Where is the Christian compassion for US Taxpayers?

Where is the Christian compassion for US Taxpayers?

Oh there is plenty of that around, from the people who ignore the fact that Jesus said the desire for wealth was the fast track to hell and instead try to say that Jesus was for small government and low taxes, which he wasn't. .

Since I am an atheist your argument is irrelevant.

But creating a tyrannical welfare/warfare state will definitely make us feel like we are in hell.

There's been a lot of research in what makes people feel happy and prosperous. Basically, countries that enjoy peace, freedom, good healthcare, quality education, a functioning political system and plenty of opportunity are at the top of list every year.

This year, 8 of the 10 top countries had more extensive social welfare systems than the US. Again the US did not make the top 10.

The World's Happiest (And Saddest) Countries, 2013 - Forbes

Yeah...All of these places offer free shit to the masses. At the expense of others. it's why Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland are all in essence 'broke'. The weight of European Style socialism is crushing the economy of the Euro Zone nations. But for the existence of Germany's robust economy( because they MAKE STUFF) the EU would have collapsed years ago.
Where is the Christian compassion for US Taxpayers?

I am for open borders, but open bordeers and a gargantuan welfare state are incompatible.

For a libertarian solution, the "path to legalization" isn't about delivering new voters for the Democrats or increasing the welfare rolls, but about creating a legal environment wherein millions of people already living in the U.S. can become full and active participants in the economy. It would involve providing a federally recognized legal status for illegal immigrants that would fall short of citizenship or permanent residency but allow them to participate in economic and social life—to open bank accounts, drive, acquire occupational licenses, board planes, and do the many other things that require an ID in America today."

Speaking of taxpayers why do churches have a tax fee ride?

Thankfully some places are limiting that a church can take over tax paying commercial buildings and converting them in to tax free property .

People should be allowed to keep their money.

Individuals should only be taxed to pay for services SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED in the Constitution.

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Since I am an atheist your argument is irrelevant.

But creating a tyrannical welfare/warfare state will definitely make us feel like we are in hell.

There's been a lot of research in what makes people feel happy and prosperous. Basically, countries that enjoy peace, freedom, good healthcare, quality education, a functioning political system and plenty of opportunity are at the top of list every year.

This year, 8 of the 10 top countries had more extensive social welfare systems than the US. Again the US did not make the top 10.

The World's Happiest (And Saddest) Countries, 2013 - Forbes

Yeah...All of these places offer free shit to the masses. At the expense of others. it's why Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland are all in essence 'broke'. The weight of European Style socialism is crushing the economy of the Euro Zone nations. But for the existence of Germany's robust economy( because they MAKE STUFF) the EU would have collapsed years ago.
Greece's expenditures on social welfare are 22% of GDP. By comparison the OECD average is 21.9%, Sweden is 28.6%, United States is 20%, Switzerland is 19.1%. Their spending on social services is not the problem. The major problem in Greece was the lack tax revenue because so few people paid taxes and an an insolvent government employee retirement system.

US expenditures on social welfare are not out of line with other developed nations.

Social Expenditure - Aggregated data
Since I am an atheist your argument is irrelevant.

But creating a tyrannical welfare/warfare state will definitely make us feel like we are in hell.

There's been a lot of research in what makes people feel happy and prosperous. Basically, countries that enjoy peace, freedom, good healthcare, quality education, a functioning political system and plenty of opportunity are at the top of list every year.

This year, 8 of the 10 top countries had more extensive social welfare systems than the US. Again the US did not make the top 10.

The World's Happiest (And Saddest) Countries, 2013 - Forbes

Yeah...All of these places offer free shit to the masses. At the expense of others. it's why Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland are all in essence 'broke'. The weight of European Style socialism is crushing the economy of the Euro Zone nations. But for the existence of Germany's robust economy( because they MAKE STUFF) the EU would have collapsed years ago.

Furthermore they peg their currency to the US "dollar" so when they shit hits the fan they will be downthere with us.
Denmark is said to be the happiest country. They allow very little immigration and recently limited even what they did allow.

Successful countries have an extensive and generous welfare system with very few people using it.

Sweden is trying an experiment by shortening its workday to six hours. That's six hours without a break or even a lunch. Is that going to fly in the US?
I disagree, as do REAL economists who are not getting grants or other government largesse. So that ends that.

Get your head out of you ass and read about ECONOMIST Murray Newton Rothbard when you get a chance.
Is that were you get your nonsense from? That makes sense. At least he had the sense to reject Ayn Rand, eventually. I'm sure she's a little god to you as well?

I see, to you fascists any socioeconomic system which allow its citizens the right to - NON-VIOLENTLY - pursue happiness is nonsense.

You want government to crush dissent but then engage in Orwellian Doubletalk in order to hide the fact that we are dealing with fascism or government tyranny.

Pass, but thanks all the same...
Denmark is said to be the happiest country. They allow very little immigration and recently limited even what they did allow.

Successful countries have an extensive and generous welfare system with very few people using it.

Sweden is trying an experiment by shortening its workday to six hours. That's six hours without a break or even a lunch. Is that going to fly in the US?

Unfortunately , power hungry politicians have decided to buy votes worldwide. But those countries are not WARFARE states. The citizens therein typically subscribe to the work ethic and do not overwhelm to system.

you post a thread about christian compassion and someone gives you an answer that relates to something "christian" and you give this response.

Where is the Christian compassion for US Taxpayers?

Oh there is plenty of that around, from the people who ignore the fact that Jesus said the desire for wealth was the fast track to hell and instead try to say that Jesus was for small government and low taxes, which he wasn't. .

Since I am an atheist your argument is irrelevant.

But creating a tyrannical welfare/warfare state will definitely make us feel like we are in hell.

Is that were you get your nonsense from? That makes sense. At least he had the sense to reject Ayn Rand, eventually. I'm sure she's a little god to you as well?

I see, to you fascists any socioeconomic system which allow its citizens the right to - NON-VIOLENTLY - pursue happiness is nonsense.

You want government to crush dissent but then engage in Orwellian Doubletalk in order to hide the fact that we are dealing with fascism or government tyranny.

Pass, but thanks all the same...

I fully understand that as a parasite you are conflicted by interest.

Of course an anarchist **** like you is for lawless open borders but doesn't like the end result of paying for all the illegals coming here, because you're a fucking idiot.

Close the border and send illegals home....problem solved, ****.

Where is the Christian compassion for US Taxpayers?

I am for open borders, but open bordeers and a gargantuan welfare state are incompatible.

For a libertarian solution, the "path to legalization" isn't about delivering new voters for the Democrats or increasing the welfare rolls, but about creating a legal environment wherein millions of people already living in the U.S. can become full and active participants in the economy. It would involve providing a federally recognized legal status for illegal immigrants that would fall short of citizenship or permanent residency but allow them to participate in economic and social life—to open bank accounts, drive, acquire occupational licenses, board planes, and do the many other things that require an ID in America today."
I see, to you fascists any socioeconomic system which allow its citizens the right to - NON-VIOLENTLY - pursue happiness is nonsense.

You want government to crush dissent but then engage in Orwellian Doubletalk in order to hide the fact that we are dealing with fascism or government tyranny.

Pass, but thanks all the same...

I fully understand that as a parasite you are conflicted by interest.
As a capitalist or a socialist he's a nutter. Pick anything you like to call me, but he rejected what everyone else uses to try to understand the economy so therefore I am rejecting him, and not out of hand either. I read enough to say, see ya...
you post a thread about christian compassion and someone gives you an answer that relates to something "christian" and you give this response.

Where is the Christian compassion for US Taxpayers?

Oh there is plenty of that around, from the people who ignore the fact that Jesus said the desire for wealth was the fast track to hell and instead try to say that Jesus was for small government and low taxes, which he wasn't. .

Since I am an atheist your argument is irrelevant.

But creating a tyrannical welfare/warfare state will definitely make us feel like we are in hell.


The thread was intended as parody of "Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children? "

No one considered the fact that those funds are derived from taxpayers.

Of course an anarchist **** like you is for lawless open borders but doesn't like the end result of paying for all the illegals coming here, because you're a fucking idiot.

Close the border and send illegals home....problem solved, ****.

Yo Dildo

How is that "close the border and send illegals home.." working out for you?

"11 Million Undocumented Immigrants: What's Behind This Number "


you post a thread about christian compassion and someone gives you an answer that relates to something "christian" and you give this response.

Since I am an atheist your argument is irrelevant.

But creating a tyrannical welfare/warfare state will definitely make us feel like we are in hell.


The thread was intended as parody of "Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children? "

No one considered the fact that those funds are derived from taxpayers.
And that makes it different how exactly? Do not all taxpayers pay for things they disagree with? I know I certainly do...
Scum throwing out "Christians need to support the poor illegals" need to explain where it says Christians are supposed to support breaking the laws e.g. supporting someone breaking into another's house, entering their property, crossing the border, etc.
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Scum like you support chaos.

Yo dick head,

You support depriving 11 millions individuals of the means to support themselves and their family.

Well, they are going to find a way whether you like or not.

A wall is NOT going to stop them.

Now by abolishing the welfare state the powers-that-be ensure that they are coming here to work.

Now cum swallower, who supports chaos?

Where is the Christian compassion for US Taxpayers?

I am for open borders, but open bordeers and a gargantuan welfare state are incompatible.

Which is why illegal immigrants are not allowed to collect welfare.

Your topic is based on the false premise they are.
The ****.....supports open borders but then starts a thread whining about illegals overruning that open border.

The **** is a prime example of the US education system.

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