Where Is Trump On The 9/11 Anniversary?

That's a good place for him.

It doesn't matter. Better this way.

Biden, Obama, Clinton Mark 9/11 in NYC With Display of Unity

Three presidents stood somberly side by side at the National September 11 Memorial, sharing a moment of silence to mark the anniversary of the nation’s worst terror attack with a display of unity.

That's a good place for him.

It doesn't matter. Better this way.

Biden, Obama, Clinton Mark 9/11 in NYC With Display of Unity

Three presidents stood somberly side by side at the National September 11 Memorial, sharing a moment of silence to mark the anniversary of the nation’s worst terror attack with a display of unity.

as always you show off what a stupid fuck you are,:yes_text12::thankusmile::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Washington and Lincoln are the only ones of that bunch that have not taken a major shit on America and are mass murderers and traiters that need to be hung up by their balls.

they same as Trump need to be over there the fact they are patriots just like him. strange you left out Nixons pal LBJ who both were responsible for murdering 58,000 Americans you stupid fuck. Nixon was the most evil bastard of them all taking America off the gold standard having our money as worthless as monoply money you stupid child.

everyone of that Bunch other than washington and Lincoln,had Hitler was their hero you stupid ass child.,:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301: they are all Hitler wanna be"s
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Yeah sure, I’m CIA. We determined in a morning meeting that the orange idiot you worship is too stupid to plan terrorist attacks.
play dumb,act like your clueless just as your bosses instruct you to,thats how you America hating shills always operate,you dont fool me for a second paid troll.
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He's being tutored on boxing so he doesn't make a total ass out of himself again, which for Trump is every time he opens his stupid piehole.

The man is a deranged assclown.

So, Trump actually showed up in NYC to honor 1st responders....without handlers / chaperones...unlike Biden,who seemed to be representing Muslim terrorists touring the damage done.


Trump thanks NYPD and FDNY officers on 20th anniversary of 9/11 having decided NOT to make his own solo trip to Ground Zero after Clinton, Obama and Biden attended ceremony for families​

  • Donald Trump surprised officers at NYPD's 17th Precinct in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, Saturday
  • He posed for photos with a group of cops and held a brief question and answer session
  • Trump said very little about America's darkest day when almost 3,000 Americans were killed
  • He took aim at Joe Biden over the 'embarrassment' of his Afghanistan withdrawal, pushed his false claim the 2020 election was 'rigged' and plugged his 2024 White House run
  • Trump is the only surviving president not to visit one of the 9/11 crash sites or attend official memorial events
  • Biden was joined by former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama at Ground Zero Saturday morning
  • Former President George W. Bush, a Republican, spoke at the Flight 93 memorial site in Shanksville

Trump releases video on anniversary of 9/11

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Yeah, weird. So Trump isn't even commenting ringside at a top tier boxing event.
Don't care what he is or isn't doing. Don't care that any of the presidents are doing today outside of maybe Biden and even then I honestly don't care.
I'm painting my house today and that is all I care about.
I don't need to grovel about 9/11 nor hear anyone else do that to remember what happened
Don't care what he is or isn't doing. Don't care that any of the presidents are doing today outside of maybe Biden and even then I honestly don't care.
I'm painting my house today and that is all I care about.
I don't need to grovel about 9/11 nor hear anyone else do that to remember what happened

I agree to some extent. Though playing ringside on the same day is a little too much.
What was that? 7 maybe 8 people applauding?
That would still be 7 - 8 more than would clap for Biden.

It's nice to see how badly his popularity among the real American people is and how it just eats snowflakes and Democrats alive, as you just demonstrated.

Question, rhetorical for some...................Do PROGS know humiliation or has it become their comfort zone?

President Trump was actually in NYC today paying his respect. Except not sitting next to the swamp politicians there. Looks like Fake News gets it wrong again.

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