Wherever Democrats Run The Government....You'll Find Communism

Says the guy who supported Republicans attacking President Biden with fake testimony supplied by both Russian and Chinese spies.

Without exception, every Republican accusation is a confession.
Democrats are communists. First they try to take your guns, then they try to take your food.

Democrats are going after farmers trying to stop them from producing healthy food.

It's as simple as that.

If only these guys had a minimal understanding of the crap they spread they'd be less effective fertilizer spreaders.
Democrats are communists. First they try to take your guns, then they try to take your food.

Democrats are going after farmers trying to stop them from producing healthy food.

It's as simple as that.

This is nothing new like I could tell U a few humdingers about small time(40 acres or less) sodbusters planting various crops(strawberries etc.) for sale direct to the general public. The marxinazis are so far over into power & control that they now qualify as 'malignant narcissists' like these marxinazis need to be rounded up & labor camped before they can cause even more mayhem, injuries & death to Americans.
Says the guy who supported Republicans attacking President Biden with fake testimony supplied by both Russian and Chinese spies.

Without exception, every Republican accusation is a confession.
READ: I only want to talk about what I like to talk about.
If I don't like what I see, then I want only to change the subject to something I like.
Democrats do know what's best
They follow science n shit

They look super smart ...good thing these folks are in local government

Except when it comes to dressing ....and eating ....and just about everything else
Super smart
Democrats are communists. First they try to take your guns, then they try to take your food.

Democrats are going after farmers trying to stop them from producing healthy food.

It's as simple as that.

The people still using the community crapper on the crops?
I REALLY LIKE your new name for the Big Apple like it's just so fitting!!!
Not to burst your bubble and rain on your parade, but there is a LOT more to NY than NYC.

I personally, have never even been to NYC, and I have lived in Nazi York my whole life. It was on my bucket list, but not anymore.
READ: I only want to talk about what I like to talk about.
See? This one shows no regret at all over using Chinese and Russian propaganda to attack the USA. He's not sorry for any of his support of commies, and he will continue to support commies.

Scratch a conservative, find a commie. No exceptions.
Democrats are communists. First they try to take your guns, then they try to take your food.

Democrats are going after farmers trying to stop them from producing healthy food.

It's as simple as that.

I really don't understand why people think Socialism and Communism are such a bad thing. More socialism in America has made it such a better nation. Look at Communist China, they are doing so well now. I had an Economics professor in college who praised China and said China had the best Economy in the world. My economics professor in college praised China's Communism and how much better the country was doing than the US.

I really don't understand why people think Socialism and Communism are such a bad thing. More socialism in America has made it such a better nation. Look at Communist China, they are doing so well now. I had an Economics professor in college who praised China and said China had the best Economy in the world. My economics professor in college praised China's Communism and how much better the country was doing than the US.

Yeah, Communist China isn't doing so bad now. Unless you live there.
They're doing great.....at least that's what the press is allowed to see,.
It took them a month to make Bejing look presentable during the Olympics.
They shut down all of the traffic to clear the smog out of the air.
During COVID they welded people inside their homes to keep them from spreading the disease.
Entire communities were bulldozed when they got rid of all of the infected people and they rebuilt 15 min cities where nobody owns a car, and everything they need is within walking distance.
Democrats are communists. First they try to take your guns, then they try to take your food.

Democrats are going after farmers trying to stop them from producing healthy food.

It's as simple as that.

The farmer in question is selling unpasteurized milk, which is a source of disease. Two people became sick from raw milk traced back to this farm in 2016, and one of them died as a result.

Since 2016, the Department of Agriclture asked the farmer to bring his farm into “Inspection compliance”. So all of these quart bottles we’re on going throughout the period from 2017 when Trump was in office and continue to this day.

Trump is the president who has a spin persecuting this poor Amish farmer who refuses to comply with the law.

When farmers sell products that kill people, the department of agriculture has no sense of humour about it whatsoever, and neither apparently does President Trump.

The farmer in question is selling unpasteurized milk, which is a source of disease. Two people became sick from raw milk traced back to this farm in 2016, and one of them died as a result.

Since 2016, the Department of Agriclture asked the farmer to bring his farm into “Inspection compliance”. So all of these quart bottles we’re on going throughout the period from 2017 when Trump was in office and continue to this day.

Trump is the president who has a spin persecuting this poor Amish farmer who refuses to comply with the law.

When farmers sell products that kill people, the department of agriculture has no sense of humour about it whatsoever, and neither apparently does President Trump.

Some years ago I got talked into drinking some unpastuerized milk that seemed a craze in the area I was in. I knew some friends who actually drank it and swore by it's health benefits. So I decided to try it, BIG MISTAKE! I GOT SO SICK!!!

After I drank that milk I got very bad flu like symptoms, fever, vomiting. I went to the doctor and had blood work done. The doc said my white blood cell count went sky high, I really got sick from something.

I eventually got better, but never again. That was the first and last time I ever tried unpastuerized milk. Farmers who sell it should be put out of business.

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