Which black will the left nominate for president?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
The left knows they are losing minority votes and without them it will be impossible to win. As a result they will once again put a person of color on the ticket. Not because they are qualified but because they need to win back the black support they are losing.

So who will it be? Will they be at the top of the ticket or second in line?
We all know fauxahantus can wear brown face.
I'm sure she could pull off black face, too.
The left is losing minority votes? In the meantime at this moment the top three are white. Top 4 out of 5 are white.
The left is losing minority votes? In the meantime at this moment the top three are white. Top 4 out of 5 are white.
None of whom could get enough Democrat support to beat trump. The American people aren't going to swallow joe.
Still Repubs win so is who owns the majority of minorities really that much of a concern

The only concern is the people who vote and how to manipulate this to ones advantage

repubs seem to like voter intimidation as this will help attract more minority voters , no just kidding

Still redistricting is always a good way
The left is losing minority votes? In the meantime at this moment the top three are white. Top 4 out of 5 are white.
None of whom could get enough Democrat support to beat trump. The American people aren't going to swallow joe.

There was a lot going on in 2016. Two unpopular candidates, one of them managed to keep the party base (Trump) and the other lost a few thousand partisans (Clinton). The Democrats had been in the White House for 8 years and I believe a party has only held on more than two terms 3 times in the last 100 years.

You also had a campaign (Clinton) that didn't bother to visit the upper midwest and another who (Trump) shared polling data with....let's call it a third party who went and targeted those three states that Trump barely managed to win.

At this moment the only thing Trump has going for him is the economy and even with his unpopular tariffs that's iffy at best. A lot of people personally find Trump and what comes out of his mouth to be kind of gross, he's just not a likable guy. Now that he's created all these self destructive scandals and has this really fucked up record to run on it's going to be a different election.

I don't know what is going to happen in 2020. Anyone on the left or right who is guaranteeing a win is full of shit. There are vulnerabilities on both sides however one of them is running on their record for which they didn't have to do in 2016.
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The left is losing minority votes?

Why Trump’s Approval Ratings Are Up Among Minorities | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

This began in earnest when, in January of this year, Marist foundthat Trump’s approval rating among Hispanics had reached 50 percent. Then, in February, a Morning Consult poll showedHispanic approval of the president at 42 percent. This was followed by a March poll from McLaughlin & Associates that foundHispanic approval for the president at 50 percent. All three polls were discounted as outliers by the media or simply ignored. This continued in June, after Harvard/Harris showed similar findings. Much the same strategy was still being pursued last week after Zogby Analytics discovered even worse news for the Democrats:

Race also played a factor in Trump’s job approval rating. Hispanics, this time around, were much more likely to approve of his job performance [49 percent], while the president also saw his numbers jump with African Americans. This was his second straight poll with over a quarter support from African Americans [28 percent]. If Trump wins half of Hispanics and a quarter of African Americans in 2020, Democrats will be in trouble!
We all know Trump is a shoe-in for 2020. Whoever they nominate will only be a plus for the Repubs in that aspect.
The left knows they are losing minority votes and without them it will be impossible to win. As a result they will once again put a person of color on the ticket. Not because they are qualified but because they need to win back the black support they are losing.

So who will it be? Will they be at the top of the ticket or second in line?
It’s pretty small thinking if you’re suggesting there needs to be a black person to harness black support. Biden overwhelmingly has the black vote over Kamala and Booker, so there goes your theory. Of course a guy like Obama is going to capture the hearts of many but that wasnt just because he was black. Much more to the equation than you make it seem
The dems are losing African American support with their love affair with Illegal aliens...
The left is losing minority votes?

Why Trump’s Approval Ratings Are Up Among Minorities | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

This began in earnest when, in January of this year, Marist foundthat Trump’s approval rating among Hispanics had reached 50 percent. Then, in February, a Morning Consult poll showedHispanic approval of the president at 42 percent. This was followed by a March poll from McLaughlin & Associates that foundHispanic approval for the president at 50 percent. All three polls were discounted as outliers by the media or simply ignored. This continued in June, after Harvard/Harris showed similar findings. Much the same strategy was still being pursued last week after Zogby Analytics discovered even worse news for the Democrats:

Race also played a factor in Trump’s job approval rating. Hispanics, this time around, were much more likely to approve of his job performance [49 percent], while the president also saw his numbers jump with African Americans. This was his second straight poll with over a quarter support from African Americans [28 percent]. If Trump wins half of Hispanics and a quarter of African Americans in 2020, Democrats will be in trouble!

It's a single poll, never rely on a single poll, especially outliers. That poll was also from way back in January, any other polls to help back that up?

The funny thins is you started this thread: Stop posting polls

Maybe you should follow your own advice, hypocrite and here is why:

A little analysis on that old outdated outlier of a poll.
What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels

"Marist/NPR/PBS Poll shows President Trump's approval rating among Latinos going to 50%, an increase in one year of 19%. Thank you, working hard!" he tweeted about himself.

He had also posted over the weekend: "Wow, just heard that my poll numbers with Hispanics has [sic] gone up 19%, to 50%. That is because they know the Border issue better than anyone, and they want Security, which can only be gotten with a Wall."

Digging down a bit further, it appears Latino respondents expressing stronger sentiments tended to disapprove of Trump. Just 29 percent of those surveyed strongly approved of the president's performance, though 41 percent strongly disapproved. Further, a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

It's also worth noting that the lion's share of the results from the NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll wasn't exactly stellar for Trump. His overall approval rating stood at just 39 percent, and support from base voters—Republicans and white men—appeared to be waning. Support among Republicans had fallen seven percentage points since December, while approval among non-college-educated white men had fallen six percentage points over the same time period.

"In the middle of the government shutdown, Americans think the buck stops with the president, and his approval rating is taking a hit," said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, in a statement. "Keep an eye on whether the decline in the president's base is a temporary setback or more long-lasting."

So, you found an old poll where Trump's overall approval is at 39% and most Latinos don't plan to vote for him and somehow you call that a win?
The dems are losing African American support with their love affair with Illegal aliens...
Why do you think Dems are losing the support of blacks? Do you have stats to back that up or are you talking out of your ass? Where do you think the black support is going? Certainly not to Trump, right?
The left is losing minority votes?

Why Trump’s Approval Ratings Are Up Among Minorities | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

This began in earnest when, in January of this year, Marist foundthat Trump’s approval rating among Hispanics had reached 50 percent. Then, in February, a Morning Consult poll showedHispanic approval of the president at 42 percent. This was followed by a March poll from McLaughlin & Associates that foundHispanic approval for the president at 50 percent. All three polls were discounted as outliers by the media or simply ignored. This continued in June, after Harvard/Harris showed similar findings. Much the same strategy was still being pursued last week after Zogby Analytics discovered even worse news for the Democrats:

Race also played a factor in Trump’s job approval rating. Hispanics, this time around, were much more likely to approve of his job performance [49 percent], while the president also saw his numbers jump with African Americans. This was his second straight poll with over a quarter support from African Americans [28 percent]. If Trump wins half of Hispanics and a quarter of African Americans in 2020, Democrats will be in trouble!

It's a single poll, never rely on a single poll, especially outliers. That poll was also from way back in January, any other polls to help back that up?

The funny thins is you started this thread: Stop posting polls

Maybe you should follow your own advice, hypocrite and here is why:

A little analysis on that old outdated outlier of a poll.
What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels

"Marist/NPR/PBS Poll shows President Trump's approval rating among Latinos going to 50%, an increase in one year of 19%. Thank you, working hard!" he tweeted about himself.

He had also posted over the weekend: "Wow, just heard that my poll numbers with Hispanics has [sic] gone up 19%, to 50%. That is because they know the Border issue better than anyone, and they want Security, which can only be gotten with a Wall."

Digging down a bit further, it appears Latino respondents expressing stronger sentiments tended to disapprove of Trump. Just 29 percent of those surveyed strongly approved of the president's performance, though 41 percent strongly disapproved. Further, a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

It's also worth noting that the lion's share of the results from the NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll wasn't exactly stellar for Trump. His overall approval rating stood at just 39 percent, and support from base voters—Republicans and white men—appeared to be waning. Support among Republicans had fallen seven percentage points since December, while approval among non-college-educated white men had fallen six percentage points over the same time period.

"In the middle of the government shutdown, Americans think the buck stops with the president, and his approval rating is taking a hit," said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, in a statement. "Keep an eye on whether the decline in the president's base is a temporary setback or more long-lasting."

So, you found an old poll where Trump's overall approval is at 39% and most Latinos don't plan to vote for him and somehow you call that a win?
It's not one poll it's several polls and I wouldn't have posted it had it not been asked for. Dipshit
The dems are losing African American support with their love affair with Illegal aliens...
Why do you think Dems are losing the support of blacks? Do you have stats to back that up or are you talking out of your ass? Where do you think the black support is going? Certainly not to Trump, right?
Look up the demographic stats from the 2016 election...to begin with....then do your own research....I hear seeing is believing....Illegal aliens compete with inner city blacks for jobs...housing....and quality of life...
The left is losing minority votes?

Why Trump’s Approval Ratings Are Up Among Minorities | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

This began in earnest when, in January of this year, Marist foundthat Trump’s approval rating among Hispanics had reached 50 percent. Then, in February, a Morning Consult poll showedHispanic approval of the president at 42 percent. This was followed by a March poll from McLaughlin & Associates that foundHispanic approval for the president at 50 percent. All three polls were discounted as outliers by the media or simply ignored. This continued in June, after Harvard/Harris showed similar findings. Much the same strategy was still being pursued last week after Zogby Analytics discovered even worse news for the Democrats:

Race also played a factor in Trump’s job approval rating. Hispanics, this time around, were much more likely to approve of his job performance [49 percent], while the president also saw his numbers jump with African Americans. This was his second straight poll with over a quarter support from African Americans [28 percent]. If Trump wins half of Hispanics and a quarter of African Americans in 2020, Democrats will be in trouble!

It's a single poll, never rely on a single poll, especially outliers. That poll was also from way back in January, any other polls to help back that up?

The funny thins is you started this thread: Stop posting polls

Maybe you should follow your own advice, hypocrite and here is why:

A little analysis on that old outdated outlier of a poll.
What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels

"Marist/NPR/PBS Poll shows President Trump's approval rating among Latinos going to 50%, an increase in one year of 19%. Thank you, working hard!" he tweeted about himself.

He had also posted over the weekend: "Wow, just heard that my poll numbers with Hispanics has [sic] gone up 19%, to 50%. That is because they know the Border issue better than anyone, and they want Security, which can only be gotten with a Wall."

Digging down a bit further, it appears Latino respondents expressing stronger sentiments tended to disapprove of Trump. Just 29 percent of those surveyed strongly approved of the president's performance, though 41 percent strongly disapproved. Further, a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

It's also worth noting that the lion's share of the results from the NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll wasn't exactly stellar for Trump. His overall approval rating stood at just 39 percent, and support from base voters—Republicans and white men—appeared to be waning. Support among Republicans had fallen seven percentage points since December, while approval among non-college-educated white men had fallen six percentage points over the same time period.

"In the middle of the government shutdown, Americans think the buck stops with the president, and his approval rating is taking a hit," said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, in a statement. "Keep an eye on whether the decline in the president's base is a temporary setback or more long-lasting."

So, you found an old poll where Trump's overall approval is at 39% and most Latinos don't plan to vote for him and somehow you call that a win?
It's not one poll it's several polls and I wouldn't have posted it had it not been asked for. Dipshit
The left is losing minority votes?

Why Trump’s Approval Ratings Are Up Among Minorities | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

This began in earnest when, in January of this year, Marist foundthat Trump’s approval rating among Hispanics had reached 50 percent. Then, in February, a Morning Consult poll showedHispanic approval of the president at 42 percent. This was followed by a March poll from McLaughlin & Associates that foundHispanic approval for the president at 50 percent. All three polls were discounted as outliers by the media or simply ignored. This continued in June, after Harvard/Harris showed similar findings. Much the same strategy was still being pursued last week after Zogby Analytics discovered even worse news for the Democrats:

Race also played a factor in Trump’s job approval rating. Hispanics, this time around, were much more likely to approve of his job performance [49 percent], while the president also saw his numbers jump with African Americans. This was his second straight poll with over a quarter support from African Americans [28 percent]. If Trump wins half of Hispanics and a quarter of African Americans in 2020, Democrats will be in trouble!

It's a single poll, never rely on a single poll, especially outliers. That poll was also from way back in January, any other polls to help back that up?

The funny thins is you started this thread: Stop posting polls

Maybe you should follow your own advice, hypocrite and here is why:

A little analysis on that old outdated outlier of a poll.
What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels

"Marist/NPR/PBS Poll shows President Trump's approval rating among Latinos going to 50%, an increase in one year of 19%. Thank you, working hard!" he tweeted about himself.

He had also posted over the weekend: "Wow, just heard that my poll numbers with Hispanics has [sic] gone up 19%, to 50%. That is because they know the Border issue better than anyone, and they want Security, which can only be gotten with a Wall."

Digging down a bit further, it appears Latino respondents expressing stronger sentiments tended to disapprove of Trump. Just 29 percent of those surveyed strongly approved of the president's performance, though 41 percent strongly disapproved. Further, a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

It's also worth noting that the lion's share of the results from the NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll wasn't exactly stellar for Trump. His overall approval rating stood at just 39 percent, and support from base voters—Republicans and white men—appeared to be waning. Support among Republicans had fallen seven percentage points since December, while approval among non-college-educated white men had fallen six percentage points over the same time period.

"In the middle of the government shutdown, Americans think the buck stops with the president, and his approval rating is taking a hit," said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, in a statement. "Keep an eye on whether the decline in the president's base is a temporary setback or more long-lasting."

So, you found an old poll where Trump's overall approval is at 39% and most Latinos don't plan to vote for him and somehow you call that a win?
It's not one poll it's several polls and I wouldn't have posted it had it not been asked for. Dipshit
The left is losing minority votes?

Why Trump’s Approval Ratings Are Up Among Minorities | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

This began in earnest when, in January of this year, Marist foundthat Trump’s approval rating among Hispanics had reached 50 percent. Then, in February, a Morning Consult poll showedHispanic approval of the president at 42 percent. This was followed by a March poll from McLaughlin & Associates that foundHispanic approval for the president at 50 percent. All three polls were discounted as outliers by the media or simply ignored. This continued in June, after Harvard/Harris showed similar findings. Much the same strategy was still being pursued last week after Zogby Analytics discovered even worse news for the Democrats:

Race also played a factor in Trump’s job approval rating. Hispanics, this time around, were much more likely to approve of his job performance [49 percent], while the president also saw his numbers jump with African Americans. This was his second straight poll with over a quarter support from African Americans [28 percent]. If Trump wins half of Hispanics and a quarter of African Americans in 2020, Democrats will be in trouble!

It's a single poll, never rely on a single poll, especially outliers. That poll was also from way back in January, any other polls to help back that up?

The funny thins is you started this thread: Stop posting polls

Maybe you should follow your own advice, hypocrite and here is why:

A little analysis on that old outdated outlier of a poll.
What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels

"Marist/NPR/PBS Poll shows President Trump's approval rating among Latinos going to 50%, an increase in one year of 19%. Thank you, working hard!" he tweeted about himself.

He had also posted over the weekend: "Wow, just heard that my poll numbers with Hispanics has [sic] gone up 19%, to 50%. That is because they know the Border issue better than anyone, and they want Security, which can only be gotten with a Wall."

Digging down a bit further, it appears Latino respondents expressing stronger sentiments tended to disapprove of Trump. Just 29 percent of those surveyed strongly approved of the president's performance, though 41 percent strongly disapproved. Further, a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

It's also worth noting that the lion's share of the results from the NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll wasn't exactly stellar for Trump. His overall approval rating stood at just 39 percent, and support from base voters—Republicans and white men—appeared to be waning. Support among Republicans had fallen seven percentage points since December, while approval among non-college-educated white men had fallen six percentage points over the same time period.

"In the middle of the government shutdown, Americans think the buck stops with the president, and his approval rating is taking a hit," said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, in a statement. "Keep an eye on whether the decline in the president's base is a temporary setback or more long-lasting."

So, you found an old poll where Trump's overall approval is at 39% and most Latinos don't plan to vote for him and somehow you call that a win?
It's not one poll it's several polls and I wouldn't have posted it had it not been asked for. Dipshit

They're outdated, cherry picked and I don't think you actually took the time to look at them judging by the Marist poll and I believe in each and everyone of them Trump is losing.

Now, how come it's OK for you to post polls but not anyone else?

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