Where's the evidence that Romney would have taken out bin Laden if he was President??

Where's the evidence that Romney would have taken out bin Laden if he was President??

Where is the evidence he wouldnt have?

Since this is all, what if!

I didn't ask for proof. I asked for evidence.

And I asked you if you had a time machine. How else can we come up with "evidence" of something that may or may not have occurred in an alternate reality?
Where's the evidence that Romney would have taken out bin Laden if he was President??

Where is the evidence he wouldnt have?

Since this is all, what if!

I didn't ask for proof. I asked for evidence.

And I asked you if you had a time machine. How else can we come up with "evidence" of something that may or may not have occurred in an alternate reality?

A person's statements are generally considered to be a reflection of their beliefs and intentions. If you can show me statements made by Romney that indicated he considered finding and then either killing or capturing bin Laden to be an important goal, that would count as evidence.
Better question:

Q: Where is the evidence that Obama really did kill Bin Laden?

A: Um....at the bottom on an ocean, and in photos that supposedly Americans are too sensitive to deserve to see.


Has OBL released any videos or statements in the last year?
Obama inappropriate to politicize bin Laden kill

Romney, visiting a fire house in Manhattan that lost 11 first responders to the 9/11 attacks of 2001, said he believed it was "totally appropriate" for Obama to remind Americans of his role in ordering the daring raid into Pakistan that killed bin Laden exactly one year ago.


What was Mitt doing at first responder's fire house and criticizing the president? On the first anniversary of the deserved execution of Bin Laden, the terrorist Republicans stopped looking for? Seems awfully partisan. Especially from someone who said, well, we all know what he said. It's been repeated often enough....
Mustang, how do you honestly expect ANYBODY to answer your question?

You are expecting somebody to provide "evidence" to support what a "President Romney" would have done if he had had the opportunity to give the order to take out Bin Laden.

This is one of SILLIEST topics I have ever seen on this forum, and that is saying A LOT.

Review Romney's statements on the subject with a tool commonly referred to as the 'Internets.'
Mustang, how do you honestly expect ANYBODY to answer your question?

You are expecting somebody to provide "evidence" to support what a "President Romney" would have done if he had had the opportunity to give the order to take out Bin Laden.

This is one of SILLIEST topics I have ever seen on this forum, and that is saying A LOT.
Really? Mittens has answered that question a couple of times. He gives a different answer every time, but we expect that, right?

Its a legit question because we have terrorist enemies all over the world. Its a fact of life now. Why don't we have the right to know if we're voting for another gDub who can't be bothered with anything that does not put money in his pockets or if we're voting for a man who has taken out more of the enemies of the US than any other president. Yealh, that's Obama.

Mitt probably would not.

This close to the election, well, of course his story changed. He'll be doing more of this in the coming weeks - I mean, of course, copying everything President Obama says.

Reality is, he will do what Norquist tells him to do. End of story.

And we DO have the right and obligation to ask phoney Etch A Sketch Mitt every kind of question we can think of.

The real question is why do rw's and pubs say we should not ask questions of the Mittens?
Mustang, how do you honestly expect ANYBODY to answer your question?

You are expecting somebody to provide "evidence" to support what a "President Romney" would have done if he had had the opportunity to give the order to take out Bin Laden.

This is one of SILLIEST topics I have ever seen on this forum, and that is saying A LOT.

Review Romney's statements on the subject with a tool commonly referred to as the 'Internets.'

Romney's statements?

Which ones?

He changes is opinions more often than his underwear. How do we know which ones to believe?
Obama inappropriate to politicize bin Laden kill

Romney, visiting a fire house in Manhattan that lost 11 first responders to the 9/11 attacks of 2001, said he believed it was "totally appropriate" for Obama to remind Americans of his role in ordering the daring raid into Pakistan that killed bin Laden exactly one year ago.


What was Mitt doing at first responder's fire house and criticizing the president? On the first anniversary of the deserved execution of Bin Laden, the terrorist Republicans stopped looking for? Seems awfully partisan. Especially from someone who said, well, we all know what he said. It's been repeated often enough....

Like saving the US auto industry, we will soon hear how Mittens actually masterminded the killing of bin Laden.

With Giuliani's help.

With a belly full of pizza, they threw that wrecked helicopter aside and stormed the castle. They wer unarmed because Ted Nugent stole their guns but did that stop them?

Hell no!

Thus, once again, making the US safe for the 1%.

Fairly warms your cockles, don't it.
Mustang, how do you honestly expect ANYBODY to answer your question?

You are expecting somebody to provide "evidence" to support what a "President Romney" would have done if he had had the opportunity to give the order to take out Bin Laden.

This is one of SILLIEST topics I have ever seen on this forum, and that is saying A LOT.

Review Romney's statements on the subject with a tool commonly referred to as the 'Internets.'

Romney's statements?

Which ones?

He changes is opinions more often than his underwear. How do we know which ones to believe?

Then it shouldn't be hard for someone to find a statement from Romney where he says that he would make it a priority to go after OBL if he was president.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Where's the evidence that a President Romney (or any conservative Republican president) would have 'made the call' to take Osama bin Laden out?


Does everyone remember how OBL got away in Tora Bora when Bush failed to authorize pursuit by US troops and instead 'farmed out' the pursuit to Afghanistan forces who were notoriously well-known for switching sides or supporting whichever side paid them? If not, certainly everyone remembers Bush clearly stating that he didn't spend much time thinking about bin Laden, right? Perhaps a couple of Bush quotes from March 13, 2002 will refresh everyones' memories.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, responding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts

And do people remember all those terrorist alerts from when Bush was president...including the ones right around Christmas? OBL was one hell of a bogey man, wasn't he? As long as he was alive and free, that is.

And let's talk about 'politicizing' OBL, as Obama is supposedly doing now. Does everyone remember how Bush, and especially Cheney, promoted the idea that only THEY could keep America safe? How about the ads that were run against GA Democrat Senator Max Cleland in 2002 where likenesses of OBL and Saddam Hussein were run in the ads suggesting that Cleland was weak on protecting America?

And what about the well-documented statements of the 2008 GOP nominee, John McCain, and the presumptive 2012 GOP nominee, Mitt Romney where they both criticized Obama's statements about being willing to go after OBL in Pakistan, with or without Pakistan's cooperation? Both McCain and Romney took exception to Obama's statements. So, why should we believe that they would have acted differently when the time came to make the decision? Mitt Romney also stated that it wasn't a priority and that the cost was prohibitively high to go after just one man. Really? And let's not forget the potential political cost if the mission had failed.

Hey, anyone can SAY that they would have done what President Obama did one year ago when he ordered the Seals to attack the compound when there was no direct evidence that OBL was there. But look at what Bush said and did (or more specifically did not do). And look at the statements of the 2008 GOP nominee and the statements the 2012 GOP nominee made when bin Laden was still alive and on the loose to release videos and threats whenever he pleased.

So, again, I ask where the evidence is that John McCain and/or Mitt Romney (if elected and in office) would have gone after bin Laden? Frankly, the opposite seems more true to me. It seems to me that they thought bin Laden was more valuable as some kind of nebulous and shadowy threat who the GOP could use in terror alerts and campaign ads if they thought it would help get them elected (or re-elected like it helped get Bush re-elected in 2004).

And now? Osama bin Laden is gone, and the GOP can't use him to drum up fear anymore. Maybe that is the real reason the GOP is upset. That, and the fact that President Obama is the one who gave the order that took OBL out. Just like he said he would do!

So, maybe a couple of follow-up questions should be these: Are GOP presidential candidates men of their word when they make statements and ask everyone to take them at their word? Or will they just say anything? Considering the fact that even conservatives think that Mitt Romney isn't genuine in his current embrace of 'conservative principles,' why should anyone else believe their candidate if they don't even trust to say what he really thinks and believes?

Where is the evidence he wouldn't?
This is such a no brainer....
The only President who might have not give the go order
I believe would have been Carter.
No one else on the planet would have said no..Don't go in.

Still to this day trying to figure out how this President showed so much courage..
Just more Obama Zombies.
I didn't ask for proof. I asked for evidence.

And I asked you if you had a time machine. How else can we come up with "evidence" of something that may or may not have occurred in an alternate reality?

A person's statements are generally considered to be a reflection of their beliefs and intentions. If you can show me statements made by Romney that indicated he considered finding and then either killing or capturing bin Laden to be an important goal, that would count as evidence.

Romney said this in a 2007 MSNBC debate. From the transcript:California Republican debate transcript - politics - The Debates - msnbc.com
Romney: Thank you. Of course we get Osama bin Laden and track him wherever he has to go, and make sure he pays for the outrage he exacted upon America.

Moderator: Can we move heaven and earth to do it?

Romney: We’ll move everything to get him. But I don’t want to buy into the Democratic pitch that this is all about one person — Osama bin Laden — because after we get him, there’s going to be another and another. This is about Shia and Sunni. This is about Hezbollah and Hamas and Al Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood. This is a worldwide jihadist effort to try and cause the collapse of all moderate Islamic governments and replace them with a caliphate. They ultimately want to bring down the United States of America. This is a global effort we’re going to have to lead to overcome this jihadist effort. It’s more than Osama bin Laden. But he is going to pay, and he will die.
Case closed. Obama is lying...again.
Where is any evidence Romney would not have made the decision to take OBL out? Now before anyone tries to bring up the 2007 quote as proof use the entire quote not the one sentence you like to parade as proof of something.
This is such a no brainer....
The only President who might have not give the go order
I believe would have been Carter.
No one else on the planet would have said no..Don't go in.

Still to this day trying to figure out how this President showed so much courage..
Just more Obama Zombies.

Actually, based on his cowardly reaction to several offers to capture Osama bin Laden, during his presidency, it is a lead-pipe cinch that William Jefferson Clinton would have blown his chance of capturing or killing Osama, louder than he ever blew his saxophone.

Jimmy Carter, at least, tried to rescue the hostages.
This is such a no brainer....
The only President who might have not give the go order
I believe would have been Carter.
No one else on the planet would have said no..Don't go in.

Still to this day trying to figure out how this President showed so much courage..
Just more Obama Zombies.

Actually, based on his cowardly reaction to several offers to capture Osama bin Laden, during his presidency, it is a lead-pipe cinch that William Jefferson Clinton would have blown his chance of capturing or killing Osama, louder than he ever blew his saxophone.

Jimmy Carter, at least, tried to rescue the hostages.

I still like Bubba better than Obama.

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