Where is the Christian compassion for US Taxpayers?

The ****.....supports open borders but then starts a thread whining about illegals overruning that open border.

The **** is a prime example of the US education system.


The Honorable Contumacious Libertarian Freeman started a thread stating that although he supports open borders , that practice can not be allowed at this time , because welfare state supporters like 1776 , have demanded that they be fed and insured by the government. He has a serious difficulty with English Comprehension but accuses me of being a product of the US Education System even though I was home-schooled.
Cock-sucker....your utopian beliefs are a joke.

You ignore the reality of man, when given the chance to steal from others many will steal.

You leave your car/home unlocked eventually a criminal will stumble across it and break in.

If you walk through the ghetto late at night with nice clothes and "bling" you will get robbed and probably killed.

If you leave your border open, people, cattle, tumbleweeds, etc will cross it.

Of course you are a product of your family's intelligence. :eusa_clap::badgrin:

The ****.....supports open borders but then starts a thread whining about illegals overruning that open border.

The **** is a prime example of the US education system.


The Honorable Contumacious Libertarian Freeman started a thread stating that although he supports open borders , that practice can not be allowed at this time , because welfare state supporters like 1776 , have demanded that they be fed and insured by the government. He has a serious difficulty with English Comprehension but accuses me of being a product of the US Education System even though I was home-schooled.
Cock-sucker....your utopian beliefs are a joke.

You ignore the reality of man, when given the chance to steal from others many will steal.

You leave your car/home unlocked eventually a criminal will stumble across it and break in.

If you walk through the ghetto late at night with nice clothes and "bling" you will get robbed and probably killed.

If you leave your border open, people, cattle, tumbleweeds, etc will cross it.

Of course you are a product of your family's intelligence. :eusa_clap::badgrin:

The ****.....supports open borders but then starts a thread whining about illegals overruning that open border.

The **** is a prime example of the US education system.


The Honorable Contumacious Libertarian Freeman started a thread stating that although he supports open borders , that practice can not be allowed at this time , because welfare state supporters like 1776 , have demanded that they be fed and insured by the government. He has a serious difficulty with English Comprehension but accuses me of being a product of the US Education System even though I was home-schooled.

It appears that you have innate cognitive difficulties, so let me type slowly.

If you really care for your dental bling and your double-wide then allow Juan to get a drivers' license and a job.

Just as it was done prior to 1965.


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Where is the Christian compassion for US Taxpayers?

I am for open borders, but open bordeers and a gargantuan welfare state are incompatible.

For a libertarian solution, the "path to legalization" isn't about delivering new voters for the Democrats or increasing the welfare rolls, but about creating a legal environment wherein millions of people already living in the U.S. can become full and active participants in the economy. It would involve providing a federally recognized legal status for illegal immigrants that would fall short of citizenship or permanent residency but allow them to participate in economic and social life—to open bank accounts, drive, acquire occupational licenses, board planes, and do the many other things that require an ID in America today."

You're for open borders ? Seriously ?

So when the flood comes, you'll be ready to personally help out by providing housing for as many immigrants as possible ?
Where is the Christian compassion for US Taxpayers?

I am for open borders, but open bordeers and a gargantuan welfare state are incompatible.

For a libertarian solution, the "path to legalization" isn't about delivering new voters for the Democrats or increasing the welfare rolls,
but about creating a legal environment wherein millions of people already living in the U.S. can become full and active participants in the economy. It would involve providing a federally recognized legal status for illegal immigrants that would fall short of citizenship or permanent residency but allow them to participate in economic and social life—to open bank accounts, drive, acquire occupational licenses, board planes, and do the many other things that require an ID in America today."

You're for open borders ? Seriously ?


So when the flood comes, you'll be ready to personally help out by providing housing for as many immigrants as possible ?

My bad , I guess the font in my previous post wasn't big enough. I corrected it.

Where is the Christian compassion for US Taxpayers?
What does Christianity say about taxpayers? Better than that, what does the Bible have to say about them?
Where is the Christian compassion for US Taxpayers?

I am for open borders, but open bordeers and a gargantuan welfare state are incompatible.

Which is why illegal immigrants are not allowed to collect welfare.

Your topic is based on the false premise they are.

Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare

The law says federal welfare can not legally be given to an illegal immigrant. However, a child born in the US is a US citizen regardless of the citizenship of the parents and is entitle to welfare dollars. Also to apply for most welfare programs, the person making the application must show proof of citizenship or legal residency. This does not mean everyone in the household is also eligible. In some states there are state programs that provide support for illegal immigrants. If you have a problem with that, then don't blame Washington.

BTW This article comes out of Judicial Watch, a right wing publication founded by Larry Elliot Klayman, who is given credit for inspiring the founding of the Tea Party. The article is at best misleading.
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In that case I would understand if your a posting from France. Enjoy Paris.
No, France wasn't near the top.
1. Norway
2. Switzerland
3. Canada
4. Sweden
5. New Zealand
6. Denmark
7. Austraila
8. Finland
9. Netherlands

Switzerland is great. The fact that they are not a massive welfare / warfare state is even better.

Switzerland spends 19.1% of GDP on social programs. The US sends 20%.

Social Expenditure - Aggregated data
But your reply to the answer was totally ludicrous . It made no sense whatsoever after you as a question, parody or not, about "christian" compassion.

you post a thread about christian compassion and someone gives you an answer that relates to something "christian" and you give this response.

Since I am an atheist your argument is irrelevant.

But creating a tyrannical welfare/warfare state will definitely make us feel like we are in hell.


The thread was intended as parody of "Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children? "

No one considered the fact that those funds are derived from taxpayers.

we are paying the lowest federal income taxes in the last 50year history....
Perhaps so directly.
But it is Janet Yellen's job to levy an indirect surreptious tax.
Inflation Is a Tax

inflation is the result of increases in income or the increases added by business. Inflation, the increase in the cost of living and wages "should" maintain the same ratios. Should is used because to make everyone happy and himself look better Ronald Reagan has changed the setup for calculating the cost of living and removed some items that were climbing fast.
"Should" indicates what would happen if everything is dine properly.

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