Where is the outrage towards those who disown LGBT people in their family or outrage at disowning family members who associate with LGBT?

Because back then, we werent trying to indoctrinate young kids into immoral deviants. Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. Back then kids were a lot smarter than they are today. Also those kids became self reliant, not have to get free hand outs from Uncle Sugar.
A yes, the guy who has spent a lifetime sucking at the government teet complaining about dependency.

Let's get real, the majority of money the government pays out is to middle class white people to keep them out of poverty- Unemployment, Social Security, Medicare, etc. White Boomers are the ones who will bankrupt this country.
Because back then, we werent trying to indoctrinate young kids into immoral deviants. Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. Back then kids were a lot smarter than they are today. Also those kids became self reliant, not have to get free hand outs from Uncle Sugar.

I noticed the bible says that rapists can get away with it by paying a woman's father.

Compared to how rape is treated nowadays where a rapist is sent to prison for a long time.

Seriously, people say the bible is the word of God when it comes to LGBT people, but never seen this part of the bible.

I feel people should start opening their bibles and see what is actually in it.

There are stories of people being raped and such in it.
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I noticed the bible says that rapists can get away with it by paying a woman's father.

Compared to how rape is treated nowadays where a rapist is sent to prison for a long time.

Seriously, people say the bible is the word of God when it comes to LGBT people, but never seen this part of the bible.

I feel people should start opening their bibles and see what is actually in it.

There are stories of people being raped and such in it.
Interesting that a progressive slave suddenly finds religion when it works in their favor.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."

Sodom and Gomorrah - Bible Story
The name Sodom means "burning" - It was a city in the vale of Siddim Genesis 13:10; 14:1-16). The wickedness of its inhabitants brought down upon it fire from heaven, by which it was destroyed (18:16-33; 19:1-29; Deuteronomy 23:17).

Any correlation between the queers of Californication and the burning of the state? Seems pretty self evident....
I'm still wondering why God is punishing starving african children...

Or why he decided to give AIDS to the hemophiliacs.... I mean, wasn't he punishing them enough by making them hemophiliacs?


One thing i notice is religious types always call anything like a disaster or such a punishment from God.

I read that during the Middle Ages, that religious people living in that time felt that the black death that struck Europe in the years 1346-53 was a punishment from God.

One thing i notice is religious types always call anything like a disaster or such a punishment from God.

I read that during the Middle Ages, that religious people living in that time felt that the black death that struck Europe in the years 1346-53 was a punishment from God.
Oh, did i hurt your little feelings by using your own rules against you?
I can remember when they claimed it was only about consenting adults. But now, it clearly, it is now not just about contenting, nor just about adults. They want to drag everyone into their filth, including those who want no part of it, and including children.
And that's exactly what sexual perverts are aiming for-recruitment. Most, if not all who engage in such behavior were abused as children themselves.

One thing i notice is religious types always call anything like a disaster or such a punishment from God.

I read that during the Middle Ages, that religious people living in that time felt that the black death that struck Europe in the years 1346-53 was a punishment from God.
At times it can be. And the Sevenfold Judgements that will happen after the Rapture of the Church will bring about progressively worse and worse judgement against unrepentant mankind.
And that's exactly what sexual perverts are aiming for-recruitment. Most, if not all who engage in such behavior were abused as children themselves.

Calling gays pedos is highly offensive.

You must be Rip van Winkle because this was 25 years ago, You might want to talk to Trump, Roy Moore, and Trump's former friends Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

WASHINGTON (AP) _ The gay community has long allowed other sexual outcasts to ride its coattails, from transvestites and transsexuals to bisexuals and leather fetishists. But it is now trying to distance itself from pedophiles.

Last month, a New York group called Stonewall 25 voted to bar the controversial North American Man-Boy Love Association from its international march on the United Nations on June 26. The demonstration will commemorate the 25th anniversary of an uprising at the Stonewall Inn, a Greenwich Village gay bar.

″Those who advocate or engage in sexual abuse of young people are not welcome in the family of gay men and lesbians who live upstanding and honorable lives,″ said Pat Norman, a co-chair of the march.

The gay community has historically been inconsistent in its response to pedophiles, leaving itself open to attack.

In January, the Senate unanimously passed an amendment, introduced by Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., to sharply reduce funds to the United Nations unless it severs ties with the International Lesbian and Gay Association. Helms objected to the association’s relationship to NAMBLA, one of about 350 groups that belong to ILGA.

Helms said the United States was ″fast asleep at the switch″ when it joined other nations in voting last year to give consultative status to ILGA in the U.N. Economic and Social Council.

The council is a 54-nation body that studies economic and social issues and makes non-binding recommendations to the U.N. General Assembly on such topics as human rights, the status of women, population, social welfare, crime and other issues.

The gay people i know don't want anything to do with pedos.
late to the party.....but IMO one can disown anybody he or she wants.

or are you going to be the thought Police too??:dunno:

that's not possible.

Where is the outrage towards those who disown LGBT people in their family or outrage at disowning family members who associate with LGBT?​

My kids at one time told me that they were going to accept the queers as normal people.
So if women, for example, were accepting of a gay man, they might find out he's not really gay after all.
I had to explain to them that mentally ill people should not be accepted as normal but put into mental institutions where they can be protected from harming themselves or other people, because that is the right thing to do
I just want people like you stretched and torn limb from limb, disjointed and dismembered on that mental health rack you're suggesting for others.
Of course back then queers kept their immoral antics in their bedrooms and told the rest of US that it wasnt our business. But once they came out and demanded we bow to their behavior, even my kids saw how lunatic they are....
So what sort of illicit activities are going on in your bedroom? What sorts of STDs are you spreading around your precious "community" of hookers and johns? Are you really a lunatic or are you just mooning after some hooker you got laid with?
Calling gays pedos is highly offensive.

You must be Rip van Winkle because this was 25 years ago, You might want to talk to Trump, Roy Moore, and Trump's former friends Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

WASHINGTON (AP) _ The gay community has long allowed other sexual outcasts to ride its coattails, from transvestites and transsexuals to bisexuals and leather fetishists. But it is now trying to distance itself from pedophiles.

Last month, a New York group called Stonewall 25 voted to bar the controversial North American Man-Boy Love Association from its international march on the United Nations on June 26. The demonstration will commemorate the 25th anniversary of an uprising at the Stonewall Inn, a Greenwich Village gay bar.

″Those who advocate or engage in sexual abuse of young people are not welcome in the family of gay men and lesbians who live upstanding and honorable lives,″ said Pat Norman, a co-chair of the march.

The gay community has historically been inconsistent in its response to pedophiles, leaving itself open to attack.

In January, the Senate unanimously passed an amendment, introduced by Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., to sharply reduce funds to the United Nations unless it severs ties with the International Lesbian and Gay Association. Helms objected to the association’s relationship to NAMBLA, one of about 350 groups that belong to ILGA.

Helms said the United States was ″fast asleep at the switch″ when it joined other nations in voting last year to give consultative status to ILGA in the U.N. Economic and Social Council.

The council is a 54-nation body that studies economic and social issues and makes non-binding recommendations to the U.N. General Assembly on such topics as human rights, the status of women, population, social welfare, crime and other issues.

The gay people i know don't want anything to do with pedos.
Who cares what the useless UN thinks. God still calls any sex outside of His plan sin!!!!
My kids at one time told me that they were going to accept the queers as normal people. I had to explain to them that mentally ill people should not be accepted as normal but put into mental institutions where they can be protected from harming themselves or other people, because that is the right thing to do. Of course back then queers kept their immoral antics in their bedrooms and told the rest of US that it wasnt our business. But once they came out and demanded we bow to their behavior, even my kids saw how lunatic they are....

Now for the personal attacks from the left saying i must be a closet case. They wish, because any gay man would love to get me, but i am only made for my wife.

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Gays are not a illness.

It was removed from the DSM

I noticed also one time that "novel reading" and "grief" one time were signs of a mental illness.

I heard also that one time that during the Soviet Union, that the tyrants in charge of the Soviet Union charged Dissenters and Religious people as Mentally ill.

Gays are not a illness.

It was removed from the DSM

I noticed also one time that "novel reading" and "grief" one time were signs of a mental illness.

I heard also that one time that during the Soviet Union, that the tyrants in charge of the Soviet Union charged Dissenters and Religious people as Mentally ill.

Removed because of political pressure, genius. You still reject Christ.
Who cares what the useless UN thinks. God still calls any sex outside of His plan sin!!!!

Supposely also according to the word of God, that rape is ok as long as the man who raped the woman pays off her father.

The verse is really offensive, considering this is the age of believe all women.

I know my family one time mentioned disowning someone simply because they associate with LGBT people.

I wonder where is the outrage against stuff like that?

I remember being told one time that in the deep south that white kids were told to avoid associating with a Black kid,otherwise it would bring shame on the family.

It's same old discrimination.
No it's not. You're confusing racism with sexual perversion.

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