Where Is Trump On The 9/11 Anniversary?

Barry bitched about his predecessor doing tge same thing... before playing more golf than his predecessor. When's Barry paying all THAT money back?

Also, if you remember, Trump did not take a salary - he donated the money. When is Joe going to refuse HIS salary? The BILLIONS he got from the CCP & millions he got from Xi & Putin during the election easily covers his salary several times over.

And you're worried about the vost of golf carts when the Democrats are stealing BILIONS from the American people, like the MILLIONS Pelosi & the Democrata snuck into a bill yompay for some park in her district?!
Trump ran the biggest defecits in the history of this Country, who do you think you're bullshitting? Trump raised the national debt by $8 trillion dollars, Trump stroker.
That would still be 7 - 8 more than would clap for Biden.

It's nice to see how badly his popularity among the real American people is and how it just eats snowflakes and Democrats alive, as you just demonstrated.

Yeah but one of them was beat by millions of votes and still hasn't gotten over it yet. To be clear, I'm not referring to the former guy since he hasn't won the big popularity contest yet.
I just saw Biden, Clinton and Obama, they are at the 9/11 memorial, and Bush is in Shanksville.

Where is Trump at today?
He spent time with NYC first responders, talked with them. Told the police they could clean up the city easily if they just had leadership that allowed it.

He also pointed out how no one is talking about how Biden fucked up Afghanistan so bad in such short time.

Where was Biden? He wasn’t allowed to speak today, his handlers are terrified. Just a canned pre-recorded speech at the White House. He’s a fucking empty suit and worthless.
He spent time with NYC first responders, talked with them. Told the police they could clean up the city easily if they just had leadership that allowed it.

He also pointed out how no one is talking about how Biden fucked up Afghanistan so bad in such short time.

Where was Biden? He wasn’t allowed to speak today, his handlers are terrified. Just a canned pre-recorded speech at the White House. He’s a fucking empty suit and worthless.

As usual Trump has to make the 9/11 anniversary about himself. He needs the attention because he's a self absorbed jerkoff. As far as N.Y.C. is concerned, your boy got his ass beat by Biden in his own hometown. Maybe because the people of N.Y.C. know that Trump is nothing but a fucking conman who screwed over countless people in the hometown that he grew up in.

Trump loves N.Y.C. so much he moved to Florida.

Biden didn't speak because the 20th aniversary of 9/11 is not about HIM. If Trump had any class he would have done the same.
Considering the man was responsible for a terrorist attack on the United States Capitol 8 months ago, it's best he stays away from anything formal. He actually did something right.
Even the FBI said that was bogus but, we realize how desperate you are considering the results of the President Biden disaster.

Who was responsible for these?





As usual Trump has to make the 9/11 anniversary about himself. He needs the attention because he's a self absorbed jerkoff. As far as N.Y.C. is concerned, your boy got his ass beat by Biden in his own hometown. Maybe because the people of N.Y.C. know that Trump is nothing but a fucking conman who screwed over countless people in the hometown that he grew up in.

Trump loves N.Y.C. so much he moved to Florida.

Biden didn't speak because the 20th aniversary of 9/11 is not about HIM. If Trump had any class he would have done the same.
I always find it funny when the one term loser talks shit about Biden, knowing as he does that Biden handed his ass to him last November.
As usual Trump has to make the 9/11 anniversary about himself. He needs the attention because he's a self absorbed jerkoff. As far as N.Y.C. is concerned, your boy got his ass beat by Biden in his own hometown. Maybe because the people of N.Y.C. know that Trump is nothing but a fucking conman who screwed over countless people in the hometown that he grew up in.

Trump loves N.Y.C. so much he moved to Florida.

Biden didn't speak because the 20th aniversary of 9/11 is not about HIM. If Trump had any class he would have done the same.

Wrong asshole, President Trump was there to thank them and praise them.

Biden couldn’t speak to anyone without a script because he’s always a fucking train wreck. His handlers know everyone hates him for disgracing America with his Afghanistan clusterfuck just in time for the twentieth anniversary of 9/11.

Biden did go off the rails and pull his mask off to yell at someone, despite his handlers’ attempts to keep him muzzled and silent all day.
What enemy lines? No Americans are stranded.
I've followed politics fairly closely for over 50 years. I can't remember the far-left being so desperate and eager to lie to cover the disaster that is President Biden.

Chuck Schumer admits he misspoke when he said that all Americans who wanted to leave Afghanistan have gotten out

  • The Senate majority leader punted on a question of whether Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal would hurt Democrats in the midterms
  • 'The Americans, all of whom wanted to come out, have come out. Praise God' Schumer said Friday
  • He said he was focused on getting out vulnerable Afghans and allies, particularly an orchestra group because 'The Taliban hate music'

PUBLISHED: 12:15 EDT, 7 September 2021 | UPDATED: 18:04 EDT, 7 September 2021

Where was President Trump?

Firefighters and Police Officers Break Into Cheers as Trump Makes Surprise Visit to NYC on 20th Anniversary of 9/11 (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila
Published September 11, 2021 at 2:01pm

President Trump on Saturday made a surprise visit to New York City on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
Firefighters and police officers broke into cheers and applause when Trump arrived.

I just saw Biden, Clinton and Obama, they are at the 9/11 memorial, and Bush is in Shanksville.

Where is Trump at today?

At Ground Zero. SPEAKING to the people.

Your incompetent resident of the Whitehouse couldn't even speak.

It's a good thing, when you think about it. The last thing this country needs is to hear the nauseating mouth of the mentally ill orange slob.
President Biden was instructed to make no comments as he visited the three 9/11 sites. They had a video of him making comments since they couldn't trust him to make three talks in succession.

Well, that didn't work very well. I wonder if his handlers have considered a shock collar for him to wear?

Dementia Joe Biden Gives Rambling – at Times Incoherent – Twelve Minute Presser at Shanksville 9/11 Event; Trashes US And Trump, “Never Lived Up to” Founding Idea

By Kristinn Taylor
Published September 11, 2021 at 7:44pm


Well, you can sure tell what former Presidents Clinton and Obama are thinking. "Oh jeez, he's gone off the rails again, someone put a muzzle on that poor guy.
Dotard is doing commentary on the Evander Hollyfield boxing match tonight & collecting big bucks to do it.

On the sad anniversary of 9/11 it will be a barrell of laughs watching The Clown prove again to the world that he's a clueless first class jerkoff as he comments on another subject that he knows nothing about.

This should be fun.
Trump lied about watching people jump from the towers
Trump lied about seeing Muslims dancing on rooftops
Trump lied about helping out at Ground Zero

He will just lie about visiting the 9-11 memorial

As things have turned South for the Harris/Biden administration, I'm seeing the far-left get more and more desperate.

National Review

Biden Lied about Visiting Pittsburgh Synagogue after Shooting, Director Claims

Zachary Evans
September 3, 2021


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