Where's Melania?

How, exactly, are you “owning” anybody? Please be sure to address your horrendous spelling in your response.

I decided to give it a break when I backed off of its spelling of fucktwit, since it's a colloquialism, but Viagara?

Don't these computer thingies come with something that tells you when you're misspelling a word? My brain actually works pretty well for that most of the time, and there's also this thing called proofreading what I write before I hit Enter.

Melania and Donald Trump have been married many years. If this was a Pump and Dump, she would have been gone long ago. If she wanted his money she would have skee-daddled quite some time ago.
Look like that gravy train stayed on the track for a long time before it went off the rails... :cool:
Melania has also been seen in Canada.

What booing?

There is literally zero booing in that clip.

Only cheering.

And to boot, you reposted a pro-Trump account that my wife follows, so I'm quite familiar with it.

Way to go, jackass.
You and your wife... Hah Ha Ha!

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