Where is the outrage towards those who disown LGBT people in their family or outrage at disowning family members who associate with LGBT?

Oh, yeah, I remember that. The sad thing was that when D&D Published it's Second Edition, they took out all the things Christians objected to, like Demons and Assassins.

Seems so many religious people are bend on fighting LGBT people.

I don't know why they don't instead spend all that money they're using to fight equal rights instead to help build shelters for the homeless, which is something that Jesus actually did say.

Jesus didn't say anything about LGBT people, but he said stuff about helping the poor.

Ah, is that where your username comes from? I'm on FA, but haven't been active there in a good while

No, my username doesn't come from there. I often use the name Axel on some places.

I'm also on a virtual world as you probably see called Second Life.
Let me guess, you're a trumpanzee

Lemme guess you're a useful idiot

The Mormon church also has a part in their bible thats racist against Black people, no i'm not joking. It's indexed under "skin"

Shhh... don't tell Bob. He likes to pretend the history of the LDS is all made up.

If you want extra points, bring up "Mountain Meadow Massacre".
Any American father or mother who disowns his/her child because s/he is gay does not deserve the title of "father" or "mother."

I have heard that in some nations, however, such alleged parents do more than just "disown."
Shhh... don't tell Bob. He likes to pretend the history of the LDS is all made up.

If you want extra points, bring up "Mountain Meadow Massacre".

I wonder how many Conservative types on here are mostly rednecks.

According to Merriam-webster dictionary, a Redneck is a poor white person from the rural south who has a working class job. Is seen by others as being uneducated and having opinions and attitudes that are offensive.
And that's exactly what sexual perverts are aiming for-recruitment. Most, if not all who engage in such behavior were abused as children themselves.


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