 2014

FILE - In this Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2013, file photo, the dome of the Capitol is reflected in a skylight of the Capitol Visitor's Center in Washington.(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

Every Fourth of July we have a family dinner and take turns reading sections of the Declaration of Independence. When my kids were young they were thoroughly bored. When they were teenagers they rushed through the reading so they could ditch the family and see their friends, who weren’t subjected to such July 4th indignities. But my children are grown now, and this year brought their friends to our family dinner.

We handed out slices of American Flag cake along with copies of the Declaration and commenced reading, going around the table. My children were apprehensive their friends would think their parents were too corny, and their friends looked on politely, but unenthusiastically. The first few lines were familiar to everyone: “When in the Course of human events”…and…. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."

We’re seeing the stirrings of a movement against Washington’s governing elite, an increasingly angry reaction to their abuse of power.

Read beyond those first two paragraphs, though, and you get the long list of grievances the Colonials had against the King. Some of our readers this year were in the military, two were Special Forces guys, just back from some of the fiercest fighting in Afghanistan. The rest were recent college graduates, struggling to find jobs, get apartments they could afford, and payoff college loans.

This year our reading of the Declaration clicked.

As we went around the table, each person reading a few sentences of the Declaration, the momentum picked up. People started reading with enthusiasm, then gusto, and mounting passion as they got further down the list of grievances. They started banging the table as the abuses mounted, and finished by chanting all together the repeated phrase,“Free and Independent States”.

It dawned on us that what happened in America in the 1770’s is like what’s happening all across the country today. We’re seeing the stirrings of a movement against Washington’s governing elite, an increasingly angry reaction to their abuse of power.

For the first time in all the years of reading the Declaration, I felt how angry the Colonials were. It wasn’t just about paying taxes, or being able to vote for members of Parliament. It was about a far-away government dictating to people who lived very different lives. It was about a big government that took from the people but gave very little in return. It was about an arrogant elite, deaf to the repeated petitions of the people. It was about abuse of power.

Think of what it must have been like for our forbearers. They had been carving out a life in the wilderness for over a hundred years, through their own determination, hard work and self-reliance.

ALL of it here:
Fed up: Anger rising across America | Fox News
go spew all over the dailykos, hufferpost

you're full of nothing but nonsense bullshit

Humna humna humna humna

Southern Baptists back 'path to legal status' for undocumented immigrants

The nation’s largest Protestant denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention approved a resolution backing a path to legal status for illegal immigrants at its annual meeting in Phoenix.

The resolution calls on the government to make border security a priority and to hold businesses accountable for their hiring. It also asks government officials to support “a just and compassionate path to legal status, with appropriate restitutionary measures, for those undocumented immigrants already living in our country.” The vision for a path toward legal status mirrors what President Barack Obama has offered as he’s urged support for immigration reform.

It seems that America is not a Christian nation after all.

"One would like to believe that people who think of themselves as devout Christians would
also behave in a manner that is in according with Christian ethics. But pastorally and
existentially, I know that this is not the case, and never has been." :eek:
..........John Neuhaus

Niemoller did, and we know where he went, Christ led him there.

Rabbi interviews Polish Christians Who Helped Jews During the Holocaust

He was a righteous Gentile
Most of these refugees will either be sent back home or be placed with their own relatives here in the USA.

There are laws and a process for the government to follow that are in place for refugees and refugee children, which takes a little bit of time to go through.

These ridiculous temper tantrums, are for naught imo.
At this point, does anyone even know what guno is talking about?

Does he strike anyone else as batshit insane?
go spew all over the dailykos, hufferpost

you're full of nothing but nonsense bullshit

Humna humna humna humna

Southern Baptists back 'path to legal status' for undocumented immigrants

The nation’s largest Protestant denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention approved a resolution backing a path to legal status for illegal immigrants at its annual meeting in Phoenix.

The resolution calls on the government to make border security a priority and to hold businesses accountable for their hiring. It also asks government officials to support “a just and compassionate path to legal status, with appropriate restitutionary measures, for those undocumented immigrants already living in our country.” The vision for a path toward legal status mirrors what President Barack Obama has offered as he’s urged support for immigration reform.

Nothing new here. The churches in America have long been one of the VESTED INTERESTS supporting immigration, for their own special reasons. To fill their empty pews resulting from seriously declining congregations.

It's just like unions who back this abomination because it brings in new members for them to scrounge union dues from.

Examples of immigration's VESTED INTERESTS are: >>>

1. Businesses wanting cheap labor to reduce costs & boost profits.

2. Churches wanting parishoners to fill their empty pews.

3. Unions wanting members to replace their declining memberships.

4. Spanish media NEEDING Spanish-only speakers.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations wanting immigrants to multiply their race, for racist reasons (ex. La Raza- "the race")

6. Democrats seek VOTES (and get them).

7. Terrorists come in to enact terrorism (ex. the 9-11 hijackers came in on visas)

8. Anchor baby parents who become LEGALLY entitled to welfare benefits by having the pregnant woman give birth on the American side of the border. And then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits (more immigrants are receiving welfare benefits than native-born Americans).

9. Mexico - remittances$$$ from the USA are their second largest source of income (second only to their oil exports) Mexico also benefits immensely by dumping their poor people on the US, as we then stupidly pay their poverty bill for them. Other countries also benefit from remittances and poverty dumping.

10. Mexico's Reconquista of the American southwest. I take the Mexican govt at it's word when it says that is exactly its plan.
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At this point, does anyone even know what guno is talking about?

Does he strike anyone else as batshit insane?

Your soufern' baptists support the immigrants, put sttonger lighting in your trailer house so you can read
Hold the Central American countries accountable for this atrocious INVASION. Note how silent they have been through all this latest border crisis. If they were not complicit in this, they would be apologizing, and rushing in to help repair the situation. They're not doing that because they are the ENGINEERS OF IT.

They've seen Mexico use migration of poor people into the US as a tactic bringing Mexico their # 1 source of income (remittances + welfare relief), and now they are wanting to cash in as well, as long as they have Obama and his crew, allowing it to happen.

This activity on the part of the Central American nations is a conscious, deliberate invasion and act of WAR, and it should be treated as such, with economic and/or military action taken against these imperialistic raiders.

The UN can donate some of its land, on which Los Niños can reside in the interim...

The UN can pay for their care, from non-US-supplied funds...

The UN can handle the logistics and security and transportation...

Just as soon as they take 'em off our hands, and ship 'em someplace else...

No problemo...

Meanwhile, Obumble, in one of those rare doing-something-right timelines, is preparing to send most of 'em back home...

UN Enters Immigration Debate, Pushes For Fleeing Central Americans To Be Treated As Refugees

SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) — United Nations officials are pushing for many of the Central Americans fleeing to the U.S. to be treated as refugees displaced by armed conflict, a designation meant to increase pressure on the United States and Mexico to accept tens of thousands of people currently ineligible for asylum.

Officials with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees say they hope to see a regional agreement on that status Thursday when migration and interior department representatives from the U.S., Mexico, and Central America meet in Nicaragua. The group will discuss updating a 30-year-old declaration regarding the obligations nations have to aid refugees.

MORE: UN Enters Immigration Debate, Pushes For Fleeing Central Americans To Be Treated As Refugees

Makes more sense than calling these children illegal immigrants. They are refugees.
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At this point, does anyone even know what guno is talking about?

Does he strike anyone else as batshit insane?

Your soufern' baptists support the immigrants, put sttonger lighting in your trailer house so you can read

As the rock of WWE fame would say > "IT DOESN'T MATTER" what the southern baptist say. And if you put stronger lighting in your trailer house so you can read, you can read my post # 890, which erased away your post # 891.
The children with TB are going to die. Those who have contracted TB from the children that have TB will die. That's just the way it is. No doubt democrats have thought of this and look at such deaths an more opportunity to blame republicans for letting children die.

Tuberculosis is a treatable and curable disease. What's your next scare - Ebola and leprosy?
"One would like to believe that people who think of themselves as devout Christians would
also behave in a manner that is in according with Christian ethics. But pastorally and
existentially, I know that this is not the case, and never has been." :eek:
..........John Neuhaus

I do behave in a manner consistent with Christian ethics. The difference between you and me is that I don't ask you to pay for it.

Yes becasue as everyone knows your jesus was all about who pays for what.

I can find hundreds of verses where Jesus asked us to be charitable, but none where he asked Caesar to tax his people in order to send money to foreign citizens.
I do behave in a manner consistent with Christian ethics. The difference between you and me is that I don't ask you to pay for it.

Yes becasue as everyone knows your jesus was all about who pays for what.

I can find hundreds of verses where Jesus asked us to be charitable, but none where he asked Caesar to tax his people in order to send money to foreign citizens.

So, you're against foreign aid? Okay, contact your representatives in Washington.
UN Enters Immigration Debate, Pushes For Fleeing Central Americans To Be Treated As Refugees

SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) — United Nations officials are pushing for many of the Central Americans fleeing to the U.S. to be treated as refugees displaced by armed conflict, a designation meant to increase pressure on the United States and Mexico to accept tens of thousands of people currently ineligible for asylum.

Officials with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees say they hope to see a regional agreement on that status Thursday when migration and interior department representatives from the U.S., Mexico, and Central America meet in Nicaragua. The group will discuss updating a 30-year-old declaration regarding the obligations nations have to aid refugees.

MORE: UN Enters Immigration Debate, Pushes For Fleeing Central Americans To Be Treated As Refugees

Makes more sense than calling these children illegal immigrants. They are refugees.

Some may be.. I haven't seen any specific information relating to specific migrants, to establish that conclusion. Many of these people are kids arriving with adults, who may just have decided to go to America, while not being victims of anything, which makes them not eligible for protection under the 2008 trafficking law. They should be deported.

As for where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children, perhaps it is in the hearts of the unemployed American parents, who have the Christian compassion for their own children, who suffer because of their unemployment caused by excessive immigration.
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go spew all over the dailykos, hufferpost

you're full of nothing but nonsense bullshit

Humna humna humna humna

Southern Baptists back 'path to legal status' for undocumented immigrants

The nation’s largest Protestant denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention approved a resolution backing a path to legal status for illegal immigrants at its annual meeting in Phoenix.

The resolution calls on the government to make border security a priority and to hold businesses accountable for their hiring. It also asks government officials to support “a just and compassionate path to legal status, with appropriate restitutionary measures, for those undocumented immigrants already living in our country.” The vision for a path toward legal status mirrors what President Barack Obama has offered as he’s urged support for immigration reform.


The only path to citizenship I'll support begins with illegals returning to their country of origin and applying for legal entry.

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