Where is the President?

And btw Ice I have no problem with Trump putting his foot down when it comes to China ripping us off No problem having illegals sent back to their countries WITH their children and not a big fan of unions either but lets start with the police unions who give cops a free pass but that's it All I can think of
Cops do not have a "free pass" to attack blacks. that is a total lie. Its also a lie that cops target blacks.

Here's an idea: If you don't want to deal with cops don't break the law. Simple and it works regardless of your race.
Yeah but being drunk gets you killed nowadays and how would you like a knee on your neck killing you for WHAT?? Maybe its my memory but I don't recall any of this shit happening to white guys With them there was a legit reason

Maybe you don't remember it because your thought masters in the media deliberately didn't tell you about it, so it wouldn't interfere with your marching orders.

The police kill more white people than they do black people every year. So yeah, statistically speaking, that means at least some victims of police brutality are white. But they don't matter, because they don't fit the narrative you're being spoonfed and lapping up like a mangy stray dog.
Hey eagle you wearing a mask or don't need one like your master trump ? Notice those 19 states where virus is skyrocketing?? Wonder why? Just go to the next trump rally and don't wear a mask Be brave

Maybe we'll just go riot somewhere instead, because that apparently makes one immune to Covid-19.

I DARE you to spend weeks making excuses for the riots and then try to revert back to your "Coronavirus, you're going to KILL US ALL!" schtick.
You gotta love the transparency of Trump His ability to bring Americans together and not try to separate them is a thing of beauty His great show in front of a church with a bible in his hand wasn't a transparent attempt at a photo opp for his re election ?
matter of fact Bolton whose book comes out soon says Trump never made a decision without it trying to help in his re election That is all he cares about A real republican like the repub scum in the senate

because he knows the second he's out, the NY AG will nab him & ain't no pardon gonna save him from state charges.

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Get ready for the dimocrat lock ups if they don't all plead the 5th. Now why would they have to plead the 5th you think ? Because their just as clean as the little snowbirds they figure that they are maybe ??
Is that like all the subpoenas republicans refused to answer ? Those that would have showed without a doubt Trump was low life scum ? But we know folks like you and cecillie wouldn't give a fart in the wind

Are you from the US?
You don't seem to understand our separation of powers system.
And btw Ice I have no problem with Trump putting his foot down when it comes to China ripping us off No problem having illegals sent back to their countries WITH their children and not a big fan of unions either but lets start with the police unions who give cops a free pass but that's it All I can think of
Cops do not have a "free pass" to attack blacks. that is a total lie. Its also a lie that cops target blacks.

Here's an idea: If you don't want to deal with cops don't break the law. Simple and it works regardless of your race.
Yeah but being drunk gets you killed nowadays and how would you like a knee on your neck killing you for WHAT?? Maybe its my memory but I don't recall any of this shit happening to white guys With them there was a legit reason

those cops in MN should spend the rest of their miserable lives in jail.

BUT, 1. that was an isolated event
2. Chauvin and Floyd had a history, they did not like each other
3. Floyd was a multiple drug offender and did several jail terms, he was not a hero, he was a thug
4. There is no such thing as systemic racism, that is a bullshit excuse to burn and loot.
5. the fools in Seattle should be driven out of their haven and jailed for insurrection.
6. all of this crap is happening in dem run states and cities, think about that.
All I can say now is I was a store owner and if I was threatened with looting and burning there'd be blood on the floors BUT there is a difference between rioters and protesters and bringing the Army in??? Guess trump is right on that too??

If you have to ask the difference between rioters and the troops brought in to restore law and order, you're too brain-damaged to understand even if we explained it to you.

The odds are good that if Trump is saying something you disagree with, he's probably right.
This Trump presidency iceman has shown America who is the real enemy They are the ones who support this low life POS trump who has divided America like no other did .Trump will leave sooner or later but his SB senate and supporters will remain America must always be on guard from repub scum from within
This is their time, and we'll get past it, as other countries have. And then, like other countries, we'll look back at this time as an ugly era and use it as a cautionary tale going forward.
Wise words but those cowards aren't going away They are the ugly part of America
Sure, there will always be people like this. The question is whether a society can effectively marginalize them.

Remember, we actually have: A majority of the country voted against it. I think we'll get there before long.

Here's hoping, huh?
So you want to marginalize people who don't agree with you.
You can disagree with me ice just not when it comes to what the world thinks of your leader The man is a disaster and in any conversation that's where I draw my line

thats very funny coming from an obozo supporter. The entire world was laughing at the kenyan clown for 8 years and at the usa for electing the fool. everything he did was wrong for this country and good for our enemies and potential enemies. He doubled our debt while sending billions to the terrorists running Iran. Worst president in history is too kind to the asshole.
WHO laughed at him??? He was treated with the respect he deserved WORLDWIDE and he handed over an economy on the upswing that TRUMP had NOTHING to do with And in case you forgot he started off with another republican disaster on Americas hands 4 leaders of our armies have already told you what trump is Who you gonna believe, them and the others he fired ,or FOX?

EVERYONE laughed at him, you moron. What, you think because they flattered him and pandered to him to get what they wanted, that's what they actually thought of him? They were using him, and laughing up their sleeves about how gullible he was and how easily manipulated.

He was "manipulated" so easily because he hates the USA has much as the leaders of those countries do.
And btw Ice I have no problem with Trump putting his foot down when it comes to China ripping us off No problem having illegals sent back to their countries WITH their children and not a big fan of unions either but lets start with the police unions who give cops a free pass but that's it All I can think of
Cops do not have a "free pass" to attack blacks. that is a total lie. Its also a lie that cops target blacks.

Here's an idea: If you don't want to deal with cops don't break the law. Simple and it works regardless of your race.
Yeah but being drunk gets you killed nowadays and how would you like a knee on your neck killing you for WHAT?? Maybe its my memory but I don't recall any of this shit happening to white guys With them there was a legit reason

Maybe you don't remember it because your thought masters in the media deliberately didn't tell you about it, so it wouldn't interfere with your marching orders.

The police kill more white people than they do black people every year. So yeah, statistically speaking, that means at least some victims of police brutality are white. But they don't matter, because they don't fit the narrative you're being spoonfed and lapping up like a mangy stray dog.
Point to a couple of instances where police killed unarmed whites choking
them or putting bullets in their back as they ran away Oh yes find a couple of those who were suspected of drunk driving or counterfeit money
This Trump presidency iceman has shown America who is the real enemy They are the ones who support this low life POS trump who has divided America like no other did .Trump will leave sooner or later but his SB senate and supporters will remain America must always be on guard from repub scum from within
This is their time, and we'll get past it, as other countries have. And then, like other countries, we'll look back at this time as an ugly era and use it as a cautionary tale going forward.
Wise words but those cowards aren't going away They are the ugly part of America
Sure, there will always be people like this. The question is whether a society can effectively marginalize them.

Remember, we actually have: A majority of the country voted against it. I think we'll get there before long.

Here's hoping, huh?
So you want to marginalize people who don't agree with you.
You can disagree with me ice just not when it comes to what the world thinks of your leader The man is a disaster and in any conversation that's where I draw my line
He's your leader also.

Look dude, I don't always, like who won the election, but they won. If you don't respect the person fine. But to feel that makes it OK to circumvent our laws and make up vast stereotypes to feed your hate is bullshit.

And there in nothing "off limits" when it comes to disagreements. The fact you can't act like a responsible adult but rather spend your time blaming your hate on others, speaks volumes of you.

You'd rather destroy a country to satisfy your emotions, then blame others for making you do it.
Me destroy the country??? Just take a long look at what our leader is doing It's not just me red it's generals and others in military service, it's life long gov't folks who served under dems and repubs It's all the folks he fired that didn't kiss his ass The man is not only unqualified but he is a disaster and it's time you came to see that

"Just take a long look at what our leader is doing. He's . . . being a Republican and holding office! People are saying bad things about him! How can you say that rioters and those who make excuses for them are ruining the country, when OBVIOUSLY being President while Republican a much bigger sin!"

Yeah, Chuckles, you're part of destroying the country. You are a festering, infected boil on the ass of all humanity, and your continued existence makes the world a worse place. Please don't lose sight of this basic fact while you're busy ranting about "But . . . but TRRRRUUUUUMMMPP!!!"
This Trump presidency iceman has shown America who is the real enemy They are the ones who support this low life POS trump who has divided America like no other did .Trump will leave sooner or later but his SB senate and supporters will remain America must always be on guard from repub scum from within
This is their time, and we'll get past it, as other countries have. And then, like other countries, we'll look back at this time as an ugly era and use it as a cautionary tale going forward.
Wise words but those cowards aren't going away They are the ugly part of America
Sure, there will always be people like this. The question is whether a society can effectively marginalize them.

Remember, we actually have: A majority of the country voted against it. I think we'll get there before long.

Here's hoping, huh?
So you want to marginalize people who don't agree with you.
You can disagree with me ice just not when it comes to what the world thinks of your leader The man is a disaster and in any conversation that's where I draw my line

thats very funny coming from an obozo supporter. The entire world was laughing at the kenyan clown for 8 years and at the usa for electing the fool. everything he did was wrong for this country and good for our enemies and potential enemies. He doubled our debt while sending billions to the terrorists running Iran. Worst president in history is too kind to the asshole.
WHO laughed at him??? He was treated with the respect he deserved WORLDWIDE and he handed over an economy on the upswing that TRUMP had NOTHING to do with And in case you forgot he started off with another republican disaster on Americas hands 4 leaders of our armies have already told you what trump is Who you gonna believe, them and the others he fired ,or FOX?

EVERYONE laughed at him, you moron. What, you think because they flattered him and pandered to him to get what they wanted, that's what they actually thought of him? They were using him, and laughing up their sleeves about how gullible he was and how easily manipulated.

He was "manipulated" so easily because he hates the USA has much as the leaders of those countries do.
No billie he didn't hate America It was folks like you that do,you and the rest of the white trash
Republicans This is them
An anguished question from a Trump supporter: ‘Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid?’

Here’s what the majority of anti-Trump voters honestly feel about Trump supporters en masse:

That when you saw a man who had owned a fraudulent University, intent on scamming poor people, you thought "Fine." (https://www.usatoday.com/…/trump-university-sett…/502387002/)

That when you saw a man who had made it his business practice to stiff his creditors, you said, "Okay." (https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-hotel-paid-millions-in-…)

That when you heard him proudly brag about his own history of sexual abuse, you said, "No problem." (https://abcnews.go.com/…/list-trumps-accusers-allega…/story…)

That when he made up stories about seeing Muslim-Americans in the thousands cheering the destruction of the World Trade Center, you said, "Not an issue." (https://www.washingtonpost.com/…/donald-trumps-outrageous-…/)

That when you saw him brag that he could shoot a man on Fifth Avenue and you wouldn't care, you exclaimed, "He sure knows me." (https://www.usatoday.com/…/president-donald-tru…/4073405002/)

That when you heard him relating a story of an elderly guest of his country club, an 80-year old man, who fell off a stage and hit his head, to Trump replied: “‘Oh my God, that’s disgusting,’ and I turned away. I couldn’t—you know, he was right in front of me, and I turned away. I didn’t want to touch him. He was bleeding all over the place. And I felt terrible, because it was a beautiful white marble floor, and now it had changed color. Became very red.” You said, "That's cool!" (Donald Trump Shared a Hilarious Story About Not Wanting to Help a Dying Man)

That when you saw him mock the disabled, you thought it was the funniest thing you ever saw. (https://www.nbcnews.com/…/donald-trump-criticized-after-he-…)

That when you heard him brag that he doesn't read books, you said, "Well, who has time?" (https://www.theatlantic.com/…/americas-first-post-t…/549794/)

That when the Central Park Five were compensated as innocent men convicted of a crime they didn't commit, and he angrily said that they should still be in prison, you said, "That makes sense." (https://www.usatoday.com/…/what-trump-has-said-…/1501321001/)

That when you heard him tell his supporters to beat up protesters and that he would hire attorneys, you thought, "Yes!" (https://www.latimes.com/…/la-na-trump-campaign-protests-201…)

That when you heard him tell one rally to confiscate a man's coat before throwing him out into the freezing cold, you said, "What a great guy!" (https://www.independent.co.uk/…/donald-trump-orders-protest…)

That you have watched the parade of neo-Nazis and white supremacists with whom he curries favor, while refusing to condemn outright Nazis, and you have said, "Thumbs up!" (https://www.theatlantic.com/…/why-cant-trump-just-c…/567320/)

That you hear him unable to talk to foreign dignitaries without insulting their countries and demanding that they praise his electoral win, you said, "That's the way I want my President to be." (https://www.huffpost.com/…/trump-insult-foreign-countries-l…)

That you have watched him remove expertise from all layers of government in favor of people who make money off of eliminating protections in the industries they're supposed to be regulating and you have said, "What a genius!" (https://www.politico.com/…/138-trump-policy-changes-2017-00…)

That you have heard him continue to profit from his businesses, in part by leveraging his position as President, to the point of overcharging the Secret Service for space in the properties he owns, and you have said, "That's smart!" (https://www.usnews.com/…/how-is-donald-trump-profiting-from…)

That you have heard him say that it was difficult to help Puerto Rico because it was in the middle of water and you have said, "That makes sense." (https://www.washingtonpost.com/…/the-very-big-ocean-betwee…/)

That you have seen him start fights with every country from Canada to New Zealand while praising Russia and quote, "falling in love" with the dictator of North Korea, and you have said, "That's statesmanship!" (https://www.cnn.com/…/donald-trump-dictators-kim…/index.html)

That Trump separated children from their families and put them in cages, managed to lose track of 1500 kids, has opened a tent city incarceration camp in the desert in Texas - he explains that they’re just “animals” - and you say, “Well, OK then.” (https://www.nbcnews.com/…/more-5-400-children-split-border-…)

That you have witnessed all the thousand and one other manifestations of corruption and low moral character and outright animalistic rudeness and contempt for you, the working American voter, and you still show up grinning and wearing your MAGA hats and threatening to beat up anybody who says otherwise. (https://www.americanprogress.org/…/confronting-cost-trumps…/)

What you don't get, Trump supporters, is that our succumbing to frustration and shaking our heads, thinking of you as stupid, may very well be wrong and unhelpful, but it's also...hear me...charitable.

Because if you're NOT stupid, we must turn to other explanations, and most of them are less flattering.
I recently heard an interesting term to describe Trumpism: "Affinity Fraud".

The point is that the fraudster creates and maintains a tight bond with his victim or victims, and then leverages that bond to perpetrate the fraud.

And again, this is something we've seen before in history, particularly Europe. It's only after the fraud is over, that the victims realize what has happened.

You're simply describing a con artist. The con is apparently still going for most wingers here.
The President is busy attending to the affairs of state, trying to decide how he is going to fit 800,000 people in a 30,000-seat convention center to protect from COVID-19, and calling to find out why the Mayor and Governor have not put an end to this 'Chaz' BS and why they can't even run their own cities / state.....
The President is busy attending to the affairs of state, trying to decide how he is going to fit 800,000 people in a 30,000-seat convention center to protect from COVID-19, and calling to find out why the Mayor and Governor have not put an end to this 'Chaz' BS and why they can't even run their own cities / state.....
Less necks and white trash republicans voting this year I can't wait You know of a good coffin maker on the stock exchange?? Might be a good buy
You gotta love the transparency of Trump His ability to bring Americans together and not try to separate them is a thing of beauty His great show in front of a church with a bible in his hand wasn't a transparent attempt at a photo opp for his re election ?
Like you want to be brought together.
There are some Republicans that aren't sick schmucks that know Trump is a blight on America Those I can live in peace with
Like I said, you don't want the truth, only emotional validation.

Anyone who doesn't agree with you is scum. How is that attitude helpful?
You can have a disagreement with me on many things a polite conversation BUT where I draw the line on polite is when anyone thinks trump is better than low rotting feces a blight upon America
so then you have a point where your emotional validation takes precedence over everything else in the world.

and yet you call the OTHER side "childish" or worse. both of the extremes need to shut the fuck up and stop taking everyone on their emotional roller coasters.
Hey eagle you wearing a mask or don't need one like your master trump ? Notice those 19 states where virus is skyrocketing?? Wonder why? Just go to the next trump rally and don't wear a mask Be brave
Yet it's your leftists saying protests are fine and safe.
Are you saying protesting is unamerican? and calling in the military is fine and dandy??

"Trump supporters are bad for not wearing masks."
"But you don't mind if protesters don't wear masks."
"Are you saying protesting is unAmerican?"

While you're moving those goalposts, Sparky, do us a favor and drop them on your foot. Twice.
You gotta love the transparency of Trump His ability to bring Americans together and not try to separate them is a thing of beauty His great show in front of a church with a bible in his hand wasn't a transparent attempt at a photo opp for his re election ?
Like you want to be brought together.
There are some Republicans that aren't sick schmucks that know Trump is a blight on America Those I can live in peace with
Like I said, you don't want the truth, only emotional validation.

Anyone who doesn't agree with you is scum. How is that attitude helpful?
You can have a disagreement with me on many things a polite conversation BUT where I draw the line on polite is when anyone thinks trump is better than low rotting feces a blight upon America

"Let's have a polite conversation, but only if you agree with me that Trump is bad!"

Get a dictionary and look up the word "conversation", because you're really weak on the concept.
This Trump presidency iceman has shown America who is the real enemy They are the ones who support this low life POS trump who has divided America like no other did .Trump will leave sooner or later but his SB senate and supporters will remain America must always be on guard from repub scum from within
This is their time, and we'll get past it, as other countries have. And then, like other countries, we'll look back at this time as an ugly era and use it as a cautionary tale going forward.
Wise words but those cowards aren't going away They are the ugly part of America
Sure, there will always be people like this. The question is whether a society can effectively marginalize them.

Remember, we actually have: A majority of the country voted against it. I think we'll get there before long.

Here's hoping, huh?
So you want to marginalize people who don't agree with you.
You can disagree with me ice just not when it comes to what the world thinks of your leader The man is a disaster and in any conversation that's where I draw my line

thats very funny coming from an obozo supporter. The entire world was laughing at the kenyan clown for 8 years and at the usa for electing the fool. everything he did was wrong for this country and good for our enemies and potential enemies. He doubled our debt while sending billions to the terrorists running Iran. Worst president in history is too kind to the asshole.
WHO laughed at him??? He was treated with the respect he deserved WORLDWIDE and he handed over an economy on the upswing that TRUMP had NOTHING to do with And in case you forgot he started off with another republican disaster on Americas hands 4 leaders of our armies have already told you what trump is Who you gonna believe, them and the others he fired ,or FOX?

EVERYONE laughed at him, you moron. What, you think because they flattered him and pandered to him to get what they wanted, that's what they actually thought of him? They were using him, and laughing up their sleeves about how gullible he was and how easily manipulated.
Yeah and America rose from the ashes left by the last AH republicans supported . Obama handed over gold to the moron trump whose arms aren't long enough to pat himself on the back Yeah he did it all himself ,,him and idiots like you

Sparky, I was there, and I'm not a leftist, so I can remember actual things for longer than five minutes, so don't tell me about the "gold" of the Obama administration. I've seen more gold on a ring my kid got from a gumball machine for a quarter. Every single thing you drones keep earnestly telling us to believe about how wonderful those years were was a baldfaced lie, debunked by the actually statistics at the time Obama was telling the lies, and you're just hoping that if you let enough time pass, you can assert your Big Lie of "the gold of the Obama administration" and get it accepted.

Obama pissed down the nation's leg and swore it was raining, and dumbasses like you nodded blankly and ran to get your umbrellas.
This Trump presidency iceman has shown America who is the real enemy They are the ones who support this low life POS trump who has divided America like no other did .Trump will leave sooner or later but his SB senate and supporters will remain America must always be on guard from repub scum from within
This is their time, and we'll get past it, as other countries have. And then, like other countries, we'll look back at this time as an ugly era and use it as a cautionary tale going forward.
Wise words but those cowards aren't going away They are the ugly part of America
Sure, there will always be people like this. The question is whether a society can effectively marginalize them.

Remember, we actually have: A majority of the country voted against it. I think we'll get there before long.

Here's hoping, huh?
So you want to marginalize people who don't agree with you.
You can disagree with me ice just not when it comes to what the world thinks of your leader The man is a disaster and in any conversation that's where I draw my line

thats very funny coming from an obozo supporter. The entire world was laughing at the kenyan clown for 8 years and at the usa for electing the fool. everything he did was wrong for this country and good for our enemies and potential enemies. He doubled our debt while sending billions to the terrorists running Iran. Worst president in history is too kind to the asshole.
WHO laughed at him??? He was treated with the respect he deserved WORLDWIDE and he handed over an economy on the upswing that TRUMP had NOTHING to do with And in case you forgot he started off with another republican disaster on Americas hands 4 leaders of our armies have already told you what trump is Who you gonna believe, them and the others he fired ,or FOX?

EVERYONE laughed at him, you moron. What, you think because they flattered him and pandered to him to get what they wanted, that's what they actually thought of him? They were using him, and laughing up their sleeves about how gullible he was and how easily manipulated.

He was "manipulated" so easily because he hates the USA has much as the leaders of those countries do.
No billie he didn't hate America It was folks like you that do,you and the rest of the white trash

He did and does, just like you do.
And btw Ice I have no problem with Trump putting his foot down when it comes to China ripping us off No problem having illegals sent back to their countries WITH their children and not a big fan of unions either but lets start with the police unions who give cops a free pass but that's it All I can think of
Cops do not have a "free pass" to attack blacks. that is a total lie. Its also a lie that cops target blacks.

Here's an idea: If you don't want to deal with cops don't break the law. Simple and it works regardless of your race.
Yeah but being drunk gets you killed nowadays and how would you like a knee on your neck killing you for WHAT?? Maybe its my memory but I don't recall any of this shit happening to white guys With them there was a legit reason

Maybe you don't remember it because your thought masters in the media deliberately didn't tell you about it, so it wouldn't interfere with your marching orders.

The police kill more white people than they do black people every year. So yeah, statistically speaking, that means at least some victims of police brutality are white. But they don't matter, because they don't fit the narrative you're being spoonfed and lapping up like a mangy stray dog.
Point to a couple of instances where police killed unarmed whites choking
them or putting bullets in their back as they ran away Oh yes find a couple of those who were suspected of drunk driving or counterfeit money

Not exactly a hotbed of conservative right-wing ideology or Trump fanaticism, I would hope you have the brain wattage to agree. Yet they published a list of white victims wrongfully killed by the police. Ever heard any of their names? No? Wonder why that is.

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