Where's the Beef?


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2014
OK. We've just last night witnessed the latest Republican debate. A lot of issues concerning the economy and immigration most especially were discussed. Several tax plans were presented.

Since we have only been able to see one Democrat debate, and that one debate really provided little by way of any Democrat candidate's platform, I invite Liberals and Democrats and Socialists to provide some substance as to exactly what it is that the Democrat candidates are in fact offering to the American people.
Democrats are promising to increase taxes and government spending. They will continue to divide the country, demonize people, groups, and industries. That pretty much sums up their 2016 platform.
Come on Liberals, Socialists, and Democrats. Surely your candidates have put forth some kind of tax plan, military plan, economic plan, insurance plan or something?
What you saw with the democrats was not a debate it was more like a forum. It reminded me of a communist forum where everybody agreed on everything but the finer points.

OK. We've just last night witnessed the latest Republican debate. A lot of issues concerning the economy and immigration most especially were discussed. Several tax plans were presented.

Since we have only been able to see one Democrat debate, and that one debate really provided little by way of any Democrat candidate's platform, I invite Liberals and Democrats and Socialists to provide some substance as to exactly what it is that the Democrat candidates are in fact offering to the American people.
Cut spending, raise taxes, grow the economy, all the very same time. Same plans as always, that somebody always tries to make not happen.
OK. We've just last night witnessed the latest Republican debate. A lot of issues concerning the economy and immigration most especially were discussed. Several tax plans were presented.

Since we have only been able to see one Democrat debate, and that one debate really provided little by way of any Democrat candidate's platform, I invite Liberals and Democrats and Socialists to provide some substance as to exactly what it is that the Democrat candidates are in fact offering to the American people.
Cut spending, raise taxes, grow the economy, all the very same time. Same plans as always, that somebody always tries to make not happen.

What was their plans to raise taxes? To cut spending (I'd really like to hear that one)? How are they going to grow the economy? We need specifics.
What they offer is trusting our government overlords to spend our money for the greater good. We would spend it foolishly on selfish things, harming the planet, denying the creative, social and philosophical arts a means of generous livelihood, throwing it away on churches and eating animal products.
There is one thing that Hillary wants to do is put a cap on the Big Pharma medications who charge from $1.99 a pill to $750.00 a pill overnight.

That sounds like it would be worthwhile. Surely she has put forth more than just that?
Socialists and communists tend to speak in very vague terms. The press is not calling them on that. While they DO ask Trump where the "Wall" money is coming from not a peep about where the 17 TRILLION needed for Bernie's ideas.

His plan would double our debt in four years and he has NEVER stated where that money is coming. Why does the press let the idea of doubling the debt just pass?

Our social programs are busting at the seems and no word about restrictions? 29% of the money we spend YEARLY is borrowed from China. How long are the Chinese going to bankroll our day to day living before that tap runs dry? And that's for DAILY need.

If Bernie DOUBLES the debt we need DOUBLE the loan. Anybody heard what the Chinese have to say about that?
OK. We've just last night witnessed the latest Republican debate. A lot of issues concerning the economy and immigration most especially were discussed. Several tax plans were presented.

Since we have only been able to see one Democrat debate, and that one debate really provided little by way of any Democrat candidate's platform, I invite Liberals and Democrats and Socialists to provide some substance as to exactly what it is that the Democrat candidates are in fact offering to the American people.
Pass Legislation to force US Corp profits back home.
Send all Business Visas packing.
No Evergreen Tax %; Adjust Tax % according to results.
I used to listen to him once a week for an hour every Thursday on the Thom Hartmann Show.
Socialists and communists tend to speak in very vague terms. The press is not calling them on that. While they DO ask Trump where the "Wall" money is coming from not a peep about where the 17 TRILLION needed for Bernie's ideas.

His plan would double our debt in four years and he has NEVER stated where that money is coming. Why does the press let the idea of doubling the debt just pass?

Our social programs are busting at the seems and no word about restrictions? 29% of the money we spend YEARLY is borrowed from China. How long are the Chinese going to bankroll our day to day living before that tap runs dry? And that's for DAILY need.

If Bernie DOUBLES the debt we need DOUBLE the loan. Anybody heard what the Chinese have to say about that?
China is doing a $400 billion bank bailout to buy more debt.
OK. We've just last night witnessed the latest Republican debate. A lot of issues concerning the economy and immigration most especially were discussed. Several tax plans were presented.

Since we have only been able to see one Democrat debate, and that one debate really provided little by way of any Democrat candidate's platform, I invite Liberals and Democrats and Socialists to provide some substance as to exactly what it is that the Democrat candidates are in fact offering to the American people.

Yes, that's the whole point of my OP. You dimwits have nothing at all to put up here.
OK. We've just last night witnessed the latest Republican debate. A lot of issues concerning the economy and immigration most especially were discussed. Several tax plans were presented.

Since we have only been able to see one Democrat debate, and that one debate really provided little by way of any Democrat candidate's platform, I invite Liberals and Democrats and Socialists to provide some substance as to exactly what it is that the Democrat candidates are in fact offering to the American people.
Cut spending, raise taxes, grow the economy, all the very same time. Same plans as always, that somebody always tries to make not happen.

What was their plans to raise taxes? To cut spending (I'd really like to hear that one)? How are they going to grow the economy? We need specifics.
In this country? Boy are you fucked. We don't do those here, haven't for decades.
I suppose we must simply conclude that the Democrat Party has absolutely nothing of any merit to offer the American people.
Case closed.

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