Which 9-11 theory you believe?

Which 9-11 theory is the most accurate?

  • The islamist conspiracy theory (Bush-Cheney Theory)

    Votes: 25 62.5%
  • the US intern plot theory (control demolition)

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • The Mossad plot theory

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Mafia conspiracy theory

    Votes: 3 7.5%

  • Total voters
I would love to see where NIST actually said that; for context, so we can understand exactly what they were talking about.
i might be remembering wrong, but i believe they were badgered into saying it was near free fall by troofer morons screaming it over and over

that they admitted the "near" to shut them the fuck up

but typical for most of the things done under the Bush administration, that failed too

Yes, this is true almost ever revision in the theories original put forth by fema and NISTand propagated through popular mechanics came from toofers relentlessly pointing out the absurdity of the claims,many of which debwunkers repeat till this day
you just prove you are a fucking delusional moron over and over
but dont stop smoking that pot
i might be remembering wrong, but i believe they were badgered into saying it was near free fall by troofer morons screaming it over and over

that they admitted the "near" to shut them the fuck up

but typical for most of the things done under the bush administration, that failed too

yes, this is true almost ever revision in the theories original put forth by fema and nistand propagated through popular mechanics came from toofers relentlessly pointing out the absurdity of the claims,many of which debwunkers repeat till this day
you just prove you are a fucking delusional moron over and over
but dont stop smoking that pot

I can see the terrorist plotting now...no need for hijackings or suicide missions..we will get access to a building, disable the sprinkler system,light some office fires and bring this sucker down to a pile of rubble !!

YouTube - wtc 7 collapse

Well, if helps if you can arrange for debris from another collapsing building to hit it.

I can see the terrorist plotting now...no need for hijackings or suicide missions..we will get access to a building, disable the sprinkler system,light some office fires and bring this sucker down to a pile of rubble !!

YouTube - wtc 7 collapse

Well, if helps if you can arrange for debris from another collapsing building to hit it.


Once again the debwunker proves he is not even aware of the official story he claims to support...NIST determine that damage from debris played "no significant role" in the collapse of wtc 7 and the NIST collapse scenario would occurred with fire alone
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I can see the terrorist plotting now...no need for hijackings or suicide missions..we will get access to a building, disable the sprinkler system,light some office fires and bring this sucker down to a pile of rubble !!

YouTube - wtc 7 collapse

Well, if helps if you can arrange for debris from another collapsing building to hit it.


Once again the debwunker proves he is not even aware of the official story he claims to support...NIST determine that damage from debris played "no significant role" in the collapse of wtc 7 and the NIST collapse scenario would occurred with fire alone
doesnt say NO ROLE
and you left out the word "have" in the "would have occurred"
which changes the actual meaning into it would have but there was SOME role caused by the damage
its your paranoid delusions that cause you to not understand it
Well, if helps if you can arrange for debris from another collapsing building to hit it.


Once again the debwunker proves he is not even aware of the official story he claims to support...NIST determine that damage from debris played "no significant role" in the collapse of wtc 7 and the NIST collapse scenario would occurred with fire alone
doesnt say NO ROLE
and you left out the word "have" in the "would have occurred"
which changes the actual meaning into it would have but there was SOME role caused by the damage
its your paranoid delusions that cause you to not understand it

Dive that was a total delusional rant..you understand nothing..the only role they attribute to the falling debris is igniting the fires...you see thinking folk realized if this damage played a significant role in the collapse like the popular mechanics novel stated that area would become the path of least resistance and the collapse would not of been symmetrical or at near free fall speed, so NIST was forced to spend the next 7 years coming up with a computer generated model that might attempt to explain the unexplainable but failed
Once again the debwunker proves he is not even aware of the official story he claims to support...NIST determine that damage from debris played "no significant role" in the collapse of wtc 7 and the NIST collapse scenario would occurred with fire alone
doesnt say NO ROLE
and you left out the word "have" in the "would have occurred"
which changes the actual meaning into it would have but there was SOME role caused by the damage
its your paranoid delusions that cause you to not understand it

Dive that was a total delusional rant..you understand nothing..the only role they attribute to the falling debris is igniting the fires...you see thinking folk realized if this damage played a significant role in the collapse like the popular mechanics novel stated that area would become the path of least resistance and the collapse would not of been symmetrical or at near free fall speed, so NIST was forced to spend the next 7 years coming up with a computer generated model that might attempt to explain the unexplainable but failed
you are a fucking idiot
that was not a rant

You fools really need to use some common sense here.

Common sense?? Black smoke = NO OXYGEN. No oxygen = NO FIRE.

I know, I know, it is a bit above your head, but use some common sense here!

Figure it this way, Edna Cintron and others had to have come from the interior of the building to get to the hole. They weren't burned there either, or they would not be alive and waving from the impact hole, now would they?
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You fools really need to use some common sense here.

Common sense?? Black smoke = NO OXYGEN. No oxygen = NO FIRE.

I know, I know, it is a bit above your head, but use some common sense here!

Figure it this way, Edna Cintron and others had to have come from the interior of the building to get to the hole. They weren't burned there either, or they would not be alive and waving from the impact hole, now would they?

So it doesn't matter what might be burning? If it causes black smoke then it must be oxygen starved? So plastics and other petroleum based product don't produce black smoke? Really? That's what you want to go with?

And you have no idea where those people might have been when the plane struck. they obviously were off to the side of the fireball that went through the building.
I can see the terrorist plotting now...no need for hijackings or suicide missions..we will get access to a building, disable the sprinkler system,light some office fires and bring this sucker down to a pile of rubble !!

YouTube - wtc 7 collapse

Well, if helps if you can arrange for debris from another collapsing building to hit it.


Once again the debwunker proves he is not even aware of the official story he claims to support...NIST determine that damage from debris played "no significant role" in the collapse of wtc 7 and the NIST collapse scenario would occurred with fire alone

The first rule of Octavism:

"You are free to change or ignore any facts from any 9/11 related government report on the condition you still claim the Official Theory is true."
wasnt that only for a small point of the WTC7 collapse?

NIST admits total free fall for a portion of the wtc 7 collapse but describes the collapse of the twin towers as at near free fall speed which it clearly is we are talking a matter of secs
so, free fall speed is aprox 9 sec
is 15 seconds "near" or 22 sec?
would 30 sec still be NEAR?

The 9E Commission Report states the South Tower collapsed in ten seconds. Is ten seconds close to nine seconds you brokedick dumbass?
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and your proof it was planted? :eusa_whistle:

oh thats right. your a twoofer. you can just jump to wild and absurd conclusions based on absolutely no evidence and blame the government. you dont need ACTUAL evidence. you can just make it up.:cuckoo:

Talk about "jumping to wild conclusions".........YOU believe that 19 Arab/Radical-Islamic hijackers, led by some half-dead (now dead) guy (who previously worked for the CIA) in a cave in Afghanistan, manged not only to take over LARGE commercial jets with box cutters, and fly them almost precicely into buildings, (that even experienced pilots could not recreate), when instructors said they could barely fly small planes. THEN three NYC skyscrapers, that were built specifically to withstand such a breach, collapsed into dust, which NEVER had happened to any tall building in history, almost completely into their own footprints, when they were barely on fire, yet the steel melted and caused them to collapse (not tip over or break in half). THEN, two other planes, the Pentagon plane and the Shanksville plane completely disintigrated when they hit the Pentagon and ground, respectively. The only parts or the planes that were found were some random wheels and plane parts that were NEVER specifically identified as belonging to those particular planes. No seats, no luggage, nothing larger than a phone book.

Explain The Dancing Israeli's, that claimed they were there to "document the event" that NO ONE supposedly knew was going to happen. Explain why, when they were arrested, explosives were found in their van. Explain why they were Isralei Mossad Agents.

Explain why Bush LIED about having seen the plane hit the first tower on TV, when he couldn't possibly have seen it at the school that day.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60]YouTube - Bush Caught Lying About September 11th[/ame]

Explain how by September 12, 2001, ALL of the names of ALL of the hijackers were already known by the FBI.

you claim it was planted so let's see your proof.

George Washington's Blog: Crooked Cops and 9-11

then after that we can talk about WHO planted it and what proof you have of that..... once again, it will be another wild conclusion drawn without any evidence. maybe you are going to claim the hijacker travelled to new york and planted his passport on the street before hijacking the plane......

REALLY?? Did you bother to read Dr. Jones' report, based on SCIENTIFIC evidence, facts and proof. I am quite sure you didn't bother. So, here is the link again:

READ it, in it's entirety, THEN we will talk. Until then, you can stuff your Fairy Tale conclusions.

but then again that doesnt fit into your whole "blame the government" agenda. :lol:

I am not blaming the government entirely. There were many more forces behind just the US government. You have to understand that 911 was carried out for a certain reason and benefit, even I don't understand all of it. But, as long as you are willing to accept Fairy Tales, you will never accept reality or the truth.
and your proof it was planted? :eusa_whistle:

oh thats right. your a twoofer. you can just jump to wild and absurd conclusions based on absolutely no evidence and blame the government. you dont need ACTUAL evidence. you can just make it up.:cuckoo:

Talk about "jumping to wild conclusions".........YOU believe that 19 Arab/Radical-Islamic hijackers, led by some half-dead (now dead) guy (who previously worked for the CIA) in a cave in Afghanistan, manged not only to take over LARGE commercial jets with box cutters, and fly them almost precicely into buildings, (that even experienced pilots could not recreate), when instructors said they could barely fly small planes. THEN three NYC skyscrapers, that were built specifically to withstand such a breach, collapsed into dust, which NEVER had happened to any tall building in history, almost completely into their own footprints, when they were barely on fire, yet the steel melted and caused them to collapse (not tip over or break in half). THEN, two other planes, the Pentagon plane and the Shanksville plane completely disintigrated when they hit the Pentagon and ground, respectively. The only parts or the planes that were found were some random wheels and plane parts that were NEVER specifically identified as belonging to those particular planes. No seats, no luggage, nothing larger than a phone book.

Explain The Dancing Israeli's, that claimed they were there to "document the event" that NO ONE supposedly knew was going to happen. Explain why, when they were arrested, explosives were found in their van. Explain why they were Isralei Mossad Agents.

Explain why Bush LIED about having seen the plane hit the first tower on TV, when he couldn't possibly have seen it at the school that day.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60]YouTube - Bush Caught Lying About September 11th[/ame]

Explain how by September 12, 2001, ALL of the names of ALL of the hijackers were already known by the FBI.

you claim it was planted so let's see your proof.

George Washington's Blog: Crooked Cops and 9-11

then after that we can talk about WHO planted it and what proof you have of that..... once again, it will be another wild conclusion drawn without any evidence. maybe you are going to claim the hijacker travelled to new york and planted his passport on the street before hijacking the plane......

REALLY?? Did you bother to read Dr. Jones' report, based on SCIENTIFIC evidence, facts and proof. I am quite sure you didn't bother. So, here is the link again:

READ it, in it's entirety, THEN we will talk. Until then, you can stuff your Fairy Tale conclusions.

but then again that doesnt fit into your whole "blame the government" agenda. :lol:

I am not blaming the government entirely. There were many more forces behind just the US government. You have to understand that 911 was carried out for a certain reason and benefit, even I don't understand all of it. But, as long as you are willing to accept Fairy Tales, you will never accept reality or the truth.

Your anti-Semitism is so deeply disturbing you negate nearly any chance of sharing any valid facts with anyone.
yes labeling 9/11 a "Jewish conspiracy" is not helpful or logical ..all one seems to need to make something a' Jewish conspiracy' is to have anyone Jewish involved..then all of the non-Jewish perpetrators involved get labeled as "working for the Jewish conspiracy"..as opposed to a conspiracy that may have some direct or indirect Israeli interest involved
Your anti-Semitism is so deeply disturbing you negate nearly any chance of sharing any valid facts with anyone.

Oh really?? What does questioning the Fairy Tale version of 911 have anything to do with "anti-Semetism"??

Was it because I mentioned "Dancing Israeli's"?? Or the FACT that these Israeli's were Mossad Agents?

Or.............do you know something we don't know??

Your guilty conscience is showing!!

You do realise that one of the choices in the poll at the top of this thread is: "The Mossad plot theory"?? Now, all of a sudden I'm "anti-Semetic"??

It just seems that you Fairy Tale Idiots will use anything to wipe out the TRUTH.:disbelief:

Please do show me where I said or posted anything that was anti-Semetic.
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I believe we were attacked by terrorists but the government "let it happen" so to speak, in order to advance their agendas and garner public support for those agendas.

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