Where the hell is Ruth Bader Ginsberg? Proof of life required!!!

Ginsburg makes 1st public appearance since cancer surgery

walking a mile a day. not bad, all things considered. i need to do at least as much myself.
Yeah, that’s why photos were banned and an archive photo was used.
this is right up there with demanding taxes.

no matter what happens, you're going to complain it's not enough.
Bully’s only understand bigger bully’s.
except if you say the left doing shit like this is stupid, how is it better to just do it back to them?

it's like acknowledging something is stupid then diving back into it.
Maybe she is working as a Walmart type greeter at an Abortion Mill that does late term abortions.

Here, have a sticker.

Proof of it with real pictures and videos of it. And that is just the start. She needs to be seen as most people do. Otherwise this is another Progressive Socialist Communist agenda driven scam.

Yeah not buying RBG is recovering. A few weeks back Fox news flashed a screen implying she had died and was quick to apologize, but the other networks who are quick to jump on any mistake made by Fox ignored the slip up. Why?
If she attended a concert and is in recovering health why not release a picture. Is she in such poor health that cannot be masked for a few seconds to take a simple picture?
Funny thing is you don't make the rules for other peoples existence, sorry...Get a child or a husband if you have the need to demand..
You do not understand. I would watch parts of America destroyed now. This is war you are in a matur level at against others who are still infants and starting to realize the are being screwed over. And you are talking husband and children to people you do not know. Your rules are over. Exterminate....exterminate...Let the cities burn!
Learn proper English, my God it's like reading a book written by a kindergarten kid.
And you approve a minimum two language nation!
She is reportedly very seriously ill.

All partisan BS politics aside, my thoughts, prayers, and best wishes go out for her and her family at this time.

No they aren't. The only rumors are the ones being spread by right wing rags and cultists. The kind of sources that are only "believable" because they tell you what you want to hear.

You want her to die, you are praying that she'll die, you lust for her death.
this is the circle of life.

the right wing trashes the left.
the left wing trashes the right.

wheee. let's do it again!

In other words, it's all a pile of shit! :lol:
When Woodrow Wilson suffered two strokes it was highly suspected his wife ran the nation his last two years. No visitors and everything ran through her. Medical records released decades later basically support that theory because his condition was so poor.
Same with Reagan and his alzheimer's..Yet they have every right to be there because they were elected and no one wants to set an age limit on Constitutional matters from the Founders.
BS liar. Reagan was 100% when he left, look at the videos.
Nope....it was quite evident that by his second term, he was sliding.
She is reportedly very seriously ill.

All partisan BS politics aside, my thoughts, prayers, and best wishes go out for her and her family at this time.

No they aren't. The only rumors are the ones being spread by right wing rags and cultists. The kind of sources that are only "believable" because they tell you what you want to hear.

You want her to die, you are praying that she'll die, you lust for her death.
this is the circle of life.

the right wing trashes the left.
the left wing trashes the right.

wheee. let's do it again!

In other words, it's all a pile of shit! :lol:
Proof of it with real pictures and videos of it. And that is just the start. She needs to be seen as most people do. Otherwise this is another Progressive Socialist Communist agenda driven scam.

Yeah not buying RBG is recovering. A few weeks back Fox news flashed a screen implying she had died and was quick to apologize, but the other networks who are quick to jump on any mistake made by Fox ignored the slip up. Why?
If she attended a concert and is in recovering health why not release a picture. Is she in such poor health that cannot be masked for a few seconds to take a simple picture?
Funny thing is you don't make the rules for other peoples existence, sorry...Get a child or a husband if you have the need to demand..
You do not understand. I would watch parts of America destroyed now. This is war you are in a matur level at against others who are still infants and starting to realize the are being screwed over. And you are talking husband and children to people you do not know. Your rules are over. Exterminate....exterminate...Let the cities burn!
Learn proper English, my God it's like reading a book written by a kindergarten kid.
And you approve a minimum two language nation!
RIght...because we don't want people being bilingual...that's very elitist!
I DO remember conservative republicans accusing Former President Obama of having him killed.
When you talk about Conservative Republicans, please try not to intentionally slander / misrepresent them by lumping them in with extremist. Conservative Republicans are no more like that than the few Moderate Democrats who are left are like Obama, AOC, and / or Pelosi.

easy65 are you trying to say your a conservative....

You are a Trump Whore... You prostitute for him on this site daily...

You aren't conservative... Lets look at your views:

FISCAL: Trump borrows money like a drunken sailor and he still get your support. Hillary's Husband balanced the budget and she should be burnt at a stake with said Husband.

SOCIAL: Hillary led Bible study groups in Arkansas, Trump doesn't know a passage of the Bible. Cheated on his Wives numerous times, paid out to people for swindling them on numerous occasions (Trump University etc...)

Please don't try and con us that you are conservative and then support Trump....
She is reportedly very seriously ill.

All partisan BS politics aside, my thoughts, prayers, and best wishes go out for her and her family at this time.


Politics aside let's remember that it's not that glorious a job. She could have made 10 times the money in the private sector but chose to serve instead and from what I can see has managed to keep a spotless personal record. Kudos to RBG. If she is not well I think we all hope that there is some kind of merciful end.

easy65 are you trying to say your a conservative....You are a Trump Whore... You prostitute for him on this site daily...
Oh, Ted, your hypocritical, ignorant, whiny-assed Trump hating, emotional hate-driven personal insult (rather than debate / discuss like a rational adult) has cut me to the quick. Whatever shall I do to recover?!


SOCIAL: Hillary led Bible study groups in Arkansas

Would that be the CHRISTIAN Bible or the Satanic version. Something tells me that if Hillary ever attempted to hold a Bible in her hand she would spontaneously combust into fire. :p

Bible Study Leaders are not usually 'Enablers' who demonize, berate, attack, and silence the victims of their husband's decades of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape. They don't lie about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary, about landing under sniper fire, do not abandon Americans to needlessly die at the hands of terrorists they help take over countries, do not commit Espionage, mishandle classified, attempt to Obstruct evidence against themselves, do not lie under oath, do not pay President-hating foreign spies and Russians to help them win an election, do not rig primaries, cheat in debates, and lose rigged elections...like Hillary did....at least none I know of.

She must belong to one helluva LIBERAL 'Church'...like Obama did.
(Hillary's 'mentor' was Socialist Saul Alensky, while Obama's mentors included Famed Communist Frank Marshall Davis and Racist hate-spewing anti-American Pastor Jeremiah Wright with special inspiration from Racist Muslim Lewis Farrakhan, Socialist Saul Alensky, and Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers.)
You just know that when the witch dies or resigns during Trump's term that the left is going to demand that she be replaced by a Justice of their choice.
I watched a very interesting documentary last night - it was on how USSC Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg used to moonlight part time in a 2nd job, playing Sex Therapist Dr. Ruth.....

upload_2019-2-5_9-36-39.jpeg [URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.webmd.com%2Fdtmcms%2Flive%2Fwebmd%2Fconsumer_assets%2Fsite_images%2Farticle_thumbnails%2Fnews%2F2018%2F12_2018%2Fruth_bader_ginsburg_lung_cancer%2F650x350_ruth_bader_ginsburg_lung_cancer.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Flung-cancer%2Fnews%2F20181221%2Fruth-bader-ginsburg-lung-cancer-surgery&docid=Ic434W5-sDXJZM&tbnid=-N1cHFTPmTtoNM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjKwo_556TgAhURON8KHYucDCsQMwg5KBIwEg..i&w=650&h=350&bih=694&biw=1457&q=Dr%20Ruth%20sex%20therapist%20and%20Ruth%20Bader%20Ginsburg&ved=0ahUKEwjKwo_556TgAhURON8KHYucDCsQMwg5KBIwEg&iact=mrc&uact=8'] [/URL]
[URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fthejewishvoice.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F06%2F20171019195453-images_news_2017_23_jun14_111.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fthejewishvoice.com%2F2017%2F06%2F14%2Fupcoming-film-to-document-the-life-of-nyc-sex-therapist-dr-ruth%2F&docid=8ln8HjvBzV752M&tbnid=dXyYymvcOHK_GM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjKwo_556TgAhURON8KHYucDCsQMwg4KBEwEQ..i&w=450&h=241&bih=694&biw=1457&q=Dr%20Ruth%20sex%20therapist%20and%20Ruth%20Bader%20Ginsburg&ved=0ahUKEwjKwo_556TgAhURON8KHYucDCsQMwg4KBEwEQ&iact=mrc&uact=8'][URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.webmd.com%2Fdtmcms%2Flive%2Fwebmd%2Fconsumer_assets%2Fsite_images%2Farticle_thumbnails%2Fnews%2F2018%2F12_2018%2Fruth_bader_ginsburg_lung_cancer%2F650x350_ruth_bader_ginsburg_lung_cancer.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Flung-cancer%2Fnews%2F20181221%2Fruth-bader-ginsburg-lung-cancer-surgery&docid=Ic434W5-sDXJZM&tbnid=-N1cHFTPmTtoNM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjKwo_556TgAhURON8KHYucDCsQMwg5KBIwEg..i&w=650&h=350&bih=694&biw=1457&q=Dr%20Ruth%20sex%20therapist%20and%20Ruth%20Bader%20Ginsburg&ved=0ahUKEwjKwo_556TgAhURON8KHYucDCsQMwg5KBIwEg&iact=mrc&uact=8'] Dr. Ruth: 'The Joy Of Sex' // USSC Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg[/URL]
[URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fthejewishvoice.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F06%2F20171019195453-images_news_2017_23_jun14_111.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fthejewishvoice.com%2F2017%2F06%2F14%2Fupcoming-film-to-document-the-life-of-nyc-sex-therapist-dr-ruth%2F&docid=8ln8HjvBzV752M&tbnid=dXyYymvcOHK_GM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjKwo_556TgAhURON8KHYucDCsQMwg4KBEwEQ..i&w=450&h=241&bih=694&biw=1457&q=Dr%20Ruth%20sex%20therapist%20and%20Ruth%20Bader%20Ginsburg&ved=0ahUKEwjKwo_556TgAhURON8KHYucDCsQMwg4KBEwEQ&iact=mrc&uact=8'] [/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL]
I DO remember conservative republicans accusing Former President Obama of having him killed.
When you talk about Conservative Republicans, please try not to intentionally slander / misrepresent them by lumping them in with extremist. Conservative Republicans are no more like that than the few Moderate Democrats who are left are like Obama, AOC, and / or Pelosi.

easy65 are you trying to say your a conservative....

You are a Trump Whore... You prostitute for him on this site daily...

You aren't conservative... Lets look at your views:

FISCAL: Trump borrows money like a drunken sailor and he still get your support. Hillary's Husband balanced the budget and she should be burnt at a stake with said Husband.

SOCIAL: Hillary led Bible study groups in Arkansas, Trump doesn't know a passage of the Bible. Cheated on his Wives numerous times, paid out to people for swindling them on numerous occasions (Trump University etc...)

Please don't try and con us that you are conservative and then support Trump....

A Republican Congress balanced the budget. Why do you lie?
When Woodrow Wilson suffered two strokes it was highly suspected his wife ran the nation his last two years. No visitors and everything ran through her. Medical records released decades later basically support that theory because his condition was so poor.
Same with Reagan and his alzheimer's..Yet they have every right to be there because they were elected and no one wants to set an age limit on Constitutional matters from the Founders.
IDIOT! Supreme court justices are not Elected. And as for Woodrow Wilson. I guess it's easier to say his Presidency sucked because his wife had to run it then to admit he was just a really bad President, His Policies were so far left. "The Original Progressive"
Proof of it with real pictures and videos of it. And that is just the start. She needs to be seen as most people do. Otherwise this is another Progressive Socialist Communist agenda driven scam.

Yeah not buying RBG is recovering. A few weeks back Fox news flashed a screen implying she had died and was quick to apologize, but the other networks who are quick to jump on any mistake made by Fox ignored the slip up. Why?
If she attended a concert and is in recovering health why not release a picture. Is she in such poor health that cannot be masked for a few seconds to take a simple picture?
Funny thing is you don't make the rules for other peoples existence, sorry...Get a child or a husband if you have the need to demand..
You do not understand. I would watch parts of America destroyed now. This is war you are in a matur level at against others who are still infants and starting to realize the are being screwed over. And you are talking husband and children to people you do not know. Your rules are over. Exterminate....exterminate...Let the cities burn!
Learn proper English, my God it's like reading a book written by a kindergarten kid.
And with that everyone who disagrees should just Shut. I didn't think learning proper English was important to the left. Venda Aqui.
Well we'll find out in a little while won't we? If shes not at the SOTU it will mean that she's either dead and gone or one foot in the coffin and the other on a banana.

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