Where Is The Master Legislator McConnell?


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Senator Mitch McConnell on the "raising the debt ceiling" issue is acting like a partisan hack instead of a statesman which someone with his credentials should be acting as. The Democrats have put the needed authorization to raise the debt ceiling in the continuing resolution bill needed to fund the government after the current budget expires on September 31 and the Democrat leadership has also cleverly added into the bill natural disaster funding to help communities recover from Hurricane Ida and other destructive events. So now when Senator McConnell leads his Republican caucus in the Senate not to pass the CR, the Republican Party will be blamed for shutting down the government and denying relief to people that desperately need it because their communities were devastated. These types of tactical moves on government funding tend to leave a lingering bad taste with the American electorate for the party responsible for the government dysfunction. Senator Mitch McConnell and Republicans can legitimately say that the Democrats are on track to spend America into financial ruin and Republicans are not going to facilitate them being able to do it by raising the debt ceiling so Democrats can embark on their reckless and dangerous spending agenda. But Democrats can say the only major spending bill we did so far was the $1.9 trillion American Rescue plan which was largely a response to the Covid 19 pandemic and Republicans were prepared to spend $600 billion on the bill and the Democrats can say we raised the debt ceiling during the Republican Trump administration even after the Republican 2017 Tax reform bill which the CBO scored as causing a one trillion dollar deficit over ten years the Republicans are being hypocrites they significantly increased the national debt during their tenure and wanted the debt ceiling raised it's a double standard the Republicans are using. Republicans claim that the Democrats need to be opposed in their $3.5 trillion New Deal bill by not raising the debt ceiling seems to be partisan gamesmanship because it seems more likely than not that Democrats will not pass a bill in that range because many moderate Democrats recognize the significant inflation problem facing the nation which they will not want to exacerbate with this huge spending bill plus the Democrat Party isn't anywhere close to a consensus on how to raise taxes and pay for this megabill which is a critical hurdle plus the Delta variant has dramatically slowed America's economic recovery come December of this year the negative effects here on the economy are going to be starkly clear the country will earnestly need a $1.5 trillion dollar bill passed in Washington there will be no time for grandstanding by Bernie, Elizabeth, AOC and Congress's other socialist devotees, Washington will need to act to stop the nation's slide into a significant recession.

I totally agree with Senator McConnell that if the Democrats want to do a multi-trillion New Deal bill they should raise the debt ceiling themselves they shouldn't expect the other Party to get their hands dirty on such a bill they consider abhorrent. Frankly, it is an example that that both Speaker Pelosi and Majority leader Schumer are short in the character department that they did not include raising the debt ceiling in the reconciliation bill they could have avoided this game of chicken for the American people and the world with the standing of America's sovereign debt on the line. The House's CR only suspends the national debt limit until December 16 of this year wisdom calls for the Republicans to support this bill and avoid an unnecessary crisis at this time, the Democrats will need to raise the debt limit to pay for their New Deal bill that is the time the Republicans can draw a line in the sand and rightly say we are not going to have any parts in your reckless spending you raise the nation's debt limit on your own to facilitate this bad bill!
Senator Mitch McConnell on the "raising the debt ceiling" issue is acting like a partisan hack instead of a statesman which someone with his credentials should be acting as. The Democrats have put the needed authorization to raise the debt ceiling in the continuing resolution bill needed to fund the government after the current budget expires on September 31 and the Democrat leadership has also cleverly added into the bill natural disaster funding to help communities recover from Hurricane Ida and other destructive events. So now when Senator McConnell leads his Republican caucus in the Senate not to pass the CR, the Republican Party will be blamed for shutting down the government and denying relief to people that desperately need it because their communities were devastated. These types of tactical moves on government funding tend to leave a lingering bad taste with the American electorate for the party responsible for the government dysfunction. Senator Mitch McConnell and Republicans can legitimately say that the Democrats are on track to spend America into financial ruin and Republicans are not going to facilitate them being able to do it by raising the debt ceiling so Democrats can embark on their reckless and dangerous spending agenda. But Democrats can say the only major spending bill we did so far was the $1.9 trillion American Rescue plan which was largely a response to the Covid 19 pandemic and Republicans were prepared to spend $600 billion on the bill and the Democrats can say we raised the debt ceiling during the Republican Trump administration even after the Republican 2017 Tax reform bill which the CBO scored as causing a one trillion dollar deficit over ten years the Republicans are being hypocrites they significantly increased the national debt during their tenure and wanted the debt ceiling raised it's a double standard the Republicans are using. Republicans claim that the Democrats need to be opposed in their $3.5 trillion New Deal bill by not raising the debt ceiling seems to be partisan gamesmanship because it seems more likely than not that Democrats will not pass a bill in that range because many moderate Democrats recognize the significant inflation problem facing the nation which they will not want to exacerbate with this huge spending bill plus the Democrat Party isn't anywhere close to a consensus on how to raise taxes and pay for this megabill which is a critical hurdle plus the Delta variant has dramatically slowed America's economic recovery come December of this year the negative effects here on the economy are going to be starkly clear the country will earnestly need a $1.5 trillion dollar bill passed in Washington there will be no time for grandstanding by Bernie, Elizabeth, AOC and Congress's other socialist devotees, Washington will need to act to stop the nation's slide into a significant recession.

I totally agree with Senator McConnell that if the Democrats want to do a multi-trillion New Deal bill they should raise the debt ceiling themselves they shouldn't expect the other Party to get their hands dirty on such a bill they consider abhorrent. Frankly, it is an example that that both Speaker Pelosi and Majority leader Schumer are short in the character department that they did not include raising the debt ceiling in the reconciliation bill they could have avoided this game of chicken for the American people and the world with the standing of America's sovereign debt on the line. The House's CR only suspends the national debt limit until December 16 of this year wisdom calls for the Republicans to support this bill and avoid an unnecessary crisis at this time, the Democrats will need to raise the debt limit to pay for their New Deal bill that is the time the Republicans can draw a line in the sand and rightly say we are not going to have any parts in your reckless spending you raise the nation's debt limit on your own to facilitate this bad bill!
McConnell is not an absolute ruler. He is doing the best he can with what power he has.
Senator Mitch McConnell on the "raising the debt ceiling" issue is acting like a partisan hack instead of a statesman which someone with his credentials should be acting as. The Democrats have put the needed authorization to raise the debt ceiling in the continuing resolution bill needed to fund the government after the current budget expires on September 31 and the Democrat leadership has also cleverly added into the bill natural disaster funding to help communities recover from Hurricane Ida and other destructive events. So now when Senator McConnell leads his Republican caucus in the Senate not to pass the CR, the Republican Party will be blamed for shutting down the government and denying relief to people that desperately need it because their communities were devastated. These types of tactical moves on government funding tend to leave a lingering bad taste with the American electorate for the party responsible for the government dysfunction. Senator Mitch McConnell and Republicans can legitimately say that the Democrats are on track to spend America into financial ruin and Republicans are not going to facilitate them being able to do it by raising the debt ceiling so Democrats can embark on their reckless and dangerous spending agenda. But Democrats can say the only major spending bill we did so far was the $1.9 trillion American Rescue plan which was largely a response to the Covid 19 pandemic and Republicans were prepared to spend $600 billion on the bill and the Democrats can say we raised the debt ceiling during the Republican Trump administration even after the Republican 2017 Tax reform bill which the CBO scored as causing a one trillion dollar deficit over ten years the Republicans are being hypocrites they significantly increased the national debt during their tenure and wanted the debt ceiling raised it's a double standard the Republicans are using. Republicans claim that the Democrats need to be opposed in their $3.5 trillion New Deal bill by not raising the debt ceiling seems to be partisan gamesmanship because it seems more likely than not that Democrats will not pass a bill in that range because many moderate Democrats recognize the significant inflation problem facing the nation which they will not want to exacerbate with this huge spending bill plus the Democrat Party isn't anywhere close to a consensus on how to raise taxes and pay for this megabill which is a critical hurdle plus the Delta variant has dramatically slowed America's economic recovery come December of this year the negative effects here on the economy are going to be starkly clear the country will earnestly need a $1.5 trillion dollar bill passed in Washington there will be no time for grandstanding by Bernie, Elizabeth, AOC and Congress's other socialist devotees, Washington will need to act to stop the nation's slide into a significant recession.

I totally agree with Senator McConnell that if the Democrats want to do a multi-trillion New Deal bill they should raise the debt ceiling themselves they shouldn't expect the other Party to get their hands dirty on such a bill they consider abhorrent. Frankly, it is an example that that both Speaker Pelosi and Majority leader Schumer are short in the character department that they did not include raising the debt ceiling in the reconciliation bill they could have avoided this game of chicken for the American people and the world with the standing of America's sovereign debt on the line. The House's CR only suspends the national debt limit until December 16 of this year wisdom calls for the Republicans to support this bill and avoid an unnecessary crisis at this time, the Democrats will need to raise the debt limit to pay for their New Deal bill that is the time the Republicans can draw a line in the sand and rightly say we are not going to have any parts in your reckless spending you raise the nation's debt limit on your own to facilitate this bad bill!
September 31st? Did we get another Leap Day this year?
They knew the Neo-GOP's was bound to use the debt ceiling brinkmanship again. Why the hell didn't they carve out an exclusion to the Filibuster to increasing the Debt Ceiling when the session began?
McConnell is not an absolute ruler. He is doing the best he can with what power he has.
He’s filibustering the Debt Ceiling and has admitted how important it is to pass that
They knew the Neo-GOP's was bound to use the debt ceiling brinkmanship again. Why the hell didn't they carve out an exclusion to the Filibuster to increasing the Debt Ceiling when the session began?
I think it's because they've played - and won - this game for so long that they assumed it was in the bag and the Rs wouldn't DARE risk being blamed for an economic collapse. What they failed to recognize is the inflation argument is easy to understand and average people know it will harm them as much as any new tax. All the Republicans have to do is explain how the Democrats have abused Reconciliation but REFUSED to use it in THIS case. The bottom line is obvious. Chuck and Nancy want to break the cookie jar but they don't want to be caught in the act, alone.

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