Where ISIS gets its strength

Still yammering. Any suggestions for how to stop the Saudis from exporting terrorists? No? Didn't think so. Yammer on.

All roads lead to gays when it comes to Sil. It doesn't matter the topic as she will find a way to shoehorn her disgustingly anti-gay narrative.

So our allies and "dear friends" the Saudis are the source of this misery, and y'all are yammering about anything but.
Actually any islamic person would have trouble digesting and spiritually incorporating the mindset behind the photo in my last post. Why would the Saudi muslims be any different? They're just more on the down-low, loving the American money buying oil but just as disgusted with where our culture is going (heading their way).

They probably use that picture as a poster in all their recruiting outposts. "Hey brother, will you enlist with Allah to defeat the infidels?" *potential recruit glances at the "Caitlyn Jenner" poster*..then instantly "yes brother, sign me up immediately!"

Sil..... I have my information about muslims from muslims------educated
muslims who were educated in their own very muslim countries-------and I
will attest-----you are right. It is the way they are BROUGHT UP. There
is no lack of downright perversity in muslim countries but an EXTREME
double standard-------it is hidden----FOR MEN ONLY, never public and ones
mother, sister, wife, daughter and even cousin and aunts NEVER HEARD
of it. The fact that the "filth" is out in the opened is the big issue that
renders "western society" UTTER WORTHLESS DIRT DESERVING OF

So our allies and "dear friends" the Saudis are the source of this misery, and y'all are yammering about anything but.
Actually any islamic person would have trouble digesting and spiritually incorporating the mindset behind the photo in my last post. Why would the Saudi muslims be any different? They're just more on the down-low, loving the American money buying oil but just as disgusted with where our culture is going (heading their way).

They probably use that picture as a poster in all their recruiting outposts. "Hey brother, will you enlist with Allah to defeat the infidels?" *potential recruit glances at the "Caitlyn Jenner" poster*..then instantly "yes brother, sign me up immediately!"

Still yammering. Any suggestions for how to stop the Saudis from exporting terrorists? No? Didn't think so. Yammer on.

It is not all that clear to me that lots of actual terrorists come from
Saudi arabia---------I do not believe that you will find any information
confirming your assertion
How Saudi Arabia exports radical Islam

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria sees itself as purer than the Saudi regime, but its fundamentalist Sunni doctrine has its roots in Wahhabism. Bob Graham, a former Democratic senator from Florida who has called for declassification of the portion of the 9/11 Commission report dealing with Saudi Arabian links to the hijackers, says ISIS "is a product of Saudi ideals, Saudi money, and Saudi organizational support." In effect, Graham says, ISIS represents a form of Wahhabi ideology that the Saudis can't control — a cancer that now threatens the kingdom. "Who serves as fuel for ISIS? Our own youth," said Saudi dissident writer Turki Al-Hamad this year. "In order to stop ISIS, you must first dry up this ideology at the source."

SO? take a look at history-----the UMMAH over the past 1400 years did not
need "Wahhabism" to be RADICAL NUTS--------they were doing it long
before there was a "Wahhabism"

Why do we continue to cover for our "good friends" the Saudis?

They are the cancer in the region and we look the other way
That's a good question. Oil used to be the answer but, hell, we can get that anywhere these days...including here at home :dunno:
Some things haven't changed since 9-11

How Saudi Arabia exports radical Islam

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria sees itself as purer than the Saudi regime, but its fundamentalist Sunni doctrine has its roots in Wahhabism. Bob Graham, a former Democratic senator from Florida who has called for declassification of the portion of the 9/11 Commission report dealing with Saudi Arabian links to the hijackers, says ISIS "is a product of Saudi ideals, Saudi money, and Saudi organizational support." In effect, Graham says, ISIS represents a form of Wahhabi ideology that the Saudis can't control — a cancer that now threatens the kingdom. "Who serves as fuel for ISIS? Our own youth," said Saudi dissident writer Turki Al-Hamad this year. "In order to stop ISIS, you must first dry up this ideology at the source."

I'm all for nuking Mecca and taking SA's oil fields to stop funding their brand of terrorism. This shit isn't going to stop until both Sunni and Iranian brand of Islam is bled dry.
The best part about MIRVing Mecca is that Muslims will be forced by their religion to admit it was the will of Allah.

Eventually nukes will be necessary to rid the earth of this scourge; it's just the world being slow to reach this inevitable conclusion.
Why do we continue to cover for our "good friends" the Saudis?

They are the cancer in the region and we look the other way

Good question and observation RW.

the very wealthy with oil PIOUS muslims are the problem-----not the Saudis in general------money plus pious muslim = terrorism ---(in lots of cases ----NOT
"ALL" Many muslims would see the action in Paris---this week as a VICTORY
Sil..... I have my information about muslims from muslims------educated
muslims who were educated in their own very muslim countries-------and I
will attest-----you are right. It is the way they are BROUGHT UP. There
is no lack of downright perversity in muslim countries but an EXTREME
double standard-------it is hidden----FOR MEN ONLY, never public and ones
mother, sister, wife, daughter and even cousin and aunts NEVER HEARD
of it. The fact that the "filth" is out in the opened is the big issue that
renders "western society" UTTER WORTHLESS DIRT DESERVING OF

OK, fair enough. As the old saying goes "men are pigs". And I'm sure there are subsections of every male population that practice piggish behaviors. But does that justify then turning those bad habits into "an acceptable new cultural norm...out in the open"? No, of course not! I'm sure some muslim men rape and steal. Does that then mean they rewrite the Koran to say "raping and stealing are now things we want to hold out to our children and teach by example as normal?"

Surely you see where the true problem is at. It's unfortunate exceptions vs the rule. Humans strive for the rule and are supposed to reject its exceptions. When you make repugnant exceptions the "out in the open, embraced" new "rule", that is when perversity reaches a tipping point.

It's why the Bible and the Koran warned against mainstreaming perversity. Poets 25 I think in the Koran (not sure, you would know better than I) and Jude 1, Romans 1 in the Bible both talk about how perversity must not, under threat of eternal damnation, be promoted in any society.

Those tomes weren't saying "oh this can never exist". ..because sin exists. They were saying "don't make this sinful act a way of life that is normal in any society...or else!"

I disagree strongly with how these radical islamics are going about their campaign. It's just mindless violence. That too is an unforgivable sin. They are using a sledgehammer when they should be using a smaller implement.
Last edited:
Sil..... I have my information about muslims from muslims------educated
muslims who were educated in their own very muslim countries-------and I
will attest-----you are right. It is the way they are BROUGHT UP. There
is no lack of downright perversity in muslim countries but an EXTREME
double standard-------it is hidden----FOR MEN ONLY, never public and ones
mother, sister, wife, daughter and even cousin and aunts NEVER HEARD
of it. The fact that the "filth" is out in the opened is the big issue that
renders "western society" UTTER WORTHLESS DIRT DESERVING OF

OK, fair enough. As the old saying goes "men are pigs". And I'm sure there are subsections of every male population that practice piggish behaviors. But does that justify then turning those bad habits into "an acceptable new cultural norm...out in the open"? No, of course not! I'm sure some muslim men rape and steal. Does that then mean they rewrite the Koran to say "raping and stealing are now things we want to hold out to our children and teach by example as normal?"

Surely you see where the true problem is at. It's unfortunate exceptions vs the rule. Humans strive for the rule and are supposed to reject its exceptions. When you make repugnant exceptions the "out in the open, embraced" new "rule", that is when perversity reaches a tipping point.

It's why the Bible and the Koran warned against mainstreaming perversity. Poets 25 I think in the Koran (not sure, you would know better than I) and Jude 1, Romans 1 in the Bible both talk about how perversity must not, under threat of eternal damnation, be promoted in any society.

Those tomes weren't saying "oh this can never exist". ..because sin exists. They were saying "don't make this sinful act a way of life that is normal in any society...or else!"

Poets 25??? in the koran? I am not familiar in particular-----I did read the koran----I have spoken to scores and scores of muslims and know from other sources------rape of non muslims who refuse to submit to Islamic rule is "LEGAL"
-------rape of muslims upon whom an edict of TAKFIR has been issue (that means
they are declared non muslims------is legal. Children are so taught when they are
old enough to understand, Rape of non musiims who have----by contract by their
community leaders----submitted to Islamic law (dhimmia) is virtually legal. Maybe a small fine----usually not prosecuted. During the Pakistani civil war----
1/4 million girls were legally raped (1971) It was in 1971 that I learned this aspect of shariah law from muslim colleagues. "SIN"? it is not a sin
Poets 25??? in the koran? I am not familiar in particular-----I did read the koran----I have spoken to scores and scores of muslims and know from other sources------rape of non muslims who refuse to submit to Islamic rule is "LEGAL"
-------rape of muslims upon whom an edict of TAKFIR has been issue (that means
they are declared non muslims------is legal. Children are so taught when they are
old enough to understand, Rape of non musiims who have----by contract by their
community leaders----submitted to Islamic law (dhimmia) is virtually legal. Maybe a small fine----usually not prosecuted. During the Pakistani civil war----
1/4 million girls were legally raped (1971) It was in 1971 that I learned this aspect of shariah law from muslim colleagues. "SIN"? it is not a sin

That's horrible. And, two wrongs don't make a right. It's clear that insanity is mirroring and trying to outdo insanity on opposite poles in opposite ways. It is the degredation of morality that all on both sides are guilty of. I guess they all are experts at projecting and then attacking that which is most like themselves. Strangely though, the LGBT crowd seems almost apologetic of those who would do those acts to girls. I guess though since Harvey Milk is like a God to them, adults having sex with minors isn't really that repugnant of an idea to them?
How Saudi Arabia exports radical Islam

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria sees itself as purer than the Saudi regime, but its fundamentalist Sunni doctrine has its roots in Wahhabism. Bob Graham, a former Democratic senator from Florida who has called for declassification of the portion of the 9/11 Commission report dealing with Saudi Arabian links to the hijackers, says ISIS "is a product of Saudi ideals, Saudi money, and Saudi organizational support." In effect, Graham says, ISIS represents a form of Wahhabi ideology that the Saudis can't control — a cancer that now threatens the kingdom. "Who serves as fuel for ISIS? Our own youth," said Saudi dissident writer Turki Al-Hamad this year. "In order to stop ISIS, you must first dry up this ideology at the source."

SO? take a look at history-----the UMMAH over the past 1400 years did not
need "Wahhabism" to be RADICAL NUTS--------they were doing it long
before there was a "Wahhabism"

Why do we continue to cover for our "good friends" the Saudis?

They are the cancer in the region and we look the other way
Beats me, they were best friends of Bush, Jr., but he's been gone for 7 years.

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