Where Is The “Climate Emergency”?

Nobody cares.
You should because our present interglacial cycle is 2C cooler with 120 ppm more CO2.

vegashitshispants is an idiot.gif
When you say "present interglacial cycle" what temperature do you mean? The current temperature? The average temperature over the previous 11,000 years?
Yes, the current temperature.
Okay, now, what temperature are you claiming our current temperature is 2C cooler than?
Okay, now, what temperature are you claiming our current temperature is 2C cooler than? And before you stick your foot too far down your own gullet, keep in mind that your overused graph there IS NOT GLOBAL TEMPS BUT THE TEMPERATURE AT VOSTOK STATION, ANTARCTICA
You should DEFINITELY buy some lotion for all the onanism you enjoy from this thread. Otherwise you'll get some nasty burns there.
Nature Is a Crime Against Humanity

Your sterile Unabomber Cult gets its rocks off by jealously restricting those who can conquer nature and send your god Gaia back to the hell she came from. Your own primitive and pre-science superstition about Mother Nature makes you a Mama's Boy.
First post made by a warmist/alarmists was this from Alang1216 POST 30:

"I visited Iceland and saw a glacier that had retreated by many kilometers since man got there, mostly in the past 100 years. This story is common around the world. If all the glaciers melt sea level will rise and our low-lying lands, where most people live, will be inundated."


Post one article remains unchallenged
Greta Garbage

As was to be expected, the frustrated Greenie spoiled brats resort to death threats when they can't have their way, all the way and right away.
Dude! Learn how to use the reply button!
I've got a better idea. Learn how to answer a fucking question. When you post shit up here with no referring link (and copying it from another poster doesn't count) you are breaking the rules. And when I call you on it, you threaten me with your glass houses bullshit. If I fuck up, Iwant you to call me out on it. If you fuck up, I will call you out on it. That's life. Get used to it big boy. BtW, calling male posters "ma'am" gives everyone here the clear impression you're just another incel dweeb in your mommy's basement. But you keep it right up, I'd hate for you to give anyone a false impression.
From Post one article:

Droughts in the US have been decreasing, not increasing.

The Greens' Picture-Show Shows Only the Shallow

There is a whole ocean of aquifers deeper underground than the superficial scientists dare think about. Their circus of B-student incompetence does not belong under any kind of Big Top.

No wonder these nerds are Trekkies. We never should have explored Outer Space without going in the opposite direction first, deeply into the Earth, all the way to the core.
Nature Is a Crime Against Humanity

Your sterile Unabomber Cult gets its rocks off by jealously restricting those who can conquer nature and send your god Gaia back to the hell she came from. Your own primitive and pre-science superstition about Mother Nature makes you a Mama's Boy.

You really piled in a bunch of personal insults there. Congrats.

Now try sticking to the TOPIC. (Unless all you have are insults)
From Post one article:

Droughts in the US have been decreasing, not increasing.

View attachment 646009
Drought in the American southwest have been increasing. The northern and central plains states have been suffering flooding. Taking the country as a whole makes it look as if nothing is happening.


Drought in the US Southwest is worst in recorded history


I've got a better idea. Learn how to answer a fucking question. When you post shit up here with no referring link (and copying it from another poster doesn't count) you are breaking the rules. And when I call you on it, you threaten me with your glass houses bullshit. If I fuck up, Iwant you to call me out on it. If you fuck up, I will call you out on it. That's life. Get used to it big boy. BtW, calling male posters "ma'am" gives everyone here the clear impression you're just another incel dweeb in your mommy's basement. But you keep it right up, I'd hate for you to give anyone a false impression.
Calm down, ma'am.
Did you ever determine what was the absolute temperature of your chart's zero anomaly?
Drought in the American southwest have been increasing. The northern and central plains states have been suffering flooding. Taking the country as a whole makes it look as if nothing is happening.

View attachment 652474
Drought in the US Southwest is worst in recorded history

View attachment 652481

LOL you still ignore what I posted and your drought map is out of date since the Northwest Drought has greatly receded after a wet spring.

Not only that Winter Snowfall and precipitable water content was mostly above average for the season:

Washington SNOTEL Snow/Precipitation Update Report
Based on Mountain Data from NRCS SNOTEL Sites
**Provisional data, subject to revision**
Data based on the first reading of the day (typically 00:00) for Wednesday, June 01, 2022


From your link:

"The ongoing drought in the U.S. Southwest is the worst drought the region has experienced since record keeping began in 1895, according to a new report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) Drought Task Force."

Yet ignored that the REST OF THE COUNTRY is above average since 1970 and there have been far worse droughts in the past for the region which is already naturally dry.

Nothing you posted is evidence of Climate Emergency and that you ignored the Palmer Drought Index I posted showing that over all drought are DECREASING in the country.
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The Greens' Picture-Show Shows Only the Shallow

There is a whole ocean of aquifers deeper underground than the superficial scientists dare think about. Their circus of B-student incompetence does not belong under any kind of Big Top.

No wonder these nerds are Trekkies. We never should have explored Outer Space without going in the opposite direction first, deeply into the Earth, all the way to the core.
you mean the continued con job? yeah, it's what demofks do.

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