Where will you go when N. Korean agents release biological weapon in major U.S. cities

We pay farmers to throw away crops every year and at the same time subsidize the shit out of their farming operations. Subsidize with what money, you ask? Oh yeah, the money from liberal cities that generate 85% of the country's GDP. Your welcome.
If the farmers stop making the food then there wont be a government, their wont be anyone in the cites and there wont be anyone getting fucking welfare either. You are not welcome, please stay in the cities that you so adore. Figures that they vote for a son of a bitch who doesn't do anything but bow down to dictators, allow them to achieve accurate missile tech, get WMD's then run like shit from the very cities that they are so proud of. God stop it, my sides are hurting at how funny you liberals are.
Your farmer threat is stupid as fuck.

I know you're sitting there, hoping for another 9/11 like a good little alt-righty. But if the OP is right, and the guy you voted for ends up getting my home destroyed, then I'm pitching a tent in your backyard.
Are you going to be nice to the dog when you pitch the tent? Or are you going to just bash through the front door, typical of a lunatic lefty?
Probably bash through the door. I have no respect for someone who cheers 9/11.
I can only wish you would bash through the door.

If the man you elected gets my city destroyed, as you're hoping, it will be a whole new world, and I'll be armed to the teeth.
Where Will You Go When North Korean Agents Release Biological Weapons In Major U.S. Cities?

Most Americans have no idea that biological weapons could potentially bring our nation to a complete and utter standstill within a matter of days.

In recent articles I have been trying to get people to understand why it would be so exceedingly dangerous for the United States to attack North Korea. If the North Koreans used weapons of mass destruction, we

A war with North Korea would be fundamentally different from other wars

Well if anything the article gives a few minute thought process to what would I-we do if this were to occur. It would certainly be difficult to prepare for since it couldn't been seen, nor heard. and the CDC would take days if not months to pick up the fact it was purposely put out there.

Most we can do is hope it never happens.


Definition of WAR-GAMING

Definition of war–game
  1. transitive verb
  2. : to plan or conduct in the manner of a war gamewar-gamed an invasion — Newsweek

  3. intransitive verb
  4. : to conduct a war game


First Known Use of war–game

Saw the OP title and knew exactly who the poster must be. I will go get a Polygamy Porter when it happens.
Like Chicago? I wonder what would happen if the farmers stopped producing goods so those criminals didn't have food? Do you really want to go there, dumbass?
We pay farmers to throw away crops every year and at the same time subsidize the shit out of their farming operations. Subsidize with what money, you ask? Oh yeah, the money from liberal cities that generate 85% of the country's GDP. Your welcome.
By the way, it is the liberal fairness that keeps some farmers from making too much food. They don't want to have lower prices because some liberal states cant compete, so they pay those farmers to be FAIR. All it takes is a few farmers to say no, to the liberal machine, and soon a bunch of rioting liberals would be out there in UC Berkley burning buildings and punching women. Oh, sorry, that already happened and there was plenty of food, just liberals being liberals I guess.
Most farmers would go out of business if liberal laws weren't protecting them. You think Wal-Mart would suffer some shitty little small town farmers daring to compete with them? LOL!!! :rofl:
I guess you don't realize that most farms are self sufficient, because since their fathers, fathers , father, have run farms, the capability to make a farm work is just too complex for your intellectual ineptitude?

Oh yeah? Then I guess they can start turning away their massive subsidies and government protections.
You are totally clueless... must be a city boy.
If the farmers stop making the food then there wont be a government, their wont be anyone in the cites and there wont be anyone getting fucking welfare either. You are not welcome, please stay in the cities that you so adore. Figures that they vote for a son of a bitch who doesn't do anything but bow down to dictators, allow them to achieve accurate missile tech, get WMD's then run like shit from the very cities that they are so proud of. God stop it, my sides are hurting at how funny you liberals are.
Your farmer threat is stupid as fuck.

I know you're sitting there, hoping for another 9/11 like a good little alt-righty. But if the OP is right, and the guy you voted for ends up getting my home destroyed, then I'm pitching a tent in your backyard.
Are you going to be nice to the dog when you pitch the tent? Or are you going to just bash through the front door, typical of a lunatic lefty?
Probably bash through the door. I have no respect for someone who cheers 9/11.
I can only wish you would bash through the door.

If the man you elected gets my city destroyed, as you're hoping, it will be a whole new world, and I'll be armed to the teeth.

Never said I hoped, just said that when it happens, you can thank Bill Clinton and Barry Obama for it. They didn't give a shit about you before the event, they sure as hell don't give a shit about you after the event.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Sound familiar? "At this point what difference does it make that Kim Jong Un bombs the fuck out of your city?" 4 US citizens died in Benghazi, no big deal, 1,000,000 died in your city...A statistic.

I'd go straight to Trump country. Those people felt safe voting for Trump because when our enemies attack, they go after cities and liberal areas. And they don't mind that.
Good luck. Anyone coming from a city to my place will be picked off from 100-300 yards.

As for what the US would do, literally use the Nuclear Option if necessary, but our bugs are better than their bugs.

IMO, if the US really thought the NK or other countries were going to release a nasty bug like smallpox, then they should slip the vaccine into something innocuous like flu shots. Smart people get their shots, stupid people don't. It's a win-win!
I'd go straight to Trump country. Those people felt safe voting for Trump because when our enemies attack, they go after cities and liberal areas. And they don't mind that.
You wont be allowed in there, because we want people work and are willing to be satisfied, not some liberal whiney as puke, bitching and moaning because his welfare check is a few minutes late.
You voted for our enemies to become emboldened enough to attack my city? Then fuck you, I'm driving to your town and holing up in a hotel for as long as I want. Which I can do since my city is one of the places that makes all the GDP in this country, and a dollar goes a looooong way in your patch of empty land.
Like Chicago? I wonder what would happen if the farmers stopped producing goods so those criminals didn't have food? Do you really want to go there, dumbass?
We pay farmers to throw away crops every year and at the same time subsidize the shit out of their farming operations. Subsidize with what money, you ask? Oh yeah, the money from liberal cities that generate 85% of the country's GDP. Your welcome.

If things go bad do you really think money will still have value, us country folks can still feed our selves, and for those that say you could just come take food from country folks, remember we all have at least a squirrel gun or two we can use.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The city folks have armaments you all can't imagine.

And the military reserve and guard forces would make you kneel and squeal, country folks.
The city folks have armaments you all can't imagine.

And the military reserve and guard forces would make you kneel and squeal, country folks.
Lawyers? LOL

Those military folks are mostly conservatives and/or rural. Besides, why would they attack fellow Americans? If so, then wouldn't they be smarter to lock in the unwashed, undisciplined masses of the city?
From the OP's article...............

massive U.S. military strike on North Korea’s nuclear facilities, North Korean agents that have been embedded inside the United States for years quickly start going to work. In Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco, small containers that had been covertly smuggled into the U.S. are opened and dropped on the ground in the middle of large groups of people.

At first nothing seems to happen, but pretty rapidly those that have been exposed start developing puffy white sores and blisters on their skin. When this hits the news, panic begins to spread as people realize that this appears to be a coordinated attack. Before too long, others that have been exposed to a different bioweapon start bleeding profusely from their eyes, ears, mouths and noses. People drop dead by the thousands, and a national health crisis is declared.

Two things to note here................first it is coming from Alex Jones and Infowars, which has proven to be notoriously unreliable, and second............

The attack would never happen that way. You do NOT deliver chemical weapons by having some spy open up a jar of stuff in the middle of a park. Why? Because in order to deliver a chemical or biological weapon, they have to be aerosolized meaning they have to be able to form super tiny drops that can suspend themselves in air.

Another fault with this scenario is that biological weapons do not blister your skin, nor do you bleed out. Those effects are generated by chemical weapons. The blister agent will make you blister by burning your skin. Blood agents are the ones that make you bleed out your ears and eyes, because they thicken the blood and causes your internal organs to rupture.

Biological weapons are much different, because it takes a couple of days for the effects to be felt as the biological agents need time to infiltrate the body and incubate to the point of being debilitating.

And here's the final kicker......................BOTH biological and chemical weapons generally need to be delivered by air, because that is the only way to get a wide dispersal of the agent to have a large enough effect on the population. You can't just open a jar of stuff and walk away.

But, if Alex Jones had actually served in the military on the CBR teams like I did for 20 years, he would know how erroneous his work is.
From the OP's article...............

massive U.S. military strike on North Korea’s nuclear facilities, North Korean agents that have been embedded inside the United States for years quickly start going to work. In Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco, small containers that had been covertly smuggled into the U.S. are opened and dropped on the ground in the middle of large groups of people.

At first nothing seems to happen, but pretty rapidly those that have been exposed start developing puffy white sores and blisters on their skin. When this hits the news, panic begins to spread as people realize that this appears to be a coordinated attack. Before too long, others that have been exposed to a different bioweapon start bleeding profusely from their eyes, ears, mouths and noses. People drop dead by the thousands, and a national health crisis is declared.

Two things to note here................first it is coming from Alex Jones and Infowars, which has proven to be notoriously unreliable, and second............

The attack would never happen that way. You do NOT deliver chemical weapons by having some spy open up a jar of stuff in the middle of a park. Why? Because in order to deliver a chemical or biological weapon, they have to be aerosolized meaning they have to be able to form super tiny drops that can suspend themselves in air.

Another fault with this scenario is that biological weapons do not blister your skin, nor do you bleed out. Those effects are generated by chemical weapons. The blister agent will make you blister by burning your skin. Blood agents are the ones that make you bleed out your ears and eyes, because they thicken the blood and causes your internal organs to rupture.

Biological weapons are much different, because it takes a couple of days for the effects to be felt as the biological agents need time to infiltrate the body and incubate to the point of being debilitating.

And here's the final kicker......................BOTH biological and chemical weapons generally need to be delivered by air, because that is the only way to get a wide dispersal of the agent to have a large enough effect on the population. You can't just open a jar of stuff and walk away.

But, if Alex Jones had actually served in the military on the CBR teams like I did for 20 years, he would know how erroneous his work is.
Awwww....you're no fun. Correct, but no fun at all!
I'd go straight to Trump country. Those people felt safe voting for Trump because when our enemies attack, they go after cities and liberal areas. And they don't mind that.
As it should be. When you shitlibs flee to the country you will understand why you were on the wrong end of the gun debate.
Where Will You Go When North Korean Agents Release Biological Weapons In Major U.S. Cities?

Most Americans have no idea that biological weapons could potentially bring our nation to a complete and utter standstill within a matter of days.

In recent articles I have been trying to get people to understand why it would be so exceedingly dangerous for the United States to attack North Korea. If the North Koreans used weapons of mass destruction, we

A war with North Korea would be fundamentally different from other wars

Well if anything the article gives a few minute thought process to what would I-we do if this were to occur. It would certainly be difficult to prepare for since it couldn't been seen, nor heard. and the CDC would take days if not months to pick up the fact it was purposely put out there.

Most we can do is hope it never happens.

Same place I'll go when the UFOs land, and when the zombies rise up, and when the unicorns come back all pissed off.
So from the comments, if North Korea launches a biological weapon attack and destroys multiple cities as the OP suggests, the alt-right's solution is to murder survivors as they flee to safety.

God bless America :rofl:
I will stay put. I know it won't keep me safe, but I am well-prepared for a SHTF situation and my house is as good as anyplace else I can go in the case of a chemical attack.
Where Will You Go When North Korean Agents Release Biological Weapons In Major U.S. Cities?

Most Americans have no idea that biological weapons could potentially bring our nation to a complete and utter standstill within a matter of days.

In recent articles I have been trying to get people to understand why it would be so exceedingly dangerous for the United States to attack North Korea. If the North Koreans used weapons of mass destruction, we

A war with North Korea would be fundamentally different from other wars

Well if anything the article gives a few minute thought process to what would I-we do if this were to occur. It would certainly be difficult to prepare for since it couldn't been seen, nor heard. and the CDC would take days if not months to pick up the fact it was purposely put out there.

Most we can do is hope it never happens.

You do live in a constant state of fear- and really, really want everyone else to be as scared as you are.
I will stay put. I know it won't keep me safe, but I am well-prepared for a SHTF situation and my house is as good as anyplace else I can go in the case of a chemical attack.
Staying put depends upon where you live and you local resources. It varies with all Americans.

Being prepared is always a good idea. A week's worth of supplies, including (and especially) water, is a good start. Two weeks is better. A month is a great goal. Water is the most overlooked item. We use about 5 gallons per day, but that can be cut a third by, literally, shitting in the woods. Toilet paper and a shovel will be great water savers.

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