Where's the evidence that Romney would have taken out bin Laden if he was President??

Is anyone stupid enough to believe that Mr. Etch-a-Sketch would have put his political ass on the line, and taken a huge risk to approve the operation that killed Bin Laden?

I do... anyone with half a brain would have given the knod to off Osama, including Jimmy Carter.

Obama deserves credit for doing it.

I just hate that he diss'd Romney in the ad. That was classless if ya ask me.

On President Obama's watch

Republicans are always saying Democrats make America weak,. So fuck Romney and his cowardly family .. how many sons and no volunteers?

Obama did what Romney would never have done because he would not have kept the resources in place..he said so himself.
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Republicans didn't want Bin Laden dead. He was too useful. Remember all those terror alerts in 2004, whenever Bush's poll numbers would dip? It was like clockwork - the top headline: "White House issues Terror Alert" on page A1, with "Bush takes dip in polls" way back in like A10. He had 9/11 Tourette's until it stopped working around the time of Hurricane Katrina.
Republicans didn't want Bin Laden dead. He was too useful. Remember all those terror alerts in 2004, whenever Bush's poll numbers would dip? It was like clockwork - the top headline: "White House issues Terror Alert" on page A1, with "Bush takes dip in polls" way back in like A10. He had 9/11 Tourette's until it stopped working around the time of Hurricane Katrina.

r u sayin' conservatives and Republicans used 911 and the wars as shields to prop themselves up? :eek:
Republicans didn't want Bin Laden dead. He was too useful. Remember all those terror alerts in 2004, whenever Bush's poll numbers would dip? It was like clockwork - the top headline: "White House issues Terror Alert" on page A1, with "Bush takes dip in polls" way back in like A10. He had 9/11 Tourette's until it stopped working around the time of Hurricane Katrina.



Oh, the good ole days of plastic and duct tape...

ORANGE ALERT - Duct Tape & Plastic - YouTube

"it's the economy, and we're not stupid."


You'd think Obama was running against Bush. How can someone prove what Romney would or wouldn't do by rehashing old news? They amaze me at what they're coming up with to try and make Obama look good. Can't sing his praises, so they attack others.

No president in his right mind would have stopped the SEALS after all the hard work in finding that little puke. It was simply a matter of yea or nay. Obama knew it would come back to bite him if he didn't allow them to proceed. I'm not impressed the way he ensured his butt was covered if things didn't work out, then he would have bad mouthed the SEALS or blamed Bush for starting the hunt for bin Laden. Real men take responsibility when they are in charge.
You'd think Obama was running against Bush.

You'd think Republicans would nominate someone with different policies than Bush. But this is the second presidential election in a row you've cloned the worst agenda in US history.

BTW, the reason we talk about Bush so much is because, unlike you, Americans in general don't want to go back to that. We don't like criminals, terrorists, and psychotic monsters ruling over us, and we don't admire selfish, heartless thieves the way you people do.
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If Bush had captured/killed bin Laden in Tora Bora, then Bush would have gotten credit - but he didn't.

It's that simple...
Man, a black in the white house has now turned you dumbfucks into a conspiracy theorists. Liability must be pulling his hair out.

What the fuck does race have to do with this candy? Why go there?

Wait, nevermind.... I think I know.

Well, what else is it? You guys have gone from "he doesn't deserve credit"--credit he's not taking by the way--to "he didn't even kill him"--something the Republican nominee you will vote for says he did.

This is after you questioned his birthplace.
This is after you questioned his religious beliefs.

You wouldn't have done any of the 3 to a white president. You know it.
His birth place is still in question by the way, he has yet to prove anything.

I asked CIA Director Leon Panetta for the facts, and he told me the following: The trail to bin Laden did not begin with a disclosure from Khalid Sheik Mohammed, who was waterboarded 183 times. The first mention of Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti — the nickname of the al-Qaeda courier who ultimately led us to bin Laden — as well as a description of him as an important member of al-Qaeda, came from a detainee held in another country, who we believe was not tortured. None of the three detainees who were waterboarded provided Abu Ahmed’s real name, his whereabouts or an accurate description of his role in al-Qaeda.

In fact, the use of “enhanced interrogation techniques” on Khalid Sheik Mohammed produced false and misleading information. He specifically told his interrogators that Abu Ahmed had moved to Peshawar, got married and ceased his role as an al-Qaeda facilitator — none of which was true. According to the staff of the Senate intelligence committee, the best intelligence gained from a CIA detainee — information describing Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti’s real role in al-Qaeda and his true relationship to bin Laden — was obtained through standard, noncoercive means.

I know from personal experience that the abuse of prisoners sometimes produces good intelligence but often produces bad intelligence because under torture a person will say anything he thinks his captors want to hear — true or false — if he believes it will relieve his suffering. Often, information provided to stop the torture is deliberately misleading.

Bin Laden’s death and the debate over torture - The Washington Post

It was a secret [CIA prison in a country that routinely tortures people, and you believe it when the government tells you he wasn't tortured?

Do you have better sources of reliable information than Panetta?
Panetta is a stooge from the get go.
Osama is dead, period end of sentence. Would Romney have given the token nod, yep. But what is the real issue, zip, all bull shit, but considering were on the subject of "if", lets for one moment envision 9-11 occurring on Obama's watch, we would never have invaded Iraq, Afghanistan would still be ruled by the Tali ban, Osama would be alive and well. The US would never have adopted the patriot act so it's likely to assume we would have been subjected to additional terrorist attacks, the likelihood that we would have adopted Sharia Law to placate terrorists is a possibility, burka's, would be the new 4 seasonal Vogue womens ware, the dot com bubble would still have popped in 2001, no tax decreases would have been adopted, the housing bubble and financial melt down would still have occurred. In short we would still be screwed. But then again....so who gives a flying pile of shit if one person would have given a nod or not. If a nod defines a successful administration and thats all you have your nothing more then a brown shirt goose stepping fool marching down the street, but then again history never repeats itself.
Republicans didn't want Bin Laden dead. He was too useful. Remember all those terror alerts in 2004, whenever Bush's poll numbers would dip? It was like clockwork - the top headline: "White House issues Terror Alert" on page A1, with "Bush takes dip in polls" way back in like A10. He had 9/11 Tourette's until it stopped working around the time of Hurricane Katrina.

r u sayin' conservatives and Republicans used 911 and the wars as shields to prop themselves up? :eek:

The Republicans who are decrying (unfairly, in my opinion) that Obama is 'politicizing' the killing of bin Laden, ROUTINELY 'politicized' 9-11 and terror alerts as if it was manna from heaven.
Of course, you can't explain how the majority of the intel to find the courier that led to UBL was found under Bush's watch during the "torture" sessions at GITMO. :cuckoo:

Republicans didn't want Bin Laden dead. He was too useful. Remember all those terror alerts in 2004, whenever Bush's poll numbers would dip? It was like clockwork - the top headline: "White House issues Terror Alert" on page A1, with "Bush takes dip in polls" way back in like A10. He had 9/11 Tourette's until it stopped working around the time of Hurricane Katrina.
Of course, you can't explain how the majority of the intel to find the courier that led to UBL was found under Bush's watch during the "torture" sessions at GITMO. :cuckoo:

Republicans didn't want Bin Laden dead. He was too useful. Remember all those terror alerts in 2004, whenever Bush's poll numbers would dip? It was like clockwork - the top headline: "White House issues Terror Alert" on page A1, with "Bush takes dip in polls" way back in like A10. He had 9/11 Tourette's until it stopped working around the time of Hurricane Katrina.

That's a claim; it's not an established fact.

Additionally, it doesn't pass the logic test. After all, why didn't Bush then get bin Laden? The answer to that question is simple. Bush supplied it himself. Bin Laden wasn't a priority, and Bush didn't spend much time on him.

Presidents set priorities, and the offices of the executive branch carry out those directives.

THAT is why the machinery of gov't was set in motion to find OBL AFTER President Obama took office. He SAID he was going to do exactly that, and that is what he did.

See, first came the pledge to find bin Laden and take him out, even in Pakistan, even IF the Pakistani gov't wouldn't help. This was a pledge that Obama made as a candidate. While at the same time, this was something Romney said he would NOT do.

After Obama took office, he set the wheels in motion by retasking resources to find the one man who Romney said was not worth expending resources to find because the WOT was bigger than just one man.

Then, once the gov't thought they had found bin Laden (there wasn't definitive proof), Obama gave the go order.

Romney never would have set the wheels in motion in the first place, as his statements clearly indicate. Hence, he never would have been in a position to give the go order. But alas, he said he wouldn't issue an attack order in Pakistan anyway. So, it's kind of a moot point.
Is anyone stupid enough to believe that Mr. Etch-a-Sketch would have put his political ass on the line, and taken a huge risk to approve the operation that killed Bin Laden?

Which begs the following question...

Can a man who won't stick to his guns ever be counted on to 'pull the trigger?'

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