Where's all the bragging now?

Our beloved Pres.Trump knows what is best for the country and his people. We must trust his judgement in handling the economy.
It's the patriotic thing to do. ... :cool:
I’m going to enjoy this sooooo much. :lol:
Trump and his cult love to brag about anything he does or says..first time in history...biggest in history. Wonder if they will brag about this...Federal Deficit Hit Record $3.1 Trillion–More Than Triple Last Year's Shortfall, CBO Estimates
The last I recall, the Biden-Harris team wants to tax the American public trillions for: The Green New Deal, or as Biden now calls it, "The Biden Plan," which if read, is the same thing. None of what the left wants in taxes is mentioned for the Federal Deficit, just bigger government and government control over people.
And unfortunately for Trump, the entire amount is on him. The deficit was already on track to be about 1.2 trillion prior to the pandemic (a new record). But since his administration's response to the virus outbreak was so abysmal and the resulting economic damage was so severe, it was necessary for a relief package that added to that deficit. His fault. He doesn't get a pass for the money the pandemic added to it...because the response of his administration was why it was necessary in the first place.
Unlike the left, there are those of us on the right who have criticized and spoken out against his spending.

Had the shoe been on the Democrat foot, you OP, would be praising the President for his leadership in spending money we don't have on a pandemic that isn't even a threat to the nation.
Trump and his cult love to brag about anything he does or says..first time in history...biggest in history. Wonder if they will brag about this...Federal Deficit Hit Record $3.1 Trillion–More Than Triple Last Year's Shortfall, CBO Estimates
3.1 Trillion Dollars! That's Great! I love it! I love Trump - He's Great!
What's the bottom line on New York and Illinois and Louisiana and Mississippi and Texas and California and . . . so forth and so on. What do we care about federal deficits - its been a topic since before Obama was the greatest president in the history of the United States?
And unfortunately for Trump, the entire amount is on him. The deficit was already on track to be about 1.2 trillion prior to the pandemic (a new record). But since his administration's response to the virus outbreak was so abysmal and the resulting economic damage was so severe, it was necessary for a relief package that added to that deficit. His fault. He doesn't get a pass for the money the pandemic added to it...because the response of his administration was why it was necessary in the first place.
It would be nice if the Democrats would explain how to better deal with a pandemic, and explain why it was not published by the previous Democrat Administration that not only bragged about being competent administrators of science and healthcare, but they also administered two epidemics; and still received criticism from the great Bill Gates.
And unfortunately for Trump, the entire amount is on him. The deficit was already on track to be about 1.2 trillion prior to the pandemic (a new record). But since his administration's response to the virus outbreak was so abysmal and the resulting economic damage was so severe, it was necessary for a relief package that added to that deficit. His fault. He doesn't get a pass for the money the pandemic added to it...because the response of his administration was why it was necessary in the first place.
It would be nice if the Democrats would explain how to better deal with a pandemic, and explain why it was not published by the previous Democrat Administration that not only bragged about being competent administrators of science and healthcare, but they also administered two epidemics; and still received criticism from the great Bill Gates.

You know, it would be nice if people had memories longer than your average housefly. So let's go back to the past.

I don't recall H1N1 being nearly as catastrophic as COVID-19. And Ebola was barely a blip...because both were handled by a competent administration.
You know, it would be nice if people had memories longer than your average housefly. So let's go back to the past.

I don't recall H1N1 being nearly as catastrophic as COVID-19. And Ebola was barely a blip...because both were handled by a competent administration.
I don't see anything that suggests travel bans, face masks, or social distancing. Where did all that stuff come from?
And so, how does the playbook lead to something better than those things?
Trump and his cult love to brag about anything he does or says..first time in history...biggest in history. Wonder if they will brag about this...Federal Deficit Hit Record $3.1 Trillion–More Than Triple Last Year's Shortfall, CBO Estimates
That sucks bad. No doubt about it. Trump, like every politician before him, loves to spend our money.

At the end of the day I can take a slow ride, FOGHAT, or I can get on the express train to bankruptcy. So I choose the fake conservatives over the left every time.

Dumb? Perhaps. I voted third party once. After Perot lost and Clinton was elected I said never again.

If it remains the lesser of two evils for my lifetime then so be it.

Where is the Tea Party now that we have a $3 trillion deficit?
It's no secret that so-called "federal deficits" only become an issue during republican administrations. To add insult to injury it's (the democrat) congress that spends the money and the President only signs the checks.
Unlike the left, there are those of us on the right who have criticized and spoken out against his spending.

Had the shoe been on the Democrat foot, you OP, would be praising the President for his leadership in spending money we don't have on a pandemic that isn't even a threat to the nation.

The Left does not give a shit about the Deficit. It is simply a vehicle to “get Trump.”
Every Chinese person is worth up to $3,000 on the human organ market.

If we go to war with China, we may end up coming out ahead on the whole deal.

It's no secret that so-called "federal deficits" only become an issue during republican administrations. To add insult to injury it's (the democrat) congress that spends the money and the President only signs the checks.

You must have been in a coma during the eight years of the Obama Administration
Unlike the left, there are those of us on the right who have criticized and spoken out against his spending.

Had the shoe been on the Democrat foot, you OP, would be praising the President for his leadership in spending money we don't have on a pandemic that isn't even a threat to the nation.

The Left does not give a shit about the Deficit. It is simply a vehicle to “get Trump.”

A $3 trillion déficit highlights that Republican claims of fiscal responsibility are a farce

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