"Where's an Assassin When We Need One?"

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Not my words, but the words of a Trump hating leftist.

I DONT talk politics outside of an anonymous MESSAGEBOARD because I THOUGHT I knew how evil these creatures are.

I was talking to an older, retired woman about the Kung Flu (didnt use that term). Apparently she blames Trump, and THAT was her response.
Do these idiots have a filter? Do they ASSume everybody just agrees with their HATE? Or is it that they just dont care that at least 50% of the population support him?

Seems real close to committing a crime, to me
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I don't blame Trump for the virus coming here, however I do fault him for the way he's handled it thus far. He's done almost as piss poor a job as Woodrow Wilson did with the Spanish flu. They tried to pass that one off as a hoax as well.
I don't blame Trump for the virus coming here, however I do fault him for the way he's handled it thus far. He's done almost as piss poor a job as Woodrow Wilson did with the Spanish flu. They tried to pass that one off as a hoax as well.
In what way do you blame him? He followed your messiah doctor in everything. Your doctor flip-flopped more time than we can count.

If he went against your doctor, you would have blamed him. He followed your doctor, and you blame him.

"'We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.'--Christ

Wow, you really are digging to the bottom of the scuzz pit to dig up some sympathy for Trump.
Let me save you some time. There is NOTHING you can say to get sympathy for Trump!
He has been too mean to too many for too long.
Wow, you really are digging to the bottom of the scuzz pit to dig up some sympathy for Trump.
Let me save you some time. There is NOTHING you can say to get sympathy for Trump!
He has been too mean to too many for too long.

If Trump wants sympathy, he can find it in the dictionary, somewhere between shit and syphillis.
Not my words, but the words of a Trump hating leftist.

I DONT talk politics outside of an anonymous MESSAGEBOARD because I THOUGHT I knew how evil these creatures are.

I was talking to an older, retired woman about the Kung Flu (didnt use that term). Apparently she blames Trump, and THAT was her response.
Do these idiots have a filter? Do they ASSume everybody just agrees with their HATE? Or is it that they just dont care that at least 50% of the population support him?

Seems real close to committing a crime, to me
LOL! Sure she wasn't joking? Inflection is everything...and dark humor..along with kidding on the square--could be happening here.

anyway...If i had a beer forevery time i heard death wishes against Obama and Hillary at this board...I'd be drunk for a month!~
Not my words, but the words of a Trump hating leftist.

I DONT talk politics outside of an anonymous MESSAGEBOARD because I THOUGHT I knew how evil these creatures are.

I was talking to an older, retired woman about the Kung Flu (didnt use that term). Apparently she blames Trump, and THAT was her response.
Do these idiots have a filter? Do they ASSume everybody just agrees with their HATE? Or is it that they just dont care that at least 50% of the population support him?

Seems real close to committing a crime, to me
A fake anecdote......TPM....trumpanzee panic mode.
I don't blame Trump for the virus coming here, however I do fault him for the way he's handled it thus far. He's done almost as piss poor a job as Woodrow Wilson did with the Spanish flu. They tried to pass that one off as a hoax as well.
In what way do you blame him? He followed your messiah doctor in everything. Your doctor flip-flopped more time than we can count.

If he went against your doctor, you would have blamed him. He followed your doctor, and you blame him.

"'We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.'--Christ

It's interesting watching this orange cult at work.....they've been groomed to bash the military, POWs, Gold Star families, wounded warriors, scientists, doctors, education, and all forms of sports......by a spoiled New York con-man.
Not my words, but the words of a Trump hating leftist.

I DONT talk politics outside of an anonymous MESSAGEBOARD because I THOUGHT I knew how evil these creatures are.

I was talking to an older, retired woman about the Kung Flu (didnt use that term). Apparently she blames Trump, and THAT was her response.
Do these idiots have a filter? Do they ASSume everybody just agrees with their HATE? Or is it that they just dont care that at least 50% of the population support him?

Seems real close to committing a crime, to me
I have relatives and their friends on Facebook; they don't have a filter.
I don't blame Trump for the virus coming here, however I do fault him for the way he's handled it thus far. He's done almost as piss poor a job as Woodrow Wilson did with the Spanish flu. They tried to pass that one off as a hoax as well.
In what way do you blame him? He followed your messiah doctor in everything. Your doctor flip-flopped more time than we can count.

If he went against your doctor, you would have blamed him. He followed your doctor, and you blame him.

"'We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.'--Christ

It's interesting watching this orange cult at work.....they've been groomed to bash the military, POWs, Gold Star families, wounded warriors, scientists, doctors, education, and all forms of sports......by a spoiled New York con-man.
Still having your head up your ass
I don't blame Trump for the virus coming here, however I do fault him for the way he's handled it thus far. He's done almost as piss poor a job as Woodrow Wilson did with the Spanish flu. They tried to pass that one off as a hoax as well.

I think your problem is you listen too much to people who are lying to you.
Of course you're confused when someone tells you the absolute truth.
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I don't blame Trump for the virus coming here, however I do fault him for the way he's handled it thus far. He's done almost as piss poor a job as Woodrow Wilson did with the Spanish flu. They tried to pass that one off as a hoax as well.

That's silly. Saying anyone can stop a fucking plague is like saying they can stop hurricanes. Are you saying that because we aren't locked in our homes and welded in like china it's Trump's fault? What could be have done? Mandated masks ? Remember when all this started and Faucci and the sergeon general said masks won't help much, leave them for the medical professionals? What would have been the magic bullet? Stop texting like Obama did with H1N1 which really hit kids ? Was he incompitant to? And the Spanish flue thing is awesome. No literature you find unless it's from some logical back would back what you said. The World was hit by the Spanish flu. No corner of the earth was untouched by it. It killed rich folks, poor folks, sophisticated folks, and mid hit dwelling folks who still lived in the stone age. That comment was meant to make you look worldly, but it was really quite stupid. A man can not stop nature. Come on man, put a fuzz more thought into your stuff.
Wow, you really are digging to the bottom of the scuzz pit to dig up some sympathy for Trump.
Let me save you some time. There is NOTHING you can say to get sympathy for Trump!
He has been too mean to too many for too long.

If Trump wants sympathy, he can find it in the dictionary, somewhere between shit and syphillis.
Wow....how original....

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