Where Is the Miami Shooting Thread?

Thanks to the second amendment, frequent blood baths no longer are news.

Repeal 2A!
We need sensible gun control law like Mao's China so the government can kill tens of millions and it never makes the State News!

Other nations don't have regularly scheduled blood baths that don't even make headlines any more because they also don't have a 2nd amendment.

If the person being shot was whitey they deserved it after all.
Thanks to the second amendment, frequent blood baths no longer are news.

Repeal 2A!
We need sensible gun control law like Mao's China so the government can kill tens of millions and it never makes the State News!

Other nations don't have regularly scheduled blood baths that don't even make headlines any more because they also don't have a 2nd amendment.

About par for the course...

Since the US came into being dozens (if not hundreds) of revolutions have taken place forming new nations, new societies, etc... Exactly zero have looked at our 2nd Amendment and decided..."yeah...we need one of those."
Thanks to the second amendment, frequent blood baths no longer are news.

Repeal 2A!
We need sensible gun control law like Mao's China so the government can kill tens of millions and it never makes the State News!

Other nations don't have regularly scheduled blood baths that don't even make headlines any more because they also don't have a 2nd amendment.

About par for the course...

Since the US came into being dozens (if not hundreds) of revolutions have taken place forming new nations, new societies, etc... Exactly zero have looked at our 2nd Amendment and decided..."yeah...we need one of those."
The beauty of freedom is that YOU CAN GET THE FUCK OUT!!!
nations don't have regularly scheduled blood baths that don't even make headlines any more because they also don't have a 2nd amendment.
Our high rate of gun violence is caused primarily by violent criminals in the hood that countries like Switzerland do not have

99% of white gun owners will never shoot anyone except in self defense
nations don't have regularly scheduled blood baths that don't even make headlines any more because they also don't have a 2nd amendment.
Our high rate of gun violence is caused primarily by violent criminals in the hood that countries like Switzerland do not have

99% of white gun owners will never shoot anyone except in self defense
Ahh...the race card played by a conservative....that almost never happens <sarcasm>

Other first world nations like the US have large cities with ghettoes and slums.... The only difference is that here, the only limit on the amount of weapons they can buy is how much is in their bank account.
nations don't have regularly scheduled blood baths that don't even make headlines any more because they also don't have a 2nd amendment.
Our high rate of gun violence is caused primarily by violent criminals in the hood that countries like Switzerland do not have

99% of white gun owners will never shoot anyone except in self defense
Ahh...the race card played by a conservative....that almost never happens <sarcasm>

Other first world nations like the US have large cities with ghettoes and slums.... The only difference is that here, the only limit on the amount of weapons they can buy is how much is in their bank account.
Freedom of travel. Use it.

We're NEVER EVER EVER EVER giving up our guns. EVER


Did I mention EVER?

I will kill millions and go down in a blaze of glory to spend eternity in the halls of Valhalla to feast, fight, and fuck forever before I give up a single gun.

We're not stopping until we get machine guns.
These things are hardly headline news in the US. I think a lot more fatalities are needed before it becomes newsworthy.

Do you mean like last week's total of 17 black folks shot and killed and 78 shot and wounded in Chicago?

Evidently not very "newsworthy".

Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!
Victims of systemic white racism. Not a very sexy story.
All that phukn and bringing kids into the world with the love baby daddy not known for collecting checks and benefits purposes. Yousa, yousa, yousa!
Other first world nations like the US have large cities with ghettoes and slums....
There is nothing in Europe to equal the size and number of slums in America

What I dont know is if the Euros are as soft on crime as the liberal fruitcakes running our major cities

In many places the cops just take the gun away and the criminal is released without bond

Thats insane as it is sure to promote gun violence in the future
These things are hardly headline news in the US. I think a lot more fatalities are needed before it becomes newsworthy.

Do you mean like last week's total of 17 black folks shot and killed and 78 shot and wounded in Chicago?

Evidently not very "newsworthy".

Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!
Victims of systemic white racism. Not a very sexy story.

Clearly a white supremacist death squad in action. (sarcasm)

Tommy, you're such a fucking retard....... (smh)

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