Where is the outrage towards those who disown LGBT people in their family or outrage at disowning family members who associate with LGBT?

Gays are no more or less likely to have mental illnesses than straight people are.

The thing is, they stopped classifying homosexuality as a mental illness 50 years ago, when they really found that gay people were perfectly functional in their lives.
That isn't true-----Gays are far more likely

Just because they went PC and stop classifying being gay as a mental illness does not necessarily mean it isn't so. I'm sorry but these be the facts.
Nope lol

Fag ....do you speak it ?

Don't use that term.

It's offensive.

It's like calling a Black person the N word.

Also 2 minutes of googling and you would know what they are talking about.

Google that shit
Last edited:
Don't use that term.

It's offensive.

It's like calling a Black person the N word.
Hey fag
Can you answer this question for me
Let's say you die of aids or complications from covid caused by your hepatitis infection ...

So 1000 years from now an archeologist digs you up ....how will he know how to identify you ?since you're fake offended by everything?

Also why are thier so many noodle armed faggits in antifa and blm?
Whats with you violent faggit freaks ?
Hey fag
Can you answer this question for me
Let's say you die of aids or complications from covid caused by your hepatitis infection ...

So 1000 years from now an archeologist digs you up ....how will he now how to identify you you since you're fake offended by everything

Also why are thier so many noodle armed faggits in antifa and blm?
Whats with you violent faggit freaks ?
redneck racist bigot.
Why r u being a bigot?

I have also crossdressed.

like wearing a hot topic gothic style skirt.
So what!
I don't really care if you're gay or not or dress like a girl
Don't care what two or more consenting adults do to each other ...

Get married and be a girl I don't care fag .

And I'm the furthest thing from a nazi I lean right
American right wingers are the complete opposite of nazis
Lefttarded faggits on the other hand


What's the difference between him and your typical antifa member? Not much
I wonder where is the outrage against stuff like that?

Why would I be outraged over something your family does?

I don't have the time, or inclination, to break a sweat over anything my family does.
So what!
I don't really care if you're gay or not or dress like a girl
Don't care what two or more consenting adults do to each other ...

Get married and be a girl I don't care fag .

And I'm the furthest thing from a nazi I lean right
American right wingers are the complete opposite of nazis
Lefttarded faggits on the other hand

View attachment 530436

What's the difference between him and your typical antifa member? Not much

Let me guess, you're a trumpanzee

I think Christians at one point always found something evil.

like i remember during the 80's when metal and dungeons and dragons were considered evil, the 90's or early 2000's harry potter was deemed evil.

Oh, yeah, I remember that. The sad thing was that when D&D Published it's Second Edition, they took out all the things Christians objected to, like Demons and Assassins.
There's a gay man at work, with a nice home, car, everything, and another man is fired, evicted, and out on the street because he won't offer butt.

Okay, when does this happen? I knew a gay woman who was fired when the managers found out she was gay. (This was in 2000 before IL had protections from that sort of thing.) I've never known a straight guy who was fired for not submitting to the sexual demands of a gay boss, but if he was, he'd have a pretty good case for sexual harassment.

I should also point out that women have had to put up with this sort of thing for years from male managers.

It's one thing when people are gay after work or they patronize a gay bar or queer nightclub, but when a butthurt gay man has another man picked up for mental health or fired from his job, evicted from his apartment whatever, it's another matter.

Uh, guy, if you've been picked up for mental health, it's probably because people thought you were nuts... just like anyone who reads your posts.

And then there's a prissy bluestocking lesbian who answers the phone and works in the office at places like that, and I'm wondering why the straight ladies are out cold on the street, can't find a husband for anything.

So it's a lesbians' fault they can't find a date?
There's plenty of outrage over it, in the right circles.

But this thread really brought out the dregs of society, huh. Even my homophobic parents aren't that extreme that they'd disown me or think of me as lesser, yikes.
Guess now is a good time to mention that I'm bisexual as well. The right people will accept you.
Don't use that term.

It's offensive.

It's like calling a Black person the N word.

Also 2 minutes of googling and you would know what they are talking about.

Google that shit
Buddy, pal, friend. I think he knows but doesn't care. You're better off putting the assholes on ignore.
Buddy, pal, friend. I think he knows but doesn't care. You're better off putting the assholes on ignore.

I see ur a furry. I'm a furry as well.

I discovered the fandom way back in about 1996.


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