Where Is Trump On The 9/11 Anniversary?

No doubt he had no interest in associating with those corrupt criminals on this special day.
Live tonight from Hollywood, Fl, a match made in Heaven!

Donald Trump & Evander Hollyfield: a couple of overweight has been washed up palookas.
must suck fir trollboy Danny to get his ass handed to him on a platter and have shit all over his face in embarrassment.:rofl:uh trollboy dannywon’t accept reality that trump is not part of the corrupt two party system therefore doesn’t want to be near those criminal mass murderers as maybelooking said so well,took the words right out of my mouth,he beat me to the punch. :thup:
No, Trump would rather suck hind tit, reduced to second billing behind Evander Hollyfield, right Ace?
Trump lied about watching people jump from the towers
Trump lied about seeing Muslims dancing on rooftops
Trump lied about helping out at Ground Zero

He will just lie about visiting the 9-11 memorial
I just saw Biden, Clinton and Obama, they are at the 9/11 memorial, and Bush is in Shanksville.

Where is Trump at today?
Trump doesn’t give two fucks about the anniversary. What’s in it for him if he’s no longer president? He has no one to pander to get votes for re-election.
Trump lied about watching people jump from the towers
Trump lied about seeing Muslims dancing on rooftops
Trump lied about helping out at Ground Zero

He will just lie about visiting the 9-11 memorial
What makes the dancing Muslim lie all the more stupid is that it somehow means that all those Muslims collectively knew on a psychic level Muslims were responsible for the attack even though no one actually knew who was responsible for the attack as the attack happened.
Cute. But you know his fat ass is out on the golf course.
Just proof positive that he doesn't give a shit about Americans or our country.
This is a teachable moment for you fucking Trump dolts.
you're a fatass and a hitlerjugend to your Fuhrer Bidumb
Yes they do, but the Donald has friends on all levels that knows good or bad it's gonna be the truth when he's in the oval office.

Quite a few of the false narrative deep staters have to exist on lies like Bernie whatever his name was who screwed all his clients most fraudently and divertedvtheir millions to himself and was sentenced to life for doing what Hillary did in Whitewater when she swindled all those elderly out of their life savings.

Her new job is to tell phony Joe what he's gonna read off the teleprompter in the behalf of the commie deep staters of course. And George Soros keeps funding the press to make Trump look bad due to his hatred for those he can't manipulate with all that money.
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Dotard is doing commentary on the Evander Hollyfield boxing match tonight & collecting big bucks to do it.

On the sad anniversary of 9/11 it will be a barrell of laughs watching The Clown prove again to the world that he's a clueless first class jerkoff as he comments on another subject that he knows nothing about.

This should be fun.
It's interesting watching his cult try and spin this.

Depressing, but interesting nonetheless.
Trump has always lied more than he tells the truth. That's what mental illness looks, and sounds, like.
two farts in a row from the shill from langley.:yes_text12::banana:

Here is the valid reason that trump did not want to be there with those mass murderers. Obama,,Biden,Bush,and Clinton are all Hitler wanna be;s these three famous words spoken by Bush,Clinton and Obama were also spoken by Hitler many times. HItler was the hero of those criminal politicians.

Interesting video. JFK said "When you diminish the rights of one man you threaten the rights of all men !" Couple that with Kennedy's speech about secret societies and Eisenhowr's speech about the industrial / military complex.. They were trying to warn the people of what could come if we didn't stay vigilant. Then you have the Bush Sr video on NWO Then Obama's strange remarks at the annual press dinner when he said "the end of the Republic has never looked so good " It's all leading to a different world - I'm not sure in that new world that concepts such ad individual liberty will have any meaning, When Obama says in his UN speech about giving up some freedoms - he should be made to define exactly what he means. Obama is a good communicator who is able to hide the ugly truth behind flowery words.

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