Which black will the left nominate for president?

The left knows they are losing minority votes and without them it will be impossible to win. As a result they will once again put a person of color on the ticket. Not because they are qualified but because they need to win back the black support they are losing.

So who will it be? Will they be at the top of the ticket or second in line?
I always liked Ben Carson but he is a Conservative and NOT a Liberal.
The left knows they are losing minority votes and without them it will be impossible to win. As a result they will once again put a person of color on the ticket. Not because they are qualified but because they need to win back the black support they are losing.

So who will it be? Will they be at the top of the ticket or second in line?
It does not matter, they have shown their "True Colors" and America did not like any of the show they have put on. We are not all on Pot or drugs and we still vote. The could put up Donald Duck and he would stand the same chance and Harris or Biden
The left knows they are losing minority votes and without them it will be impossible to win. As a result they will once again put a person of color on the ticket. Not because they are qualified but because they need to win back the black support they are losing.

So who will it be? Will they be at the top of the ticket or second in line?

The dems are losing African American support with their love affair with Illegal aliens...
Why do you think Dems are losing the support of blacks? Do you have stats to back that up or are you talking out of your ass? Where do you think the black support is going? Certainly not to Trump, right?
Look up the demographic stats from the 2016 election...to begin with....then do your own research....I hear seeing is believing....Illegal aliens compete with inner city blacks for jobs...housing....and quality of life...
Sure. What stats am I supposed to be looking at exactly?
The dems are losing African American support with their love affair with Illegal aliens...
Why do you think Dems are losing the support of blacks? Do you have stats to back that up or are you talking out of your ass? Where do you think the black support is going? Certainly not to Trump, right?
Look up the demographic stats from the 2016 election...to begin with....then do your own research....I hear seeing is believing....Illegal aliens compete with inner city blacks for jobs...housing....and quality of life...
Sure. What stats am I supposed to be looking at exactly?

2016 election demographics...Trump got more African American votes than any other republican president...look at his approval number from the African American voter...if you need further help call my secretary...
It shows how ponderously stupid the Left are that they think after 8 years of Obamaggot's race-baiting/race-riot-inciting and constantly spewing his racial paranoia against "white folk" (he refers to in a sniffing, dismissive manner) that America will elect another Crybaby-American president in any of our lifetimes. America has already seen that Crybaby-Americans are the most demonstrably failed, violent, low-I.Q., victim-mongering mess of a minority this country has ever had.
The left knows they are losing minority votes and without them it will be impossible to win. As a result they will once again put a person of color on the ticket. Not because they are qualified but because they need to win back the black support they are losing.

So who will it be? Will they be at the top of the ticket or second in line?

Big Mikey Obama
The dems are losing African American support with their love affair with Illegal aliens...
Why do you think Dems are losing the support of blacks? Do you have stats to back that up or are you talking out of your ass? Where do you think the black support is going? Certainly not to Trump, right?
Look up the demographic stats from the 2016 election...to begin with....then do your own research....I hear seeing is believing....Illegal aliens compete with inner city blacks for jobs...housing....and quality of life...
Sure. What stats am I supposed to be looking at exactly?

2016 election demographics...Trump got more African American votes than any other republican president...look at his approval number from the African American voter...if you need further help call my secretary...
Ok, did some research and found this... what again was your point?

  • Dukakis 89 percent, Bush 10 percent
  • Clinton 83 percent, Bush 10 percent
  • Clinton 84 percent, Dole 12 percent
  • Gore 90 percent, Bush 9 percent
  • Kerry 88 percent, Bush 11 percent
  • Obama 95 percent, McCain 4 percent
  • Obama 93 percent, Romney 6 percent
  • Clinton 89 percent, Trump 8 percent
The dems are losing African American support with their love affair with Illegal aliens...
Why do you think Dems are losing the support of blacks? Do you have stats to back that up or are you talking out of your ass? Where do you think the black support is going? Certainly not to Trump, right?
Look up the demographic stats from the 2016 election...to begin with....then do your own research....I hear seeing is believing....Illegal aliens compete with inner city blacks for jobs...housing....and quality of life...
Sure. What stats am I supposed to be looking at exactly?

2016 election demographics...Trump got more African American votes than any other republican president...look at his approval number from the African American voter...if you need further help call my secretary...
Ok, did some research and found this... what again was your point?

  • Dukakis 89 percent, Bush 10 percent
  • Clinton 83 percent, Bush 10 percent
  • Clinton 84 percent, Dole 12 percent
  • Gore 90 percent, Bush 9 percent
  • Kerry 88 percent, Bush 11 percent
  • Obama 95 percent, McCain 4 percent
  • Obama 93 percent, Romney 6 percent
  • Clinton 89 percent, Trump 8 percent

Black Support For Trump Is Rising Into The Danger Zone For Democrats

Why Trump’s Approval Ratings Are Up Among Minorities | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

Trump Support Up This Week Among Black Voters - Rasmussen Reports®
  • Thanks
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Doesn't matter what ass clown the dems pull out of the clown car, Trump is going to win... again.

More dem gnashing of teeth, screaming at the sky and snowflake melt downs.
They're outdated, cherry picked and I don't think you actually took the time to look at them judging by the Marist poll and I believe in each and everyone of them Trump is losing.
Now, how come it's OK for you to post polls but not anyone else?
Trump knows how to get his base out. You Dems should just give up on 2020.

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