Which 9-11 theory you believe?

Which 9-11 theory is the most accurate?

  • The islamist conspiracy theory (Bush-Cheney Theory)

    Votes: 25 62.5%
  • the US intern plot theory (control demolition)

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • The Mossad plot theory

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Mafia conspiracy theory

    Votes: 3 7.5%

  • Total voters
still waiting for evidence. if this is all you got then my original FAIL assessment was correct!! :lol:

Jokes like you are pathetic. You ignore facts then whine about "evidence."

asking for evidence is "whining"?!! HAHAHahahaha :lol:

i guess when you've got no evidence at all the best you can do is call someone that asks for evidence "whining".

I have seen no evidence from you thus far. You NEVER back up any of your claims either. All you seem to "contribute" is YOUR inessant whining and quoting the NIST Report like the Bible.

It already has been proven that the NIST Report is flawed and contains out and out lies, proven by scientific fact from Dr. Steven Jones.

Here, quit your whining and inform yourself.


Nice video, too bad it is so full of inaccuracies and non factual data.

Just a for instance, if thermite had been used, it would not have left pools of molten metal for weeks after the collapses. Thermite burns rather quickly and then cools off, Just like a standard match. Once the thermite is gone it is done burning. You really need to find real science.

Nice video, too bad it is so full of inaccuracies and non factual data.

Just a for instance, if thermite had been used, it would not have left pools of molten metal for weeks after the collapses. Thermite burns rather quickly and then cools off, Just like a standard match. Once the thermite is gone it is done burning. You really need to find real science.
on top of the fact Jones is a nut case
Jokes like you are pathetic. You ignore facts then whine about "evidence."

asking for evidence is "whining"?!! HAHAHahahaha :lol:

i guess when you've got no evidence at all the best you can do is call someone that asks for evidence "whining".

I have seen no evidence from you thus far. You NEVER back up any of your claims either. All you seem to "contribute" is YOUR inessant whining and quoting the NIST Report like the Bible.

It already has been proven that the NIST Report is flawed and contains out and out lies, proven by scientific fact from Dr. Steven Jones.

Here, quit your whining and inform yourself.


Steven Jones is unemployed and a deadbeat. He preys on the weak minded (i.e. YOU) and fact neglegent (i.e. YOU again).

Here are some facts for you:

In the moments after the collapse and in the weeks and months after the attacks, dust supposedly containing thermite blanketed lower Manhattan island; one of the most densely populated places in the Country. Tens of thousands inhaled the dust. Crews worked for weeks in the dust. Even when persons were allowed to go back to their businesses and homes in the LMD, they were finding dust in their offices and apartments, blown off of roof-tops of other buildings, in crevaces sub-grade, on cars, on benches, etc.... It was everywhere. The total number of thermite poisonings for the hundreds of thousands of exposures that took place? zero. nada. zilch. a big fat nothing (i.e. you). Surely if the shit can eat through metal, one wiff will kill you. But nobody has died of it; nobody has been in the hospital due to it.

Now you're probably going to say something stupid (imagine my shock) that the coroner's office is "in on it" or something as equally dumb. No dice. NYC was flooded, as always with tourists who were exposed as well as responders from all across the country and in fact, the world. None of them have gone home and died due to thermite poisoning.

When are you losers going to give up the thermite claim because, after all, it was invented by you retards only because there were no explosions setting off the collapse so you needed something that would not go boom. Hence the thermite invention. It worked as well now as it did when it was invented--nobody buys your trumped up bullshit and nobody gives a fuck what Steven Jones thinks.

Case in point; look at this year's convention of goons you dipshits put on at ground zero this time 'round:

WAC 9-11 Festivities Downplay Jones, Harrit and Ryan

Looks like there's a changing of the guard in the Troof Movement. The WAC-NY crew finally got off their butts and organized some festivities in NYC for the ninth anniversary celebration. But note who's highlighted at the top: Box Boy Gage, Cindy Sheehan, Cynthia McKinney, and Jason Bermas. And who comes down (faster than freefall) at the bottom: Waterboy Kevin Ryan, Steven Jones and Niels Harrit. In what they call "the big event", here are the featured speakers:

Colleen Rowely, Anthony Shaffer, Cynthia Mckinney, Cindy Sheehan, Richard Gage, First Responder Major Mike McCormick, Charlie Veitch, Jason Bermas, Gary Franchi, Bob Shulz, Christine Ebersole, Daniel Sunjata and many more from the Saturday and Sunday panels.

Yep, the ditzy blonde from Broadway (Ebersole) gets a star billing, while the chips are apparently down for the thermite triplets, who are featured only on a Sunday evening panel, when presumably most of the crackpots will have left for home.

You can see the itenerary here:

We Are Change|Tag Archive|NYC

Gotta love one of the last lines of the passage:

Can’t make it? No reason to be upset or to envy your activist friends who don’t have work. You can watch it all live, just like Wrestle Mania.

You have to say one thing for the "organizers", they know their rank and file; wrestling fans who envy the unemployable.

Nice video, too bad it is so full of inaccuracies and non factual data.

Just a for instance, if thermite had been used, it would not have left pools of molten metal for weeks after the collapses. Thermite burns rather quickly and then cools off, Just like a standard match. Once the thermite is gone it is done burning. You really need to find real science.
on top of the fact Jones is a nut case

An unemployed nutcase.
Let's see how deep the sea of OCTA stubborn stoopidity goes.

The beloved OCTA source of Popular Mechanics pointed out over two years ago:

"Fire alone brought down the building, the report concludes..."

NIST lead investigatorShyam Sunder told journalists at this morning's press conference in Gaithersburg, Md. "WTC 7 collapsed because of fires fueled by office furnishings. It did not collapse from explosives or from diesel fuel fires."

So the lead NIST dude even says fire caused the collapse.
World Trade Center 7 Report Puts 9/11 Conspiracy Theory to Rest - Popular Mechanics

OCTAs are usually 6-8 years behind on information so maybe around 2015 they will learn the conclusion of the NIST report.

holy fuck, you twoofers are fucking idiots!! why is this so difficult for you? what part of this are you having trouble understanding? EOTS claimed the NIST said "fires alone" caused the collapse. thats a lie.

i dont give a fuck about popular mechanics unless you are going to claim that popular mechanics is part of the NIST.

idEOTS claimed somebody said something they didnt. he lied. end of story.

NIST lead investigator:

"WTC 7 collapsed because of fires fueled by office furnishings."

Just another example of OCTAs ignoring the facts of their own position. Once again......

NIST lead investigator:

"WTC 7 collapsed because of fires fueled by office furnishings."
Jokes like you are pathetic. You ignore facts then whine about "evidence."

asking for evidence is "whining"?!! HAHAHahahaha :lol:

i guess when you've got no evidence at all the best you can do is call someone that asks for evidence "whining".

I have seen no evidence from you thus far. You NEVER back up any of your claims either. All you seem to "contribute" is YOUR inessant whining and quoting the NIST Report like the Bible.

It already has been proven that the NIST Report is flawed and contains out and out lies, proven by scientific fact from Dr. Steven Jones.

Here, quit your whining and inform yourself.


They don't quote the nist report like the bible. They ignore that and any other official report any time it says something they don't like.
Oh just little things like 110 stories falling on it knocking out the water mains and starting the fires. You know, little shit like that. It builds up into all the little reasons that fire was able to take out a building....

For instance, if you were to sneak into the building and started a fire in an office, the building would not have fallen from that fire. Why? because you wouldn't take out the sprinklers and the water mains... For starters..... But to your way of thinking that doesn't matter..... So neither does anything else......It's OK, we understand.....

Nist said even without any damage from the towers collapsing that 7 still would have collapsed from the fires. Will you ever learn the basics of your own position?

The fire was feed from a huge fuel tank in the basement. No sprinklers to fight it and the fire department abandoned the building and ANNOUNCED it would collapse from the fire. Pretty simple concept actually.

the huge fuel tank feeding the fires is a popular mechanics myth fucktard

NIST states stored fuel played no role in the collapse...try reading it one day
Jokes like you are pathetic. You ignore facts then whine about "evidence."

asking for evidence is "whining"?!! HAHAHahahaha :lol:

i guess when you've got no evidence at all the best you can do is call someone that asks for evidence "whining".

I have seen no evidence from you thus far. You NEVER back up any of your claims either. All you seem to "contribute" is YOUR inessant whining and quoting the NIST Report like the Bible.

It already has been proven that the NIST Report is flawed and contains out and out lies, proven by scientific fact from Dr. Steven Jones.

Here, quit your whining and inform yourself.


I used to laugh at Agent Fizzs spasm attacks he would have in debates when he would freak out and whine when he could not refute the evidence,fatcs or witness testimonys of myself,eots,terral and others.after a while though his name calling and insults got old when he would be losing his arguments so I got to the point where I stopped bothering with him cause as you are finding out,like you said,he incessantly whines and can never back up any of his claims like all OCTA'S here.

He isnt worth wasting your time on.none of the OCTA'S are.
They don't quote the nist report like the bible. They ignore that and any other official report any time it says something they don't like.

It's so amazing that you and Fizz and Candycorn and SGT and Divecon, won't hesitate for a moment to squeal about how I am wrong about FACTUAL evidence, yet they provide NO LINKS, NO PROOF of anything they claim.

How can Candycon claim to post facts for me, without any source or proof of credibility. Then have the audacity to claim that MY sources are false, and still provide no proof to their claim other than their squalking mouth.

Watch this video: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8efGoRSLUG8[/ame]

I would take an eyewitness' FIRST response to being far more truthful, than later on having time to think about what they said and change it to fit what others saw, or what they were told to say they saw.

Also, please do explain how building 7 was still standing in the back of the repoerter while BBC was taling about it already being collapsed? Or do you only address the things you have lies to?
when backed into a corner they will claim they are not here to debate but just to laugh at toofer morons...if you point out the flaws of the NIST report they claim they do not care what the NIST report says..some of them like fizzle and cuntycorn spend endless hours engage in this pursuit on multiple other boards
They don't quote the nist report like the bible. They ignore that and any other official report any time it says something they don't like.

It's so amazing that you and Fizz and Candycorn and SGT and Divecon, won't hesitate for a moment to squeal about how I am wrong about FACTUAL evidence, yet they provide NO LINKS, NO PROOF of anything they claim.

Troofers like you are an embarrassment. I was pointing out they don't quote official reports as you claimed and you «BARF» have the audacity to put me in the same boat with them. Fuck you.
My oh my.....

How many times must we say the same things over and over?

The official 911 commissions report got all the main points correct. You want to nit pic them go right ahead.

Yes Hollybaere, there were numerous secondary explosions. If my house burned down there would be numerous explosions. Some of them would be pretty loud, some of them may even knock a hole in a wall. Doesn't mean someone planted a destructive device in my house.........

There is no proof that there was any type of controlled demolition, and the error in reporting was just that. The NYFD had already stated they believed that WTC 7 was going to collapse. The reporters got the story wrong. Something that I'm sure has never ever happened before.....
I used to laugh at Agent Fizzs spasm attacks he would have in debates when he would freak out and whine when he could not refute the evidence,fatcs or witness testimonys of myself,eots,terral and others.after a while though his name calling and insults got old when he would be losing his arguments so I got to the point where I stopped bothering with him cause as you are finding out,like you said,he incessantly whines and can never back up any of his claims like all OCTA'S here.

He isnt worth wasting your time on.none of the OCTA'S are.

what the fuck are you talking about?

i keep asking for evidence of explosive demolitions. the reason i cant refute your evidence is because you have none.:cuckoo:

I used to laugh at Agent Fizzs spasm attacks he would have in debates when he would freak out and whine when he could not refute the evidence,fatcs or witness testimonys of myself,eots,terral and others.after a while though his name calling and insults got old when he would be losing his arguments so I got to the point where I stopped bothering with him cause as you are finding out,like you said,he incessantly whines and can never back up any of his claims like all OCTA'S here.

He isnt worth wasting your time on.none of the OCTA'S are.

what the fuck are you talking about?

i keep asking for evidence of explosive demolitions. the reason i cant refute your evidence is because you have none.:cuckoo:


You can't even admit the conclusion of the NIST report saying fire alone brought down wtc 7...........who the fuck is dumb enough to think you would be honest enough to address any facts when you blatantly ignore the facts of your own position? Lol!

Funny how no other OCTAs had the balls to call you out on such an obvious fuck up or like when retiredgunnygutlesssack falsely claimed the diesel tanks helped cause the collapse. You punks always ignore it when you fuck up because you are dishonest cowards.
It's so amazing that you and Fizz and Candycorn and SGT and Divecon, won't hesitate for a moment to squeal about how I am wrong about FACTUAL evidence, yet they provide NO LINKS, NO PROOF of anything they claim.

you really dont get this whole "evidence" thing. if you are going to claim silly things like there was thermite, explosive demolitions, predator drones, holograms, voice morphing technology, the hijackers are still alive, WTC7 was the command bunker for remote control airplanes, flight 93 landed in ohio or any other stupid twoofer shit then YOU need to prove it with evidence.

my claim is that 19 muslim hijackers flew planes into buildings and crashed in a field in PA. the evidence is overwhelming. let me know what part of my beliefs you are having trouble with if you claim i have no factual evidence.

other than that.... ITS YOU THAT NEEDS TO PROVE YOUR CLAIMS. its not up to me to provide evidence your claims are false if you supply absolutely no evidence they are true except some stupid fucking youtube video.
You can't even admit the conclusion of the NIST report saying fire alone brought down wtc 7...........who the fuck is dumb enough to think you would be honest enough to address any facts when you blatantly ignore the facts of your own position? Lol!

Funny how no other OCTAs had the balls to call you out on such an obvious fuck up or like when retiredgunnygutlesssack falsely claimed the diesel tanks helped cause the collapse. You punks always ignore it when you fuck up because you are dishonest cowards.

show me where the NIST reports says "fires alone" caused the collapse, you lying fucking moron. :cuckoo:
Troofers like you are an embarrassment. I was pointing out they don't quote official reports as you claimed and you «BARF» have the audacity to put me in the same boat with them. Fuck you.

I am not putting you "in the same boat". Somehow I clicked on the wrong section of the thread. I am quite sure the "idiots" are enjoying that also.

I know it probably won't do much good, but I apologise to you. I mistakingly included you when I should not have.

I'm still having a hard time navigating around here.
How can Candycon claim to post facts for me, without any source or proof of credibility. Then have the audacity to claim that MY sources are false, and still provide no proof to their claim other than their squalking mouth.

You stupid piece of shit.

The proof of thermite NOT being there is in the FACT that there were zero reports of thermite inhalation at ground zero. Try to stretch what are I'm sure a very small number of brain cells around that truth before you embarrass yourself any further.

I would take an eyewitness' FIRST response to being far more truthful, than later on having time to think about what they said and change it to fit what others saw, or what they were told to say they saw.
Yeah, I think Willie Rodriguez is a lying sack of shit too but you'd have a better take on that--being a sack of shit yourself.

Also, please do explain how building 7 was still standing in the back of the repoerter while BBC was taling about it already being collapsed? Or do you only address the things you have lies to?

Gee, you think maybe in the most chaotic news day of a news reporters life they got some things wrong? Look at you; you've been here for like what 10 posts and you haven't been right about jack shit yet.

Look at my video:


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