Where's the evidence that Romney would have taken out bin Laden if he was President??

Not sure why I am responding to you, but here goes....


If Obama had his way years ago... they would have ended long before we had the evidence we needed. Hell...he and his fellow travelers put a stop to it, and now they just kill them rather than capture and interrogate them.

Ok.... now go ahead and refute my evidence.


I asked CIA Director Leon Panetta for the facts, and he told me the following: The trail to bin Laden did not begin with a disclosure from Khalid Sheik Mohammed, who was waterboarded 183 times. The first mention of Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti — the nickname of the al-Qaeda courier who ultimately led us to bin Laden — as well as a description of him as an important member of al-Qaeda, came from a detainee held in another country, who we believe was not tortured. None of the three detainees who were waterboarded provided Abu Ahmed’s real name, his whereabouts or an accurate description of his role in al-Qaeda.

In fact, the use of “enhanced interrogation techniques” on Khalid Sheik Mohammed produced false and misleading information. He specifically told his interrogators that Abu Ahmed had moved to Peshawar, got married and ceased his role as an al-Qaeda facilitator — none of which was true. According to the staff of the Senate intelligence committee, the best intelligence gained from a CIA detainee — information describing Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti’s real role in al-Qaeda and his true relationship to bin Laden — was obtained through standard, noncoercive means.

I know from personal experience that the abuse of prisoners sometimes produces good intelligence but often produces bad intelligence because under torture a person will say anything he thinks his captors want to hear — true or false — if he believes it will relieve his suffering. Often, information provided to stop the torture is deliberately misleading.

Bin Laden’s death and the debate over torture - The Washington Post

It was a secret [CIA prison in a country that routinely tortures people, and you believe it when the government tells you he wasn't tortured?

Do you have better sources of reliable information than Panetta?
What did you expect the Obama Flufflers to talk about, all the good things the Dems have done for America these past 3 1/2 years?
What did you expect the Obama Flufflers to talk about, all the good things the Dems have done for America these past 3 1/2 years?

Name one good thing Republicans have done for America in "these past 3 1/2 Year"...

Saying "NO" and "filibustering" don't count...
57Frankie's avey is how he looks after he realizes that Romney is his man :lol:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Where's the evidence that a President Romney (or any conservative Republican president) would have 'made the call' to take Osama bin Laden out?


Does everyone remember how OBL got away in Tora Bora when Bush failed to authorize pursuit by US troops and instead 'farmed out' the pursuit to Afghanistan forces who were notoriously well-known for switching sides or supporting whichever side paid them? If not, certainly everyone remembers Bush clearly stating that he didn't spend much time thinking about bin Laden, right? Perhaps a couple of Bush quotes from March 13, 2002 will refresh everyones' memories.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, responding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts

And do people remember all those terrorist alerts from when Bush was president...including the ones right around Christmas? OBL was one hell of a bogey man, wasn't he? As long as he was alive and free, that is.

And let's talk about 'politicizing' OBL, as Obama is supposedly doing now. Does everyone remember how Bush, and especially Cheney, promoted the idea that only THEY could keep America safe? How about the ads that were run against GA Democrat Senator Max Cleland in 2002 where likenesses of OBL and Saddam Hussein were run in the ads suggesting that Cleland was weak on protecting America?

And what about the well-documented statements of the 2008 GOP nominee, John McCain, and the presumptive 2012 GOP nominee, Mitt Romney where they both criticized Obama's statements about being willing to go after OBL in Pakistan, with or without Pakistan's cooperation? Both McCain and Romney took exception to Obama's statements. So, why should we believe that they would have acted differently when the time came to make the decision? Mitt Romney also stated that it wasn't a priority and that the cost was prohibitively high to go after just one man. Really? And let's not forget the potential political cost if the mission had failed.

Hey, anyone can SAY that they would have done what President Obama did one year ago when he ordered the Seals to attack the compound when there was no direct evidence that OBL was there. But look at what Bush said and did (or more specifically did not do). And look at the statements of the 2008 GOP nominee and the statements the 2012 GOP nominee made when bin Laden was still alive and on the loose to release videos and threats whenever he pleased.

So, again, I ask where the evidence is that John McCain and/or Mitt Romney (if elected and in office) would have gone after bin Laden? Frankly, the opposite seems more true to me. It seems to me that they thought bin Laden was more valuable as some kind of nebulous and shadowy threat who the GOP could use in terror alerts and campaign ads if they thought it would help get them elected (or re-elected like it helped get Bush re-elected in 2004).

And now? Osama bin Laden is gone, and the GOP can't use him to drum up fear anymore. Maybe that is the real reason the GOP is upset. That, and the fact that President Obama is the one who gave the order that took OBL out. Just like he said he would do!

So, maybe a couple of follow-up questions should be these: Are GOP presidential candidates men of their word when they make statements and ask everyone to take them at their word? Or will they just say anything? Considering the fact that even conservatives think that Mitt Romney isn't genuine in his current embrace of 'conservative principles,' why should anyone else believe their candidate if they don't even trust to say what he really thinks and believes?

I think if the same situation presented itself a year ago; he would have. I doubt that he would have refocused the effort on Afghanistan though. We'd still be swapping steel with the insurgents in Iraq more than likely.
And I asked you if you had a time machine. How else can we come up with "evidence" of something that may or may not have occurred in an alternate reality?

A person's statements are generally considered to be a reflection of their beliefs and intentions. If you can show me statements made by Romney that indicated he considered finding and then either killing or capturing bin Laden to be an important goal, that would count as evidence.

Romney said this in a 2007 MSNBC debate. From the transcript:California Republican debate transcript - politics - The Debates - msnbc.com
Romney: Thank you. Of course we get Osama bin Laden and track him wherever he has to go, and make sure he pays for the outrage he exacted upon America.

Moderator: Can we move heaven and earth to do it?

Romney: We’ll move everything to get him. But I don’t want to buy into the Democratic pitch that this is all about one person — Osama bin Laden — because after we get him, there’s going to be another and another. This is about Shia and Sunni. This is about Hezbollah and Hamas and Al Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood. This is a worldwide jihadist effort to try and cause the collapse of all moderate Islamic governments and replace them with a caliphate. They ultimately want to bring down the United States of America. This is a global effort we’re going to have to lead to overcome this jihadist effort. It’s more than Osama bin Laden. But he is going to pay, and he will die.
Case closed. Obama is lying...again.

Maybe you left wingnuts missed this? :lol:

Bottom line- Obama is a liar and his misleading, false advertisement used the biggest liar we've ever had as POTUS - Bill Clinton the disgraced, disbarred attorney and impeached LIAR who cheats on is wife. This is the best you can do? :cuckoo::cuckoo:
Better question:

Q: Where is the evidence that Obama really did kill Bin Laden?

A: Um....at the bottom on an ocean, and in photos that supposedly Americans are too sensitive to deserve to see.


Man, a black in the white house has now turned you dumbfucks into a conspiracy theorists. Liability must be pulling his hair out.
Better question:

Q: Where is the evidence that Obama really did kill Bin Laden?

A: Um....at the bottom on an ocean, and in photos that supposedly Americans are too sensitive to deserve to see.


Man, a black in the white house has now turned you dumbfucks into a conspiracy theorists. Liability must be pulling his hair out.

What the fuck does race have to do with this candy? Why go there?

Wait, nevermind.... I think I know.
From the beginning, candidate Romney, like the GOP's eventual nominee John McCain, not only opposed but mocked Obama's approach. While McCain blasted Obama's hard line on Al Qaeda's safe havens in the tribal areas, Romney protested:

"I do not concur in the words of Barack Obama in a plan to enter an ally of ours... I don't think those kinds of comments help in this effort to draw more friends to our effort..."There is a war being waged by terrorists of different types and nature across the world," Romney said. "We want, as a civilized world, to participate with other nations in this civilized effort to help those nations reject the extreme with them."​

Romney Said We Shouldn't Go After Bin Laden in Pakistan.

"Any President Mr. Romney? Really?" - YouTube

Obama would not have gotten Osama without Bush era policies so fuck off troll.

What policies? Disbanding the bin laden group at the CIA?

Am I lying ya bastard?

I will neg you every time I see you lying.... if ya dont like it, STOP FUCKING LYING..!

Okay, give us the facts. Give us "credible" proof that Bush policies led to the bin Laden compound in Pakistan. Please, none of that false waterboarding bullshit that Panetta and McCain have denied...

BTW, how in the hell was Bush ever going to find bin Laden in Iraq? I repeat, Iraq?
You Obamabots clearly a) do not listen to or read the news daily...or b) do not understand the news you read or hear...or c) have selective memory when it comes to discussing past events that were described in the news, thus demanding proof of things that are common knowledge.

I suspect it is a combination of all three.

It was under Bush's watch that the name of OBL's courier was discovered.

It was under Bush's watch that the order was given to find and kill Osama.

I give Bush credit for initiating the search to find and kill Osama. I give Obama credit for FINALLY nodding his head to let the killing happen.

It was not Obama that found Osama...it was Bush.
It was not Obama that ordered the killing of Osama...it was Bush.
It was not Bush that gave the nod to continue the plan...it was Obama.
It was not Obama that planned the mission details...it was McRaven.
It was not McRaven or Obama or Bush that stormed the compound, found and killed Osama...it was THE US NAVY SEALS!

Obama needs to stop puffing up his chest and acting like a great military leader. He did next to NOTHING in this ordeal.

We all need to stop competing for bragging rights as to who "got" Osama. It was a team effort, initiated by Bush, FINALLY approved by Obama... after many delays caused by that bitch adviser of his, Valerie Jarrett (sp)..., planned by McRaven and executed by some very brave Navy Seals.

WE (the United States of America) got Osama.

We (the United States of America) now need to defeat Obama in 2012 to disallow him the flexibility he wants in dealing with Putin and giving away what is left of our military might.

Obama does not want the voters to know what he is planning with the Russians UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTION. That should tell you something about his intent. WE WILL NOT LIKE IT!!!

You really should approach a publisher with your brand of fiction.
Piss off the military, not part of Obama's core group but I would think that assholes like the Democrats might be smarter than to try this BS maneuver. I'm thinking maybe Obama's only real accomplishment will be "swift boated."
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Where's the evidence that a President Romney (or any conservative Republican president) would have 'made the call' to take Osama bin Laden out?


Does everyone remember how OBL got away in Tora Bora when Bush failed to authorize pursuit by US troops and instead 'farmed out' the pursuit to Afghanistan forces who were notoriously well-known for switching sides or supporting whichever side paid them? If not, certainly everyone remembers Bush clearly stating that he didn't spend much time thinking about bin Laden, right? Perhaps a couple of Bush quotes from March 13, 2002 will refresh everyones' memories.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, responding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts

And do people remember all those terrorist alerts from when Bush was president...including the ones right around Christmas? OBL was one hell of a bogey man, wasn't he? As long as he was alive and free, that is.

And let's talk about 'politicizing' OBL, as Obama is supposedly doing now. Does everyone remember how Bush, and especially Cheney, promoted the idea that only THEY could keep America safe? How about the ads that were run against GA Democrat Senator Max Cleland in 2002 where likenesses of OBL and Saddam Hussein were run in the ads suggesting that Cleland was weak on protecting America?

And what about the well-documented statements of the 2008 GOP nominee, John McCain, and the presumptive 2012 GOP nominee, Mitt Romney where they both criticized Obama's statements about being willing to go after OBL in Pakistan, with or without Pakistan's cooperation? Both McCain and Romney took exception to Obama's statements. So, why should we believe that they would have acted differently when the time came to make the decision? Mitt Romney also stated that it wasn't a priority and that the cost was prohibitively high to go after just one man. Really? And let's not forget the potential political cost if the mission had failed.

Hey, anyone can SAY that they would have done what President Obama did one year ago when he ordered the Seals to attack the compound when there was no direct evidence that OBL was there. But look at what Bush said and did (or more specifically did not do). And look at the statements of the 2008 GOP nominee and the statements the 2012 GOP nominee made when bin Laden was still alive and on the loose to release videos and threats whenever he pleased.

So, again, I ask where the evidence is that John McCain and/or Mitt Romney (if elected and in office) would have gone after bin Laden? Frankly, the opposite seems more true to me. It seems to me that they thought bin Laden was more valuable as some kind of nebulous and shadowy threat who the GOP could use in terror alerts and campaign ads if they thought it would help get them elected (or re-elected like it helped get Bush re-elected in 2004).

And now? Osama bin Laden is gone, and the GOP can't use him to drum up fear anymore. Maybe that is the real reason the GOP is upset. That, and the fact that President Obama is the one who gave the order that took OBL out. Just like he said he would do!

So, maybe a couple of follow-up questions should be these: Are GOP presidential candidates men of their word when they make statements and ask everyone to take them at their word? Or will they just say anything? Considering the fact that even conservatives think that Mitt Romney isn't genuine in his current embrace of 'conservative principles,' why should anyone else believe their candidate if they don't even trust to say what he really thinks and believes?

Other than the State Department, who do you think played a part in that decision? Why would Bush take a back seat and let professed Allies handle the search? Why would we even honor cease fires, knowing they were only used to regroup, reposition, and resupply?
Better question:

Q: Where is the evidence that Obama really did kill Bin Laden?

A: Um....at the bottom on an ocean, and in photos that supposedly Americans are too sensitive to deserve to see.


Man, a black in the white house has now turned you dumbfucks into a conspiracy theorists. Liability must be pulling his hair out.

What the fuck does race have to do with this candy? Why go there?

Wait, nevermind.... I think I know.

Well, what else is it? You guys have gone from "he doesn't deserve credit"--credit he's not taking by the way--to "he didn't even kill him"--something the Republican nominee you will vote for says he did.

This is after you questioned his birthplace.
This is after you questioned his religious beliefs.

You wouldn't have done any of the 3 to a white president. You know it.
Where's the evidence that Romney would have taken out bin Laden if he was President??

It's right there on his Etch a Sketch
Where's the evidence that Romney would have taken out bin Laden if he was President??

It's right there on his Etch a Sketch

Man, a black in the white house has now turned you dumbfucks into a conspiracy theorists. Liability must be pulling his hair out.

What the fuck does race have to do with this candy? Why go there?

Wait, nevermind.... I think I know.

Well, what else is it? You guys have gone from "he doesn't deserve credit"--credit he's not taking by the way--to "he didn't even kill him"--something the Republican nominee you will vote for says he did.

This is after you questioned his birthplace.
This is after you questioned his religious beliefs.

You wouldn't have done any of the 3 to a white president. You know it.

I was glad he 'gave the knod' to get Osama... Who is saying "he didn't even kill him"?
I do question his BC because it is very suspicious, and his very own wife said his homeland was Kenya (did she not?)
I dont personally question his religion... I question whether or not he listened to that racist asshole he sat under for 20 years.. that man is no christian. He (Wright) sounds more like a member of the Nation of Islam if ya ask me.

This has ZERO to do with Obama's race... it does however have everything to do with the truth.

Leave race out of it please!! Its getting fucking old...!
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What the fuck does race have to do with this candy? Why go there?

Wait, nevermind.... I think I know.

Well, what else is it? You guys have gone from "he doesn't deserve credit"--credit he's not taking by the way--to "he didn't even kill him"--something the Republican nominee you will vote for says he did.

This is after you questioned his birthplace.
This is after you questioned his religious beliefs.

You wouldn't have done any of the 3 to a white president. You know it.

I was glad he 'gave the knod' to get Osama... Who is saying "he didn't even kill him".

Mudwhistle and Bucs90 indicated as much calling into question whether it happened.

I do question his BC because it is very suspicious, and his very own wife said his homeland was Kenya (did she not?)
I dont personally question his religion... I question whether or not he listened to that racist asshole he sat under for 20 years.. that man is no christian. He (Wright) sounds more like a member of the Nation of Islam if ya ask me.
Okay. Fair enough. He didn't jump when his critics snapped. However, I seem to remember Bush not producing his discharge papers. Do you question whether he was honorably discharged? Seems suspicious to me if that is the barometer we're using. The difference is that Obama produced something eventually; Bush did not as memory serves.

As for Jeremiah Wright, you've got to really wonder about anyone who would believe Obama didn't know what his minister/friend/personal counselor/baptizer of his kids felt about politics since he is a politician. Politics came up at some point. Nobody is that compartmentalized Obama knew SOMETHING of Wright's views; how much? I would guess quite a bit. The press gave him a pass that he won't get this time around.

Why you equate it with Islam; I'm not sure.

That being said, I don't think you can transfer the beliefs over to Obama however. Anymore than you can take the teachings of the Bible and transfer them to any President who was Christian. Science trumps the biblical teachings. However, I'm very dubious that Obama says "he didn't know".
This has ZERO to do with Obama's race... it does however have everything to do with the truth.

Leave race out of it please!! Its getting fucking old...!

I call bullshit. If his name was Sam Mueller and he was white, you wouldn't question if he was from Germany or England. Would you?

Of course not.

Are you really saying that the skepticism about whether OBL was even killed is based on a sterile examination of the the facts?

Are you really saying that a produced birth certificate isn't proof of his place of birth?

Are you really saying that going to a church for 20 years and a profession of Christianity isn't sufficient proof of his being a Christian?

Are you really saying that if the President were white and his name was Mueller, you'd be questioning his birth place, his religion, and would go so far to fake the killing of the FBI's most wanted fugitive?

There is a point where skepticism is no longer rational. I think you guys passed it about 3 years ago.
Is anyone stupid enough to believe that Mr. Etch-a-Sketch would have put his political ass on the line, and taken a huge risk to approve the operation that killed Bin Laden?
OK... Candy, I will admit that my hatred for Obama's policies cloud my views on him.

I just want him out as POTUS.

He has not brought the 'hope and change' he promised.

But I swear on my... well, Im not going there, but I promise... his race matters not to me.
I was one of Herman Cains biggest fans if ya recall, and he is 100% a black man.

Race is a non-issue to me.

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